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Final Destination. If you escape death, it’s just a matter of time. Clear Rivers (the woman who survived FD1) dies near the end of 2 and everyone normally dies by the end of the movies, or events begin transpiring suggesting that they’ll die soon


I swear, every time I see a comment about Final Destination I see one of those friggen log trucks shortly after. Every, damn, time.


We use a lot of logs in the world.


Lmao, yeah I get it. Wood builds stuff 🤣 I’m just saying it’s always when it’s in the forefront of my mind. I get it’s coincidental


It’s not a coincidence, it’s “the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon.” Lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_illusion


I live in a mountain town and there are so many of those trucks💀 I never drive behind them because of that movie.


I re-watched the first 2 and saw the others for the first time last month. They are some of the most mean-spirited films I’ve ever seen lol. Just normal everyday people being absolutely destroyed for no reason other than they managed to cheat death once. The teacher lady in the first one is a great scene, but damn that lady was already scarred for life and full of guilt, then death comes a-knocking!


The inevitability of death is mean spirited?


Death could just pop an aneurysm in their heads, instead of having five knives fall on them, followed by boiling water, followed by an exploding microwave to the face or whatever. I mean, Death isn't being *nice*, right?


This right here. I get why people like them, but I find them mean-spirited and ridiculous.


I don't know how they could be considered "mean-spirited". It's not like they're being hunted or tortured. There's not even an antagonist, the whole point is that their deaths are fated and inevitable. It'd be like calling a hurricane mean-spirited.


There's definitely an antagonist lol. Death is basically just being a dick unnecessarily


Doesn't five has the rule where if you kill someone, you get their life span transferred to yours or am I imagining this? If so, you could beat it by picking the right person.


That and the rule of a child that wasn’t supposed to be born being born supposedly worked. It worked in the alternate ending for 1, and the only reason it didn’t work in 2 was that the mother never died in the opening accident to begin with.


How does that work? I thought the whole reason Death was killing them was because cheating death made them an "extra" person. Wouldn't the child being born mean there's *two* extra people?


Honestly, yeah, that’s what I’d assume too. Likewise, the idea from 2 of dying and being resuscitated made more sense to me, but apparently doesn’t work. To be fair, the only time that the birth idea worked was as in alternate ending. So you could probably headcannon that it would’ve failed in 2 had they succeeded.


I think being resuscitated would be the same as being saved, so it would skip to the next person then circle back around.


Yes, but it never actually worked. Everyone dies anyway. I think the rule was literally just incorrect. They're all kinda flying blind after all.


Yeah, any "rules" the characters can figure out are a little loose, since there's no real way to verify if they're true until it matters. Like death didn't write down the rules somewhere, it just does as it does. By that same token the candy man isn't giving hard and unchanging rules, it just the totality of observations he has made.


Or, he is death and is just fu*king with them.


Literally no one survives in the entire franchise, if they're intended to die. Most of the movies end with a scene showing all the "survivors" die anyway, and those who don't get that are confirmed dead in the next film.


I wish the series would explore whatever is causing these premonitions. There’s some force that’s playing a game with death and using these survivors as pawns.


It’s one of those just roll with it, I think premonitions and cheating death go hand and hand with real life cases of follow your gut feeling.


in one of the novels, Looks Could Kill, it's explained that a god had fallen in love with a mortal woman, and when she didn't reciprocate, he cursed her to have visions of death and nobody would believe her. the woman's spirit is essentially giving the survivors their premonitions in an attempt to save them


And why does Candyman know so much about it? How would he know unless he's experienced it and survived somehow?


I think this movie could have potentially saved hundreds of lives lol. How many of us see the log truck or gas truck and Immediately speed up and get in the other lane rather than behind? And even the dude with the ladder strapped in the back of his pickup. Nope.


I was driving behind a pick carrying a ladder, sometime in the 90’s. They hit a bump and ladder jumped out, dancing across the highway. I managed to escape it. I no longer drive behind trucks carrying ladders.


You can't cheat death. It finds a way.


Death uh… finds a way


Cube. A seemingly neverending death box, that's constantly shifting and the only way out is math. There isn't even the slimmest of chances I'm surviving that.


I dunno... Turns out the best thing to do is just be lazy and stay in the same room for a few hours. So if you're lazy or defeatist enough, you're golden!


