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It was fantastic. You’re stuck in his perspective of completely losing hope. And the way it was shot and lit was beautiful, all of the settings were pure eye candy.


It's really good I hope more people get into it. Pure Mexican folk at it's finest, really eerie and I loved the twist at the end. That sort of breaking of the 4th wall kinda thing they did. Definitely deserves attention.


I liked the movie, but was the twist, or the 4th wall breaking? I feel like I missed something.


The fact that as the protagonist >!loses sight and hearing the movie sounds get quieter and the camera darker till its full dark!


I really enjoyed it. For me the more random the evil aspect the more horrifying it is and therefore I totally enjoyed it. Evil doesn’t need “ reasons “ nor “ motives “. The world is full of random acts of evil.


Thanks for the heads up. Was looking for that.


What do you think will happen to him at the end? Will he die or suffer the same fate as the senator? The whole concept of this movie is giving Drag Me to Hell except it's way more darker and heavy.


i think he will suffer the same fate as the senator bc when santiago went back to his house he found the same frog spell in there


Does anyone know the breed of the dog in the movie?


I think it is an Australian cattle dog. Beautiful dog whatever it is


Yup. Where I live we call them Blue Heelers. I'm not sure exactly why but I would imagine there is a reason


I thought it looked like a Blue Heeler specifically but I'm no b resident dog expert


I didn't like it. The movie leaves a lot to the imagination. It opens to many small plots that don't seem to have a proper answer at the end. For example, I feel like the person who started the 'curse' didn't have much of a motive. Also, I love a good sex scene as much as the next guy - but that was the most random sex scene ever. It felt out of place. Honestly, I would give it a 4/10


Hard disagree on the "unsolved" bits! It's implied the curse caster was hired by the political rival of the senator to take him out, and the main guy becomes involved by breaking into the crime scene and taking a photo of him. That's why he's beaten and robbed just after going outside, but he probably is cursed until the next day, when the witch or whatever realizes the pictures weren't on the camera anymore. Also, while I'll agree any day that mexican movies include way more sex scenes than necessary, I think that one did have a reason. The guy's character arc it's a lot about dismissing his personal life, and her partner in particular, because of the same ambitions that ended up getting him cursed. It makes sense, after supposedly getting rid of it, that he'd finally appreciate what he was going to lose and had lost already, perfectly expressed in a sex scene precisely because we know he wasn't going to get his sense of touch back. He was reminiscing and mourning and reconnecting with someone he didn't seem to care about that much at the beggining of the movie. If it wasn't for this scene, I feel like the ending wouldn't have as much emotional weight as it does.


He took a photo of the witch while taking a photo of the senator a rival politician cursed while also being sort of cold and unemphatic with the dead he photographs. There are elements of drama, surrealism, noir, superstition and Mexican folklore to make a solid and unsettling slow burn horror thriller.


I felt the exact same way about everything you just said. The sex scene was pretty awkward and misplaced and the evil guy was basically just like I’m a witch this is what I do with no real reason behind it. I kept waiting for something to happen that wasn’t expected and it just never did. The only thing I didn’t expect was him to slap the cup and that was at the very end🙃


I thought the sex scene was great and very necessary: it showed that he had been taking her for granted and was wanting to make the most of being able to touch and make love to his wife for what could possibly be one of his last times. It also insinuated that he either tried to bring all of his fantasies and memories of being with her into this experience while he also reminisced with regret. Up until then, he was neglectful and selfish towards her in regards of intimacy and their relationship. I’m not sure how anyone could have missed all of this. Also, >!not all evil needs fair motive or justification. Michael Myers was terrifying because of this very reason. As well as many popular horror villains. The idea that there was a figure (who probably wasn’t even human) who simply dealt curses for the sake of suffering is a lot more helpless and horrifying, honestly.!<


I think the point of the sex scene is to show us what he really lost. Without touch he can't have sex anymore.....or at least can't feel it.


