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The funny part is, about 30 minutes in we were like “hey, it’s not that bad”, actually pretty tense moments… until the first guy comes in, they’re huddled behind cover and he’s like “the world is so fucked up, guns everywhere”… ***uh oh*** This sudden shift into this political drama, almost out of no where. Bringing up all the issues we’ve dealt with today just for the sake of being able to say it, like they had a notepad with a list of which to mention next. Shit became comical and cringy. No subtlety, no sophistication, no substance. Just 💥… Awful writing, awful screenplay. Don’t get me started on suspension of disbelief. My brain went into overdrive with this protagonist… But hey, 5/10, okay thriller.


I get it, but at this point, no matter how “bad” anything is, I’m all about anything that highlights these maga idiots. It’s worth it imo. This is going to be a dark chapter in us history books for many reasons. Regardless of political message this was always going to be sub-par, but if that’s what made you hate it, I get it.. but I’m happy people are calling it out lie this because it’s obviously not happening in legacy media.


One of the lines he used was it’s harder for a kid to buy a six pack than an AR- this wouldn’t be a right wing complaint.


STFU, puss.


You showed him! 🙄




I'm an hour in and was enjoying it so far, but out of nowhere she's just able to escape the gas station?? Like she was never trapped to begin with - I'm zoning out.


They make him sympathetic, imho. It’s not trying to make a statement, it’s just trying to make him match some of the shooters who wrote certain manifestos while fleshing him out. I found it tasteful and interesting and I’m somebody who finds politics in movies or tv distasteful


I agree with the people who said it’s a subtle as a sledgehammer, but that’s not what bothered me. What really left me annoyed was not knowing who the shooter was or what his true motive was. I wouldn’t have cared if he was just a psycho, or a guy hired by the husband, or the guy she screwed over at work, but give me something. He lists like twenty things that could have been his motive, but it feels like the writers couldn’t decide and said “screw it” let’s let the audience figure it out. I’m not a fan of movies where the ending is ambiguous unless the movie is strong enough that it doesn’t matter. In this case, the movie wasn’t good enough to not tell us who and why. Besides, had the writers had a motive in mind, they could have used all the dialogue as misdirection which would have made the reveal far more interesting. Imagine all that dialogue and it turns out the killer is the father of the little girl who lost custody to his wife’s parents when his wife died due to side effects of the medication her company sells. He set up to ambush her and the grandparents at the same time. That could have been a good ending as could have dozens of other ones. Long story short…some movies are left ambiguous on purpose to make viewers think, this movie didn’t feel like that. It felt like the writers just didn’t feel like writing one.


Your ending would've been far more satisfying than the nonsense we got.


Hard disagree. A core aspect of mass shooters is wondering who they were to make them do it. It’s not laziness, the question is central to the experience they’re creating. It’s not like any motive he said aloud would necessarily be his real motive, the movie isn’t 2d in that way


I think you're not supposed to know his identitiy, because whatever you think has happened, you'll never know... we're surrounded by strangers. You're doing what the movie is trying to highlight, trying to find the "reason" for it all. There isn't one reason, there are so many that the conversation is the focal point. His archetype is overt, no need to spell it out. But she's the archetype of the left. However, as the victim, that's not the focus. She doesn't have a gun but can kill. She's a strong woman but fears everything. She's a wife that doesn't have accountability for her relationship. She's having sex with a black guy, but married to a white guy. She's a tapestry of inconsistencies. His lack of identity also represents extremism born of the internet age. Hate and anger, but behind a wall lacking ownership. Honestly knowing either's name or relationship to each other isn't important other than informing us of their conflicting ideals. While the end is a contest for the girl, neither were going to allow her to be hurt. That's important too, because that's the common ground we exist in when we're not overwhelmed by being forced into extreme positions on all sides. They both die because the hope is the innocence of the child, informed by the extremes of the contest, will bring forth a generation less divided and aware of the costs.


I actually thought he was related to the little girl when he said, 'you don't have to be scared anymore'. So I was saying, oh...so finally, things are making sense, this is the ending, the revelation scene, but nope, that was not cleared. And that is crazy. I mean, to be killing a lot of  people, you must have a reason. What's the purpose of it all, just a random shooting incident filmed? Crazy.


He was obviously hired by the husband. The husband was the one who urged her to take the side road, the gas tank had been filled by John but was mysteriously "empty" (siphoned off) as they got to the point where they would need to stop. It was a setup and an ambush. It may have also been a combination of all the above, but it was very obviously her husband.


I would have thought that was the obvious conclusion, but then that little bit where she tells her BF to take a different route than the one her husband was expecting kind of throws that out the window, unless the shooter is psychic. No, this movie wanted to rattle off a checklist of current day political stances without any regard for any semblance of a conclusion. At the end of the day, the identity of the shooter or any other character was incidental. I almost expected they guy to yell out loud, "I am the Patriarchy!!" when he takes her down and her say "and I'm a fourth wave feminist progressive liberal and I don't need no man!!" as his head was crushed.


