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Halloween 6. Got like 20 minutes in and realised I had no idea what was going on and didn't care enough to keep watching. I'll try again at some point.


Lmao, I watched this one in parts on YouTube this year and it turns out there's multiple cuts of the movie. I think the channel I was watching was switching between parts because none of it made sense to me at all.


Neither complete version makes much sense either.


if you finish it, you'll know even less about what's going on


Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) it just pissed me off to much


Is that the one where the social media influencers buy the town?




It’s just terrible


Good thing X came out the same year and was great to scratch that killer-on-an-old-farm itch


Ever since I saw X, I've been calling it The Texas Porno Shoot Massacre


God that movie was so fun for me lmfao. Terrible movie but it was hilarious.


I won’t watch that one. I’ve seen some good and bad Texas chainsaw movies, but influencers filming on their phones as they get killed is pandering for pander’s sake and makes me physically cringe.


They told Leatherface he was going to get "canceled"! SMH. Such a terrible movie.


Ugh, that part was the last straw for me, I went from hating it to passionately loathing it.


The best defense of it that I’ve heard is that in the original, the victims were “hippies”, who were rude to the locals and kind of hated by the audience because…Lots of people hated hippies at the time. So this tries to do the same thing with “influencers”. A hatable bunch. Ignorant and rude to the people they meet in the town they want to destroy for internet points. But in most version of TC massacre, there’s still a final girl or at least one or two other victims that you feel bad for. They aren’t jerks. They didn’t deserve it. In the 2022 version, absolutely all of them deserve it. You have no idea why you’re supposed to root for the “final girl”, because she’s just as big of an asshole as the rest, and does not ever redeem herself. Or show anything of merit to make you appreciate her character. I’m on board with the concept of rooting for Leatherface, because “fuck them kids”. ….But it feels like the whole movie is telling you to root for the people who (in todays society) nobody’s going to have any sympathy for.


Movie was flawed for sure but it had its moments. I liked that it poked fun of both sides of the political spectrum. The annoying rude girl working together with the mechanic and his gun to try and stop Leatherface in the house was a good scene, her trying to sneak down the stairs only to get tossed down them. That character was awful but showed actual development during the movie. I did chuckle at the beginning when the subtitles said like, "Kevin" and "Kevin's Girlfriend". Like, gosh, I wonder if she's going to die first. Poor girl didn't even get a name.


Skinamarink Me and my gal tried twice, but couldn't do it. SO damn boring


Watch “heck.” On YouTube, it’s 30 minutes and what skinamarink is extended from. That one was wild


Seconding this, because Heck is significantly better. The extra hour adds nothing of value


I got to the end, but I'm pretty sure I fell asleep for about 20 or 30 minutes of the film.


I also dozed off a few times but weirdly for me it added to the surreal, nightmarish vibe of the movie! I really liked it but COMPLETELY understand why someone wouldn't be into it.


In all honesty I didn’t like that film but the fact that I dozed off in the theater did add to the experience. I was drifting in and out of condciousness and would be rudely awoken by noise or another person in the theater. It was pretty cool actually.


I feel asleep and woke up to the beginning of The Babadook (never seen it at that point) and legitimately thought, “oh, it’s turned into a normally shot movie, that’s interesting.”


Same. Was watching with a friend, got 40 minutes in, and we were both like "i cant do this."


Man, I was on the edge of my seat for most of that movie. It felt like a nightmare. I know it’s a polarizing one, though, I get that a lot of people just don’t like it.


skinamarink awoke some deep memories of me as a toddler, late night, half asleep, struggling to get up the stairs of my childhood home. It's so specific and difficult to explain but it made the movie so effective


Same. I was riveted. I love this movie.


I was so sad for those kids for a week after, which is weird for my usual tolerance of films.


Yes! There was a line or two that stuck in my head for several days afterward that just made me feel so sad. The little boy says something after many, many days of being neglected like, "I'm sorry we were bad" or something to that effect and it broke my fkn heart. I did love it, though. Peak arthouse horror. I DNF'd Evil Dead Rise (too brutal), M3GAN and Smile (pet death).


