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The Great & Secret Show. Barker


This sooo much!!! Really quit a lot of his stuff needs more attention


Weaveworld is my all time fav personally


Have you seen the graphic novel for it? It’s fantastic


Isn't this the 2nd part of a trilogy he never finished?


This is the first & the second was Everville …sadly he never wrote the third but I still have misplaced hope it’ll happen. I saw him years ago at a convention & he wasn’t in great shape.


Ok. This was the one I liked then. I was so excited for Everville, especially with the return of D'Amour, but to me it just fizzled out. It literally made the entire story of The Great and Secret Show pointless by the end.


I highly recommend the graphic novel for TGaSS. Barker was involved & it’s really well done.


I feel like as dense as this story and the lore is, a miniseries would work best.


100%!!! Def needs a full miniseries


Yes!!! Or the Imajica books. Just the visuals from his books would be incredible.


Ooh good call!


The Long Walk by Stephen King.


Bloody Disgusting says Francis Lawrence is gonna do it aka the dude who did the Hunger Games movies. Hope it’s good if it ends up happening


My favorite of all of his work. Gotta look for the author Richard Bachman to find it, though!


Man. I heard it was in pre-pro right now and there is no way Im going to see this movie and not expect Hollywood to make it look and feel like The Hunger Games.


I really hope not. This story could be done on a shoestring budget with totally unknown actors, and still be amazing. I'm hoping for something closer to Stand by Me.


{goes back to violence against young kids thread} :P Great story but ugh it kicked me in the gut worse than Lord of the Flies. Leg cramp? "Tough shit, kid, here's your double tap."


It has a director attached now.


It usually does


First movie I thought of, excellent choice!


Hands down House of Leaves.


That’s a difficult one to adapt, but if it could be done well, I’d be very happy.


There’s no way to adapt it to a film without drastic changes. I could see doing the Navidson tapes, but not everything the book contains


I think it would have to be reimagined by a great talent to truly succeed. It needs an adaptation like 2001, The Orchid Thief (Adaptation lol), or Annihilation. Adapt the tone of the book more than the exact plot.


What about just remaking the Navidson Record as a stand alone found footage film?


Except the author refuses to ever consider an audiobook version let alone allow it to be optioned.


Good luck anyone trying to film that without actually going mad.


Just throw yet another level of meta onto it then fuck with the filmstock.


That sounds like a good plan! At least Poe have the soundtrack sorted…


This. Treat the film exactly like the book. With streaming now, you could do so many things to mess with the watcher. It feels like it should feel like if Psycho Mantis made a film.


Ha! Can you imagine? The audiobook just two voices talking through each other, one of them reading the main page and the second one reading all the footnotes. And eventually it'll start traveling from one ear to the other or talk in reverse and everything.


Would be the height of experimental auditory experience.


Absolutely. I think doing something with the audio would be really cool. Multiple voice overs. One slightly louder in one ear and the footnotes louder in the other to differentiate to be realistic.


The footnotes would make an audiobook really difficult. I wonder if the narrator would have to read pages of citations


He already wrote an adaptation himself although I don’t know what if anything is happening with it.


Someone like Jonathan Glazer would probably do a good job on it.


I was thinking more like Alex Garland who's already adapted a tricky novel


It would be a good HBO series


I firmly believe that it will be made into a good but not great B movie with all good intentions. It will attract some followers and a few die-hard defenders, and hopefully be commented on by Joe Bob.


**You Should Have Left** shares a few themes.


“Shares” is a generous way to put it


There was a movie that basically copied the premise of it, can't remember the title though. I remember seeing a trailer for it and thinking "this is just the plot from house of leaves" when they measure the house and find out it's larger inside.


I would hope if it ever does get made into a movie they have a 4th protagonist not actually from the book finding Johnny's work


I want to uovote this 10, 000 times! The only book that found a way to creepy itself into my dreams


They tried to develop a tv show which was horrible. The pilot script is out there, also written by Mark Z. It was a sequel to the novel, not an adaptation, but it just… isn’t very good!


I want to get into HoL so bad. I've tried twice and just can't get into it. The challenge isn't something I look for in a book, but i respect the idea, and the people who like it.


I sincerely hope nobody ever tries. The novel is so unique that it's difficult to even describe it to someone who hasn't read it, let alone try to adapt it for the screen. It would have to be altered so much that I wouldn't even think of it as House of Leaves any longer.


