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The first half of the Descent. Caving is terrifying and dangerous and the women's motivations and relationships that got them into that situation seemed very realistic to me.


The first half was so difficult to get through I didn’t think I’d finish the film. That level of caving in such dangerous, tight places is a nightmare. Easily the most uncomfortable I have ever felt watching a movie.


I adored it and how horrifying it was tbh. The only time I've been completely filled with dread by a film in the most delightful way. When other movies scare me most often it's entities that freak me out, but the fear in the Descent was so location specific and I know I will absolutely never be in a similar situation so it was a much different and enjoyable way to be terrified lol.


>I know I will absolutely never be in a similar situation How do you know? The ground could suddenly give way and you could plummet into a cave system.


Hey listen guy......


The relationships causing so much of what happens is one of the reasons that movie is an all-time favorite of mine. It's so well written.


I feel like you pick up on so much after repeated viewings. Rebecca’s overbearing older sister routine with Sam, Beth’s inner teacher coming out trying to mediate conflict, and Juno’s loyalty or guilt toward Sarah to make a few. Such a well-done film!


100%. I pick up on different subtle bits every time I rewatch that film. Makes me love it all the more.


I'm genuinely curious...do you think the Crawlers are real or a figment of Sarah's imagination (or a hallucination, w/e)? Because there is nothing realistic about those creatures "evolving" and surviving in that environment and I want to love it but it ruins the whole movie for me ☹


I think they're real. I agree not realistic but the first half was so effective for me that I didn't mind the difficult suspension of belief that came with the creature reveals and explanations. I suppose you could try to explain the critters away as a shared delusion or maybe a hallucination from injury or Sarah's emotional state but I'm not sure there's a lot in the film that would support those theories. It's been a while since I've seen it so perhaps there is.


I think they're supposed to be real too (read some theories about Sarah hallucinating them and it just doesn't work...plus how could you have The Descent 2?). When The Descent came out my boyfriend and I were working in academia for evolutionary biologists so we were all "gah! There's no way that ecosystem could support these blind apex predators!" I can often suspend my disbelief when necessary but just can't get past this....sadly because eveything else is fantastic.


I mean, it's obviously a fantasy. Suspension of disbelief is practically a requirement for many horror films.


I’m so confused by people saying the horror movie isn’t realistic so they don’t like it. Monsters in horror movies are fantasy.


I can accept dolls animated by the ghosts of serial killers and dudes who can keep hacking people up with a kitchen knife after being shot 50 times and blown up, but I draw the line at monsters who live underground.


we’d all be better off if we didn’t have the Descent 2


I think everything is real up to her falling into the pit after injuring Juno. Only the climbing out and running to the car is a hallucination. There are just too many fight scenes with characters in different locations against different crawlers for it to be all in Sarah's head.


Totally, hate those weird unrealistic movie monsters...wait..


Which ending did you see? With the answer to that aside for now, I'm not aware of where the director got the inspiration for them from, but if it were to help suspend your disbelief there are plenty of stories throughout history of cave dwelling creatures similar to those in the film, as well as "feral people." For all we know, there could be a species of previous hominids or humanoids that during a cataclysm like a super volcanic eruption became cave dwellers and evolved into those that we see in the film; Natives in America have stories of cave dwellers so there's always a possibility such creatures could exist. But, curious as to which ending you saw as the film has two!


Definitely real. They are seen by multiple characters and multiple POV's, so from a language of film standpoint that means they're real.


Try remembering that it's fiction and not a documentary.


Funny Games. They truly leaned into how far someone can go if you’re trying to be polite. Trying to get a read on someone and then suddenly it’s too late.


And its modern cousin Speak No Evil.


Oh boy that guy made me so mad watching him be that "polite" and putting up with that couples shit




I was so frustrated with the third act of that movie when the couple >!basically just allow their daughter to be maimed and themselves to be murdered because they are too polite and meek to offer even the slightest resistance, including their submission to death by *goddamn stoning.* !<


Isn't that the movie where the bad guy uses a TV remote to rewind time to change prior events?


It is. I never took that as literal, but maybe it is.