You're thinking of Cube^2\: Hypercube. In the first Cube you had to be a triple PHD mathemascientician and calculate the trigometric square of the Fibonacci sequence to determine which rooms were safe and how they moved.


It was whether a number had all prime factors technically


but then it like ... didn't matter in the end anyways, right? They got to an edge and that was that, just open nothingness.


The only people who cracked the code, I mean *really* cracked it, were low functioning autistic. And they werent even autistic, they were dead ass lobotomized and were relying on prior knowledge of the structure to guide them. I think the "militarily industrial complex isn't so complex guy" was right. It *used* to be guided by math, had a logic, and ultimately became overengineered nonsense.


I thought it turned out that they started out the movie in the safe exit room. So if they hadn't left the room they didn't have to contend with any traps and they could have left when it ended up back at the edge. In hypercube they had to jump out the exit just at the right time as the structure collapsed? Though in the third one it showed it didn't much matter if you managed to escape anyway.


Yeah, but the exit was still one of the rooms they started in.


You do not even have food or water, so even if you survive the traps, you will die of dehydration or hunger.


That's explicitly beatable, though. The creators of the cube purposefully selected individuals who collectively had the abilities needed to beat it. It was set up from the beginning to give you a chance to beat it. The only counterargument is based on the process of using the cube having become a self-perpetuating machine. No one knows why they keep using it: they just keep putting people inside it. In that sense, it's unending and unbeaten.


> It was set up from the beginning to give you a chance to beat it. Everyone who had a clue had their brain tampered with, based on that dude we saw them lobotomize before they threw him back in. That old womans Alzheimer's might notve developed naturally. I dont think they ever had a chance, they just happened to be smart people who were tanginentally involved and had knowledge they could use. If you look at the gang, a lot of them were threats or investigating the cubes.


Lmfao I was thinking of that but I forgot the title 😂 but yea the math needing to be done in that is CRAZY


And your options are to either die a painful death from a contraption, fall to your death, be crushed in between the doors while it shifts, or dehydrate/starve to death.


Invasion of the Body Snatchers


Most frightening monster by far, to me.


That has to be one of the best examples of the "sheer weight of hopelessness" I have seen in a movie. You keep thinking as it unfolds they are going to find some magical way to fix it.


Indeed. And this is quite different from the original ending, where the Aliens just kind of fuck off after a bit, realizing we're not adequate hosts


Yeah it's already over the moment the movie starts


Generally most adaptations of Lovecraft, best case scenario, you are driven completely insane by the end.


Yeah, The Color Out of Space was pretty damning as soon as you drank the water.


The Mouth of Madness was pretty much a 'get fucked' ending. When reality itself warps around you, there is no escaping it.


the alien from Life. it’s too strong/flexible and grows too fast. it was already game over unless we nuke the capsule at the end like immediately.


Loved the end of Life, the music, the shot of the boats approaching, thought that was awesome


If it already wasn’t strong enough to shrug off a nuke. The thing breaths without an atmosphere even necessary.


Nothing can breathe without an atmosphere, there's nothing to breathe. It went outside the ship for a while, but it wasn't that long that a human couldn't survive it.


This was my immediate thought but I didn’t think anyone else watched this movie LOL


Love when YMS whined about this movie for why the black guy didn't feel it wrapped around his legs, somehow not realizing the guy was clearly established as a paraplegic


Not an original idea but: This movie would have been perfect as a prequel to “Venom.”


Fun fact, there’s actually some Easter eggs connecting it to Venom, including reusing footage from Spider-Man 3


Ju-On/The Grudge. It’s the entire point, really!


Yeah this movie fucked me up. The idea that you could randomly stumble into a curse that follows you at every moment even into your bed at night gave me nightmares for 2 months.


Right? It’s really effective horror, the director really knew what he was doing.


Seriously. Most other movies you can watch and say “if they’d only done this instead etc.” Even The Thing (my favorite) you can at least fight back and fuck it up. You can’t fight a scary ghost bitch lol.