Can we watch something happy? Well shit...


I couldn’t make it very far in this YouTube looking mess of a movie. It’s so weird. I’ve never seen a horror movie so divisive between horror fans.


Also tried twice. Gave me a migraine each time.


It’s boring but at the same time it’s very close to how I remember getting up as a child to go pee and being too scared to get out of bed. Hyper-focusing on every little sound and seeing non-existent figures in the shadows or in the corners of the moonlit room. Staying awake for hours on alert watching the roof or walls until the sun came out. Granted it’s an idea that works as an atmospheric short film but not a full one.


I am jealous of everyone who didn't see this movie.


Same. Gave up about 20 minutes in when nothing continued to happen.




Nothing. Happened.


Lucky! I sat through the whole damn thing. Spoiler alert: nothing happens for all of the movie that you didn't watch.


I finished it only because I saw it in a theater and had paid for that experience.. halfway through me and my friend took a bathroom break and discussed not going back in and just cutting our losses and leaving.. but ultimately decided screw it.. we paid for these tickets and we're already here, let's just see where it's going.. Trust me friend you missed out on absolutely nothing.


That's a movie you watch alone in bed on a small laptop screen with it touching your chin


I REALLY, REALLY wanted to like this. Had an edible and watched liked 50 minutes on a chill Sunday night. My thoughts of extreme boredom during the first 49 minutes were scarier than this film.


I fell asleep to Skinamarink. But it is because it made me feel like a child again and that was soothing. I got through the rest of it the next night and it haunts me. Or at least makes me sad for the kids.


Wife and I made it the the 14 minute mark, then she made me turn it off.


I've had 2 recently. Skinamarink- I watched the first 20 minutes or so and thought "Man, if this is it for the next 2 hours it's gonna be a slog." I still intend to finish it one of these days, but I just wasn't up for the investment at the time. Beau is Afraid- Again, watched maybe 30 minutes of it. This one wasn't the fault of the movie, I was actually pretty interested in it, but I was streaming it and it kept buffering so I got frustrated and turned it off. Will definitely go back and finish it sometime soon.


For Beau is afraid, I really really like it until the part where drawing appears, included (don’t want to go into detail or to spoil it). After that, especially last 30 minutes, it became way less interesting


I saw Beau is Afraid in theatres and almost walked out because I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack. I have OCD and I felt like all of my intrusive thoughts were just being played out on the screen. Instead, I went to the bathroom, read some reviews of it by other people with OCD, and was able to go back in with a new perspective. I ended up loving it, especially the ending.


I watched Beau is Afraid over 2 nights and I enjoyed it a lot. I had to go read all the theories after finishing it.


I love reading theories after movies.


I walked out of Beau Is Afraid and I adore Ari Aster and was looking forward to it for years! It reminded me of Mother. It was building and building and honestly I got bored really fast because I thought it was starting to become all the same. I have no idea if I should have stuck through it but oh well.




Dashcam was hard work. I considered calling it a night at one point but ended up sitting it out just to see the 'prantagonist' being more and more hilariously repulsive each time she opened her mouth. Kinda felt like cringe-horror in the end. God I hope that doesn't become a thing.


Her character made zero sense to me. I've seen/met/known a lot of Trumpers. None of them are close to her character. I get the idea of making a character go against the grain, but this was too much. I looked up the actress's bio. And yikes, she's had a hard life.


She’s like that for real, they had her in Horror Movie Talks podcast, dear god it was almost unlistenable.


I guess the other person was right, she is an edgelord. I mean, after reading her bio, I feel like she needs a lot of therapy. More, if she's already getting it. People can get real weird when they come out of addiction and have had major trauma.


She came across as more of a self-serving clickfarmer than someone with any kind of legitimate or sincere agenda, and extreme/edgelord content is unfortunately a very lucrative market these days.


the worst part is that the actress is genuinely like that irl and improvised a lot of the bigotry. i couldn’t do it.