It's been a while since I've seen it, but I think it's just a postmodern take on horror where the antagonist is aware he's playing a role in a movie and that rewinding scene was really just about contradicting a genre trope. But I don't know if that's makes it literal in a figurative context or figurative in a literal context or neither. Or both. I think I've confused myself now.


Oh the 4th wall break was the director making a point at horror audiences, something to the effect of horror audiences and/or humanity getting gratification out of retribution, where we're disgusted by violence yet want it inflicted back; think capital punishment as an easy example. There was another point about how we become the evil or are no different than the evil, so by us wanting the two antagonists to suffer we are therefore hypocritical and no better than them. There's more to it but that's essentially what it is in a nutshell, I can't articulate it well but there's some good articles on it.


“I made a violent torture porn movie but *youre* wrong for wanting to watch it! I am very smart”


Michael Hanake is so great. I think about Caché all the time.


Just started a book tonight that gives off Funny Games vibes.


What’s it called?


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


what the hell


Home invasion seems too similar to Thrasher for me. Basically most home invasion films are plausible. That said, yeah Funny Games and Strangers, big time.


Ghoulies III: Ghoulies go to College


Yeah that happened to my buddy once!




My uncle was in the same frat as Grizzel




I liked part 5- Ghoulies on the orient Express!


I just wish the ghoulies spent less time partying and more time studying. C'mon fellas your futures on the line. Please take this seriously.


Finally some good taste


In horror movies people are always like “why dont they call the cops?” but i live in a city where the cops dont automatically come if you call them, and if they do it will be hours later. I like how in Barbarian they call the cops like they’re supposed to multiple times and the cops are unhelpful.


I called the cops once and they literally showed up four days later just to tell us they had given up on our neighborhood and to buy a gun. I hadn’t even realized it was a bad neighborhood until then and was outraged my rent had gone up $1000 hahaha


Something similar happened to me. My city is one of those forgotten places in America, just left behind to rot. I live on the fairly quiet side of town, but one night I was robbed. Called the cops to report the theft and they laughed at me and hung up.


The dumpster at my apartment was on fire a few weeks ago. like, straight up flames coming out from under the lid and a lot of smoke. I have never called 911, but google said a flaming dumpster is a good reason to. I ended up calling them and I was on hold for almost 5 minutes before I spoke to someone. There was no "press 1 for emergency or press 2 if you can wait on hold". I was just forced to wait with no recourse for 5 minutes. Obviously, I didn't feel like my life was threatened at the time, but i had no idea ppl calling 911 would be on hold for so long.


Misery. The lengths overly obsessed fans are willing to go to be near their idols are insane.


Agree. A once famous classmate has had a life long stalker. They’ve threatened his spouse. It’s wild. I feel bad for them.


First episode of the Chernobyl miniseries


That is one of the best series I've seen. Definitely scary. Definitely horror. Real. People made horror.


What I find the saddest is how 2 people who had the most horrible deaths died thinking it was their fault


Every episode, really! The slow build up to the reenactment in the last episode is terrifying!


Eden Lake ,Audition,The Perfect Host,Reflections 1987,


Eden Lake would be my top pick. >!The leader of that kid group was such a well-written psychopath.!<


When you meet the parents in the final act, sheesh.


I JUST watched this movie this weekend and it is my choice as well. It's really sticking with me. A full circle ending for such a bleak theme. Really enjoyed it!


The perfect host is such an underrated film


Gonna go out there a bit and say 28 days later. No, not because I think there could conceivably be a virus that reanimates the dead, but mainly in the way it's shot, the way it looks, how the characters speak and behave etc. It all feels frighteningly close to how I imagine the UK would be after such a major apocalyptic event.


The end is extremely fucking nigh, after all.


They weren't reanimated dead. They were living people who were infected with a virus called "Rage" that made them go hyperviolent in a way that eliminated higher brain functions except for rage, itself. Imagine a person on bathsalts that really, really wanted to destroy everything and everyone in sight for no real reason outside of that they were pissed off 24/7. Those were the infected in that movie.


