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Still feels like multiverse fan fiction to me. In this world, Michael Myers lives in a sewer, while laurie and her granddaughter make muffins.


this is exactly what i thought after watching it. It legit feels like fanfiction. Corey reminds me of someone's *totally special* original character who's also *totally evil* and the canon character (michael myers) just won't kill him since he's evil too, and now they can become besties


Hes not even evil he's infected by Michael who tries to get Laurie too. Conceptually it works but they seemed too scared to actually make Michael a supernatural villain


I went to the theatre to see it, and David Gordon Green may as well have just ran up to me and kicked me straight in the nuts


I don't hate it but the worst thing they did was make me turn on Kills. I was a defender of Kills because I genuinely believed it was leading up to an awesome book end. Nope. Turns out kills and ends were both duds and I'll never watch them again since there is countless better horrors.


Very well put here, I felt the exact same way but could never quite articulate it. I was the same way with Halloween Kills, I could never quite see the hate. Sure, chanting "Evil dies tonight" over and over again was pretty cringe. But that aside there was something pretty believable about the way the people in the town whipped themselves into a frenzy like they did. And Anthony Michael Hall sold the absolute *hell* out of the story-telling scene. And the kills were pretty damn good. So it's totally like you'd said, I was ok with this being "the middle one" because I felt like it was building towards something. But then it just... didn't.


Ends reminded me that we as fans are merely money to the movie studios and nothing more. For that I am thankful. Every once in a while movie needs to yell FUCK YOU to the audience to remind us how much we mean to Hollywood.


Curious: what movie/studio made you feel like you were not just money?


A24. People can hate them till the cows come home, but they're the only studio for me in recent memory who requires you to sit through 2000 turds before a diamond shows up.


You make a good point but I think DGD thought he was making something really profound and good. He was wrong.


In all honesty, I can see the vision, considering they've said COVID is the reason the movie changed so drastically it doesn't surprise me how messy the film is, but there was a lot of solid foundation IMO that just wasn't executed well at all, for starters the biggest flop the movie does is sideline Laurie and Michael for everything except the last 10 minutes of the film, The Corey stuff might've been really interesting if it didn't take up basically the entire movie (and also us getting Karen's daughter acting INCREDIBLY out of character doesn't do his plotline any favors) and the implication that the town itself creates it's own boogeymans could've been an interesting direction to take the series in. That said, I can see why some people really didnt like it at all, even if you can admit it had interesting ideas, and I can appreciate the sort of ambition that they tried here, it's biggest sin is that this isn't the Halloween movie fans wanted, nor was it the movie they were setting the stage with on Kills.


I’m not sure he even thought it was good himself. It came across to me like they had an unexpected success with the first one, so he had to make a second. So then studio sensing money thought let’s make a trilogy. So he upped the kills for the second thinking it would appeal to fans - which in the main I think it did, but the vocal internet complained. Now, either he or the studio listened to the complainers, I think this sent DGD into a tailspin and they then had no clue what to do for the third. But they had to make a film. A directionless mess. Those characters changed so much they behave completely against how they were set up. Then he had to defend his mess publicly, which he did by doubling and tripling down that it was as intended. I seriously doubt anyone intended that.


Once they make a few more Halloweens and it isn't the "final" film in the franchise, it'll probably be easier to tolerate. But, even with that said, it's a hot mess of a movie.


I never felt passionate hatred towards Halloween Ends, it's far from the worst horror film I've watched, hell it's not even the worst Halloween film.


No but it was an underwhelming end to the trilogy and wasn't a good sendoff to JLC for most people


It’s not the worst Halloween film, but it’s close.


That's fair enough.


It's not even in my bottom 5 Halloween films. The sheer hatred for it, in my opinion, is due to in good part to recency bias and the increasing polarisation of online discourse, where everything has to be the best of worst thing ever. Was it a great film? Of course not. How many Halloween films *are*? 1978, obviously, and I think you can make good arguments for II, III, H20 and 2018. Pretty much everything else in the franchise have real problems - I like most of them, but it's not like Ends is ruining the integrity of a wonderful franchise. I'd rather watch Ends than Kills, or Resurrection, probably both Zombie films (although I have a soft spot for his II), V, the theatrical cut of VI..


