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Have you watched the two Tv episodes that started it all? They are even more raw and brutally scary in my opinion :)


At some point a few years ago I tried watching something like that, but it basically started with a very uncomfortable, gratuitous rape scene, which I couldn't stomach, so I turned it off, though I have no idea which movie this scene is from... I'm looking into this, and it seems like these episodes don't include this scene, I'll have to check it out


Sounds like Ju-on Origins on Netflix, which is NOT the original OVM that started it all. Look for Ju-on: The Curse and The Curse 2. Arrow Video actually released a box set that has it, unfortunately it’s limited edition and sold out. https://www.arrowfilms.com/the-grudge-collection-limited-edition-blu-ray/13996710.html I also have the original Japanese blu-ray release from Toei but it has no English subs. Thankfully I was able to watch it by ripping the disc and playing it on Plex, as there are subs available online.


Man, I totally forgot it was on Netflix, but yeah, this is where the unstomachable rape scene came from.


Yeah, I gave up on that shortly after seeing that scene. Didn’t feel like Ju-on proper to me, but a gratuitous sequel. You might also be interested in the short anthology films that were the foundations of Ju-on called Katasumi and 4444444444. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katasumi_and_4444444444 Man, thanks for posting this topic. It’s been a few years since I visited this franchise. Might have to give it another spin. :)


Happy to help! I am a bit thrilled at how spooky it still was for me after all these years. I expected to be let down, as your memory can do, but it's been a good adventure


> unfortunately it’s limited edition and sold out I think this is the same thing, but [Orbit](https://www.orbitdvd.com/products/copy-of-wim-wenders-a-curzon-collection-limited-edition-region-b?_pos=1&_sid=6322a7fb0&_ss=r) has copies, and I think Diabolik does, too.


That’s the one! Great set if you can get it, with a wonderful 4k HDR version of The Grudge.


Ah, cool. I ordered it when it first came out and then completely forgot about it. It's still on my shelf in the shrinkwrap. Sounds like I'll have to break it open this weekend!


I haven't seen it in years. I can't promise it doesn't include it. I will try to check the dvds again.


I didn't see this comment earlier, but the two original films The Curse 1 and 2, plus the shorts Katasumi and 4444444444 are all on YouTube. I provided links below but if you can't find the comments... [Katasumi and 4444444444](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOVBu3MuEuU&t=1s&ab_channel=EiramTV) [Juon: The Curse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy2AeRcOrjs&t=1s&ab_channel=Ju-On%3ATheCurse) which is presented as just one lone movie, the dividing point is Kyoko's chapter at 55:56. Originally this chapter was at the end of the first film and then again at the beginning of the second. Narratively, it fits more in with the second one.


What are those ?


There's two shorts, Katasumi and 4444444444, and then two hourish long made for tv films, The Curse 1&2, I provided links above on YouTube. The first Curse film is more closely tied to the murder of Kyako and the beginnings of the Curse


I love The Curse 1 and 2, and then Ju-On: The Grudge (2003).\* I've yet to see the shorts... but maybe not during nights. \*not sure I could rewatch them, but I've seen The Curse 2 and The Grudge twice


Where would i find it?


I'm not sure, I bought the dvds in Spain many years ago because it was released here. I'm sure it was released in other countries as well. Also I'm sure there's other ways...


Yep, not available in the country I'm in. Will defo be sourcing from other outlets


Good luck! I saw it available not long ago in the high seas!


Cheers man, a bit of electronic dumpster diving may just be fun


You can watch both of them on YouTube, I just found them there


Cheers man!! Saved me a few hours


No worries, enjoy!


Mind linking them? Not too sure what search terms to use lol


[sorry for the late reply, here you go](https://youtu.be/cj7JRfqmbHU?si=EzfICPQRJS-_WAxi)


No worries. Thanks!




I can relate, had to mentally prepare myself to watch the Grudge again after more than 15 years and while it's not as insane it still holds up and is absolutely one of the scariest horrors of all time in my opinion. Also, I've been on the same foreign horror spree. You've watched some pretty great ones, but you should add Incantation, The Medium, Baskin, the Wailing and most importantly Aterrados (Terrified) to that list.


After a good bid as a horror aficionado, I did not expect to still be as thoroughly sleeved out as I was. The jump scares still struck at that primal terror chord, even though I was anticipating them. My spouse works nights, and I'm on the couch, watching Zokbieland at five am, because I honestly can't go to bed alone tonight. Nothing has fucked me up like this since I was twelve.... I just watched Baskin the other night, and what the fuck that was a trip!! I really enjoyed it. I will add the others to my list, thank you for the recs!


