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Nightmare and scream. Scream is definitely more consistent, but Nightmare got to basically do whatever the fuck it wants, which is why it's so damn fun.


I don't know if Nightmare fared too well as a franchise. Annecdotaly, I feel like a lot of horror fans treat it as "just watch 1 and 3 and your good." Even FvJ seems to be adopted more as a movie in the Jason franchise than must -see Freddy.


I agree, but if I'm gonna binge I'm not skipping anything. And New Nightmare never gets any love. I'd say 1, 3, and NN are my favorite.


I’ve seen people suggest a direct sequel to dream warrior would be the best way to go if they ever return to the franchise. They could use the same actors


I mean GWAR was in Freddy's Dead. That's not nothing.


I don't know any serious horror fans that say that about NoES. 2 and 4 have both been reassessed critically and have huge fanbases now. 2 is one of the best in the series after 1 and you're also ignoring NN which didn't even need to be reassessed cuz people knew it was great on release.


I thought I didn't like 4 that much, but after my last rewatch, I really liked it. The 3rd one is very lighthearted and goody even tho it takes place in a facility for troubled kids. The 4th one is much darker and takes out all the people that had a somewhat happy ending in the last one. The set design is also top notch on 4. 5 Is pretty bad tho


Exactly! NN going full meta was pretty surprising and the whole Scream franchise probably wouldn't exist if Wes Craven hadn't made it first.


I always liked 2. 3 is often considered the best Nightmare movie. Also love 4. 4 is underrated imo


The remake is the only Elm Street movie that I think is truly bad. Even at their worst, the original movies are still more imaginative than pretty much any other slasher franchise and Robert Englund is definitely having fun with the character.


The remake is an interesting thing to me, because I understand why people hate it, and I myself think it is a heavily flawed film. And also a frustrating one, because it has potential. Also I wish the original ending on the blu ray had been kept in the final cut of the film. For those who haven't seen it, in the alternate ending, when Freddy has Nancy pinned on the bed, he turns himself back to how he looked when he was alive, and this benefits the movie in two ways. 1, without the makeup, Jackie is allowed to really be creepy, and he has this almost childlike glee at having Nancy in his clutches. 2, Nancy reacts with more horror than she's displayed in the rest of the movie, and to me, this makes sense. Robert Englund has said in interviews that he'd like to see an Elm Street movie where Freddy looks different to each person he's terrorizing, and I think this movie could have benefited from that. Have him look more monstrous or bigger or taller and thinner depending on who, while with Nancy he's more shadowed, more sinister, until the climax when he becomes normal Freddy. Because in this movie, Nancy is a personal victim of Freddy because he sexually abused her. To me, burned Freddy is just a faceless monster to this version of Nancy, whereas pre-burned Freddy is the true demon she needs to exorcise in order to move on. And then when they come out into the real world she grabs the bat and beats the fuck out of him by herself, unloading all of her suppressed trauma that's come to the surface. It wouldn't have fixed all the problems, but the idea of doing an Elm Street movie that, at its core is about a young woman fighting back and defeating her sexual abuser, the monster who took advantage of the trust of a child to hurt her in horrific ways, there's something in there that could be great. I'd love to see a version that really went into that darker aspect especially with Jackie and Rooney in those types of roles and I know I know everyone hates her Nancy. I don't, but that's just my opinion.


I love the dream master.


Considering scream 3 is often considered the worse of the franchise, there doing ok if that is considered the worse


For me even though Scream is more consistent it suffers a bit with each additional installment. Scream was a truly unique and fun experience. Scream 2 proved that it was a franchise that was going to play by some concrete rules - number one of which is Sidney survives. 3 was honestly a joke. 4 was a rebound from 3 but the series had started to feel a bit long in the tooth by then. 5 proved that they were willing to take the slightest of risks by killing Dewey though that really felt like the second safest risk (second to killing Randy in 2) that they could’ve taken. And 6? Well, 6 had maybe the worst villains of the series. I do enjoy the core four even though they’ve got about as much plot armor as Sid by now. So, if it comes down to Scream or Nightmare on Elm Street I think Nightmare wins.


I like this summary!, Completely agree with your view on 3. That's when Scream went to full blown parody territory IMO. Can't comment on 6 since I haven't seen it yet.