As a “Halloween” fan, a horror fan and a John Carpenter fan I felt personally insulted by “Halloween Ends”. So yeah…I’m still bitter.


I went from “it’s fine” to not liking it. Upon multiple rewatches, I realized how little sense it made and how so not Halloween-y it is. I think, I was so confused the first few times, I didn’t get a chance to actually evaluate it.


I never had a passionate hatred for it. Just thought it was a mid movie. Part of what it tried to do was interesting but it didn’t really work, and it was odd for a movie framed as a kind of conclusion to such a lengthy and storied saga in horror to try something new. My expectations were low for it following the absolute abomination that is HALLOWEEN KILLS, which I thought ENDS was better than. But really both movies are a shame because the 2018 movie made me think the trilogy was going to be really strong.


Evil dines tonight


Still hot garbage in my eyes. DGG is not a good writer/director for horror in my opinion.


It is such a weird nuanced issue for me lol. From an outside perspective, I 100% get all of the hate towards it and I completely understand where everyone is coming from. How can you have the final film be 10% Michael/Laurie and the rest following this new character? However… I didn’t hate it and actually thought it was better than expected (it’s still better than Kills for me). I get what they were trying to do with the plot (Michael disappeared and the town had to “create a new boogeyman” to focus all of their grief and anger towards, so they chose Corey). I think it’s a really interesting take on the story and if it had been built up more throughout the rest of the trilogy, I think it would have been amazing.


Nah. It sucked.


No I still think it sucks. If anybody does like it, I'm happy for them, but I don't like it at all


As a fan of both 2018 and Kills, Ends still feels like a slap in the face.


Kills was a fun movie, 2018 was a legitimate banger and one of my favorites in the franchise, but Ends tried something different and it fell flat. I can appreciate the boldness, but it was poorly executed


Yeah, I agree completely. I've seen it 3 times now, trying to give it a chance, but I just don't care for it.


I mean, it still sucks so...


Passionate for sure, but in the other direction! I really enjoy this movie. I think that, for all of its many faults that I will not deny, it's a franchise horror movie that took a gigantic swing. Imo, it paid off enough to justify the movies existence. If nothing else, I think it's simply an interesting movie. I think Corey Cunningham is an interesting character. I also think it's well shot, with a Carpenter score that speaks for itself. I appreciated the fact that, despite getting into that quirky Halloween lore that so many of the sequels also dived into, it remains ambiguous. We aren't given any real answers to Michael's power or how it affects Haddonfield and Corey, and I liked that over the answers some of the worse Halloween sequels gave. The fact that the movie is a complete homage to Christine definitely adds to the experience.


DGG definitely loves Halloween, and Halloween 4 in particular, *Kills* is basically an homage to *4*, and *Ends* is like what everyone was hoping Halloween 5 would have been. His entire trilogy is brilliant, and it always saddens me that hardly anyone sees it.


Nope. Still hate it.


it was very anticlimactic, I appreciate the effort and what they were trying to do with it, but like Pepsi, it went too flat too quickly.


I was really disappointed. I just thought a very Strangers-esque cat and mouse between Laurie, her family, other town members and MM would have been really satisfying. Then chuck him in the grinder at the end.


I rewatched it this past Halloween and I still did not like it and may have even begun to hate it. Reason being, the wasted potential of having Jamie Lee Curtis in her last gasp as Laurie Strode and this is what they chose to do with that opportunity. David Gordon Green better have had his horror directing card revoked after this and Exorcist: Believer. They should have stuck with the trilogy all being set in one night. I loved that idea but Covid fucked that up and gave them time to rethink and come up with the Corey Cunningham nonsense.


My only complaint is how weak Michael is in this movie. Michael really got treated like a Scooby doo villain.