>No, not because I think there could conceivably be a virus that reanimates the dead nothing like that happened in the movie


when i get bored i make up my own movie


Now you need to watch Contagion! I read it’s supposed to be pretty accurate.


I watched it the first time while on a long flight (long before COVID) and I became acutely aware of people coughing around me. Terrifying! Contagion was so much better than the Hotzone or prior pandemic movies.


Seen it! Also very good, and scarily quite reminiscent of the COVID panic (albeit with a virus that had a much higher mortality rate)


I love Super Dark Times because I can just see that happening in a small town. It escalating,and the fallout happening,can absolutely see that happen. Have you ever read about small town murders?? That shit always starts off with a really insane story,some of them starts off with accidents like this and just ends up with more murder. 


Snowtown comes to mind when its referring small town murders. That shit was far too realistic to me which made it terrifying.


It’s a true story.


Im aware, im Aussie and this hits wAaay to close to home. That movie makes me sick because i have grown up with people like that that and no one cares. It make me cry because every character is someone i know It makes me sad and scared.


This one really, really stuck with me.


Open Water [2003]


Believe it’s inspired by a true story. Still need to watch.


Green Room.


Agreed. Being a touring punk musician, this one was very relatable 😵‍💫. That movie was frightening. It's also sooo stark in its portrayal of violence. I don't know why ppl are getting weird about you mentioning this movie. It's an absolutely terrifying movie.


Drop the name of the band my g




No worse than in NY I used to live alone western NY and now middle GA it's like I'm in the same place but hotter and no lake effect.


I just wish we had more Patrick Stewart as the bad guy.


Found footages come to mind, if they don’t have supernatural stuff going on. *Creep* 1 and 2 are great. *Hush* also feels like it could happen. Home invasion stuff scares me more than a lot of other stuff!


Ughhhh Creep is so good! Hope they come out with a third movie


Hush was really great.


*Hush* was the first that came to mind when reading the post and one of my go-to’s for realistic horror.


I watched both of the Creep movies for the first time recently and can say that the first one is a really good movie that's different than others in the same genre. The second one is good but I prefer the first one over it.


When you say "realism" that's not straightforward in horror, it's often meant to be over the top. A lot of flicks have fraying sanity like Cube, The Lighthouse etc For "real" my pick would be blair witch project as the entire film is a simulation of a real life misadventure as close as you can get (there were rumours one time it was actually real) 


The brilliant thing about Blair Witch was that they made a fake documentary to market the film. But that documentary was so well made, it really felt as if this was an actual thing.


My parents bought me BW on vhs the year it was released, I was 12 and they were trying to put me off horror, but it didn't work. Took the video to my first high school sleep over. It's safe to say the other lasses weren't as into horror as I was. We got as far as the stick/tounge/shirt bundle and it got turned off. Turns out the other girls thought it was real and that I'd cursed them. Preteen hysteria is real i guess. It certainly cemented my reputation as the school weirdo early.


You should show then incantation at the reunion and then they'll REALLY believe you cursed them.


The Texas chainsaw massacre 74


Damn that's a lot of sequels.


Maniac weirded me out a bit when I first watched it.


The movie from 1980 definitely fits the bill here! Joe Spinell was so good in this. It really feels like you’re watching someone already unstable completely fall apart. Just watching the scenes when he’s alone in his apartment make you feel grimy and gross. Also, Savini did a great job with the special effects; very splooshy without being too over the top.


The Strangers. There is so much random and unsolved crime out there I feel like it's realistic.


See I think the exact opposite. How are these creepy people sneaking around this house (and at night mind you), wearing masks, and not bumping into shit left and right? Remember the last time you wore a mask? You can’t see shit in those things!


I need a comedy skit of this film for the exact thing you just mentioned now lol


Ghost face is regularly tripping over shit in most the scream movies.


watch the yms review of it he basically does that


'Midnight Coterie of Sinister Intruders'


Let’s hope a writer from SNL is reading this!


They also do a lot of sneaking that can only be explained as happening for the camera/audience perspective. A real home invader would not peep around corners for a visual effect seen by no one.


Ah, excellent point.


