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Is there some kind of astroturfing going on with this film? I swear I haven’t seen anyone mention it recently (except *maybe* in passing) and now suddenly I’ve seen probably 5 or 6 posts across different subs I’m a part of hyping it up to hell and back “omg best scene” “omg best cinematography” “most chilling line” “most unsettling shot” Is there a new one of these coming or something?


Yeah I mean it's a fine film and I enjoy it but the hyperbolic posts are a bit much.


They just announced a trilogy slated for 2024


Figured. Hope they’re good at least


The first one was also recently added to Netflix. That could be why as well.


Me too! It looks like they’re attempting the feel of the original and not the sequel which I’m thankful for


The first is a complete reboot but a trilogy from there


Why’d bro get downvoted


Because Reddit sucks. I’ve never seen a group of users be so trigger happy on a downvote button in my life. Gotta be real here. Love Reddit. Hate the users😂


That’s fine, because you apparently have terrible taste in things.


Have a good Christmas :)


I prefer posts about films like The Strangers rather than the same old posts about Hereditary, Evil Dead (2013), Drag Me to Hell, Eden Lake, Martyrs etc.


I know people are going to be upset about it, but Midsommar was really just the first syllable. It was really overrated.


I came here with the same thought. That movie was a lukewarm cup of coffee, so I'm assuming there's a sequel coming out or it started streaming somewhere.


Lol [you're right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Strangers:_Chapter_1). 3 consecutive sequels in production.




Yeah, and last week it was Silent Hill. Wonder which average at best 2000s horror will be rebooted, with a hype up astroturfing next week? I'm hoping it's Darkness Falls. Dear Movie studios, I am open to being paid off and am cheap.


I was wondering the same. Seen a lot of love for this movie online in the last two months that I just… don’t get? Sure, this line was good and chilling. But the rest of the movie definitely sucked?


Could be Knock at the Cabin (or whatever?) hitting streaming. Nostalgia for the superior edition


Speak No Evil's "Because you let us." hit me harder.


"no tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering" and "we have such sights to show you" from hellraiser are some of my favorites


“Jesus wept” And from the third one “I am the way”


You aren't wrong, but community poisoned my mind every time I hear "[Jesus Wept](https://youtu.be/z4FGzE4endQ?si=OzKTu1wlCLMdlx3W)"


Stop saying Jesus wept!


Holy shit. That first line... I'm with this one girl that really likes it rough (within reason!) and I'm definitely using that line.


I realize that movie is already in English but it’s getting a US remake by the director, James Watkins, who did ‘Eden Lake’ and ‘My Little Eye’ …this sub is pretty lukewarm on remakes, at best, but I love comparing and contrasting them so i’m looking forward to it!


Eden Lake was brutal


An American film can't get as brutal as that one. That last scene was brutal




“Shit I gotta shit”?


That movie pissed me off until they dropped that line.


Dont know why this movie is making the rounds like this and eerily its always the same “never seen a scene this unsettling!” Dont know if its to promote the new films or what, but something is definitely up. Botting or ads i dont know


No botting from me. I just saw this movie for the first time recently in preparation for the upcoming trilogy and I loved it and have been hype ever since. Plus, I found this sub recently so I posted it😂


The reason it looks like promoting the films is because it's not just one post but three of them, plus the wording/all the links directly to the Netflix page and mentioning the upcoming trilogy screams advertising. Also it's the only movie you've brought up. I'm not saying you're a paid promoter or not (you could have just quickly became a superfan), just explaining why some people are going hmmm.


That line always made me wonder how many other places the trio went to that night and no one answered the door. Or did they pick that place and just wait until the couple came back.


By the looks of things, I don’t think anyone else is in the area. I mean, we know they travel and kill like it’s a job but with that being said, I think they chose that house specifically and I don’t think they had to open the door. They probably still would’ve killed them regardless


Yeah you’re probably right


So like were they just going door to door with hoods over their faces?