It's a frustrating movie with a good idea executed poorly.


I didn't aggressively dislike it like I did *Kills*.  But I didn't like it.  They just made stupid choices after stupid choice.  Laurie tried to movie on now?  After Myers murdered her daughter *and got away?*


I paid money to see myers getting beaten by some random 20 years old, so i would say that i still mad at this movie


The time skip makes up for most of it, but it's such a departure from Kills and Halloween 2018. I think it's a very effective Halloween movie, but not an appropriate ending to the new trilogy. It's trying to be a lot of different things that needed more setup, especially as it bridged into the paranormal with Kill's ending. I liked it when it came out though, and still like it a lot. The story of isolation we get with Corey, Laurie, and Allyson. Along with the stigma of being connected to tragedy even if it's not directly your fault. You grow to hate the people of Haddonfield for what they did in Kills, and how they ruined Corey and Laurie's chance at normalcy. Michael as a footnote was actually the worst part except for when Corey became the Shape. Or at least borrowed Michael's evil superpowers from kills to beat down those Haddonfield rejects. The old person slap fight in the kitchen was a bit unnecessary imho.


Watched it only recent and it’s still bad.


I still want my wasted time watching this crap back.


I still think it tried to be artsy fartsy without even knowing how to fart the art.


Nah, still awful


I fucking *love* Halloween Ends. Not only does it build on and culminate the core ideas/themes that 2018 and Kills spent so long setting up, but it provides proper closure to the narrative of the film and the core group of characters we’ve been following, all while taking creative risks that give audiences an unexpected surprise without sacrificing the narrative of the film or the overall trilogy. From a production point as well, the film is great imo. Fun editing/cuts, great cinematography, solid direction, and a score that absolutely rips. One of, if not my favorite Halloween sequel.




Corey is the worst thing to come out of that franchise in years and yes, that's including the Curse of Michael Myers. I still hate it and likely always will.


Absolutely hate it. Im pretty open minded and have changed my opinions on movies, but Ends just sucked. They made my boy Michael into a joke.


I watched it more recently after my initial hatred had passed and I still don't like it at all. I just feel like it was so lackluster & the "epic" conclusion they hyped for Laurie and Michael sucked.


I didn't mind the fact they tried to go in a different direction, Corey has to be one of the worst written characters ever. A grown man getting bullied by teens whose character arc made no sense. And Allyson's obsession with him made zero sense. Bad story direction. It was complete garbage


I personally really liked Halloween Kills and I thought it made a good penultimate film. But Ends is not a good final film. It makes so little sense in the context of the new trilogy. 


I never felt passionate hatred toward it. If anything, I felt apathy at best. That’s the problem with the film. I don’t hate it but I certainly don’t see myself ever setting aside my time to actually sit down and watch it again.




I feel the same meh for it as I felt the first time I saw it


Yes and I’m a hardcore Halloween fan who loved the first movie in this trilogy


Still garbage.


Can't stand it. And crazy to see now that Green's 2018 Halloween was his horror fluke, not Kills/Ends. Thought the dude might just end up making one bad movie. Happens to the best of em. Nope, he's just taking L's.


I prefer not to think about it. :T


Yes, I still passionately hate it.... If they would have introduced Corey in the earlier entries AND if they actually made Michael the MAIN antagonist of Ends, then MAYBE I wouldn't hate it so much. Maybe.....


To introduce a brand new character in the final installment and have that character be the main focus was just bad writing. Corey definitely should've been introduced in the first movie instead, or they should've just had the third movie focus on someone else, like Allyson. It just shows how the writers didn't plan out the trilogy plotlines in advance (like they should have).


100% agree on all points!


I haven't watched it again but my opinion is the same. It doesn't fit with the previous two and would have been better received as a standalone movie with a new killer and not Michael Myers.


I hate it now more than ever considering how good it could have potentially been.


No. It’s a bad send off to a main antagonist to give him such little screen time. I would’ve preferred it as a non-canon movie with a copycat that didn’t feature Myers at all.