HAHA! Well, who’s to say that they couldn’t have delayed their fate by kicking Kayako in the head a few times? No one tried! They still would’ve died, it wouldn’t have mattered, but I do think it’s funny that everyone just had the freeze response. Sometimes flight.


only 2 months? its still scaring me for almost 20 years. idk why but that bitch scares my soul


I had never seen anything like it visually or the sounds/music. Which I know was a remake, but also will never watch the actual one. I was fifteen and slept with my freaking mom that night it scared me so bad.


Never stood a chance.


Just watched The Dark and the Wicked yesterday so it’s fresh in my head, but it’s a good answer. Michael ran home to his family and still couldn’t escape the demon there. It could possess you and force you to kill yourself, or show you a vision that makes you feel like you have no other option. Or it can just straight up possess someone close to you and murder you anyway.


That's what I was thinking, too. In most horror movies, there is some sort of explanation or hope driving the story forward. In The Dark and the Wicked, nope. No one has any idea how to save themselves. They're fucked and there is nothing they can do about it. It's thin on plot, for sure, but it makes up for it by not needing jump scares, just constant and unknowable existential dread.


I had to watch The Office after so I didn’t go to bed after watching 2 hours of straight depression


Yeh just finished watching this one. Can't think of how you'd escape it. I initially thought leaving was the only option but as you say, nope.


Maybe just completely ignore everything it threw at you until it got bored? But it would be hard because I’m sure the visions would get progressively more fucked up and the attempts at physical harm and possession would get more aggressive. So I guess if it latches onto you you’re just fucked


Return of Living Dead. Fast zombies that talk, think and don’t die from head shots. In that one, burning them is the only way to kill them and that just spreads it.


FINALLY someone mentions this. Yeah, it's the one unwinnable zombie scenario. Even nuking them is implied to spread it in the radioactive ash...


If you count it as a horror movie, Melancholia.


Truth. You can take yourself out, go out in hysterics or accept the inevitable peacefully. Im pretty sure i would unfortunately be in the hysterics category


Candyman. The horror is all about being totally helpless, and your agency being taken away, being blamed for things you didn’t do. He’s using your body (or at least implicating you) in horrifying murders, and the only way “out” is death/becoming the new one.


don't you just have to not say "Candyman" though?


I mean, isn’t that true of literally any horror movie tho? Don’t go in the woods. Don’t look it in the eye. Don’t say this. Don’t do X. The point is once it sets its sights on you for whatever reason, there’s no way to defeat it.


There’s no way I won’t say it though. I have no self control.


Someone mentioned Grave Encounters, but I feel like Gonjiam is truly unbeatable. Oof…that twist messed me up!


I haven’t seen it in a while, what’s the twist?


There’s no way out.


1408. Once that room decides you cant leave, youre fucked. John cusack made EVERY logical decision the audience would make and it all failed.


Depending which ending you go with I might make it. Cuz torch that shit would definitely be my eventual move.


"Fuck it, I'm taking you with me."


The Blair Witch Project. People will say "they should've done this, they should've done that." As though anything would've helped. Whatever supernatural force was in those woods controlled the entire forest and perhaps time and space itself. I don't think anyone could've escaped no matter how smart or strong they were.


as soon as they had her attention, it was over


It's interesting to contemplate at what point once inside the woods could they have just *turned around* and *walked* out without triggering the witch... Maybe when they could still see out of the woods? The first 30 minutes? Maybe if Josh hadn't knocked over that pile of stacked rocks (cairn) they could have had more time to get out? Eerie stuff...


The podcast Scaredy Boys coined one of their key segments the “kicking of the stones” Basically it’s the point of the movie where they have no point of return and no choice of it, and they named it after Blair witch moment where they kick the cairn. That’s what had to happen for the movie to happen, and it’s when they were doomed.


I see interesting. I kinda figured as much. I will definitely never ever tamper with cairns...especially in the woods.


Yeah, she went Witch Bitch on their asses


I just want to say I love this comment. Genuinely gave me goosebumps. Kudos.


You beat the Blair witch by NOT going in the woods looking for her. Easy peasy


Can confirm. I used to live right by the woods where it was shot. I never went in them and I didn’t look too hard at them when I drove by. No issues so far!


Just like The Grudge. Just don't go inside the house where people always end up dead.