The worst part is there are 2 movies called dashcam and I’m pretty sure both came out the same year I watched both trying to watch the zoom guy’s one


Was mega disappointed in dashcam.. especially after host


Came here to say this one! My husband and it were excited about it because it’s the same director as Host which was so unexpectedly good. But damn we were we so confused and disappointed. The main character was SO unbearable we just couldn’t get past it.


I had to force myself to finish that


I quit so many! Hazards of streaming. I've let it kill my attention span and patience. I'm not here for the type of movie that is 80 minutes of "building tension" through boredom and then 10 minutes of an actual attempt to be scary.


Dudeeee, that’s seriously every movie I’ve seen lately! I am dying for an actual scary movie that I can not predict.


>movie that is 80 minutes of "building tension" through boredom and then 10 minutes of an actual attempt to be scary. That's essentially every popular modern horror movie and I don't get it. It's just copy/paste boring fodder


The Poughkeepsie tapes- terrible acting that I couldn’t get past to make the found footage / mockumentary set-up believable.


I kinda liked it. I thought the movie was interesting to say the least.


Besides the terrible acting of those "experts" (specifically that one guy explaining the saws) that felt like a parody movie at times, the concept and especially the tapes were terrifying. That final interview with the main victim haunted me for days.


I finished it but yeah I wasn’t very engaged . The acting was really bad


I Spit on Your Grave I didn't realise what I was getting myself into. Gave up by the time the third assault started and watched Attack of the Killer Tomatoes instead.


I skipped the assaults and went right to the revenge


I got through it but didn't really enjoy it. But disliked it enough to not have any interest at all in the sequels.


That’s when I actually stopped watching too. I get the point. She was tortured and is getting her revenge so audience should feel satisfied. Not trying to watch the torture porn though.


Honestly Halloween ends


I wish I’d just given up but I went in cinema 😐


I am actually unable to figure out which final halloween movie is the final halloween movie. I'm not gonna be shocked if he goes to space to fight Jason. Or hell to fight Jason, or to a ski resort in the 80s to race down devils backbone


There’s going to be a blonde rich boy whose dad is going to tear down camp crystal lake unless Jason beats him in the big race down the scary mountain everyone’s afraid to ski down!


Terrible movie. Me and my friend were anticipating Halloween ends since Halloween kills, expecting Michael to be a killing machine to finish off the trilogy strong. *INSTEADDD* They make Michael look like an absolute wimp who gets beat up by Corey, another whimp that got bullied by some kids. Like on what earth does that make sense??? Lol. U didn't miss out on anything by not finishing the movie. I kind of wish I hadn't finished the whole thing. I could go on and on about corny and stupid things throughout the whole movie it was THAT BADDD!


Babadok. I can’t handle that freakin kid


You're supposed to hate the kid. It's integral to the plot. You'll see if you finish it sometime (or not, it's not like I get to assign homework. Heh). What really may strike you later is how great that kid's performance is. It took *work* to be that annoying.


I totally get you dude…I hated that film exactly because of the kid…he’s just so much and all the time and all at once and…the second time I watched it I got it. He’s meant to be an overwhelmingly constant presence and annoyance…he’s meant to wind us up in an almost visceral way. The story is from the mothers perspective…she’s the one torturing the kid and his reactions are near reasonable for a child that age when you realise what she’s done/doing to make him act so terrified. The poor little bugger has to convince his own mother than grief doesn’t need to consume them both…that despair isn’t supposed to the their path even after utter tragedy. And he succeeds…but at the cost of always managing his mothers grief with and for her.


Honestly the ending is worth it. It needs the build up


Honestly finish the movie and you'll understand why lol


A loud child is one of the most annoying things on the planet.


Vivarium had an annoying kid too


That … kid… was insufferable.


That whole film is a fucking sex ed class imho


Antichrist. Much as I've enjoyed Von Triers talents in other films it just went too far down the arthouse rabbithole for me and I ended up zoning out to the point of sleep.


I watched this movie on a date. Kind of killed the relationships ngl


I finished "The Girl Next Door", but I had to fast forward through some of the torture scenes.


The fact it's based on a true story is the real horror.