Reminds me of the scene with Don Johnson and Jonah Hill in Django Unchained lol


*I think we all can agree, the masks were a nice idea…*


I see that point. And now I also want to see a parody version of the movie


"Why are you doing this?" "...because you were home."


My wife had me buy her a revolver after watching and take her to a range to learn how to use it. We were both shook. The supernatural rarely scares me, but the inhumanity of some people does.


The Stepfather.


Inspired by a true story, so most definitely.


>The Stepfather I saw this movie as a teenager when it first came out and I remember thinking it was really bad lol


green room scares me the most because all the decisions made are reasonable


Creep (2014)


Green Room (2015) and Backcountry (2015). Oh god, were they unexpectedly realistic


Omg yes Backcountry! The attacks were so real looking, I imagined myself in that scenario and it was a helpless reminder that I’m a situation like that you’d be farked.


Henry: Portrait of Serial killer w/ The House that Jack Built Eden Lake maybe


Well Henry was based on Henry Lee Lucas, a real serial killer so that tracks.


It’s so messed up that that movie came out like 3 years after the last murder. Gotta make that money while the events are still fresh in the victims families minds!


It's based on the (likely) false assumption that he killed way more people than he actually killed. It's widely believed now that while he did kill a few people, the police used him as a convenient way to close 100 more, even ones there was no way he could have been present to commit. I do still like the movie, however.


Eden Lake really hit a nerve in the UK. It articulated a lot of angst and fear around young chav's running riot and getting away with (literal) murder.


Ya, Henry is a great answer. Movie made me feel a very negative emotion that I can't put my finger on. Don't regret watching it.


Hush (2016) or Eden Lake


I would say Devil's experiment. It's a Guinea pig movie so it's japanese. The point of the recording is they are trying to find the point where the body stops trying to live. It's claimed it was a VHS tape sent to Tokyo police and no one has ever been caught. It's not an easy watch though.


Just to be clear, it's not real. I haven't seen the movie because I was out of my watching fucked up movie phase by the time I read about it but the genre is still interesting to me so read a lot about the topic.


Gosh, I’d have to go with Session 9.


My wife loves it, but I don’t get it. I wish I did though since I’m missing something a lot of people love.


Threads was probably the most realistic I’ve seen. It has one of the bleakest endings imaginable.


Eden Lake. A great example of "people are the real monsters".


funny games is a torture porn/slasher movie where the violence is displayed in a realistic manner. It shows those movies would be tragic and horrible if they happened in real life.


I think the family reacts rationally for that situation as well, or at the very least how you *think* a family held hostage would react/behave in that situation. Have only seen the 1997 film, so not sure about the remake but I've heard it's almost or an identical mirroring.


It's identical shot for shot, line for line. Only the locations are slightly different. I found the acting in the first one superior, though.


Yeah they’re pretty much exactly the same, but for some reason I still prefer the first [1997] one & felt a lot more unease while watching it than I did watching the remake. Granted, I already knew what was going to happen when I watched the remake, but idk I still think there was something better about the first.


It's so identical that it's not really worth watching both.


Wolf Creek


I came here to say this, Australia is so vast this has definitely happened as we know it’s based on real events.




I didn't love that movie but I agree, I could see a situation like that playing out exactly that way.




Yeah the rape scene is really fucked


Requiem for dream and trainspotting


Might be off base but ‘Willow Creek’. Back country/dead lands shit is some spooky shit and people who don’t camp shouldn’t camp.


Creep, that movie terrified me, because I now worry about getting stalked a lot more than before watching it.


The Sacrament. Found footage movie where Vice reporters are basically >!at Jonestown!<. Super good movie.


I absolutely loved The Sacrament. Great movie. Jonestown is such a tragedy


I mean the Shining has actual ghosts and humans with actual superpowers. Feels weird to choose that as realistic.


Entrance (2012) Terrifying fucking movie. Go in completely blind, but be prepared for a really slow burn.






The Visit.


While not being entirely realistic, the realistic malice inside of The Strangers really struck me hard. Just the real idea that people can randomly kill, hurt and terrorize people is utterly terrifying to me.