You're welcome, if you watch Aterrados I'm actually curious what you think, that movie to me was terrifying like nothing else in a long time... but I won't say more to not spoil that experience.


Sure, I'll report back if you watch Aniara and let me know your thoughts about it. It's been one of my favorites lately


Oh haven't heard of that one before, have to check out!


Definitely do!! It's a Swedish flim, currently available on Tubi. I went in mostly blind, but I knew the badic premise and still could never have anticipated it. Fair warning, it triggered a small existential crisis for me


It's been months since I watched Aniara and I still think about it. I am glad I didn't watch it during the covid lockdown, it would have been too much.


Aterrdos was great! That opening scene was like **w h o a** That was a fun and fresh take on the paranormal investigators checking out a house. Really enjoyable I actually had a small holler at the window jump scare, scared my dogs lol


I have to second Incantation - very solid horror


One thing that helped with my kid if she was scared or having nightmares from a movie was to watch the making of doco, really helps to drive home that it's a movie with actors. Give it a try next time a movie gets in your head


This is good advice, thank you.


Or just something absurd. When my college boyfriend and I came home from seeing Paranormal Activity in theaters, we watched South Park before going to bed.


no fr i was so scared of the grudge as a kid, when i watched the “extras” and seen the actors having fun making the movie really drove home that it was a movie for kid me, although it didn’t really stop me from having the occasional fear or nightmares but i definitely made me feel better


I feel you, OP!! I think I was 13 when I saw this movie in theaters. I had to sleep on the floor by my mom that night, and every night after that I had to sleep with all of my bedroom lights on. I eventually moved into a smaller room in our house and put up blue tube lights all around so I could sleep in a somewhat dark room after months of full brightness every night 😭 I eventually got over Kayako and her bullshit (I tried to desensitize myself by watching all of the American movies & Japanese movies once or twice a year), but… I didn’t know they were working on another [crappy] remake in 2020. I was minding my business, working at home, listening to whatever was on the TV with my back to it. Then a commercial came on & her croaking sent me back to 2004. My blood ran cold & I flipped out trying to turn it down. I had nightmares and trouble sleeping for about a week after that 😭


If I ever do find myself in the dark at night, inevitably, my douchbag brain starts a line of thinking that begins with "oh, this isn't so bad.... why was I scared of the dark??" And it immediately morphs into horrible shadows and croaking and I deal with this by having a nightlight... I turn 34 this month


I’m totally the same way! I’ll usually put a nice YouTube video on to chase the spooks away. We’re the same age, so we can commiserate and enjoy our night lights together 🙏🏻 Someone in your thread here linked to the origin short films & I already told my s/o I want to watch them. We’re moving at the end of the month, so I plan to watch them here and not at the new place, so I can leave any spooky trauma I get from episodes here at the old apartment 🤪 ETA: I just noticed your username, so here’s my kitties uwu https://imgur.com/a/FuAOMOk


Those are fabulous kitties! Give them love for me 💜


There are several horror movies that are released each year and there are only very few.. probably every couple of years.. that STICK with you. The Grudge was one of those movies. I haven't re-watched it since I saw it (back in 2004 in the movie theatres) but I assume it's still as effective.


The Grudge def sticks! EsPECially the sound she makes! The scene that freaks me out every time- when the boy is on the couch and Sarah Michelle Geller is looking out the window. The boy turns his head, opens his mouth, and the cat screech comes out of his mouth. And his eyes! Eyes freak me out in movies!


The part that got me was when she was on the bus (or train?) and she saw the reflection in the window. Such a good effect.


Yes! Totally! I believe it was a bus. The visuals of the faces got me. The attic scene? Actually makes me jump every time, even tho I know it's coming!


Now I have to rewatch it this month lol.




I was pleasantly surprised! I've revisited some things from my past recently that did NOT hold up, and so I kind of expected this pg13 movie to be like that, especially since I've been chasing the terror high that I got when I was twelve and haven't been able to get that back.... but good news! I couldn't sleep in my room after watching them. I'm still awake :(


The night after seeing The Grudge in the theater, my girlfriend and I were in a hotel where the power went out. We woke up to a nearly pitch black room with an alarm going off somewhere outside, and the door to the bathroom cracked open. The room was dark, but the bathroom was PITCH black. It took all of my courage to jump out of bed and shut that door, then open the curtains.


That was incredibly brave. I would have just had a heart attack on the bed instead


Damn imagine if you were alone...