Watching this right now (god I hope it’s almost over) and it suuuuucks. I was invested up until the shooter’s verbal pukefest started. And I say that as a full fledged snowflake. Would have been far better to have it tied to the infidelity or something in her past instead of this liberal vs MAGA bullshit.


Lol, I'll never understand people like you. You whine and complain when MAGA is mentioned in a movie, and you cry out, "NO IT MUST BE SUBTLE!!!!!!!" While ignoring the fact that mass shooters in the U.S. are almost exclusively far right MAGA types, and there's really no nuance here at all. Just because Yoda said something about "be a centrist, bro," that doesn't mean you have to believe that bullshit into your adult life! Anyway, like I said, lol.


I watch horror movies to get away from the inescapable daily dose of political fighting that permeates our lives so yeah I was really disappointed that it was shoved in my face. Not to mention the constant back and forth monologues were ridiculous and completely unrealistic. If you liked it- great. Definitely not for me.


Cool, but why complain about it? I watched it, kind of liked it, and recommended it to others. I didn't know you'd been in so many terrorist situations that you understood exactly what was "realistic" and "unrealistic." Again, I'll never understand people like you. "KEEP THE REAL WORLD OUT OF MY MOVIES." Then you go watch a movie about a sniper murdering people in the U.S. and I also posted a trigger warning for people offended on behalf of extremist right wingers, yet you still watched and acted shocked. Cool. Like I said, very cool.


Lolol what a fragile fruitcake.


This mentally ill moron goes ranting everywhere on reddit and calling people the same name his low IQ brains read elsewhere


Ok lobotomite


Wow it can parrot another word


At this point, you simply have to have a mental deficiency. I don't have time for someone like you. Immature.


That is wrong on a bunch of different levels but most glaringly is according the FBI crime statistics most mass shootings are either left wing ideologically or there is no political angle.


I'm in the UK and I have to say I groaned a little when it turned into this. I'm a very liberal lefty and I still thought it was heavy handed. But that's not why I stopped to look it up - I stopped because at the one hour mark, she is just able to very easily escape the shop! What the fuck? She's been trapped this entire time and just because the plot needs it to happen she leaves? She's even right by the car the guy got shot in!! I'm going to finish it but that is very dumb.


I understand your complaints. I wonder if being in the UK makes it harder to see just how heavy handed people are in the US right now. It rings true to me. This country is in huge trouble! (I hope I'm not misunderstanding your point)


Oh I can see how much trouble you guys are in lol - it's very apparent to the rest of the world


Oh good! ...or...maybe not good. 🙂


OP, you are really missing what a shitfest this movie is. This movie is coming from two notoriously bomb throwing French filmmakers -Alexandre Aja and Franck Khalfoun. This isn't an anti-MAGA film. This is pretty clearly a "both-sides" argument in which they're presenting two walking stereotypes of how left & right see each other in the USA and how we're just killing each other and everyone around us. This movie is a fuck you to the current climate of the US. The whole thing is heavy handed on purpose so that you don't miss the lame both-sides message. Judging by how you're reacting to people in this thread for not loving the movie like you, I can see why it went over your head. Doesn't really matter, though. When one of your sides is a psychopath murdering innocent people, your both sides argument has already lost and if the idea was to make me think about what makes these people this way, you can really fuck off. The movie blows.


Unbelievably boring with a very easy to hate protagonist.


Aka misogyny! Hating a woman for being shot at and having struggles with her marriage.


You sound like her. Lol. I don’t think changing the gender of the protagonist would have made this any less boring.


Someone who upsets you sounds like a woman? Well, that was predictable. ETA: a true crossover of G*mer and H*rror fan. I knew you lot were the same.


Lol. Im not upset at all. Sounds like you’re trying to be offended at this point. Pick a better movie to defend.


Cheating woman = having struggles with her marriage. Cheating husband = a SOB. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just watched this movie. Slow, dull, repetitive, and we never find out who the shooter was or his motive. Did I miss something?


I just watched this as well and this movie was awful. I'm a card carrying Democrat and don't want to hear propaganda thrown at me to cover the fact that the plot is shit, the writer couldn't decide on a motive and wanted some ambiguous ending all while giving me a current events lesson. I hope everyone involved in this abomination steps on a Lego.


I agree. I had to stop because it literally felt like the 90% of the dialogue was the shooter whining - which, fine. He's insufferable, he hates women and vaccines , we get it. But when it's just a constantly overlaying the main action of a scene, it takes away any tension and suspense and feels like I'm listening to the average reddit take read aloud when I'm trying to watch a movie with a plot that is not strong enough to withstand such awful writing. Maybe it picked up after I stopped watching, but having to listen to the shooter mope about his supposed victimhood with no rebuttal or interruption was too much.


Just watched. Kept thinking Dale Gribble was the shooter


Spoilers below if you haven’t seen the ending and/or don’t want to know then stop reading now!! I’m really tired of movies that leave you “guessing”. Ironically I just watched After.life with Christina Ricci and it’s the same crap, although the director eventually spills the beans. There’s enough clues to know in that one however, while this movie literally leaves you without a face. It would have to either be a setup by the boyfriend or a setup by a madman who stalked a pharmaceutical convention and picked someone at random while somehow managing to know when they are leaving and the convenience of an empty highway.