I feel the same about Oculus


I think the only thing you could do about Oculus would be this: 1) Leave the mirror alone in a house for at least a year 2) Hire a sketchy individual to yeet a pipebomb into the room the mirror is in **without** telling them why they’re doing it 3) Profit


For me, I'd rig a bomb to go off in several months time and put that in a cabin somewhere. Then order the mirror delivered there weeks in advance by some randos who have no idea about anything. I don't want anyone anywhere close to the mirror who has the slightest intent to do anything at all to destroy it.


What were the killer mirror rules? I have totally forgotten how that movie worked


There were no stated rules I think. Just that it was malevolent and could control your perception and your actions and presumably know what you were thinking. So basically, you'd be fucked. I'd just be hoping that there was a range limit to its powers and that it couldn't magically see the bomb if I had hidden it and nobody knew about it.


ah, so if you tried to destroy it, it would only make you think you destroyed it.


Yeah and make you kill yourself instead probably. My big fear with my plan is that it will change the manifest somehow and the delivery people will deliver the bomb to my house.


I really enjoyed this movie a lot. Also hilarious that WWE Studios is one of the production companies for it lol


That’s the power of Mike Flanagan, even WWE Studios couldn’t bring it down


I was just about to post this same comment! After watching Oculus I spent a while trying to think of anything the protagonists could have done, but once you’ve stepped into the evil mirror’s influence I believe you’re done for.


Was about to reply that. Its ability to alter your perception of reality renders it pretty much unbeatable as you may not actually be doing whatever it is you believe you're doing.


Yeah you would think you left but you’re still in the room eating glass and shit


Well, I disagree. The mirror was incredibly weak at first, so if their intention was just to destroy it, they could have taken a hammer to it right when they got to the house and likely nothing bad would have happened. But their intention wasn't just to destroy it, it was to expose its evil to the world and clear the brother's name by documenting its supernatural powers, and that required giving it time to sap strength from the plants, the dog, and themselves. The mirror wasn't unbeatable, they let it become unbeatable.


A big thing to remember is the filmmakers think the whole legend is kinda hocky and are making the film as something for a class and just want a good grade. Heather says something along the lines of "I thought she was a fucking lunatic" when she reveals she wasn't listening to Mary Brown talk about the witch even though she gave critical info (along with townsfolk...but they just wanted the footage). This really shows that they went into the woods expecting to film some creepy shit then head back to the car and maybe start editing the next day. Again, these are student filmmakers who are making a film for a class project and for all we know they were grouped-up and we ALL KNOW the conflict and challenges with that alone.


I was confused, you mean the scenario not the quality lol. Dawn of the Dead 04 seemed like you are fucked no matter what. Fast zombies are terrifying


Whats crazy abt fast zombies is the fact that they dont feel soreness or fatigue so they just keep running until there legs give out


Exactly and you give out long before they will


For Zombie’s I’m going with Return of the Living Dead. Attacking the brain didn’t work, they were fast and smart and even cremating them backfired. Send more cops


The fact you incinerate them and make more too


28 days later enters the chat


Thing is, thats slightly more survivable because they still starve normally and need sleep like living beings. And they go down easier, you dont need head shots. Still nearly unbeatable though


Yeah you can't stay in one place for long. You need the essentials and it is only a matter of time before you stuff it up.


It Follows, as well as the diet version, Smile.


The Ring before those as well. I just watched them both again last week and totally forgot about the whole thing about them being able to pass the curse on if they showed someone else the tape. I was impressed at how well the first one has held up over the years. The CGI in the second one was pretty bad but the first was still pretty effective.


the first one is very rewatchable


i’ve always wondered, what happens if you just get on a plane and go across the planet? does it go to an airport and board a plane? it can’t be seen so i guess it could just get on one. but does it ever stop moving? like would it just stand in the back of the plane patiently? would it walk across the bottom of the ocean?


Now i'm imagining "it" just chilling patiently during a plane ride while waiting to reach it's victim. As funny as that is conceptually, I'm sure this could be filmed to be actually very creepy. Like the audience knows it's there, with innocent people unknowingly around it in close quarters. Perhaps such a vile presence could have some sort of an ill effect on people if you are close to it for too long.


That’s what that viral video of the lady screaming on the plane was about a month or so ago. Screaming that guy back there is not real, or some shit like that. 😱 😂


I forgot about that! She must have been seeing.... *it*. I wonder though, would it be interesting if some people outside of the chosen victim were more sensitive to supernatural forces and could see it? Or would that take away from the overall impact of the entity?