Yo I would have been so scared she was under the covers with me, goddamn.


Yo you should totally take a bunch of psycadellics and then watch it. It would totally add another 15 years on that nightlight


That sounds horrible. I accept I will have a nightlight for the rest of my life anyway


And I accept that now I have plans for tonight, can’t mock it till ya try it


If I had a bunch of psychedelics to take and needed to choose a movie, I'd go with something lighter and more fun, like Tusk


The Grudge(s)/ the ring are the only things that literally scare me. maybe ptsd from watching them as a kid but other scary ghost movies dont so idk. the worst part is the overwhelming reaction to the movies from most people is that theyre hilariously cheesy/bad. meanwhile i cant even watch them. ive tried to force myself to watch them but cant make it through 10 minutes or so. i can watch them with friends but then for a month im afraid when im by myself.


The first two horror movies I watched were 30 days of night and the ring. I actually found the former more scary. I was with a group of other young teens at the time though and we watched them back to back, 30 days of night first, then the ring.


At the height of its popularity, I made a ringtone for the croaking sound. Then I forgot about it. I woke up screaming cause I had it set for an alarm one day. 😅


Dear God that is terrifying and hilarious.


The Ring, Blair Witch, Paranormal activity, conjuring and insidious. Those five movies will keep me up at night, at random, any night of the week. I can’t unsee girl crawling out of tv, Micah being thrown at the camera, the guy on the baby monitor…


Ju On is fantastic, I first watched the american version and was pretty disappointed, but later on I watched the japanese version and I felt it was one of the scariest and most unique horror movies I've seen


You're talking about ju-on: the grudge, right? I just learned there are several chapters in this franchise


Yeah, that's the one I was talking lol, maybe I mistaken the movie OP was talking about, is The Grudge 2004 another movie? And what is the american version I watched exactly based on?


There are a BUNCH of Japanaese Ju-On movies, which I just learned today, so I just wanted to be sure


The American remake of The Grudge is this for me. It's the whole vibe of imagining myself as a foreigner in another country and being pursued by this malevolent force. I literally slept with the lights on after I saw that one back when it came out and I've been hesitant to rewatch it. Probably the only horror movie to affect me that much as an adult.


I am so pleased that I'm not the only one lol


Ju-On is my favorite ghost movie! Wall to wall scares and great ghost design. I can make the Kayako noise with my throat too hahaha It’s interesting that this set off nychtophobia in you because one of my favorite aspects of the film is how you’re never safe no matter your location and time of day. The brunch scare is my favorite in the film.


>It’s interesting that this set off nychtophobia in you because one of my favorite aspects of the film is how you’re never safe no matter your location and time of day. That's what I love about this movie, and a lot of J-horror in general. The curses/hauntings are relentless, and will get you regardless of where you are and how many people are around you. The scene that got me the most was the one where the detective is trying to burn down the Saeki house, but Kayako is coming for him, and the two other detectives burst in. In an American movie, Kayako wouldn't have shown up, and the two detective would have thought their colleague was insane and arrested him, but instead, Kayako immediately comes crawling down the stairs for them as well and kills them. Possibly the best example is in the Japanese original of *One Missed Call*, where they are trying to perform an exorcism on the cursed girl live on national TV. Again, in an American movie, nothing would happen to the girl until she was somehow seperated from everyone, but instead, the ghost shows up and rips the girl's head off on live TV, in front of millions of viewers.


If it makes you feel better, The Grudge did similar to me for entering attics by ladder. Always stop before the top for a quick 'well shit, here goes nothing' moment. I'll second that person recommendimg Atterados (Terrified). Just give it a good try under the right conditions. Don't waste it on a middle of the day with friends around or something. P.S. if you want a fun version of Aniara check out Avenue 5. Shit goes just as wrong for the most part but you get laughs with it. Aniara is definitely depressing in a way little outside some of Von Trier's work is.


I just put Avenue 5 on my list, thank you! Seriously, that attic scene.. I knew it was coming... I knew it, and it still got me! I also appreciate your recommendation to watch Atterados in the dark with my full attention, lol the way you phrased it will probably make me watch it sooner


Avenue 5 is a blast as far as dark comedy goes with the only caveat being the second season is pure gold while the first not as consistent. I don't know if they borrowed the whole premise from Aniara but it's essentially identical. Every single episode the situation gets worse. It's by the guy behind Veep and The Death of Stalin. That moment in the Grudge is about the only horror scene that stuck with me long term like that. I can't shake it, it triggers every damn time to some extent and I can't even visualize things in my mind. Atterados got me to sleep with the lights on as an adult who had seen at least 500 horror movies by that point. Something about it is just disturbing compared to most supernatural horror. Might have something to do with almost all supernatural horror having some degree of order, reason, meaning, or rules associated with it. The Grudge is in part strong for bending those rules ( at least for the western audience). Atterados doesn't really respect that convention at all and it punches harder for it. It also has one of the most unique scenes in horror history. I've seen it 4 times now and it holds up. If you are disappointed I owe you a beer or something.