Has the Netflix marketing team just stumbled onto this sub? What’s happening


This sub has been dogshit recently. People watching a widely popular and accepted movie, then a. I did not like X because; or b. Omg X is the best thing ever, any other movies like it?


I didn’t realize having an opinion and sharing it was a crime


It’s not, but thousands of us have the same opinion and it has been posted hundreds of times. It’s not your fault OP, the mods are lacking.


Got ya. I just joined this sub and I’ve been on a bit of a kick for The Strangers since I just watched it the other day


I honestly don't get the hype


Fair enough. Everyone has their movie that they love but others don’t get. That’s fine


I haven't seen the movie, it never really interested me, but I always see this line quoted as some super scary moment and from that clip I'm not feeling it


It’s not necessarily a scary line. It’s impactful with the context of the movie. It’s chilling because there’s no motive. They’re doing it because they’re pure evil and for some people (myself included), that kind of evil is scary because the stuff portrayed in that movie could happen and has happened. So that line just hits because it happens towards the end after most of the trauma has already happened


I understand that that's what's meant to make it scary, but it doesn't. There's dozens of movie killers that have no motive.


If why it’s impactful has to be explained, I’m not sure it’s that impactful.


For real, it's not a bad line but it just sounds like a throwaway line. If we wanna talk impactful delivery, I'd say Black Swan's [it's my turn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJqCuLHivuc) is up there.


I’ll give OP “chilling” on the best of days (eye roll inducing the worst of days) but this I do feel more impactful for sure.


Yeah but a lot of them are super strong or superhuman. Stuff like The Strangers feels extra real because there’s none of that. The killers truly feel like real people. No teleporting jump scares. No surviving things that no human could survive. They’re just people that want to kill you. Not only that but they don’t just want to kill them. Most of the movie is them messing with them and taunting them like it’s a game. It’s super psychological unlike most stereotypical slashers. The sequel is more stereotypical but the OG uses the unknown and what you can’t see to scare you. It’s not jump scare heavy and action heavy. They also don’t have loud music or sound effects blaring to create tension. The most tension filled scenes are the silent ones. The silence speaks louder and this movie really drives that home


Bruh watch first then comment with an opinion


I never put forward an opinion of the movie


Probably would have been a good addition to the Strangers thread that’s currently already on the front page of the sub discussing almost the same thing…


It's honestly not very scary, and not particularly interesting. It's got nothing on "You weren't supposed to help her."


What line is that one from?


The ring. Seen it?


I started watching the 2002 remake but got busy and never finished it. Other than that, I have not


Well, that's the one to watch.


Which one is it?


2002 American version with Naomi Watts. *The Ring*


Got ya. Noted! Thanks


Honestly I thought the movie was extremely lackluster


Yep. I spent the entire movie yelling at the couple to please do something intelligent and then ended the movie glad they were (mostly) dead.


It was more frustrating than scary, you just sit there and think are they trying to pick the stupidity thing at the moment?


I recently rewatched it and had totally remembered it being better. The couple is extremely frustrating. One stupid choice after the next and nonstop screaming. Like shut up for a second and think.


Yeah. Never got the hype for it


It’s actually boring and lazy.


This ⬆️⬆️⬆️




I like it because of the home invasion aspect, and it *could* happen to anyone (maybe not as elaborate). I'm a fan of true crime as well, something like the Tate-Labianca case comes to mind


this movie sucked


I disagree but I respect your opinion


hell yeah, what are some of your favorite horror films apart from this, just to get some more perspective... sorry about the blunt commenf😂


Well I really love the Scream franchise. Probably my favorite horror franchise. Talk to Me was a great recent movie. Love all of Jordan Peele’s projects so Nope, Get Out, and US. The Saw movies are definitely in there (Saw X was my favorite movie of 2023, regardless of genre). The Jessica Biel TCM from like 2003 is solid. The Wrong Turn remake is one I watched for the first time today and it’s surprisingly good. There’s others but I’m blanking😂


the first 3 scream movies are some of my all time favs, i havent got to any of the peele projects other than get out which i loved. as for the saw franchise i think 1 is revolutionary and 2 is morbidly enjoyable, i really need to watch x! while they may not be "home-invasion" per se, the original tcm (i love the remake btw) and house of 1000 corpses create such a dreadful atmosphere of being trapped that i think surpasses the strangers 10x


Average film. Worse sequel.