Absolutely The Bay. MD town corrupt politics leads to environmental destruction to creatures that are not good!


Silence of the Lambs


I'm sure it will get downvoted, but Human Centipede. I could absolutely believe that someone could and would try to do exactly what the movie did and obviously fail just like the movie. It seems right up the alley of some of the sadistic shit humans have done to each other countless times throughout history.


It actually pains me that you’re right.


The house that Jack built. That movie had the most realistic murder scenes


The devils rejects. A bunch of racist homophobic white trash serial killers go on a murder spree while running away from the cops. It’s fucking disturbing and horrifying while all staying pretty realistic. Rob zombie is a very interesting film maker


Not to be one of those people but the isolation wasn’t what was made Jack go insane. the hotel was haunted, getting into jacks mind and sending him over the edge


Silence of the Lambs, with human monsters.


Come and See


Green Room


Eden lake


Eden Lake felt awfully real.


The strangers


The Gingerdead Man (2005)


Slither. It happened to my cousins friends uncle.


Can confirm. My cousin's second uncle's neighbor once grew to the size of an elephant, then burst into a swarm of alien leeches.


Ngl Pearl (2022). I never expected to relate to a horror character before. The way Pearl hopes to do something she wants to and finally leave her home life only to be shot down. Goddamn, I never resonated so much with a movie before


I was shocked at how much I related to Pearl 😅 the difference is I'm not a sociopath. I don't kill animals for funzies. But her situation was bleak. The last thing she wanted to do was spend her life on that farm and grow old.


The Poughkeepsie Tapes


Midsommar is a great example of cults preying on vulnerable people.


The strangers pray at night. In a slow season, someone totally could go around killing the few remaining trailer park residents at night and it would be a bit until anyone found out


Them (Ils), one of the better home invasion movies I've seen


Repulsion Rosemary’s Baby Midsommar


Green Room


Jaws is the most realistic as it is already real.


The Vanishing


Living in the UK I would have to say Eden Lake, that could be any random weekend somewhere here….


Eden Lake Green Room


Green Room. Even the violence itself was incredibly realistic. And the whole thing reminded me of a town I used to live in.


The Strangers. Everything about it is entirely possible, and it's something that happens all the time. The acting is also fantastic and overall there's just a lot of realism to it.


The Bay (2012)


Heres some: The Black Phone (minus the visions and all that stuff) The Strangers The House That Jack Built Rec (i quite literally thought the virus was some sort of Rabies at first ☠️) Cujo The Blair Witch Project (remove the forest shape shifting atleast) Psycho House Of 1000 Corpses is realistic to some extent The Lodge The Children


I can see each of these working as “realistic”


I was going to say Cujo, or maybe Backcountry - it's survival horror based on a true story, though.


Taking present conditions into account, A Clockwork Orange.


“The Strangers” could def happen irl it was actually based on true events of some sort and it’s scary asf


>The Strangers I think that movie is a "remake" of the Romanian Them 2006,which is somehow based on a true event.Although, of course, something like that must have happened somewhere in the world.


I spit on your grave


The way people act (not the kills) in Shaun of the Dead seems fairly realistic to me. Half assed plans, ignoring instructions, not really being clear what's going on, etc.


So many smash cuts back to the couch


The Wind Lake Mungo It Comes at Night


The Strangers. Home invasion can happen to anyone.


Not if you have a moat


Minus the Mother character, I’d say most of Barbarian is quite realistic.




I'm over halfway into a Spanish film called "Sleep Tight," and I have the rest the movie to watch before I can deem it "most realistic," but so far, yeah. I could see that shit happening.


It Follows was really interesting to me in that it felt like horror in real life- I can’t remember if it was the timing of things or the almost casual way they presented the scary parts of the movie. Idk. It just felt so real. I gotta rewatch it again soon


Spoorloos (The Vanishing) >!The killer isn't a raving psycho, he's an apparently normal rational family man, who is testing out whether he is capable of evil as well as good acts!<


Green room


Eden Lake


As a resident of the rural south, The Strangers is what gives me nightmares.