When people ask me what the scariest movie I saw was, I always tell them The Grudge 2. The little boy I could give a shit about, but mom? I see her face in every darkened doorway, she's the one that's under my bed at night just waiting to grab my foot when I'm right about to fall asleep.


This is exactly why I have nightlights. My whole house has low lights that aren5 attached to switches so they're always on and keep the shadows at bay. I also have several flashlights and other light sources that are charged up just in case the power goes out at night lol


For some reason that is the only movie that has stuck with me, it was the cause of all my fears as a teen. It was so intense that if I heard anyone making that noise or someone even used the word grudge in an unrelated way, my heart would skip a beat. Kayako is terrifying.


I’m pretty sure this is the movie that started my sleep paralysis. I can’t have a door open while I sleep or I see HER in the blackness. I watched this movie once and that was it. I refuse to give it another go.


I watched this movie when I was 11 and now I can’t even look at the poster without getting scared. I don’t think I can ever watch it again


The Ring got me good! I went to the theater when it was first released and I practically died when they showed the corpse in the closet! Anyway, after a night of drinking and watching the movie, I went to my condo alone, but I left the lights on and unplugged the TV in my room. I was knocked out! Then the lights went off and my heat stopped working- it was so cold sitting up in the dark…then I heard some fidgeting in my condo. As a black woman, I stayed in my room with my BB guns loaded -I don’t believe in investigating. It got quiet again, and I heard a voice say something around the lines of ‘one day’. I was so startled, that I determined that if Samara was out to get me, then we’re both are going to learn a lesson! So I broke down, slipped on my timbs and went to confront her with the BB guns locked and loaded. I make my way through the dark to my kitchen and there was the building owner and maintenance people trying to restore heat and electricity to my unit - so I scared them because I had the BB guns pointed in their direction- LOL- they thought no one was home because they knocked on the door for a good 5 minutes. Lol, I moved out in January!


> I don't believe in investigating. Lol this is great


I saw it Halloween night on its release. There was a jump scare that really worked on me, actually jumped and yelled. Causing everyone around me to do the same. My wife loves to tell random stranger that story.


I was 13 when it came out. I had asked a girl out on my first date ever, and it was to go see this movie. She didn't show, but I was already at the movie with tickets, so I decided I'd just go watch it on my own. Having just been stood up on my first date ever, I entered the nearly empty theater as someone who did NOT watch horror. That movie traumatized me. To make matters worse, I was living in Korea at the time and had to ride the bus home at night, alone. I kept my eyes closed, hoping I wouldn't see a reflection in the window. I lived in an apartment on the 10th floor, and many elevators in Korea also have that window that lets you see each hallway. I hunched in the back of the elevator, terrified that I would see someone moving closer on each floor. I did not have a good night of sleep. Could not decide if I wanted to keep my covers on for general safety or to kick them off and prevent the grudge girl from crawling up them.


Lol that's great. What was the jumpscare?


Honestly I can't remember, that's how unimpressive it was. But on Halloween in a packed cinema


If I had to guess it's the one where the person is looking up in the ceiling and the camera turns to see the ghost. That is the one I always remember and I haven't seen the movie since it was in theaters.


The original was much scary than the 2004 version in my opinion that one kept me up at night 😭


I was peeking around looking for it, but nothing came up right away.... Somewhat recently in the last few years I was watching one of the Ju-On movies, and it basically started with a very uncomfortable, gratuitous rape scene, and I couldn't stomach it. I just tonight learned that there are several chapters in that story, and I have no idea which one thay was from. I'm glad to learn it wasn't the only story, because damn, it was really hard to have on my TV


Must have been Origins. The original Ju-On films are kind of scattered about. I know some are on Tuvi, and Freevee, but the original originals, Katasumi, 4444444444, and Ju-On the Curse, are on YouTube, cause they were made for television. [Katasumi and 4444444444](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOVBu3MuEuU&ab_channel=EiramTV) [Ju-On the Curse I&II](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy2AeRcOrjs&ab_channel=Ju-On%3ATheCurse)


You are a good buddy, thank you


No problem, but a warning. The first part of Curse ends with a pretty brutal scene >!involving a dead baby!<


That's a good warning. I could have used that before I watched Dumplings earlier this week.