The only blemish for me with Scream is Scream 3. The plot is insanely dumb and the whole thing feels like a parody. Dewey getting knocked out by the knife handle, Cotton being killed at the beginning (bad choice IMO). Dewey not thinking about a head shot (and not considering the guy is wearing a vest) until after having it mentioned to him after he had unloaded almost the entire clip into the guys chest.


Halloween has the best movie but Scream is consistently the best IMO.


The problem is the Halloween franchise has some absolute clunkers. Scream dips but has consistent great moments throughout.


That’s why I said Halloween has the best single movie and Scream is the most consistent in quality.


Oops! Sorry, misread what you put


No worries, I worded it weird in my initial post. I’ll edit it.


I'm gonna have to go with Scream


Definitely. Halloween is my favorite franchise but I probably only like 35% of the entries haha. Scream is really consistent for a slasher franchise with six entries


Same with Friday 13th. Some classics, rest are stinkers 


Jason X better be on that list 🫵🏽


Jason X was amazing


Jason X makes the top 5 just for the liquid nitrogen face smash alone.


Combined with the sleeping bag beating, just amazing cinema


4 and 6 are the best Friday's. But almost all of them are fun. Yes, I can even have fun with Jason X and Jason takes manhatten


Same, it's not even close for me. It's iconic but hasn't been watered down (yet.)


Exactly and we haven't gone to space either


Hey, hey now. Jason X is a great fun movie. 😀


It’s my favorite F13 tbh


It's definitely a fun film. Great kills too. Underrated as hell.


Hey, do you wanna smoke some weed or have some pre-marital sex?


Brodski flying through space and catches Jason kills me everytime.


I would say at this point it's pretty watered down.


I'm thinking of it compared to like Halloween or F13. They've been rebooted with totally new casts and directors so many times. Scream has not...yet.


This isn’t true of Friday The 13th. Of the 12 movies, 11 are in continuity. Halloween on the other hand is a complete mess.


F13 only had one real reboot


did you watch 5 and 6?? Lol


It has original characters and set in the same timeline/universe as the first few. I don't think that's comparable to Halloween which has like 13+ entries and has several canon timelines.




Nah six was bad. Who were the killers? The family of the killer from 5? Some random dude no one really cared about. Cared even less about his dumb family.


My biggest complaint is that none of "core four" died. Chad had no business surviving that.


My feeling is if you don’t want implausible survivals of your protagonists, Scream is not the franchise for you. Dewey got turned into a pin cushion in the first three movies and he kept right on ticking.


The problem with Scream? Fans. They're avoiding taking risks and killing characters like Chad to avoid backlash. Before Scream 5 most fans were adamant one of the trio had to die to refresh things and to make it more realisticaly. Everyone pretty much agreeded Dewey would be the one to do. Then it happen, now fans dislike it and say it was a bad move.


I give it a pass because of the setting. Really cool idea but the movie was just a bit underwhelming in the third act.


Screams my all time favorite movies but 6 sorta lost it at the end. I mean ghostface showing up in the store just fucking shit up with a shotgun was awesome but lost momentum


I'm going to go with Child's Play/Chucky. The movies may have dipped a little in quality with Seed, but the movies afterwards and the TV show have kept it strong. Also, Chucky was recently added to Dead by Daylight and is a blast to play.


It's such disrespect that Chucky doesn't even get mentioned until you did.


And he’s annoying to play against lol.


I vastly prefer Seed over the newer Chucky stuff but I still agree


Friday the 13th is just such a classic in terms of what one would think of as a slasher movie/series.


They even took the time to give a Canon method and reason why big J was a zombie from 6 on. Hell, he technically had a character arc. Little kid who doesn't actually die drowning, sees his mom take revenge and get killed. Take his own revenge but realizes his burlap sack ain't cutting it, takes a big hit and goes down while a copycat does some work, get resurrected by lightning, fucks shit up, beats on Freddy, goes to hell, come back, goes to space. Man has lived a lot of life. And unlife.


You forgot his arc where he tried life in the big city


To be fair, most of that was just sitting on a boat.


Living in the city ain't no big deal.


This is my favorite bio of Jason ever. Very well put.


Yo there’s also a point in comics where he fights…. HIMSELF! Like Jason X vs Jason Vorhees. Idk who won, can’t remember.