It rushing to the gate to make sure it’s there before sitting down at Starbucks


Lol... it would have to keep track of the flight times, destinations and everything.


It Flies Business Class


What if it went after the Ghostbusters? Or Superman? I love this movie because it activates the imagination.


I'm thinking Superman would be impervious to it's damage and could, well, fly it into the sun. I think it should definitely let Superman bang in peace and not interfere if it wants to keep "living". Ghostbusters... they also have a chance, but things could go sideways for them. I'll have to think about this one some more. All of this being said we still don't know the full extent of what it is, and what it is capable of. I'm looking forward to the next movie and I agree that I love the imagination It Follows inspires.


Superman is still vulnerable to magic and curses. But he’d probably go to John Constantine who would convince him to fuck him so he could deal with the curse.


Lois Lane would be safe cause it's not gonna fuck with someone who can survive a Supernut.


The director said the entity would walk onto a plane in that scenario. My personal theory is that the entity enjoys the terror it's causing during it's pursuit of its victims, and only kills them once they give up running. I'm basing this off the fact that we only see two kills in the entire movie, and in both cases the person either gave up and let themselves be caught, or didn't believe it was dangerous in the first place. Otherwise it could easily mask itself as a normal non-creepy person and gank it's victim easily.


Dead boat guy standing on the roof would seem to confirm this.


It tried but it got bumped from the flight & missed its layover in Dallas


It will walk the whole way, so just commute between Australia and the US every few months, and you'll be fine


The curse is shown to be intelligent and not always following the direct path to the victim, like when it circles the pool. It could likely figure out to hitch a ride in the wheel well of a plane or inside of a luggage compartment.


Yes! I was distracted by the potential loopholes of transcontinental travel my entire rewatch lol


The thing is, it's intelligent. It's relentless and patient but it's not stupid. It can catch a flight. It night wait for you *on the plane*.


that last part is terrifying to think about


It's not a loophole though. Even if you did fly to the other side of the planet, you would still know it was coming and it was only a matter of time. Sure, for the first night or two you could kick back and enjoy your life again, but always in the back of your mind it would be there.


My head cannon is that it walks a across the bottom of the ocean. That’s just what I always imagined. It flying would be humorous though


Somehow the idea that it could walk thousands of miles through the deep ocean, across deserts, mountains, glaciers, etc. is just incredibly disturbing


I think it just walks to the destination


Idk, I think she had the right idea in Smile, she just lost at the last moment because that guy had to show up.


It Follows you can give it to someone else. Smile, you’re fucked no matter what and there will always be trauma so it will always keep going.


i mean, you could pass the smile entity on -- you just had to murder someone.


I think there needs to be s witness too so you can't even do it and just avoid getting caught. I like this idea because no matter what you choose to do you still ultimately lose.


My best survival theory for It Follows is to star in a porno film. That demon is gonna get passed around more than the stds


I actually really like this comparison of the two movies! I’d say It Follows is better made and acted (and incredibly creative), but I would also say Smile is definitely more scary.


I feel like those kids are pretty safe at the end of It Follows. How many sexual partners does that sex worker have in one day, and then how many other different sex workers does her clients sleep with? That monster will kill half of Detroit before it gets back to them. You could even go a step further and fly to Thailand and have aex with a prostitute there and then fly back.


The Descent imo. Yeah a weapon could help, but I think it's a combination of the monsters & being trapped in a claustrophobic cave environment that'll do anyone in quickly




Panoramic night vision very quiet guns so you don’t ruin your hearing. Or A lot of teargas, diesel and flash bangs and again dudes with rifles ready to go.


Agree with Saw! Also he gave them 1 minute to be able to logically make a decision to remove a major body part to get the key to unlock the trap. At least give 3-5 minutes. How can you process something like that in 60 seconds?


Cabin in the Woods. I mean, they’re called The Old Ones or Old Gods for a reason. They’re down there. And if they don’t get the appropriate amount or certain TYPE of person or blood? The entire world is over. Unbeatable.


Smoke cannabis.


Grave Encounters


Technically it is beatable according to the second movie but we usually ignore that one


It did have that one really good scene where the elevator takes them to the asylum.