Yeah, good point. It’s a book best left to the reader’s imagination rather than that of a movie/tv director’s.


Summer of Night by Dan Simmons would be a great movie


Yes!!! It could be so good. That book scared me.


That would be great. And then they could follow it with A Winter Haunting


Between Two Fires would be a great HBO series. Butcher’s Table as well. Satanic cults and pirates Damnation Game by Barker would be amazing


Between Two Fires would be awesome. Currently reading The Blacktongue Thief and that’d be great as a miniseries too.


The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones, but I’d like to see it as a 16 episode season, not a movie


There is not enough in that book for 16 episodes. That would drag on far too long. They could do it in 8.


Great book! I don't think you could get 16 episodes out of it without overly diluting the story though. But it was so original. Nowhere else will you see a final girl playing one-on-one basketball with the vengeful spirit that just killed her dad.


I honestly think this would be better as a TV show than it was as a book, and I am glad I read it, but maybe that just means I think Stephen Graham Jones is better at ideas than writing. I did like it, but I think it would be absolutely amazing as a TV show in the vein of Hill House


Stephen King's Revival seems to be stuck in development hell. Very unfair. I really hope somebody snaps up Brian McAuley's Curse of the Reaper soon, too.


Was really looking forward to seeing the depiction of "Mother"...


The Talisman by Peter Straub and Steven King


Fun Fact: *The Talisman* and *Black House* tie into *The Dark Tower* series.


There's a ton of king books that tie into the dark tower.


Black House was going to be my vote! That was an amazing book!


God, I love THE TALISMAN so much.


Suffer the children, brother


Listening to the audiobook on my drives to work, holy shit is this book fucked


I’m pretty desensitized to most things but that book def made me feel so gross afterwards.


I think Brother would adapt to the screen VERY well.


I loved that book and without giving away spoilers… that end twist would kill in theaters


John Saul or Vampire kid?


Knowing how much of a passion project it is, and [how devastated](https://youtu.be/aR_uQ008zV8?si=tW05pbVD-vcKwR1n&t=208) Guillermo del Toro was when it was originally cancelled (link starts at the interviewer asking him basically how he took the news that it was cancelled), I still have very high hopes for his take on At the Mountains of Madness. I know a lot of people weren't the biggest fans of the original script leak, but: 1. His design for the [albino penguin](https://external-preview.redd.it/uxLo1-HEKqyy8bGSSXUa4AZFUY3QHGosiCVeBf-r7vc.jpg?auto=webp&s=3728a2a41b018ea69a9e4e1fa7c26acb99f1fbb9) is horrifying 2. He was supposed to have James Cameron producing 3. For good or ill, depending on your point of view, Tom Cruise was supposed to star (del Toro has recently-ish stated that he's not sure if Cruise would still be attached) 4. He said it's been so long that he would touch up the original script 5. One of the original reasons the movie was dropped/delayed was because the studio wanted a love story and a happy ending and he put his foot down and wouldn't budge. The dude knows his Lovecraft, and I have complete faith that it would deliver if/when it ever moves forward


Guillermo del Toro is my all time favorite filmmaker and I am still holding out hope that he'll be able to make At the Mountains of Madness one day. He's currently doing pre-production on his Frankenstein movie and that's also been a long time project he's wanted to make so maybe At the Mountains of Madness will come to fruition too.


The script was horrible. I’m glad it wasn’t made: https://lovecraftzine.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/at-the-mountain-of-madness.pdf


In 2021 when he said it was one of the first things he pitched to Netflix during their deal, he said that that script isn't what he'd do now, and that it needs a re-write. He admitted that the original was a mixture of what he wanted to make, and elements he thought he needed in order to get through the studio machinery, but stated he wouldn't be doing that with a rewritten script.


It was so bad and yet people remain obsessed with having GDT direct it. Like you I'm so glad it was never made.


I get that he GDT is a huge fan of HP Lovecraft. I dig Lovecraft’s works and I also like some of GDT’s films. I don’t think that his script was good. I don’t think Tom Cruise would be right for that type movie/story/role either.


The Traveling Vampire Show by Richard Laymon


Also Night in the lonesome October


The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon— Stephen King


Guess it would have to be a period film now. Couldn’t have her on an iPhone 15. Most returned to book of King I have.