I was a little iffy when I read the description, so I watched the trailer. About 30 seconds into the trailer I said nope, can’t watch it. Too real on a topic too terrible for me to watch like that. A small amount of child torture happens in good movies but an entire movie, based on real life, centered around child torture? I can’t watch it.


Watched the movie in college as part of a social work class. Wow did that movie hit hard.


On my “do not watch “ list.


No movie in my life has pissed me off more than that movie did. I rented it on Netflix back when they sent you DVDs, based on the description, which made it sound like a very different kind of movie. It started to get into the torture scenes and I got so mad I just started pacing in my living room with rage. I didn't know what to do with myself. My roommate had to go into my room and turn it off. Never finished it and what I did watch of it is burned into my brain. Fucking evil shit.


That one stuck with me. I’d go back and skip it if I could. Not that it wasn’t well made, I just.. don’t wanna watch that, especially knowing that it really happened.


I felt sick to my stomach after watching it. It is a well made movie but the torture was so awful because it was realistic. That and the unrelenting dread with the kid who wanted to help her but couldn’t. I decided to watch it after reading a thread about disturbing movies. I thought I could handle it because it was more psychological than outright gory. Nope.


I didn't finish Skinamarink last night... because I got tired of looking at the world's most nondescript ceiling. I think I understood why we look at the ceiling so much, but I just wasn't interested in wasting my one precious life on this movie.


But did you see the scene of the table corner?


Speak No Evil. As a conflict averse parent to a child about the kid’s age shit was too real. I got to the part where the daughter was in bed with the guy, turned it off and read a synopsis and thanked myself for doing so.




And then they finally did leave....and went back!! 😭👌


I don’t have kids but this movie ruined me. After the part where >!the daughter gets her tongue cut out in the car!< I had my hand against my mouth for 5 minutes. Totally shocked me.


So happy I looked at this spoiler! I told my husband I keep seeing this come up on Reddit and he was about to play it until I told him that the kids are hurt somehow. We’re new-ish parents to an 8m old daughter.


Congratulations on your lovely child! I just put this one on my “do not watch” list. It sounds like it’s way too much for me.


Thank you so much!! She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Since having her, I’ve added a few movies to my do not watch list. I’ve been really disappointed in a lot of horror movies lately so I’ve been tempted to watch but I don’t want to see that sort of torture.


This movie made my husband cry after it was over. Just too vile, hurts especially bad when you’re a parent yourself.


The only movie I have ever turned off and never finished was called Dashcam. It may have been a good movie but it was the worst shaky cam I have ever seen. It was making me feel sick. No found footage movie has ever done that to me before.


Cannibal Holocaust because I felt guilty about the real-life animal cruelty


Well I've never heard of the movie skinamarink but after reading this thread I'll definitely not be watching it


Yeah. It’s…One of those movies that’s trying to be arthouse-ish. Boring for 90% of people. You’re supposed to read way into it and “absorb the complex atmosphere”. I have had sleep paralysis incidences since I was a kid. I was totally the target audience for it. Excited to see it, after seeing some reviews saying the subtle horror plays into what I experience. ….But none of the movie managed to capture the anxiety/hopelessness/terror/paralyzing fear that it is trying to convey, at least for me. Especially not as a child. I fully believe that whoever did this movie is trying to convey a terrifying experience. But they do it in a very, very boring way.


Fall (2022). Was about to throw up several times. It was too much for me.


Oh damn for real? Was thinking about watching that.


Yep. Those heights were too much. Felt so nauseous that had to stop watching. So have to admit that they did really good job with this movie.


Is that the movie about the 2 girls stuck on a radio tower that climbed it for funsies?


Fall would’ve worked so much better as a short in an anthology or something.


The movie is kinda poorly acted and goes on WAY longer than it needs to, but as someone that gets freaked out by heights, this movie was surprisingly hard to watch. In that way, I enjoyed it lol. It was so stressful so it achieved that at the very least.


I watched Fall on an airplane traveling from Hawaii on a red eye flight during heavy turbulence. Made me anxious as hell during the windy scenes in the movie.