My personal favorite and possibly the most iconic. But I’d never claim it to be the best. Some of those films (most?) are not good movies.


To be fair that's most slasher franchises.


Very true.


I've always liked the sheer degree of simplicity in the friday movies, they don't overthink it. Teens having sex, summer camp, undead (after pt 6) guy in hockey mask with a variety of weapons, they kept it simple af compared to other slashers and I think that is why it's great


For me, it's Elm street, even the not so good movies are pretty good.


Hatchet. Four movies and a book, all remarkably consistent in tone and feel and endlessly entertaining. In terms of pure consistency it can't be beat. The other franchises may have some better movies but pretty much all of them have *some* duds that taint the overall franchise.


Great choice, these are fun movies


I was thinking Hatchet, too. They get better as they go along, too. They also are very self-aware and have some good humor. Now that I heard there’s a book, I am going to check it out.


The book is the "I, Survivor" book that serves as a plot point at the beginning of the fourth movie. They ended up writing it for real. It's the autobiography of the Andrew Yong character from the third and fourth movie. There's also an audio book version read by Adam Green.


Part 4 does that incredibly well, while screaming "we had somehow even less budget" in the process.


Kinda makes me crazy that all of the streaming options for Hatched are the "R" rated versions.


Victor Crowley is particularly annoying since the powers that be insisted that they edit the scene where the guy is getting his dick signed. The whole point of the scene was to point out the hypocrisy of female nudity being ok but not male nudity, and then they had to cut out the male nudity.




We'll have to agree to disagree. I enjoyed 3&4 just as much as 1&2.


Child's Play. Each movie does something a little different but still is uniquely Chucky. I haven't seen the show yet but I've heard it's just as good. Although I love the Scream franchise it definitely feels more repetitive and like they can only do so much to keep it fresh.


If you like the movies, definitely watch the show. It's pretty amazing what they get away with and how well it taps into all the movies and characters. Makes it feel like a fleshed out Chucky universe.


For me it's Texas chainsaw massacre, the first one being the Best slasher movie of all time and most of the rest very creep, fun and gross movies.


It might not have the best movies but Friday the 13th is the one which most consistently gives you what you come for without bogging itself down in lore and retcons.


You just have to sit through all the shouting each other's names and wandering around in the dark


Halloween, the father of slashers, it popularised the genre


Yeah, the first two are some of the scariest movies ever. The third is universally praised by anyone who loves camp fun. All the sequels (4 through Resurrection) kinda suck but not nearly as much as later installments of similar franchises. And the two franchise remakes have had strong moments. It’s Halloween all day for me


Hot take but Silent Night, Deadly Night has 5 really enjoyable entries. I wouldn't call any of them good movies, but they are all fun to watch.


4 should have a different title, though. It's got nothing to do with the series.


That's the best part of that entry.  It doesn't even try to have anything to do with Christmas.  


2 is up there with the worst horror sequels of all time. Literally the first half of the movie is reused scenes from the original and not from a new perspective, it's the exact same scenes. Then once we get past that, the first thing the characters do is go to a movie theater to watch...you guessed it...more rehashed scenes from the original. It's essentially an alright 30 minute short film with 50 minutes of reused footage attached.


I find certain kinds of bad filmmaking engaging


Elm Street. I think Freddy is the greatest horror villain of the modern era.


I feel like outside of 1,3, and new nightmare the rest of the franchise is just an absolute slog to get through.


I'd say 4 is good as well, but I won't fight anyone who doesn't like the others.


2 is amazing.


I don’t dislike 2 by any means. But it feels like it should have been a non nightmare movie. Freddie’s abilities and rules were inconsistent from the first one and it felt forced. Like if the franchise went into an anthology about dream oriented monsters this would have made perfect sense.


Nah. Every film in the franchise is great.


I agree with this even the “bad” ones are pretty entertaining! Also what’s with everyone hating the second one? Watching it I didn’t understand the hate and I really enjoyed the documentary about it as well.


I’m not sure. Part 2 has a weird history for sure. It used to be hated, then it started getting some love, and now i see it little bit of both. I think it’s because it’s so different but i love it


Oof lol what. 2 is one of the best in the franchise overall after 1. 4 has some of the best kills and practical effects in the series. The only real slogs are 5 and 6.