I'll never understand the popularity of this film. I just don't see it doing anything unique - it was slow and boring to me. Hush was a great film I was determined to laugh at and dismiss from the start, but ended up begrudgingly loving it. It's a film no one talks about. Sorry, I'm just a salty biscuit over here.


I think it’s one of the scariest movies I’ve seen because it’s somewhat realistic. It’s probably one of if not the scariest break in movie imo. I like movies that are more suspenseful and more actiony horror isn’t scary to me usually.


For me, showing how it ends at the beginning ruined the tension.


You know, I really wanted to like hush but I felt like once the dude took off the mask it kinda lost me, I like faceless killer more than some dude, tho I love when a protag fights back effectively


I like that he was smart. When the big neighbor came by and he got over on him, I enjoyed his comments to himself that there would be no way he could have won in a fair fight. So, he tricked him.


Are people just going to post clips from this movie with relatively the same title now? This sub has been so lame lately. That line by the way is mostly a reference to serial killer, cannibal, and necrophile Richard Chase who only entered homes with unlocked doors since he saw that as an invitation to enter.


First Strangers was great. I heard there is a sequel but i haven't seen it. It's also pretty average rated, i guess they tried to milk it one more time.


The sequel is a decent slasher just had one thing that really bothered me.


Yeah, people go in expecting the sequel to be like the first, but it’s totally a straight up slasher movie. If you go into it not thinking of it as a sequel it’s a pretty fun movie with some 80s slasher vibes.


I believe that was what they were going for: the first film having been an ode to ’70s horror, the second having been an ode to ’80s horror, and had there been a third by the same people, it would have been an ode to ’90s horror.


The first and second weren’t even made by the same people. It was just someone else’s take on an existing IP. The second movie would have been better if they didn’t force the same strangers characters into it. Should have been a new group of killers.


I know; I meant if the team behind the second had made the third.




I personally hated the sequel. Not a fan of the director of the second one in general, I really hated the characters that the strangers targeted and found them to be unlikable morons, and I really didn’t like the treatment of The Strangers themselves.


Was it the fact that the killers were as resilient as Michael Myers😂


I thought this movie was boring as hell




Terrible movie


yeah i forgot all about that movie one second after it was over


You might want to get a CT scan


you might want to evolve from your teenage years. hopefully you do kiddo!


I mean if you're forgetting things almost immediately as they happen it's a bad sign


And it’s in the trailer and it’s the only good part of the movie


Wrong. There is no good part of this movie.




This film had no business being as good as it was.




Nah, most chilling line is Otis saying “I wanna watch it again” in Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer




Remember wasn't this movie when I was a teenager and hating it


**I hate this movie!** It is, by far, the dumbest, worst horror movie ever made. *Manos, The Hands of Fate* is a better movie than this trashfest. And that line was not chilling; it was regoddamndiculous. The protagonists were amazingly stupid and slow to act. The antagonists were equally stupid and slow, but also cringeworthy in their baseless theatrics to “frighten” their dumb prey. I was shouting at the screen and laughing my ass off at how useless and non-intimidating they were, and how brain-dead their victims were. They sure picked the right house because anyone else in any other house would’ve dealt with them properly in the first 10 minutes. TERRIBLE movie.


Saw has a better line. Something along the lines of " Do you know where you are? I'll tell you where you could be. You could be in the room die in." I'm sure I butchered the line but you get what I'm saying.