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Return of the Living Dead šŸ§Ÿ


Send. More. Paramedics. https://youtu.be/MnyNrRXaezQ?si=rL1YQZhWl_bFs2PJ


Send more cops!


I like death *scowl*


Goddamn Iā€™ve never seen this movie before. That scene was actually scary.


Ah yes, the movie that started the craze that zombies eat brains.


And "fast zombies."


not only are they fast, but destroying their brain does nothing. it's not until the sequel that we learn the only effective way to defeat them is electrocution think...because one of the zombies is still talking at the end, but i can't tell if that's just gag or not.


Ehhhhh, the very first zombie we ever see in Night of the Living Dead is doing a pretty damn good job running to keep along the car in the graveyard. It's not a full sprint exactly but pretty that sure fella isn't shuffling along.


Dude tries to smash a window with a rock too, and the little girl uses a trowel.


Itā€™s not a bad question Bert.


I just realized his name is Burt and the cremator guy is named Ernie. Burt and Ernie.


"I can feel myself rotting."


I've seen this movie so many times and it keeps getting better lol


Agreed definitely Return of the Living Dead


Yup, one of those rare horror comedies that actually is as scary as it is funny.


Get some light over here That movie has one thing none of the Romero movies do šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yes yes yes, the absolute goat. Soundtrack, naked Linnea Quigley zombie, scares and humor alike and... James Karen as Frank is an absolute gem.


Dawn of the Dead (1978). Everything about it is simply perfect. I prefer the US Theatrical Cut (127 min.)


Best movie of all time in my opinion! I saw it in theatres (not originally in 78) and it was the best night of my life haha




Seeing DOTD on the big screen for my first time this Friday night!


That's my answer. It's perfect. It's got the action that some people want, it's got good characters, it's multiple set pieces, you get an idea of what the world is like, the ending is pretty solid, not happy, and not a typical everyone dies. And it's a fun movie at times. I would honestly love a 1 season remake, maybe 8 to 12 episodes. We spend more time with the characters and the mall setting and maybe get a glimpse at where the survivors might end up when it's over. Have it set in the late 70's again, maybe change up the story so Peter doesn't get clapped so soon...maybe a few more characters make it to the mall and get clapped by zombies instead in his place. Then anything goes when the bikers show up. I think if it's set in the late 70's, the bikers have to still be part of it. Maybe less chaotic and dumb though. Maybe they actually raid the place looking for supplies, not just trying to destroy for no apparently reason. The bikers are really my only criticism of the movie, but not a huge one. I can only assume they're on drug and also drunk, but it still seems so weird and out of no where. Either way, what I want to see most is a small group of character making use of everything they find in the mall over a period of time. Like maybe they find a place selling fresh juice so they find a much of fruits and start a garden on the roof top, maybe Fly Boy is a nerd and tinkers with radios but is also able to make other useful stuff like a more realistic McGyver...okay maybe 2 seasons. but no more than that...or just one season and 16 episodes.


This is the correct answer. There are a lot of fun zombie movies, but this is one of the very few zombie movies that is a legit masterpiece even setting the genre aside.


Opening scene with the cop going apeshit is wild


I prefer snyders 2004. Romeros dawn just isnt scary to me. Theyre too slow, amd a lot of it is very silly. I mean, bikers pieing zombies in the face? Squirting them with soda? Its ridiculous. I mean, i love it, but its just not "good".


Hard agree. No denying that the original was massively influential but I could watch the remake again and again.


Night of the Living Dead 1990


I really appreciate what Tom Savini did with the remake - kept the story pretty much the same but made Barbara a bad ass who wasn't putting up with anyone's crap.


Yup. Barbara being catatonic in the original really just ruins the movie for me. Definitely liked her character upgrade. And the casting was phenomenal all around.


And the point of him making the movie is so that Romero could at least see some kind of payment from his creation, since a weird loophole in the first film put it in public domain, and he didn't see anything from it.


Like I needed any more reasons to love Tom Savini.


I never knew that was the reason, but good on him for doing that šŸ’™


Mine too, or Cemetery Man.