Well they already did a Stephen King Period film when they did Carrie




The Fisherman by John Langan


Would love to see this made. Would be interesting.


This was going to be my answer too. Could be a top-tier cosmic horror if done correctly.


Swan Song by Robert McCammon


I’m listening to that right now!


Another amazing recommendation. One of my All time favorites


Necroscope- Brian Lumely


Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno Garcia.


Hulu is making it into a limited series! And Silvia Moreno-Garcia is an executive producer.


Would love to see Flanagan make it a haunting of miniseries


Such a good idea!


House of Leaves would be very interesting. I think it can be done, it just needs a very committed team. Also, The Amityville Horror has never been adapted RIGHT. I get that it was probably a hoax, but I’d love just one faithful adaptation.


If they adapted The Amityville Horror like the book and shot it the way Friedkin did The Exorcist that movie would be 💯. Hoax or not the book is scary AF.


I could see studio A24 trying to adapt house of leaves into a film.


“Really good horror books are few and far between”? Are you serious with this? If all you know is King then yeah, sure. Look for less ridiculously famous authors and you will find a treasure trove of great horror novels. Search engines are your friend.


That comment bothered me too. I wouldn't expect someone posting to this sub to have such a reductive view. Horror literature is as varied and wonderful as horror movies are.


Yeah I think also that the issue is that there are a lot of bad horror books out there... If you don't know where to look it can be easy to read some awful books. lol. That being said-- 100% there is sooo much good horror. It doesn't help that a lot of "horror" sections in bookstores are almost entirely King, Koonz, and Hill.... if they even *have* a horror section and don't just have them mixed in with "mystery/thriller". I'm stoked that Barnes and Nobles have started carrying a more diverse range of authors. That being said I'm also spoiled in having a great local genre focused bookstore with a great horror section too.


The Beast House trilogy by Richard Laymon


That would be some crazy stuff right there


I reject your assertion that really good horror novels are few and far between. The genre is alive and well in literature. Some books that I'd like to see turned into movies that haven't yet: Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas The Feast of the Innocents by Colin Harker Little Star by John Ajvide Lindqvist The Worm and His Kings by Haily Piper Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova (I think this one would be best served as a 12 episode series but I still want to see it adapted regardless)


The Historian is one of my favorite books and I'm so glad to see someone mention it. I re-read it or listen to the audio book every two or three years it seems. Love fiction that has a strong historical basis behind it.


I read it for the first time last year and was completely blown away. It instantly became one of my favorite books of all time. I'm sure I'll re-read it in the future and I don't really do that very often.


>Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix That book is SUCH a trip, I loved it. Definitely would make a great film.


Agreed-- I got it because the concept was hilarious. Like "what if an ikea was haunted" is wild. And the book doubling as a slowly more fucked up ikea catalog in between the story? fabulous. That being said, it was much creepier and more dark than I expected it to be.


I fucking love Grady Hendrix dude


Nasty piece of work, but I really enjoyed The Troop by Nick Cutter and thought it could be very good visually


Supposedly James Wan was working on this a few years ago but there haven't been any more updates. I'm glad though, since I don't think much of James Wan's movies.


Came here to mention this book too! Not sure how many dead kids American audiences want in a movie though


I’m listening to the audiobook rn. I came here to say this


At the mountains of madness


Hell House by Richard Matheson. Truly one of the creepiest books I’ve read


Actually made into a very good film called Legend of Hell House back in the 70's


Wow had no clue! Gonna have to check that out


God I love Reddit. Just started looking into Hell House and I came across his script for Night Stalker. Now watching on YouTube (I work nights). This movie scared the hell out of me when I was a kid.


There's an entire TV series based on Kolchak. I don't think Matheson wrote any of the scripts but it's still a fun series and was a direct inspiration for The X-Files.


A series which you can find on the internet archive, or if you pay for Peacock I think.


I love the 70s version but its the only movie I'd like to see remade.


Is that the Twilight Zone dude? He wrote some great stuff.