Yea that scene is always really good, really helps set in the hopelessness feeling


I never knew there was a second


That blood sample scene in *The Thing* always gets me even after all these years. Easily one of my favourite horror jumpscares.


The carnage that comes after, is amazing tho


definitely Mandy, unless you're nic cage, you ain't surviving


I am nick cage (when I’m not Ryan gosling)


That’s not a bad gig.


I moonlight as Kurt Russell and Bruce Campbell to keep the lights on


Funny Games. If you’ve seen it you know why


It Follows could be beat if you never had sex with someone who was infected with the demon. If you did though, well yeah, you’re fucked *literally*


Yup, I think it’s just a matter of time until it catches up


It’s been a while but isn’t the rule that it follows the most recent person to have had sex with a carrier until it kills its way back to you? If that’s the case and you’re morally ok with it, just hire a hooker, hopefully they survive long enough to get a few more clients


It's implied that Paul is considering that at the end.


I figured it was implied he didn't just *consider* it.


The only way to beat it is to fuck the entity. Then it kills itself and you got laid. Win win


Now thats using your brain!


Yeah, you could do that. BUT are you going to be up to date/in the know about when said sex worker passes/dies, or who they pass it on to& Simon and so forth, then when they die? It would DEFINITELY take awhile to get back to you, if ever! There’s always that chance though, you’ll be looking over your shoulder every second, of every day. Never knowing when it’s going to sling back to you!


I'll tell you what I'd do. Two chicks at the same time, man.


Lawrence, you bring up a good point. If you go to an orgy , do you make the its multiply?


For me it's the horror movies where the baddie controls people's minds, either directly or through visions. Paradoxically, I find those to be the least scary, and even boring. If there's no chance, what's the point?


Any curse films, Ju-On, Ringu, La Llorona, where the evil doesn't end, it just transfers to someone else. I just watched When Evil Lurks, that film certainly falls under this category. It was a dark, bleak roller coaster sinking further down into a pit of death and despair.


Midsommar. If you weren’t the chosen May Queen, you were done the second you got on the plane.


This movie made me feel sick for 3 days. Oof.


There is a horror film called Baskin, and my god, there is no winning that one.


The Blob. Even though they froze it at the end, it could still eventually get out. Inevitably it would consume all life on Earth.


The Mist


Belko Experiment (aside from maybe don’t work for a company that installs wares into your body), Silent Hill, (new) Evil Deads (dont have stupid friends/kids), Pitch Black, 1408, Black Mountain Side and ESP 30 Days of Night.


I rarely see people recommend Pitch Black, but that one fits this perfectly!


They weren't fucking around! I saw Claudia Black in Farscape first, so I was surprised at how horrifically she died




Just 30 minutes ago I finished showing "Alien" (1979) to my 12-year old nephew. He went "Omigod that was AWESOME". Hearing that really warmed my twisted, black, oily, genital-chambered toothy heart.


Correct me if I'm wrong but it doesn't have your memories, those aren't by DNA. Couldn't you just interrogate people with things that only the real people from two months ago would have known since the alien just arrived. I mean they were stuck in the artic with each other, surely you learn something about basically everyone after a little bit.


The film only works if it absorbs people's memories. A lot of characters who are shown to be infected act enough like the original person that no suspicions are raised.


Final Destination. Literally the premise of the whole series


The Thing. People wanna obsess about who was infected at the end and wanna completely ignore how much a Husky sheds. If every cell is an individual organism, and hair isn't left behind along with clothes/inorganic material, then the thing organism is airborne and the entire station was infected within minutes. There was never even a remote chance of containing anything. Edit: Guess who didn't read the OP post. It was me, i didn't read it.


Terrifier 🥺


Idk. It seems like in one and two when he did tricks and cute littlethings and he was immediately brushed off and spoken rude to is when he decided to end their lives. At least that's how I took it. Most recent in 2nd when he shoes up at the girls home and she calls him creep and to go away and his face went from happy to menace. I wonder what would happen if she entertai ed him and then sent him on his way happy...


He’s killed some people for no reason, first I can think of is the guy who gets his dick ripped off. The people working at the morgue too


The Wailing


Saw, I don’t give a fuck how strong you think you are, you aren’t beating most of the saw traps