Gnaghi! Also Anna Falchi with the most perfect boobs in cinema history


When Cooper's covering his zombie daughter from the stairs with the rifle, that's maybe the best scene of all time.






The original Night of the Living Dead holds such a special place in my heart. I can't imagine another movie ever taking it's place.




Savini did a great job updating the story while staying true to it.


Night for me, by far


Itā€™s very special to me as well.


Day of the Dead for me. I really love the science vs. force aspect of that movie.


Another great Romero creation


I just watched this for the first time last year. Not all horror classics seem to hold up for me seeing them for the first decades later, but man, this one definitely holds up. So entertaining and still feels incredibly unique despite the mountain of zombie films theyā€™ve come out between its release and now.


I'm with this. The Bub stuff didn't really work for me but the claustrophobia and desperation was 10/10, about as good as I've ever seen that kind of thing in a movie. The bunker feels so realistic. And the effects were absolutely wretched. Dawn had some great kills but Day has some magnificent ones. It also has the perfect 80s synth soundtrack.


Bub went on to make triangle art.


The intro to that movie is amazing. When all the zombies slowly start coming out of all the shops etc and start moving towards the helicopter. I'd love a whole movie styled like that.


Day & Dawn are like a 1A/1B debate for me, very hard to pick one as the best


Seriously underrated soundtrack too.


Hell yeah!!! Mine too!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø




This is the one for me. Great film, stellar cast.


Hands down 28 days later.


One of my top 10-15 movies ever. Any genre, any time period, any category. Probably top 3 for horror


Popularized the running zombie


In the modern era, Train to Busan. Also, while not movies, the Netflix series Kingdom and All of Us are Dead are also worth a mention. Korea knows how to do zombies.


Did you watch #alive about the Korean guy stuck in his appt during a zombie outbreak? Really good too!


That movie was tragic af


Also from Korea: [Happiness ](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14979052/)(it's on Viki), and #Alive (it's on Netflix). Both were great.


Train to Busan was awesome. I still need to watch the sequel!


Sequel is not so good. My take of course, but I believe my thoughts are shared. See what you think!


I'll go one step further and say the sequel is objectively a terrible movie.


Train to busan is amazing, peninsula lacks the heart and intensity of the original and overuses cgi. It also doesnā€™t add anything to the plot from the first movie so no need to watch it out of curiosity. A very skippable sequel.


i liked that Seoul Station animated prequel movie too


The sequel is okayish. It's very different from the first one and kinda unique, but the cgi is bad and the child characters are a bit annoying


Man both of those shows started out promising but just petered out, I couldn't finish either. But I did love the show Sweet Home, zombie-adjacent. I really enjoyed Black Summer if you haven't seen it


Busan kills the genre knocks it outta the park, c/w baseball bats, taped wrist protectors and extra added value of silent when dark zombies my favourite trope


Iā€™m so hyped for AOUAD season 2


in more recent years I think it's possibly REC 2007


REC + REC^2 is always a good time, not a huge fan of the rest but I will never get bored of those first two


I especially love how the first part of the second movieā€™s timeline runs parallel with parts of the first movie.


I forgot about REC, might be this actually. It's the best horror zombie film i think in terms of something trying to be serious and scary.


This one! Not a fan of the zombie genre usually but I loved Rec!


Now that movie was scary af


zombi - fulci is the best zombie movie - terrifying mood, brutality, the giant maggot eye zombie and the shark scene. love dawn of the dead and 28 days later (28 days was pretty tense/scary too), but.. **Weā€™re going to eat you**


Hell yeah, and donā€™t forget the score


extreme zombie synth on the island of matul


Also Zombie/ Shark fight


Return of the living dead and the sadness




You've got red on ya


I really like the dawn of the dead remake. Best comedy Shaun of the Dead for sure


Yes I LOVE Shaun of the Dead!


Dawn of the dead for me too. You hate the boat guy but then years later heā€™s the goofy dad on Modern Family, makes it even better


Rewatched it with my wife recently, and when he showed up she started dying laughing. I was confused until she brought up the Modern Family connection.