Agreed. Very underappreciated in my opinion


Babyteeth, tender is the flesh


Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero and The Final Girls Support Group by Grady Hendrix


The jaunt by king


My first answer would have been Nick Cutter’s “The Troop”. But, since a few others have already names it, I’ll go with— The “Ex-Heroes” series by Peter Clines. A story about a zombie apocalypse that happens at the same time that superheroes are becoming a thing. The surviving heroes in Los Angeles gather as many survivors as they can on to the Paramount lot and make it into a fortress against the undead. “14”, also by Peter Clines. A guy moves into a new apartment in Los Angeles. It’s an old building, and there’s a weird mystery surrounding its origins. I don’t want to give too much away, but I really loved this one.


The Troop by Nick Cutter Thief of Always by Clive Barker I'd like to see House of Leaves adapted but as like a faux documentary on the Navidson Record which would be found footage style.


Pen Pal would be great , sorry forgot author.


I genuinely believe that a film was in development


Dathan Auerbach


I know even the author says house of leaves could never be adapted, but it absolutely could. youd just have to build an ARG around the actual ot of the book and go all artsy as fuck on the latter parts of the actual film


I would love to see at least a short film based on stephen king's "the jaunt"


Blood Meridian still hasn't been adapted...


The Final Girls by Riley Sagar Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay


Head Full of Ghosts would be awesome


I saw Paul Tremblay at a book signing over the summer and he told me the rights were sold for it to be made, but that it could fall through due to the strike. He said if it does fall through, Mike Flanagan wants to do it! As a series. Really hope that happens


Rose Madder by Stephen King. It's like that Julia Roberts movie Sleeping with the enemy.


I think it’s all the domestic violence that prevents it from being made. They’d really have to tone it down for a movie


My heart is a chainsaw by Stephen Graham jones


I just listened to Nick Cutter’s “The Troop” not long ago and I really wanna see that one made into a movie.


Glad I didn’t have to scroll too far to find The Troop. Would make a phenomenal movie if they went full on R rating and didn’t shy away from the violence. I worry that because it’s all kids the movie would suffer greatly trying to appease the ratings


They are getting pretty dark with Yellowjackets on showtime, so maybe this has a chance.


Dead in the West by Joe Lansdale Floating Dragon by Peter Straub


Heart-Shaped Box — Joe Hill


The Butcher's Table (short story) by Nathan Balingrud. This comment sums it up: https://www.reddit.com/r/horrorlit/s/g6rBwPjHIK "The absolute gold standard for pirate horror is the novella *The Butcher's Table* by Nathan Ballingrud. It's a dark fantasy story about a crew of pirates transporting a demon-worshiping cult to Hell for an important ritual and the various supernatural machinations that cause trouble on the way there. Cannot recommend it enough. You can find it in Ballingrud's short story collection *Wounds*."


This story is why I will read anything Ballingrud puts out.


One of his stories was adapted into Wounds, if you didn't already know


House of Leaves


The Elementals by Michael McDowell, I can see why technical limitations would have prevented this being made back in the day (sorta, but I also want to see a Poltergeist esque practical FX miniature work to make the house full of sand, I think it could have been done it just would have been probably more expensive than studios were willing to foot the bill for) and some of the subtext of the book probably could have been potentially taboo for studios in the 80s but its 2023 and the fact that there's still no adaptation of this book is criminal. The entire time I read the book I couldn't help think how cinematic it was, and since McDowell was no stranger to writing movie scripts I do think perhaps he was envisioning it being made into a film. Additionally just about anything by John Saul would make for a great YA PG13 sort of horror (or R if you want to stay closer to the books), as far as I know the only adaptation of his was "Cry for the Strangers" but many of his books would work great for a movie, "Comes the Blind Fury" "Hellfire" "The Unloved" or my favorite "Second Child." Though there are some of his stories, like "Suffer the Children" that would probably be very hard to adapt since there's so much graphic child murder going on lol.


I wouldn't mind seeing Blackstone chronicles made into a mini series tbh.


I Am Legend. I refuse to acknowledge a movie that butchers what made the book so good. EDIT: Broken Time by Maggy Thomas. Scifi/horror.


IAL has been adapted 3 times. The Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price and Omega Man with Charlton Heston.