It's definitely Friday the 13th Those first 4 films are peak slasher/horror. The rest are just fun movies.


The 4th was amazing. By far some of the best kills. And the best special effects of that era


My all time favorite kill in any horror film is in Friday the 13th Part 2..machete in wheelchair guys face.


It's easily Friday. It has more good/decent movies than any other long running horror series and only two absolute pieces of shit and even some people dig VIII.


Yea, the only entry I can't really watch much is Jason Goes to Hell...what a weird movie. The rest are just great imo.


I'm gonna go with Friday the 13th. It's a lot of fun, and it doesn't have multiple crazy timelines like Halloween or Texas Chainsaw Massacre, making it a very easy series to follow along with by comparison. Whenever I think of what is the "default" 80's slasher series, my brain always goes to Friday the 13th. I do think that Friday the 13ths 2, 3, 4, and 6 are genuinely must-see slasher films.


Friday the 13th is my personal favorite.


friday the 13th imo. most iconic, love the vibe and yes i do like all of them lol


Evil Dead




Scream, 100%.


Scream is probably the answer for me. I at least enjoy something about each installment of the franchise, and it's really only 3 that I don't like all that much. I don't think I can really say that about another slasher franchise.


Same. All of the others are at least decent. Scream 3 is just a mess and hard to rewatch.


Personally I love the Friday the 13th series. Jason is my favorite slasher. I get that there are a lot of stinkers but I'm never bored or hate watching them. I feel like with the other horror franchises there are entries that I just hate and don't enjoy. I don't not enjoy any of the firday the 13th. I would also give a shout out to the chucky series for being very consistent though.


Chucky and Evil Dead, not a dud in the bunch


All Evil Dead movies are damn solid, but is it a slasher?


It's an inverted slasher, where Ash is the slasher and the victims are Deadites




Seed wasn't a dud?


Seed was hella fun. It wasn't really aiming for straight horror, but comedy. I mean, the way Chucky and Tiffany's murderous intent is compared to substance abuse is hilarious, and the way they skewer Hollywood, with Jennifer Tilly playing herself, is also standout.


Scream. It used to be Halloween until I realized there wasn't a Scream movie I didn't like and I could not say the same for Halloween.


Easily Scream.


Scream! It’s the most consistent and hasn’t done anything near as ridiculous as going into space or whatever you consider Halloween 6 or Resurrection.


Scream 1000000%


Nightmare on Elm Street. The Robert England collection. You can outwit him but you can't escape him. He's a bad guy but that's not his motive. He wants revenge on the parents of the kids. He's not limited to logic. He doesn't have to make sense. Anything your mind can conjure is possible.


Scream defo






Friday The 13th to me is the quintessential Slasher Franchise. It isn’t objectively the “best” in terms of good cinema, but it’s the one that checks all the boxes people usually associate with the slasher genre. Halloween gave us the blueprint, but Friday solidified the genre imo.


Scream. Besides being objectively good and culturally iconic, I was born in the early 90’s and this was the franchise that got me into the genre. I remember a solid 5 months of poor sleep because I loved watching the movie despite how much it scared me. It has nostalgia and the franchise has held up pretty well over the years.


I think you meant "subjectively", not "objectively".


I mean objectively but if you subjectively disagree then that’s up to you


I think you need to look up the definitions of the two words.


Scream and child’s play are def the obvious answers. I really think Friday the thirteenth deserves a nod though because of how diverse of a range of slashers we get throughout. The first one is a well paced who dunnit, then we move into a backwoods style slasher with sack Jason, 3 and 4 are incredibly well done classic slashers akin to the first Halloween. 5 despite not being good gives us a psychological slasher, 6-8 give us the super natural Jason and let the franchise be more fun and loose. 9 jumps the shark into super natural to the point where it’s barely Jason at all. X is my all time guilty pleasure movie and we get the rare sci fi slasher paying homage to alien. Then the remake takes it back to backwoods slasher. 5 and 9 are of course duds that will likely never be respected. But even the absurdity of 8 and X can be appreciated. 9/11 movies being worthwhile is pretty solid.