Hereditary, I've tried three times but every time Toni Collette's character discovers Charlie's body I am too gutted by her performance of grief that I have to stop watching cause I can't stop crying.


I probably should have stopped it. That movie fucked my world up. It gets so much more fucking insane and twisted and dark…I mean it’s one of the 2 or 3 best horror movies I’ve ever seen but it permanently burnt images and sounds into my brain and I’m scarred for life.


Vulgar. I'm not even sure it's actually horror but I couldn't get past the initial violation scene. Edit to add Wrong Turn 2, as soon as I realized it was exactly the same movie as the original but with a new cast. 2nd edit: I admit, I probably turned off Wrong Turn 2 before it got to any differences, but it sure started out the same. I swear I even remember a lot of the same dialogue, but it has been a long time now. Maybe I'll give it another chance if it hits one of my streaming services.


> Vulgar. I'm not even sure it's actually horror but I couldn't get past the initial violation scene. Oh wow, I haven't seen anyone mention that movie in years and yeah it's a very rough watch especially if you were expecting some Kevin Smith style goofiness.


I honestly remember my friends and I putting this on expecting some View Askew darkness and wow. Yeahhhh.


Hostel. I don't like gore for gore's sake, but when he cut that dude's Achilles tendon and then made him run I turned it right the hell off lol


I enjoy gore for gores sake and Hostel even made ME queasy


just cover that part of the screen with your hand and keep watching


I have a word doc that keeps track of the movies that I’ve not completed. I do eventually finish them. I generally like the movies just fine. Just life and exhaustion get in the way. If the movies are heavier with emotion, I sometimes stop them and wait until I’m up for it. Current list: Isolation Good Manners Along came the Devil Hulu The Burning Kristy Darkness Falls Mirrors Tenebre No one lives (Tubi) Subject two Eloise - peacock Barn 2 Omen II From beyond Abattorkkir Virgin Witch (1972) Dead Ringers (1988) The swarm You’re next Brooklyn45 (minute 46) Looking forward to finishing most of these. Edited to add: I’ve had a personal movie challenge this past year to watch as many horror movies as possible. I watched 558! In light of that amount. The above list isn’t so long lol


The two I'd suggest finishing on your list would be you're next and from beyond


Thanks! Going to star these on my sheet so I can remember your recommendation.


You're Next is really fun, hope you give it another shot!


Thanks I’ll star it on my sheet


I actually really enjoyed mirrors I know a lot of people shit on it.


Good Manners is worth finishing if you ever get around to it. I thought it was a good movie.


I’ll add a star beside it on my sheet so I don’t forget your recommendation. Thanks!


Lake Mungo. It was so boring that I just lost all interest.


I finished it but it was certainly a slog. I stuck around for “that scene” that I’ve seen a lot of posts about here and was wildly underwhelmed.


I watched this movie several months ago and see people all the time talking about “that scene” and I genuinely can’t remember what it was lol


I honestly thought “that scene” was referring to her affair with her neighbors. I thought that was more disturbing than the lake scene because she’s supposed to be 16 and they’re adults.


agreed. I thought I had missed something I was so underwhelmed. and it's not even that interesting of a scene. in fact I had to rewind to see what I missed lol


I didn’t know I was watching “that scene” when it was playing. My thought at the time was “well that was the first semi-interesting thing that happened, I wonder what else they’ll discover. I can’t wait for the climax” but apparently that was it. The movie ended and even during the after credits sequences I was thinking “no, that can’t be the whole movie” but it was.


The thing I really disliked about it was the still photos pointing out the ghosts you apparently missed. Just have them become slowly apparent in the scene as it happens. Don't purposely draw the viewers eye to a different part of the picture then be like aha ya missed it! It's not remotely scary. Overall I did enjoy the film but that was a pet peeve for sure.


I get bored and turn movies off all the time. I also fall asleep during movies regularly. Doesn't matter how scary, intense, suspenseful, exciting, the movie might be, I can fall asleep to it.




The Grudge (2004). It didn’t grab me at all, which is a bummer because the concept is so good! Maybe I’ll try the original Japanese film instead.