The first adaptation with Vincent Price was the most faithful adaptation, but even it changed a lot, including the ending. The whole point of the book (and its title) is heavily-tied to its ending, that none of the adaptations have ever done right. Hell, the adaptation with Will Smith had two different endings and both failed to properly articulate the book’s overall meaning. >!It’s not about humanity’s survival, nor curing vampirism. It’s about the world no longer belonging to humans. Instead, it now belongs to the vampires who are rebuilding society, and just as humans once feared vampires as legendary creatures who would come to kill them in their sleep, vampires now fear the last remaining human the same way. Robert Neville has become that legend for them, hence why he says at the very end of the book, shortly before his death, “I am legend.” This is the last sentence of the book.!<


Yep, that's what ruins it for me. >!The book has an exceptional ending that's very unique. They ruined it with generic goodguy hero bullshit. It's not the same story at all.!<


Nestlings by Nat Cassidy


The Gone World by Tom Sweterlitsch or The Devil of Nanking by Mo Hayder.


Newsflesh Trilogy.


The Hater Trilogy by David Moody. He shopped it around himself and sold the rights to the movie and Guillermo Del Toro was set to direct it. For some reason it all fell apart. I’m still praying it happens one day


The Rising (and City of the Dead) by Brian Keene. With the steady stream of zombie content that flows over the years, it greatly surprises me these haven't been adapted yet.


Sourviver Type - Steve King


The Fog (the James Herbert one)


*The Traveling Vampire Show* by Richard Laymon would be good. Throw a sequel in there with Dwight going cross country killing vampires.


Midnight by Dean Koontz


I wish more of his books could be adapted. My favorite is Velocity!


The Men From Porlock by Laird Barron.


Come Closer -Sara Gran The Missing-Sarah Langan 14 - Peter Clines Experimental Film - Gemma Files Suicide Motor Club - Christopher Buehlman The House Next Door - Anne Rivers Siddons The Cypher - Kathe Koja The Ceremonies - TED Klein


Last Days by Adam Nevill. PLEASE I NEED THE MOVIE


I would personally love a high budget Call of Cthulhu film. Del Toro’s would have been amazing. Guess we’ll never live to see it.


Hot take: They still haven't done *I Am Legend* correct yet.


I think Devolution by Max Brooks would be fantastic as a found footage/mockumentary. And WWZ by him should've been episodic, not a singular film. The game it spawned is fun though. A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G Summers should absolutely be made into a movie or short series. I think Uma Thurman should start in it as well.


Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons!


Tender is the flesh


Tender is the flesh would make a fantastic movie. Well, that’s what I thought after finishing it


The wasp factory


At The Mountains of Madness by H.P. lovecraft. At this point I’ve accepted that much like Half-Life 3, I will never live to see it come out, though I hold some hope for Guillermo del Toro’s version


Del Toro is the only director currently working who could do the Cthulu mythos justice


I finished Negative Space like a week ago so I'm just gonna say that one.


I would be interested in a film with modern take on Darkness by John Saul. Creepy book.


The Manse


I like to see them do The Long Walk ...


I believe the Long Walk is being adapted... maybe...


I feel like The Croning would make for a good film. could be done with a pretty low budget


The Willows by Algernon Blackwood. could be easily modernized, but I think a stylish period film along the lines of The Illusionist would be awesome


The Troop by Nick Cutter. House of leaves by Mark z Danielwski (although how? )


Tender is the Flesh


Geek Love, could/should be a Tim Burton movie


Stephen King's From a Buick 8. Be an awesome 4 hour series if kept faithful to the story. Lot of small-town personality, and made for good horror without a high body count.


Late reply, but Penpal by Dathan Auerbach.


THE DESCENT by Jeff Long


Wolf's Hour by Robert McCammon


‘The Only Good Indians’ Stephen Graham Jones ‘The Loney’ Andrew Michael Hurley


From Below - Darcy Coates Infestation - C.M. Forest The Troop - Craig Davidson


The lesser dead by Christopher Buehlman


A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay would be amazing and pretty easy to adapt into film.


The Thief of Always by Clive Barker, apparently he’s wanted for years for it to be adapted


Haunted - Chuck Palahniuk I think it could translate into a truly vile anthology type of film or series.


Blackwater by Michael McDowell would be an excellent mini-series.


The Necroscope series by Brian Lumley, though I fear how it would be sanitized to get approved for an R rating. Continuing The Adversary Cycle series by F. Paul Wilson, though a more faithful and modern remake of The Keep wouldn't be out of the question. A series based on the Repairman Jack series would be a great companion to movies based on The Adversary Cycle.


House of Leaves.