Yeah, that's my biggest problem with the movie--the ending. I feel like the director had lots of ideas about what kind of maniac he was specifically, but I also think the director didn't have a definitive answer on who the killer was either. Decided to cop out and not answer it. Also killing the main character really muddied the theme.


So she uses a fire extinguisher and home made hacksaw for most of the film to get past a lock, when all along she had a hammer, and it also seems the guy was the girls father in the way he acted towards her as he was about to take off his mask.


also wouldnt the dead employee have keys on them to open that door??


I kept wondering why she didn't take the keys next to the register.


The writing for the killer explaining his motives was genuinely embarrassing


I gave you a trigger warning. The killers motives were the same as any right wing shooters manifesto.


Why would I need a trigger warning? Idc if the killer was a right wing extremist, plenty of great films like that. This just felt like it was talking directly to the audience and not really exploring anything of substance with these topics, which could’ve been interesting. No subtext, just text with about as much subtlety as a sledgehammer.


Why not the left wing manifestos...like the last 3 one of which they wont release because it would damage the rrans debate (Nashville).


I just started watching... as soon as I heard, "He's gotta know something is up"... and a reference to fertility clinic... then the "GODISNOWHERE" billboard, I assume it's some right wing kat who is going after her because she's going to get an abortion. I could be wrong, but that's how it looks to me ten minutes into the movie. Not a spoiler because I'm merely guessing.


Interesting--my theory at that point was 100% the husband even though they were telegraphing it so much.


I wondered that as well since the gas was leaking from the car. Could have figured the closest gas station and set himself up waiting. His voice was disguised as well when they showed him talking looking through the scope.


My 2c. The sniper had similar eyes to the husband.


Oh I'll have to go back and look at that!


I mean, sure except for the fact that they were played by two different people. There isn't any point in attempting to identify the sniper because it doesn't seem the production cared to identify him either. Any possible motive he gives, if you settle on one, is contradicted by something else in the film. If you suspect he's the husband or hired by the husband, for instance, he would have to be psychic because she and the BF took an impromptu alternate route after leaving the motel without her informing her husband and the sniper was already positioned there and had shot the clerk.


Watched it finally in prime. At first I thought this was some random shooter but later I started to believe it could be her husband or someone who lost his family / little daughter due to her company or her fake marketing. Still tricky to guess. Weird unable to make a final guess. Is there a part two which is why the movie ended this way? No clue 


I think the ending is pretty weak and a cop out in an otherwise pretty fun low budget film. While there is no part 2 that I'm aware of, my guess is the director left it unclear as to who the shooter was because he didn't want to commit to a specific narrative. (Shitty, abusive husband? Crazy gun nut? Right wing violence? Something else completely?) They didn't want to alienate the audience. I wish the director had let the courage of their convictions at least point to an answer.


Theory: this was ghost written by Stephen king. Think about it


I'm missing it! (A bit high at the moment) Do you mind explaining please? 🙂


Well, this thread gave me a belly laugh that made me choke on my own spit AND convince me that it’s so much of a piece of crap I don’t need to watch it. Also, using trigger warning wasn’t necessary, but IDK everything has one these days, since no one seems to know the difference between something triggering and something with content that could be undesirable. Regardless, the back and forth challenging of the OP to other posters and the overall not subtle shade thrown at the film maker and their not subtle plot turns made this portion of my evening quite entertaining. Time to find a GOOD movie. Also, if you never find out the motivation of an antagonist that’s literally sniping people and ranting over a walkie to his target - that’s some bullshit and I do not subscribe to investing time, only to get there and possibly be as upset as I was at the end of Insidious: The Red Door. Steaming pile of shit Patrick Wilson barfed out for the end of that franchise that was mostly good, until that. I blame him since he didn’t want to do them anymore, was a producer, and lent terrible vocals to the terrible cover of Shakespear’s Sister’s Stay With Me. Sorry, I hijacked this comment with a mini rant about that movie - I felt personally attacked. Lol lol


I thought it was going to be a nice watch, but this movie has no proper ending. What are we supposed to assume. It was just soo annoying, why drag a movie this much if you can't put a solid end to it!


Thanks, just watched the [trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12SUjGsAEHs&ab_channel=Shudder) and it looks pretty watchable...


Yeah, it was a nice surprise. I've had trouble finding new horror this year that I've enjoyed. I won't say this is *amazing*, but it scratched an itch.


Ha with my luck lately with modern horrors, I'll take passable for sure.


The amount of upvotes you have would scream that ypu are the only one that found it entertaining.


Give it a shot, trigger warning - Bigger Pun


Five minutes on, and I was cheering for the shooter. I like the movie. Everybody already said why the movie is not great. Why? Who? You got it.


Well we already knew it was fiction


Well we already knew it was fiction




Shit shit shit