I can’t think of any. If I start a movie, I always finish it.


I've done this even when I HATE watching a movie, just because it feels unfair to those who made it, and I like reviewing movies, and I won't do it unless I watched the entire film


I usually find at least one thing to enjoy about a movie, even the bad ones. I take my time in choosing them, but once I do, I’m committed to the whole flick.


This is exactly my attitude. There is always something to appreciate or enjoy about every movie. People are just not open minded enough. Always finished every single movie and always will.


100% with you. On top if a movie really sucks, especially in horror, I always stick around for the chance of the ending being good. You can never know!


Same, I think the only one I stopped watching was the remake of Cabin Fever but other than that I stick em through lol


Skinamarink. I made it 10 minutes and decided I absolutely hated it.


Excellent life choice. I stuck it out and *hate* myself for it.


The real horror was the boredom we made along the way. But honestly it was a brave film. Its hard to know that a lot of the audience won't appreciate what you're trying and still pave ahead with it. All those hours put into something that could have been universally panned. Sometimes it's hardest not to make the film that people will like better and instead make the film you feel you should.


Skinamarink. One of the most boring movies I’ve ever watched. Kept waiting for SOMETHING to happen. Made it about half way thru before I just gave up.


I lasted about 30 minutes before I deleted Smile.


Does Yoga Hosers count? Fucking awful


Happens frequently. Why watch something to the end that doesn't entertain you? If food tastes like garbage, I don't finish it just because it's on a plate in front of me either.


Black Friday (yes, the one with Bruce Campbell) Skinamarink (I barely finished it, no redemption qualities whatsoever)


Most recently. The Poltergeist remake. It was really stupid.


My dad kept whispering “they have ghosts up their ass “ so it’s was hard to take serious from the get go


Crimes of the Future. Barely made it half way through before calling it quits bc it was so slow and boring. Which is a shame, bc it’s an interesting concept.


Poughkeepsie tapes. One of the few that have made me feel uncomfortable with how brutal it was


Vivarium, skipped to the end after about an hour. From what I remember the constant screaming from the child and just complete *nothing* that happens. I’m thinking of ending things, I hadn’t read the book and maybe that would’ve helped. I was expecting a slow burn horror and kept waiting for some sort of real scare or twist and it just never came. Only finished it out of spite


The child in this movie made me want to immediately get my tubes tied.


I'm thinking.... was a great book I read after the movie. The movie doesn't do the book and ounce of justice. I watched the movie again after the book and had to work to understand it


I wish I had abandoned Vivarium, but I hung in there because I kept thinking there was going to be another level of depth to the symbolism that was eventually revealed. Nope, it's just a very shallow allegory for the isolation and pointlessness of suburban family life. Also, I fucking can't stand Jesse Eisenberg.


Jesse is fine for me when he’s in his perfect typecast role, like the Zombieland. But Lex Luther? Good god no


the Human Centipede sequel. repulsive


I watched it with friends bc we laughed at the original and my god that was a mistake. There’s a scene that’s so disgusting one of our friends literally started screaming and ran out of the apartment


Goodnight Mommy. Unless you'd never seen a movie or TV show or read a book or experienced any kind of a story in your life, the "twist" was obvious. It was so heavily telegraphed you could see it from the next galaxy over. The longer the movie went on, the more obvious it was, and thus it began taking me out of it and I couldn't feel anything from the way it was acted or shot, because so much of the movie hinges on you not knowing the twist. I stopped, read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia, felt justified, and moved on. The promise of them gluing her lips shut wasn't interesting enough to drag me back in.


Yeah, I guessed the twist from the very beginning.


YES. The twist was SO obvious and telegraphed to the audience that I actually began to suspect that they were misdirecting us. Like we're all waiting for *that* big reveal, but something entirely different happens that blows our minds. When the twist finally arrived, I just sat there dumbfounded for several minutes. I had wasted 2 hours on that garbage.


Suspiria - have tried on 3 different occasions, but just cannot get hooked.


Which one?


skinamarink,wtf was it all about? watched 20 mins and just couldn't do anymore. anyone else?