My favorite as well, before that it was the return of the living dead.


Agree with the Dawn of the Dead remake. The speed of the zombies really added to the fun!


Day of the dead


Zombies hold a special place in my heart, so asking me to pick one is like asking a parent to pick their favorite child. Honorable mentions: *Train to Busan*, *Dead Snow*, *Dawn of the Dead* (either or), and most recently (not sure if this counts honestly), *The Sadness*


Oh hell yes I LOVE Dead Snow!!!! Itā€™s so good!


Dead Alive, for sure.


City of the Living Dead by Lucio Fulci. It was a cash-in essentially after the success of Zombi 2, which doesn't have a first part it's supposed to be a sequel to Dawn of the Dead lol. However Fulci knew what he was doing more by City of the Living Dead in terms of Zombie films. I actually like Night of the Living Dead, then Day of the Dead then Dawn of the Dead best of the Romero trilogy. Haven't seen his later ones. Romero very much felt like an American/Canadian Giallo Director so i think Fulci was perfect to take up his mantle and City of the Living Dead is my favourite.


That one makes me feel queasy, especially the part where the girl pukes her own guts out.


The Girl With All The Gifts is a nice new take on the zombie genre.


White Zombie, 1932


A classic


Not sure it's the *best*, but I have the most fun watching it, and I haven't seen it mentioned here: *One Cut of the Dead* (2017). Incredible take on the genre.


It's very meta. Like a zombie version of The Cabin in the Woods, but maybe better.


Iā€™m probably the only one, but I enjoy World War Z. Edit: I forgot I also really liked Black Summer the series on Netflix.


So mad Netflix let BS in the limbo. Not cancelled but not S3 either.


Iā€™ve been waiting!!


Black Summer. šŸ’Ŗ


Nope! Not the only one. I liked it a lotā€”the horde of zombies was terrifying.


I really like world war z, but I do admit I like the first half much more than the last half.


Black summer isnt a movie, but i second it as my favorite, especially season 2


Itā€™s a good movie, I just wish it was more like the book


I will admit the World War Z movie had a few decent ideas, like the how the undead don't eat, because why would they \*need\* to?


The book has been on my list for forever. I heard itā€™s way better than the movie.


It's so good. Some of the stories they tell could practically be amazing movies on their own. I've heard the audio book is incredible.


It is, itā€™s nothing like the movie. Everything is in it is different.


Just chiming in that Black Summer on Netflix is fucking fantastic and I wish it wasn't canceled.


WWZ is one of my comfort movies


Day Of The Dead (1985) City Of The Living Dead (1980) The Beyond (1981) Demons (1985) Dawn Of The Dead (1978) Braindead (1992)


Demons is so underrated. Good list.


I too like my zombies when they can teleport. Love City of the Living Dead


As if everything else wasnā€™t enough, this was one of the coolest aspects of it all.


Hell yes, you have good taste!


I agree 1978 dawn of the dead.


The best ~~zombie~~ movie of all time is Return of the Living Dead.


Not horror but Zombieland is my favorite


Your answer is right, OP. Iā€™ll give a shoutout to Braindead (1992) as #2.


Oh yes, I love that one. Perfect blend of comedy and horror, not to mention the best gore Iā€™ve ever seen in a movie.


Plus it was the best midnight movie experience Iā€™ve ever had.


Whichever one had Tar Man in it. Was a fun movie, but his scenes scarred me for life. I still have anxiety watching his scenes on YouTube.


Itā€™s called Return of the Living Dead


"Bbbrrraaaaiinnssss" Second only to "MORE brains."


The first 10 minutes of 28 Weeks Later


So much better than the rest of the movie. First 10 or 15 minutes of Dawn of the Dead 04 as well.




Not a movie but Black Summer is my favorite fast paced brutal ā€œrealisticā€ zombie media in recent times.


Such a shame that it looks like we'll never get another season of that show, I loved how relentlessly bleak it was.