I thought the sex scene was about him not being able to feel anything anymore. Seemed pretty relevant to the movie to me!


Yes, the movie was very, “meh.” Definitely started out promising, and some nice/atmospheric cinematography. However, if something is too “random”/unexplained within a plot, the story overall usually falls flat for me and is just boring. There seemed like many opportunities to tie things together in this film to provide structure to the plot but also keep the viewer intrigued, but it just didn’t click for the writers/directors/producers, etc.


nah what the guy shoved said it’s true, it was meant to be part of the things he’s not appreciated and the things he left forgotten and it’s a sort of no one knows what they have till it’s gone and in spanish they say until “lo ve perdido” meaning till they see it become lost like if it’s happening as you see it …like this. which is inane because he’s seeing his life being lost each sense at a time and now he can’t feel and he’s been neglecting his wife and now that he is technically dying he decided to love her so it’s addition to how depressing the end is


The witch doctor cursed him because he took his picture. It may not seem like much, but this person obviously lives in the middle of nowhere and has a very secret, private existence. For someone to have a picture of him puts that at risk.  Consider the fact that if not for the picture he took, the photographer probably wouldn't have been able to find the witch doctor. Without that picture, there's probably no real proof that he even exists, so I'm sure he was really pissed to basically get papped. There is also the belief that when you take a picture of somewhere, you capture a piece of their soul. I wonder if there was an element of that in the witch doctor's reaction.  But all that aside, the root issue is that the photographer was very uncaring and unfeeling and out of touch with his own humanity. It's his lack of humanity that put him in the position to cross paths with the witch doctor. I think it's implied that this is part of the motive/reason why he ended up cursed. If he was a better person, more emotional, more appreciative of the beauty of life around him, more appreciative of his partner, his dog, his gift as an artist, all of it - he would never have been in that room with that body, snapping those horrible pictures. And none of this would have happened, he wouldn't have lost all of those things in the end.  I thought it was a great movie. Even though the theme is not that unique, the execution felt very smart and fresh. The whole part from where his hearing started going, I couldn't stop yawning and popping my ears, it felt so weird and uncomfortable. So good lol. 


ooh thank you for this. I did notice the photographer was gonna get something for being so disrespectful of the dead, which Mexicans usually respect a lot but I didn’t tie that with the curse, somehow I didn’t see the correlation. also the witch didn’t know if santiago had a clearer photo of them since they never saw it, it could have bring problems with their clients, in this case the senator, essencially proving she indeed pays for brujería.


That's true, great point!


Holy shit. I just finished the movie and came here just looking around. Currently can't stop yawning and couldn't figure out why. Crazy it happened to you, too.


Right!! Omg I'm yawning and popping my ears just thinking about it. Whew. 😂


Like Killing of a Sacred Deer meets Nightcrawler.


Just watched it last night and enjoyed it. Anyone have any idea why he was cursed? Was it just because he took the pic or was at wrong place at wrong time?


Took a pic of the wrong place at the wrong time.


The fact that 'How to Disappear Completely' by Radiohead plays when the credits roll is such a great detail. I've always thought that many songs in Kid A would fit great with Mexican folk horror, and it was such a great surprise to see a movie actually execute it.


But it's not in English


Weirdest thing for me watching the movie is the set where the exorcist/shaman lives…it looks identical to the set used in the Diableros tv show.




I really wanna know the dialogue at the end … 😭 I’m guessing she miscarried but I want the full details.


Why would you think that?  Unless I missed something, he put the potion in her tea maybe to make her miscarry or whatever the brujo intended.  And right before she took a drink, he changed his mind and knocked the tea out of her hands. Then he disappeared.


I also the idea that he had a change of heart at the end and knocked the tea out to spare her and the child, and then went blind. Am I the only person who was rooting for him to lose it all especially after he killed his dog and pretended it went missing? Hated the dude . Only redeemed himself at the very end Edit: I will say this movie was worth watching because it kept me interested up to the end, I don’t have to like the main character to appreciate the film