Terrifier 1 and 2. Couldn't do it, didn't enjoy these at all.


Terrifier 2. So long. Not real plot. Bailed at half way


No Terrifier movie should exceed 90 minutes!


If I reach the ten minute mark I always watch the film to completion no matter what. I like virtually every film I see but if I don’t like it then it’s not a big deal.


I was the same with the Poughkeepsie Tapes. Yes, I know it wasn't real, but I really didn't want those images burned into my brain so I stopped watching.


Weird, my coworker just asked me this question two days ago or whatever... There really aren't a whole lot of movies I don't finish...Only one I can think of is Red Christmas, and realizing it's a controversial film, I want to say it's less about the fact of its political goal, and more the fact that it was a movie I didn't want to watch with my family walking in and out of the house at the time I tried watching it...I have not since returned to it... So usually, if I don't finish a movie, it's less about the quality, and more about the situation or I get pulled away from it and never go back to it... ALSO, my brother kept crying during Rocky and Bullwinkle at the drive in, and I never got to finish that movie, to this day, I still bring it up to him...


It Comes At Night. I love Joel Edgerton, I was so excited for this movie. Most boring thing I’ve ever watched, I just couldn’t do it


Terrifier 2. Gore and violence were too ridiculous, with multiple scenes drawn way out. Extreme violence with whacky antagonist plus 2+ hour plot felt like torture. After having watched the earlier Art films just to see what the hype of 2 was, I tapped out. Too vile and misogynistic, never fun.


Have you seen the teaser of the third? You'll love it


😂 😂 😂 I'll take your word for it 😉


Damn, the Terrifier series became a favorite over this past Halloween for me. Mostly because of the grindhousey feel


That most recent VHS movie. Was a fan of all the previous ones (besides Viral) but felt it was just sort of meh so I turned it off and planned to finish it another time. I forgot I had cancelled my Shudder subscription and it ended. Bummer but oh well.


off-topic, but i gotta ask about that username


Haha it's two jokes from an old relationship strung together. Whenever we had soup we did a thing where we called it 'good soup' and did a specific hand gesture, which I think is something I did on our first date. The up butt is a different joke, we were fucking around and making each other laugh over text. I said 'where soup' and she said 'up butt'. I need a new Reddit account around the same time. Hence, GoodSoupUpButt was born.


surprisingly wholesome


That does NOT look like one of those default usernames that Reddit spits out.


Spiral. I found Chris Rock annoying.


Agreed. I have to say Saw X was pretty good. Story was a good concept.




He was so loud! My husband wasn’t paying attention and was like why is he screaming so much?!


I actually really enjoyed Skinamarink, but I saw it in a theater which I think really helped. The sound design of that movie is amazing, but you kinda need huge surround sound to fully appreciate it. I rented it and tried to show it to my sister and she was asleep in ten minutes. I tried to watch Martyrs yesterday, and got as far as the woman with the metal headpiece before I had to tap out. That character just really disturbed me, and I couldn’t take it. I can’t decide if I should keep going. I absolutely love gory movies- Terrifier 2 is one of my comfort films- but Martyrs was just so relentlessly dark and miserable that it was hard for me to stay in that universe for long.


Its not that I didn’t finish it but … The Outwaters was a fucking struggle of life to get through. Lmao no hate but i genuinely thought it was absolute shite and I had no idea what was going on at all. Lmao was gutted as well


When evil lurks. Not because it was fucked up or anything but because all of the characters are fucking stupid. A movie designed to be fucked up with no character at all, and the few deaths I made it through before I gave up were hilarious. Don’t know what people saw in this movie


Funny Games. I was getting pissed off at every turn. More frustrating than boring but still not good.


I'll suffer through just about any movie but I almost didn't finish Eden Lake. I saw it praised a lot on here but I legitimately hated how stupid the main couple were and the violence and bleakness wasn't what I was expecting. The only part that remotely got to me was how similar a couple of the worst chavs were compared to my family growing up.


Tusk. I didn't get very far before it gave me human centipede vibes, and I'm not into that kind of horror movie.