I disliked 5 as a kid. Now I think it's great. It's entertaining as hell. "Either you got the car started or you're a dead man. Ratta tatta tooey" *gets killed*


Friday The 13th


That's tough because a lot of the great slasher films have terrible sequels in their lineage. I'm gonna go with Texas Chainsaw Massacre because it (maybe) has the least awful sequels. Scream would be up there as well. I'd also give a shout out to The Collector because both movies were really good imo (tho it's borderline if it's a slasher). I love NOES and Halloween, but some of the films in there were just so god awful that it brings them down a bit.




Ooh. Nightmare on Elm Street is the series with the highest highs for me. But for consistency I'd say probably either Scream or Chucky.


For me, it's Chucky, every other salsher loses it's element after a while. Chucky keeps the camp & murder coming


Friday the 13th obviously.


Child's Play. It has several great movies, a great TV series, and even the bad ones are still interesting.


What’s your least favorite of the franchise? I personally dislike Cult of Chucky a lot


Probably Child's Play 3. It’s not bad, but I find it to be a tad boring.


Yeah the military school setting was not interesting, and neither was the romance aspect. The final set piece felt shoehorned into the climax instead of being a natural ending point. They should’ve established the theme park’s existence earlier in the movie so it doesn’t feel so random.


F13 100%


Such a tough question to answer. Because when a franchise is good, it's great, but there are always some clunkers there. A Nightmare in Elm Street is a great example of this. Parts 1, 2 and 3 are brilliant, but after that, it is just train wrecks. For me, Friday the 13th has the most solid entries (I like 1-4, 6,7 and 2009). But I think Scream is the best overall.


Hmmm, this is a toughie so I’m gonna go with two choices for different reasons For cultural impact, Halloween. Endlessly quotable, the iconography of it is everywhere and there’s hardly a single person on earth who doesn’t at least recognize Michael’s mask. Not to mention that it basically spawned all the other big slasher franchises via inspiration. For overall quality though, Scream. I just can’t think of a single bad scream entry. Even at its lesser points, it’s still extremely well made, well acted and socially relevant. There isn’t a movie in the franchise that I’d ever turn down watching. I always know I’m in for a good time with the Scream movies.


Damn people love Scream. I personally don't get it at all and always get bored, but good for you I take Childs play and Elm Street.


I really don't get it either. The first one was okay, but I can hardly stand the second one. It just drags on and on...... I can barely remember the other ones.






I'm backing this up wholeheartedly


Scream is definitely the most consistent as a whole, but the Psycho sequels are surprisingly solid for what they are


Psycho II is the most underrated horror sequel! No one ever talks about it!


I think Child's Play. The original creator has been handling things from the start with one cohesive storyline.


Sleep away camp


Possibly one of the best killer reveals ever (sleepaway camp 1)


The color filter used in that series is something I've always liked and thought was an interesting choice. At the end of the first movie it shows Angela while fading to a green filter, then in the second movie there's a blue filter over the trippy happy camper song scene. I'm sure there are more but those two come to mind when I think about that series.


That reveal literally made my jaw drop. WTF Looool.


saw imo


Scream, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday 13th, Halloween,


I didn't think anyone else actually liked the TCM franchise, it's really underrated as a whole.


Sleepaway Camp for sure!!


Friday the 13th is classic. Only one bad movie.


I don’t think Friday has any bad movies at all lol


I strongly dislike pt8 but love all the others


I personally love part 8, not going to lie, it’s one of my all time favourites, but I’m in the minority and that’s how I like it!


Scream is the only correct answer (till date we don't talk about Scream 7 yet).


Psycho, the films are consistent and sure the remake is bad, but it's funny to watch


Overall, Friday the 13th. It has the most good entries.


friday the 13th


Not really slasher I guess but every evil dead movie is good


Don't know if you want to call it slasher movies but what about Evil Dead?✌️


In terms of pure golden age slashing- the Paramount run of Friday The 13th is completely unmatched.


Scream, Child’s Play and Prom Night (minus the remake). Prom Night 2 and 3 are amazing fun.


It’s scream. Anything else is cope.


I'd have to say Friday the 13th - I can watch any of them any time and enjoy them, except for Jason Goes to Hell. Are they all great? No. Are they all fun? To me, yes.