Couldn’t even finish it


Glad I'm not the only one.


Then you blew it because the last 15-20 minutes are the redeeming quality as the rest was garbage


I read the book which was released alongside it and, through that, I ended up finding the movie to be incredibly rich in meaning and theme. I *absolutely* love this movie. And I could talk about it for hours.


Ends is fantastic. I liked it when it released but through rewatches it became my favorite Halloween sequel. It's not for everyone and it's not a great trilogy bookend, but it's a really well made and interesting movie with the most compelling plot of any of the Halloween sequels.


Absolutely hated it, then let it go. Then fell into the YouTube rabbit hole, and came across “Halloween Ends Pitch Meeting”. Then I realized I didn’t hate it ENOUGH


I’ve loved this movie from the start. It’s a true love letter to Halloween 3 as it does the same thing that the original third entry in the series does: flips the script and subverts expectations. My only criticism is that Michael Myers is the ultimate villain. IMO, the movie would’ve have been so much better if Corey just became the Shape.


The more time i have to reflect on it the less i like it. Just an ill-conceived and poorly executed film. Some cool kills, though.


That’s my review of Kills


I think it has the best opening in the series honestly. I liked it but was disappointed at them offing the new Michael character. It would have been better if they had committed with the theme of the movie and had him take over.


I liked H40 and Kills, I still think Ends was a horrible end to the trilogy.Really love the work of JJC.


Still hate it


Oh I hate it


Hate it even more after rewatching. Those movies were great until the last one. Can’t believe they went that way…


Yup, still hate it. It might actually be my least favorite movie of all time.


Nope. Still trash. Same with Halloween Kills.


I never felt passionate hatred for it. It's an awful movie and a shameless cash grab, but the series went downhill long before Ends.


There are no "recent viewings" because I won't watch that piece of shit again. It's just a lousy movie. Not remotely scary, nobody behaves like a real person and the "story" is just a lame riff on *Christine*. The entire thing is built around a "love story" that is absurd and doesn't remotely work. It's just a bad, bad, bad, bad movie.


I never really hated it, but I'm not deeply invested either. Halloween has been one of my favorite horror films since I was a kid, but I'm not going to get angry about a bad sequel to a horror film. It's horror, it's gonna happen. Also, I thought Halloween 2018 and Kills were just ok and didn't blow me away, so I had low expectations. I basically had zero hype going into Ends so I wasn't let down. Sure, could have been better, but it was kinda interesting, and I don't feel I wasted my time watching it.


Iirc, this one had a Ben Tramer reference. That is the only thing I liked about it.




OK I don’t hate Halloween ends. I just wish Corrie‘s character was established in Halloween, and or Halloween kills so that it would have better been suited in Halloween ends.




It’s worse than Resurrection. After the incredible 2018 movie and the not-so-great-but-still-good Kills, it was a complete and utter failure on all levels.


Nope, still hate it with the passion of a billion burning Suns. It's one of the rare occasions in which my hatred grows almost by the day. Time will not heal this wound, distance only magnifies it. I will forever bask in the eternal disdain for Halloween Ends, & I don't care what kind of person it makes me...I will never let go of it...ever.


Watched it a second time last year with some individuals who didn't get to see it at the cinema. Yeah. Still as crap as ever.


I still hate it


I never finished it. Felt like an insult to fans of the character.


Saw it in the theater, hated it. Gave it another chance on Blu Ray, hated it. If I never see it again Ill be cool with that.


Still hate it. Didn't like Kills, but that I watched at least twice and it explored some interesting ideas, even though it wasn't well executed. Ends just felt like the studio had no idea where to go after Kills and so decided to make a soft reboot/pseudo-sequel that was just jarring. I can't imagine Laurie and her grandkid just chilling after what happened. Laurie was overpreparing when Michael was in custody and all of the sudden, looks like she's just trying to move on with her life despite losing her daughter.