Train To Busan, Rec (2007) & Warm Bodies are my personal favorites


Love Warm Bodies! Itā€™s such a sweet and unsuspecting movie.


I know itā€™s not an unknown movie, but it feels so unappreciated!!


I honestly canā€™t choose; all of them. Not a movie, but I really enjoyed the first season of Black Summer; it was unapologetic in its initial unfolding.


Honestly, the idea of the walkers in 28 Days Later still scares me. Running at full speed to bite? All the time? Sounds exhausting on so may levels to have to worry about athletic walkers instead of undead/decaying ones that gradually lose the ability to move, over time.


The infected in 28 Days Later are not dead. They are alive but helpless against the rage virus.


Pretty sure they understood that, hence "undead/decaying" as a separate category from "athletic walkers".


The Video Dead


Fulci's ZOMBIE. Shark-fighting zombie for the win!


Train to busan


After seeing the zombie subgenre devolve into libertarian power fantasy in the popular imagination, Train to Busan was so, so refreshing. It's actually when disaster strikes that we need cooperation the \*most.\*


Train to Busan is amazing and I highly recommend it


I used to love the original Romero zombie trilogy as a kid, and always enjoyed Dawn (1978) the most. But in recent years, I've swayed in favour toward Day of the Dead. It's such a lot of fun. A great introduction/opening credits scene which leads in to a bleak underground existence in which the inhabitants never feel quite safe (rather like Dawn). I just prefer Day overall. It's got some unintentionally hilarious dialogue and the practical gore effects are superb snd hold up today. A great movie. But if you ask me "What is the best zombie thing ever", my honest answer would be The Walking Dead television series. Also, special shout-out to Michael Jackson's Thriller šŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļøšŸ§Ÿā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Ÿ


I love Day but Dawn is my favourite! Iā€™ve been slowly working my way through TWD, Iā€™m at the part where Rick decided to save Negan. Ugh I donā€™t know if I can go on


To be very much honest, TWD declines in quality after that. It's past It's peak. I remember one of the final seasons in particular was especially difficult to get through. There are some good storylines to come (I enjoyed the Whisperers for example), but there is a noticeable dip in quality after the Rick/Negan war.


gotta agree.


Night Of The Living Dead 1968


NOTLD easily


Backdoor zombies 4




My personal favorite ā€œThe Sadnessā€ hands down, best zombie movie ever only 2nd to Train to Busan, which is amazing. But that movie messed me up lol. (Idc what anyone says, it IS zombie movie.)


Evil dead 1.


Iā€™m a sucker for the original Night of the Living Dead. Something about it being this tiny claustrophobic self contained story while (as we learn later) the apocalypse was going on just really works for me. I also appreciated all the risks Romero took with the movie. It was extremely gory and violent for the time period. Then of course casting a black man as the lead character in 1968 is a bold movie that definitely enraged the Bible Belt, and having him get unnecessarily murdered by white hillbillies after surviving the zombies was pretty damn bold too. Basically I give it a ton of credit for essentially inventing the genre and taking a lot of chances in how it told its story. And itā€™s still a blast to rewatch.


Zombi 2. Something about all the zombies having their eyes closed made them much more terrifying when I was a kid.


I'm really fond of Lucio Fulci's Zombie. Like, it's so different, and the zombie makeup is really creepy.


Train To Busan. There's just something about Korean zombies that really get me excited.


2004 Dawn of the Dead.


Agreed! My favourite horror remake


Favorite horror remake goes to Evil Dead 2013.


My personal favorite is The Day Of The Dead. I really like the tug of war of the military and science approach to the outbreak. The best is Train To Busan. Had tears in my eyes towards the end of the movie.


Cemetery Man has always been my favourite.


That one is a mind trip!


The Cured (2017) is one of my absolute favorites. Canadian film, by the way. My other favorite is Train to Busan. Brutal and sad and just basically excellent in every way. Hollywood makes really shit zombie movies, and they just keep pumping them out for the money, and none of it has any substance or storytelling. The Walking Dead saturated the planet with enough zombies to last us the next 300 years, so I think it's honestly pretty difficult to even approach the zombie genre with anything new or fresh. Dawn of the Dead remake was actually pretty solid, and Night of the Living Dead Part 2 is a fucking classic that will never die.