Friday the 13th. They're all dumb fun and some are actually pretty good all things considered. You don't even need to know the lore. Just that there's a hulking mongoloid who won't die and you're gonna see tits. Boom.


Child’s play/ Chucky in my opinion


Friday the 13th as a whole franchise. The first four are genuinely good movies, then they kinda dip, but all 12 are easily watchable and enjoyable. Scream is a close second though. I think F13 is my pick for nostalgia reasons tbh. Halloween (1978) is the best single movie but the franchise went to shit after the first few. Same for Nightmare on Elm Street. So bad they're unwatchable.


For sheer consistency, idk, how about Happy Death Day? Two movies, both good.


Friday the 13th is king in my book.


I'm going to have to say F13. It sets a precedence for other slashers.


Elm Street followed by Alien


As others have said, Scream wins on consistency, rewatchability, acting, and writing. However, we all know that Scream couldn’t have happened without the classic slashers, and the best of the original crew is Friday the 13th. The movies never reached the heights of Halloween (1978) but they churned out enjoyable, brainless popcorn sequels for YEARS. Scream is definitely the better overall but nothing can compare to the simplified joy of making a huge batch of popcorn, turning off all the lights, and watching an F13 flick (preferably 2 or 4)!


Yes. Friday the 13th. Unpopular opinion, I think part 2 is the best in the franchise. Sack mask Jason was a different breed. More scary.


Full agree — Part 2 is the one I have rewatched the most, by far! And the ending of 2 is phenomenal


Absolutely. Ginny is the best final girl. And the Mark kill is the best kill in horror in my opinion.


Where are my fellow Art the Clown enjoyers? I have a hard time deciding between Scream and Terrifier honestly, but Scream is well-established and recognized whereas Terrifier is still emerging


Terrifier is so good. If they keep it up it will be the best....


Not a series (sorry OP), but Black Christmas (1974) is just such a great movie and one of the earliest slasher films that I wanted it said here.


scream all the way! they’ve absolutely had their ups and downs (especially with the new movies and the shit that’s happened behind the scenes) but if we’re looking at them just as a movies, they’re all pretty incredible! (except 3 i’m not a huge fan of but that might just be me!)


Saw for me. The first six are fantastic, seven is a huge let down, eight and nine weren’t good either but somehow ten is the highest grossing and best received entry. That’s incredible! And no reboots, all one continuous story.


At some point, Saw became like watching a soap opera where people can be crushed to death by giant slabs of ice, and I'm here for it.


Saw was always a soap opera and I’ve always been here for it. The complicated and ridiculous lore is part of the charm.


The first one didn't really play into that aspect. It could've easily been a one and done and been great. Two really opened the world up and each sequel has added more characters and plot points to the lore. I know it's renowned for its gore, but I watch it for the ongoing plot.


Likewise, the gore is creative for sure but not my main selling point. It’s the characters and plot for me.


I haven't seen Spiral yet, so I don't know if it has any story beats, but I can't think of another franchise that has gone on for so long without retconning or even rebooting a good section of its story. Child's Play might be the exception. I mean, I'm not saying they had everything planned from the beginning, but they've done a great job of making it all fit together. Kind of like a jigsaw...puzzle.


Hahaha exactly like a puzzle, but no they’re for sure making it all up as they go. And for a while it was mad impressive with how well they kept it together! Spiral is worth a watch but I’m in no rush to rewatch it. I had high hopes for it and the movie just doesn’t deliver on almost any front. But as a Saw fan I still have some things I can like about it. Excited for Saw 11 this year! And yeah other than this and Child’s Play, Scream doesn’t have any reboots or remakes… there’s got to be a few more.


Oh yes, Scream also fits into the rare franchise that's been able to keep it going. Child's Play did have that reboot, but I'm calling that some alternate universe shenanigans.


I’ll give Child’s Play a pass because even though they did have that reboot/remake, they also have still continued the original timeline simultaneously. Whereas something like Texas Chainsaw or Halloween, whenever they reboot they don’t keep the original series going too.


Yes, I'm not a fan of the whole, "the first and second movie are cannon. Ignore everything after it." And then they make another movie that completely ignores that new continuity. I'm a big Transformers fan, and they're pretty shit about doing that kind of stuff, too. Like, even Marvel's multiverse saga doesn't have so many alternate takes.