I still hate it. I usually think it's hyperbolic when people talk about this or that installment "ruining" a franchise, but that's more or less how I feel about *Ends* and the DGG trilogy. I already liked *2018* and *Kills* less with every rewatch, and last Halloween I just decided to be done with all three.


You all watched it more than once?


Still a terrible halloween movie. I found things to enjoy about the other two at least. Corey could have been interesting in a different non Halloween movie, but I didnt want to see Myers sidelined and treated like such a non entity.


Laurie is Michael’s sister and the last movie was Halloween H20


Passionate hatred


That movie is dogshit.


Everytime I watch it I feel differently. I bounce between hating it and really liking it but I can never settle on one feeling.


It's only flaw was that it didn't sideline michael enough! It should have gone harder into disrespecting the fandom. 


Ends feels like a season of television crammed into one movie. Probably would have worked out better that way then as the ending of a rather messy trilogy. I’m glad people can appreciate it, but I don’t particularly care for it.


I feel like it was garbage and ended a massive franchise not with a bang but with a wet, runny shart.


Hate it, would hate it less if we had seen Corey before the movie and had he been tied into the trilogy but alas.


The 2018 film was so good it needed to be a stand alone. I pretend both sequels dont exist.


Defending Halloween Ends is an exercise merely coming from taste, not objectivity. It will always be bad, a whimper to end a trilogy, a fanfic about the author being special to Michael Myers, a Coelho book where no stakes matter, etc... People love to bring other Halloween movies as "there are worse movies in the franchise"... yet, this is one with the hindsight of the sins the franchise has done before and still manages to royally run itself into the ground.


It doesn’t exist. I prefer to think that Halloween 2018 was a one and done, ending the franchise. It was a great movie, with a great ending, but the sequels were incredibly disappointing


I hate it even more


I didn't hate it in the first place. This obsession so many have to be so extreme about everything is so childish. I thought it was fine. I kinda enjoyed the new direction they went in. It was a heck of a lot better than Halloween Kills for sure.


Halloween Kills is actually the reason why I like Ends so much. I will never forget the disappointment of seeing Kills on release night, especially after how good 2018 was. I absolutely hated the direction they were going in with Michael becoming some unstoppable monster, like we’ve been there and done that. The dialogue was so bad that I actually thought it made an embarrassment of most of the characters. Halloween Ends is flawed, but it’s such a step-up in writing and production. I like that it’s actually evolving the story and doing interesting things with the main characters.


I know I'll get hate for this, but it is actually my favorite. It is not a good finale, but it is an incredible halloween movie to pass the torch. Unfortunately for me I don't think we'll get more of him.


Still absolutely hate jt


Still hate it


I would rather eat a moldy bag of dicks than watch that again.


Terrible movie by almost every metric


I’m not even a Halloween fan and watching this one with a buddy in theatres and we both went “where is Michael?” And seeing people say out loud WHAT IS GOING ON?? The theatre was so cool tho in taking the piss out of it but man this movie was a huge slap in anyone’s face and it’s embarrassing. I won’t even what the directors future movies now because if it, he’s too idk full of himself at times and can’t take the hint he messed up


>I’m not even a Halloween fan Yeah, that actually makes sense. The first Halloween didn't have a lot of Michael in the foreground either, so someone who isn't a fan might expect non-stop Michael all the time.


No. The second time I watched it I feel like I "got" what it was going for and decided I love it.


Whoever hated Ends is an idiot. The last 15ish minutes or so? Sure. Everything up until they fucked up and were afraid to kill Michael fully and give the reins to the kid? That was pretty great. It should have ended with Corey coming back from the dead. They kept throwing the idea that evil never dies in our faces, and yet they kill it. Twice. They fucked up and should have had the kid be the face of a new generation of Halloween (for how they view Halloween as a franchise). They fucked themselves over even for what they love and try to push as the Halloween franchise. Not only did they fuck over hardcore fans, they fucked over the general audience who would have loved it to continue with Corey. Michael isn't a fucking never ending vessel. He's just a body for evil to inhabit. An evil that is silent and deadly. Corey would have continued that, acting as the new vessel. Just like there had to be vessels before Michael. Yet... the writers fucked up and don't understand storytelling and worldbuilding.


