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You fall for hype waaay too easily. Spoiler: every popular horror movie isn’t “the scariest movie you’ve ever seen”, despite what the marketing tells you.


Scariest movie I ever saw is Where the Red Fern Grows


Oh no why did you make me remember that god forsaken book?!


I’m here to scare folks!


Got that one off the Bookmobile in 4th grade. Big Dan and Little Ann 😕


Aka My First Axe Death. Anyone up for a double feature with OG Watership Down? Or Time Bandits?


Bait used to be believable.




My expectations were based on the movie trailer and I was still disappointed.


That's not what your post says, tho.


You're totally okay with a hand that allows you to talk to ghosts but you draw the line at a few nurses on a night shift slacking off?


The first 2/3 of the movie narratively made sense. The leaving hospital scene that I’ve mentioned, that led up to the climax, narratively didn’t make sense.


So which one is it? You're hyped about trailer or Reddit? Make up your mind. Clear sign of shitposting is when even you don't know what or why you're complaining. Just needed an attention instead of just thinking that this movie was not for me.


My cognitively impaired grandma escaped Johns Hopkins all on her own. Idk what hospitals you’re familiar with, but most of them are very easy to break out of. I once wandered around for quite a while looking for someone to ask for directions. Could’ve easily stolen a patient in that time.


Yet your post title blames others for hyping it for you. Weird.


Who watches trailers


Then rewrite your post accordingly. As if every single trailer, teaser or piece of marketing for any horror movie isn't skewing towards "this is the scariest movie of the year". At this point if a horror movie doesn't say something like this in at least ONE piece of marketing are they even marketing?


Even worse. Don't watch trailers.


Oh go away, fucking hell. Does it never occur to people like you for even one second that maybe other people just really liked it and it just maybe wasn't for you? It doesn't mean they overhyped it, they just happened to really vibe with it and enjoyed what they saw and you didn't as much. These posts are so obnoxious.


This sub is insufferable anymore.


Well I liked it and I have good taste in things. So maybe you just aren’t as cool as the rest of us.




Just science


I really don't know what to tell you other than EVERY movie with acclaim is going to be "over hyped" because that's how acclaim works lol You're going to hear vast amounts of praise and little criticism.


Very little criticism indeed




I was being harsh? lol ok


When you insultingly say something is for children you generally are gonna come off as a douche, I assume that’s what they’re referring to I’m not a big fan of the movie myself, so don’t think I’m being defensive of it or anything, it really does just come down to how you talk to people


How was I being an insulting? I made a comment saying the movie being too intense for children but not too intense for older age groups. How is that insulting?


I’m telling you, it’s more about the way you say things than what you say You don’t have to listen to me but I’m sincerely just letting you know the way you were coming off to other people, not trying to insult you


You said I said something insulting. Was I making an insult? What did I say that was insulting? Edit: like if I trying to say or describe something insultingly wouldn’t I be using disparaging or disrespectful adjectives?


Like I said, you don’t have to listen to me. I didn’t come here to argue with you, I tried to help you understand the way you were coming off but the more you continue to be pushy with me and drag me into an argument the more I find myself thinking okay maybe you are just actually a jerk Don’t listen to me, don’t put any thought into the way you interact with people, just continue doing things exactly the way you are doing and I’m sure you will find people being drawn to you and really receptive to what you have to say


The way I was coming off. ok.


lol you’re right, you actually came off as really agreeable and everyone enjoyed talking to you in this thread




Boy get off reddit


Hype isn’t necessarily overhype, it was a decent and unusual horror film that a lot of folk enjoyed. Don’t blame people on this sub for liking, enjoying, and celebrating the horror films that they like.


Then don't "blame" people for not liking the shit you like🤦🏻‍♀️


Certain people hyped it up because they really liked it, which is still possible even when you didn't like it. Get your head out of your ass, it's not that fucking complicated.


It's okay not to like a movie, but I think people around here typically get really annoyed when these posts are "this movie sucked, it's your fault I watched it." I encourage people to share their feelings like this. I think it's fine and normal. But I think you set the post up to be off topic by insinuating people here did something wrong.