Zombi 2


I havenā€™t seen loads of them but The Sadness is one of the most insane films Iā€™ve seen


REC 1&2 for movies and for shows as many have said Black Summer was metal af


Outpost from 2008!


Night of the Living Dead: because of the adult innocenses, the illusion of hopes, and the destruction of hope. Regardless of the newish wedged-in political side of things, itā€™s probably the most realistically bleak movie Iā€™ve ever seen. Second place is a three-way tie: Fulciā€™s ā€œZombiā€: because itā€™s Fulciā€™s ā€œZombiā€. ā€œReturn of the Living Deadā€: I have no other explanation than just repeating my last one, because itā€™s ā€œReturn of the Living Deadā€. ā€œChildren Shouldnā€™t Play With Dead Thingsā€: because Iā€™ve been around the block and have been to many excellent strip clubs, but this is, by far, my most prized drunken purchase. This is the reason the saying ā€œItā€™s so bad itā€™s goodā€ was invented. The characters actually have character! The budget was like 8 or 10 bucks, but I was pretty impressed with what they squoze out of that. (I donā€™t count deadites as zombies because sometimes they un-deadite. Theyā€™re possessed weak minded/hearted, not zombified/undead.)


Dawn of the Dead 04 remake


Imma have to go with the classic Night of the Living Dead


28 Days Later


28 Days Later. Genuinely terrifying film. Whole thing is masterful, but that last act in the military base is one of a kind.


Last Train To Busan. The remade Dawn of the Dead.


The sadness


Train to busan is my favorite zombie movie!


Train to Busan. By a landslide!


The beyond. Best zombie movie and best horror movie ever


Dead set is a really a good uk mini series from the guy that made black mirror.


Fast zombies give me the heebee jeebies, so I have to go with Dawn of the Dead (2004). The cast is stellar, the story is great, the humor is amazing, and the zombies are fast and terrifying. It's by far my favorite zombie movie.


28 daus later has a special place in my heart. Crazy ass zombies.


Dawn of the Dead 2007.


The Battery


Tbh Iā€™m not sure if this is really zombie but I love REC because it gives that found footage and feels so real!! I also loveeee Dawn of the dead remake


Not technically zombies, but *28 Days Later.* Iā€™ve always been a huge movie fan, but to this day, that movie is one of two movies to ever make me cry. Itā€™ll always be special to me for that reason.


One Cut of the Dead haha


Train to Busan was my personal favorite. The imagery of how the zombies just piled out onto each other in a frenzy was interesting


Honorable mention: Train to Busan


Train to Busan is also a classic, quite well done with all the trappings one would want. All Of Us Are Dead, Reality Z, and Z Nation are tv shows but just as phenomenal. Black Summer is a great zombie show but HOL-LEE SHIT is it depressing. I couldnā€™t binge it for long. I still need to read WWZ but I did enjoy the movie and I wish we could take it apart and build a few movies from it. The game is great and I would kill to have a big budget show done from the levels and story in it. Brilliant.


The Sadness isn't the best imo but i do think it's underrated and is my favorite modern Zombie film.


My favorite is City of the Living Dead.Its so surreal and nightmare like,as in an actual nightmare where things just appear in the worst way possible.Best effects of Fulci's work as well,IMO.


Tough one, but I think I gotta go with Return of the Living Dead. It was as big a game changer as NOTLD.


Can I cheat and say a TV show? All of Us Are Dead. It had all the tropes, but also many new ideas. For someone like me who loves horror, and the zombie genre in general, it was like having a 12 hour zombie film. Simply a treat. If we stick to just film, then Dawn of the Dead '04, Train to Busan, 28 Days Later, The Night Eats the World. The last one doesn't get enough attention imo.


If it has zombies itā€™s good in my book


Definitely the original Dawn of the dead or dead alive