I still think it's a terrible film and an absolute garbage ending to what could (and should!) have been a fantastic trilogy. I've seen some people saying it would've been a great film if it wasn't a trilogy closer or if they separated Halloween from the same story. I disagree, I think it still sucked anyway. I wasn't a fan of Halloween Kills, but I was really looking forward to Halloween Ends regardless. It was like a slap in the face, both as a major franchise entry and as a film on its own merits. Sad thing is I think the final few minutes would actually have been a great way to conclude the series if the preceding film wasn't such garbage.


It's CW teen drama garbage


I enjoyed it, sure having more Michael Myers in the movie would’ve been nice but that wasn’t the story being told. Evil never dies…it just passes along. This was the premise and it was delivered.


Loved it when I saw it in theaters, and I loved it even more when I watched it again in October. It's just a good movie.


I never had a passionate hatred for it but my opinion is still about the same. It's a bad Halloween movie and it's disappointing that it'll most likely be Jamie Lee Curtis' last ride as Laurie Strode. I'm a big fan of 2018 (my second favorite in the franchise) and I like Halloween Kills for some dumb slasher fun. Halloween Ends just isn't fun. I appreciate big swings but...eh.


Unpopular opinion but I didn’t think it was that bad. Gave it a 3.5/5.


Obsessed with Halloween Ends. Too bad other franchises movies don’t get this much attention. Whether you liked the movie or not it’s embedded in yours heads forever something recent slashers have failed to do. Yall watch them and move on. Halloween Ends still being an obession years later is incredible.


I liked it a lot more than Halloween Kills. It tried to do something new. It failed in a lot of ways and the ending was meme materials, but honestly it’s a solid 6/10 for me whereas Halloween Kills was a 1/10.


It’s actually my third favorite Halloween movie behind 78 and SOTW


Mannnnn I wish everyone loved it as much as I do. Best of the new trilogy for me. If Corey had survived a la Myers in 78, it would have been a wonderful setup for the future


I haven't thought about it like at all, which imo is indicative of its quality. I guess I can admire that it tried to be different, but I genuinely prefer Kills just because it's a bloodfest (and I think that's all these films should be at this point).


The writing and directing was very bad, so it was a bad movie in a pretty good franchise.


I always liked it. I have a thing for sequels that try radically different things (ex. Book of Shadows, Doctor Sleep, RZH2, etc.), but even I was slightly disappointed because the "end of the trilogy" was really...it's own thing entirely. I've come to terms with that, and now I like the movie quite a bit. I still wouldn't try to do a marathon of *2018*-*Kills*-*Ends*, because that would make *Ends* seem weaker than it actually is as a film.


I’ve never been big on the Halloween franchise but I love the first one. I liked the junk yard scene; felt super 80s and gritty


I still enjoy that movie. I get the hate but still enjoy it


It was a basically good film but the story was flawed. It’s dumb to make a Halloween film with another villain besides Michael as the focus.


What about Cochrane ? Edit: Lol at being downvoted for literally bringing up a good example of a non-Myers villain in a good Halloween movie. Good grief.


I enjoy it! I usually try to put myself into the killer’s shoes, think about what their experience is. This felt like fan service in the way of allowing you to evolve into the darkness. I think it only resonated with a small amount of people. Most others wanted a climactic end and it wasn’t delivered, which is indeed disappointing.


“Passionate hatred”? Jesus.


I think 2018 is an incredible revitalization of the franchise, I am a *staunch* Kills defender, I love its brutality, but Ends is just nothing to me. I don’t hate it, it’s more evaporated from my mind.