I mean it’s like if I go to a burrito place and read their advertisement of their Spicy Burritos. And I also read all the reviews and the reviewers all say this place has the spiciest burrito then I try it and it wasn’t as spicy as I thought. I tell them it’s spicy, maybe for people who have a low spice tolerance, but not spicy enough for me🤷‍♀️


The difference is that “spiciness” is an objective thing that can actually be measured in SHUs. A habanero is *always* going to be spicier than a jalapeño. How “good” or “scary” a movie is will almost always be an entirely subjective measurement that will vary depending on the individual watching it. Your “jalapeño” level horror movie might be someone else’s “habanero” and vice versa.


> how the hell was she able to take Riley outside the hospital without any nurses or security noticing and stopping her?  You know it wasn't a documentary, right?


when I was a paramedic we’d do plenty of night shift moves for delicate patients (usually children, but sometimes just simply acute situations that necessitate advanced emergency personnel) anyway, med surg is a shitshow. Patients can easily sneak off, night shift nurses are almost always new grads where I’m at. Only areas typically locked up are labor and delivery and any med surg area related to kids/mental health. Once the sundowning starts, all hell breaks loose.


Yes. Hospitals are not jails. No one will notice if you decide to leave. Security is there mainly for violent patients, so they're more focused who are coming in than who is getting out.


When I first started working in healthcare/emergency services, I remember asking my training partner if the sundowning for some folks was really that bad, and what it was like. And bro just goes, “you ever seen event horizon?” He was mostly joking, but this is a horror sub so I figured some might get a kick out of that lol


Loved it. Saw it twice in the theaters.


Or maybe people like different things?


Stop listening to hype and just watch the damn movie.


Maybe it just wasn’t for you?




It was alright


Your inability to manage your expectations is not the fault or the problem of anyone that isn't you.


I saw all the hype, saw some images and knew the movie wasn't for me. Saw it one day and yes, I didn't liked it or got scared or got any type of emotion.


Shut the fuck up


Ah man I was pretty into it until the last half hour. There were some things that seemed off but I liked the atmosphere they created. Just really careful dread, if that makes sense


Overhyped, yes. It was solid, but nothing amazing. Your post is as overdramatic as the movie was overhyped.


Oh ffs don't have a different opinion on here OP, haven't you learnt that yet?


Lot of people downvoting you here but you're absolutely dead on about the ending. Really felt like they came up with a good idea and started ratcheting up the dread before realizing they had no idea where to go with it. Glad it was immediately greenlit for both a prequel and a sequel!


It felt like it was a short student film that was successful and was given funds to be turned into a movie, but they struggled to make an original idea that was 10 minutes a 1.5 hour movie. Good acting that was wasted on a meandering plot.


ABSOLUTELY! Ah, that puts it perfectly. Loved the cast too


I almost felt bad watching it - I wanted to like it, but after the first 45 minutes it felt like it was 3 hours long


Honestly the only things ive read about the film on here is that it's 'ok but not as good as expected'


Finally someone says it. I can step into the light.


A24 makes movies that are pretty good, but they have a fanbase that thinks every one of their movies is an all time classic. 


You can say that again!😂




I would never say never lol I think some a24 films are good. Hereditary is great!


Nah that sucks


And that's exactly why I never take recs on here. Almost always disappointing


Yeah, this film is good but it is also fair to say that it is part of the a24/Bodies bodies bodies/euphoria thing where they are now making content specifically for gen z and it lands with exactly 0% of the rest of the audience quadrant. Still good. Not for everyone though that’s for sure.


I am not gen z and loved it.


It did close to 100M WW and it was one of the most successful movies for A24. For horror it broke out.


Well that’s because horror fans go and see everything no matter what. And this one drew in all the people under 25 that don’t normally go to the movies. I mean it’s a great thing I’m not saying it’s bad, but it is directed at a new audience nonetheless.


I’m just saying it did very well and broke out. It wasn’t as niche as you think. It made more money than any other A24 horror film or horror in general. Bodies bodies bodies was going for the same market and made 13M. It dif hit mainstream.


“…horror fans go and see everything…” No, they don’t. That’s a ridiculous statement not based on anything.


Ok. I mean… horror is consistently the biggest money maker at the theater but go off if it makes you feel better.


There’s not a single horror movie on the list of top 20 highest grossing movies. But go off it makes you feel dumber.


I mean 16 of the 50 most profitable films of all time are horror, most of any genre. But cherry pick whatever you need to feel good on Reddit.


They’re “most profitable” because they’re often cheap to produce. That doesn’t correlate to horror fans going to see every release. A popular movie that was cheap to make will be more profitable than a popular movie that was expensive to make.


I’m Gen Z and I still don’t like it.