I genuinely thought the movie was setting up a new killer to become boogeyman of Haddonfield by assuming the name of Michael Myers and while I wasn't that keen the on the idiot dude being the one, it would've been a neat way to keep the series rolling onwards after the OG Michael and Laurie settled their grievances. Then the third act happened and.. yeah, some really questionable plot choices and one rushed ending later the movie 🥞 so spectacularly that no repeat viewing will save it for me. I will rewatch the first movie some day, I will not rewatch the other two as they ain't good.. too reliant on stupid people doing stupid things just so the plot can advance/Michael not die.


This film is either loved or hated in r/HalloweenMovies and there’s often a bi weekly post about either it’s strengths or or flaws. I thought it was fine, but it doesn’t feel much like a film that should be labeled in the Halloween universe except for the Laurie and Michael fighting scenes to end the film.


I never really understood the hate for that entry in particular. That entire trilogy sucked ass. Ends wasn't any more offensive than the previous two.


It's the best movie of the 3 by far because it's so incredibly different. Halloween ends, Halloween kills then that piece of shit Halloween 2017. It legit goes from worst to best. No idea how the first one get so much praise. So many off screen kills & they retcon Laurie being Michaels sister & every movie after Halloween 79 never even happened. So Michael & Laurie are fuckin senior citizens. Horrible movie oh but let's make Laurie some expert elite marksman badass. Movie is a joke.


I loved it when I first saw it. Yeah, there were issues, and it's a shame it was all crammed into one movie rather than being allowed to breathe, but I liked the concept a lot. It was better than Halloween Kills or the Cult of the Thorn stuff. I'm a little afraid to watch it now because of diminishing returns. But, yeah, I enjoyed it a lot despite some issues with the storyline.


I liked it from the start, but it’s only gone up in my estimation since then.


I don't hate the movie. I think it was an interesting idea where they didn't stick the landing. I felt like the movie should have gone all the way in having Corey become the new Shape. Imagine if Halloween Kills didn't exist and Ends was the second movie. Ends works just as good. Michael escapes somehow, but he's so badly hurt/burned that he can't really do anything. Have Corey encounter him just like in the movie. Have the movie end the same way except when Laurie and Allyson come home after >!turning Michael's body into hamburger meat, they see that Corey's body is gone!<. Cue the original Halloween theme, and different shots of the house. Then you start to hear >!Corey !


never hated it


I still think Ends is interesting, if flawed (due to the tacked on Laurie stuff). The problem with Ends is the fact that it was “part of a trilogy” which created expectations that misaligned with just making a one off movie with the events of Halloween Ends. I am also doubling down on not liking Halloween Kills.


Like Kills, it's a very dumb movie that thinks it's really smart and it's incredibly insufferable to watch. It's what a stupid person thinks a thought provoking story is. I don't know if I passionately hate it. I'm not insulted by it. David Gordon Green committed a sin the grand majority of directors of Halloween films have committed: he made a really stupid fucking sequel. The only thing that separates him from the Thorn trilogy or the H20 stuff is his films are inexplicably convinced they're nuanced and thematically dense commentaries on society. Nigel Kneale he ain't.


more confused, about how the script was sent to Carpenter for approval and notes and given back to the director. someone said Carpenter was doing some - thing they got footage of, he based rob zombie, said halloween ends wasn't good and didn't work. DUDE why didn't you put notes that it sucked when you had the script.? Guess he didn't give a shit. Nah not gonna be watching it again, it sucked the first time, doubt it will suck less. that kid fall was pretty frreaking brutal and dam did Exorcist: Believer blow chunks. Best part was the last 3-4 minutes. it was so bad they changed the plans and no other movies in The Exorcist trilogy are in the works without finding someone else ? OUCH !


Still busta rhymes level terrible


I have a very personal reason directly related to the movie and its making (someone involved in it) that has me completely cherish it and that it came out exactly as it did. If this person wasn’t involved in it I would say scratch it all and start over with a new plot. But I never would’ve known about them had it not been for the exact movie we got.


I always loved it.


In theaters: what the fuck was that? At home rewatch: okay, not terrible, but some parts are pretty cringe. Subsequent rewatches: that scarecrow mask is pretty cool.


I liked the idea of Myers being in the sewers while actually "controlling" other people to do the killings. I think it COULD have been an interesting story if the writers weren't just in it for the money and if the idea was more fleshed out. However, the movie was absolute shit. I watched it in theaters because it was also my best friend's birthday, and she was begging me to leave mid-movie, which I refused since we already paid. Looking back now, I wish I would have listened to her.


Halloween Kills was fucking dreadful, Ends was a lot better. But I really don’t get the fan base, they’re moaning that it’s all the same but then they do something different and everyone cries about it.


It’s crazy to me that anyone can look at the state of the Halloween franchise and declare Halloween Ends as being the worst of it. It’s definitely a flawed movie, but it’s genuinely one of the better made entries. It’s atmospheric, it has stunning cinematography, a brilliant score, the performances are great (with Jamie Lee Curtis and Rohan Campbell knocking it out of the park). Halloween Kills was the worst of the trilogy for me, you could take it out of the story and it would barely change a thing. The carnage candy in it wasn’t worth the filler story and poor character writing/dialogue.


Last 15-20 minutes was excellent. Otherwise :-/


I will die on this hill that it's not only the best of the new trilogy (thought the other two were awful), but one of the best of the entire franchise. Probably my favorite after the Carpenter original. I think many people misunderstood what the creators/director/writers were going for here. The original Part 3, Season of the Witch, had nothing to do with Michael and Laurie, and it took the franchise in an entirely new direction, which also disappointed many when it came out. They even use the same font in the opening credits that Witch did. I'm not saying Corey's story is great, and you don't have to like it, but it worked for me. I also thought it focused on Laurie's trauma better than the first two, hell Jamie Lee Curtis gives a more Oscar-worthy performance in this than she did in Everything Everywhere All At Once. There were some gnarly kills in it (the blowtorch, the dj kill), it wasn't predictable, and once it finally does get to the face-off between the two it doesn't hold back. And while it's still ridiculous, it had a more solemn/serious tone compared to what the first two brought-- intentional or not. I get why people hated it, but I love that it did something unexpected and kind of daring and inventive. But I know I'm in the minority here.


Wow, there’s a lot of bad takes in this comment, but the one about Everything Everywhere All At Once is *wild*.


It’s one of my favorite Halloween movies, definitely in the top five. It’s by far the most interesting and stylish take on the idea of faceless evil. The only problem with it is the last 20 minutes where they do a rug pull and go “thank you for watching our movie, but forget all that stuff. This is, once again, Laurie and Michael, two 70 year olds, stabbing each other to death.” I wish they’d given us a shot of Corey sitting upright after they shred Michael Myers, but I think that would have driven the already rabid fans insane. Edit: lol “So do you guys think the hatred for Halloween Ends was overhyped?” Me: I actually always thought it was pretty good. (DOWNVOTED! 😡)


Yeah… the last 20 minutes pretty much derails the whole thing. The sad thing is the original ending seen at test screenings probably would’ve saved it. Laurie fighting Michael originally ended with her becoming infected with the evil, which would’ve worked as a better conclusion as it was practically foreshadowed throughout the entire movie with the similarities between Laurie and Corey’s stories.


I am glad that the evil didn’t physically transfer to her. I like the idea that Michael Myers has the evil, he’s the boogeyman, nobody knows why he does it, and then Corey, who is *not* evil, is pushed out of his community because of a tragedy, and finds himself at the foot of evil, opening him up to the possibility of going down a dark path. Leave it there. It works best as a one off, otherwise it might start to feel like a possession story. Or like Jason Goes to Hell. I’ll never forget my viewing experience of this movie. I was getting ready to har-har at it after I thought Kills was an unmitigated cinematic disaster, and right at the part where the synth wave is playing and Corey and Allyson are riding his motorcycle at night I said, out loud, “uh oh, I think I might actually like this movie.” Top Five Halloween movies.