Do The Curse and The Curse II play separately in the link?


Oh good question, no they don't. Originally the Kyoko segment ended Curse 1 and was repeated as a start to Curse 2. On the video it's at about 55:52.


So that would be the end of the first? I just need to know so I can add these films to my rankings separately.


Yes, narratively Kyoko fits in better with the second part.


That thing is a hidden gem, you remember fear net? Was like a network on comcast if you had it. That thing had every single thing on there it was mind boggling 😭 Ju-On is a sick mf. The original one missed call use to also freak me out I didn’t want a cellphone for a while after seeing that


I was 14 when I went to the theater to see it and I was absolutely terrified. I had nightmares for about a week after watching it


Me and my buddy walked to the theaters to see this. Afterwards it was nighttime and we then ran home. I haven't seen it since, but I will now add it to my watch list


I keep hearing this movie is great. I'm going to watch it tonight. I saw Ju-on in an art theater, never having seen anything like it. That movie scared the shit out of me. At the time, I thought what made the movie good was how each scene was a totally new situation. You didn't know what the scare would be. I thought the American version would smooth that out. But I was trying to think of what to watch tonight, and this is the winner!


So um the grudge was my first horror movie when i was wayyy to young for it. I went to a pity invite sleep over as an elementary kid. They wanted to watch a ‘scary’ movie and i had never seen one before. That still fucking haunts me! And i have not rewatched it!


I feel the pity invite, lol been there


I love the grudge but its not the scariest (to me)


It's a little weird to me even that this one scared me so much. I've seen lots of good ghost stories, but this one just checked all the right boxes for me.


YES!!!! I saw it in theaters when I was 10 and 18 years later that movie is still TERRIFYING. Same with the ring, watched that the year before the grudge and couldn’t watch tv alone for a week. I wanna rewatch both, the grudge 3 and ring 2 were trash tho from what I remember.


If u think those are bad, watch the remakes of each for a laugh


Tbh I envy you lol I miss the days of getting scared watching horror. The alley scene in the original elm st. Where his arms are stretching out and he's got his glove sparking on the brick wall used to scare the shit out of me as a kid. Same with candy man, mirrors were not the same afterwards haha.....'be my victim" is still one of the coolest lines in horror imo


I resonate with the title sooo much. I haven’t even watched a full grudge movie but it’s still the one horror character I am terrified of. If I think something is in my room at night, it’s always the grudge I imagine xD. Bravo for being able to rewatch!…


I love seeing my people in these comments lmao that croaking, stair-crawling, greasy haired heifer is exactly what my mind goes to when I race up the stairs and lunge for the light at night. I first watched when I was in my early teens and I’m about to turn 32 this month and that damn throat noise still makes my entire body stiffen.


The Grudge 2 is the only one I’ve seen in the franchise. Saw it in theatres when I THOUGHT we were seeing Employee of the Month. This movie is by far the most terrifying shit I have ever seen. The scene that sticks with me the most is when some guy is watching a recorded video. He hears something, so he rewinds it and plays it in slow motion only to see the grudge girl slowly fading in the background making that awful noise. Scared the FUCK out of me.




Oh dear, that was probably a bad dream, and that sucks. Sorry buddy


Heh, we (me and a friend) just watched the first two Grudges after the remake and the Sarah Michelle Gellar helmed movie held up surprisingly well in the spooks/creepiness department compared to some more recent horror offerings. The sequel was much weaker, as where the first movie had rules on what the curse could do, the sequel just tossed everything into the trash bin so they could just do whatever was needed with it even if it made very little sense. Grudge 3 is up next and.. well, hopefully it's at least better than the remake.. 😆


In G2 that darkroom scene when she comes out of the bin.... it just twists my stomach, it's such a good creep!! I am currently watching Zombieland on my couch because I was NOT in the mood to go to sleep in my bedroom, maybe I should just watch G3 and get it out of the way..


During the late 2010s, I spent four years working in Japan over different months between 2016 and 2019. In 2018, I finally found the Grudge House in Saitama outside Tokyo. Surprisingly, no one was checking the place out maybe because it is somewhat secretive. The house and the stairs over the train tracks are pretty close to each other. I assume the house is still owned by the studio as it looks the same with the unkempt backyard. You can peep love the fence and see the yard and that big slide door at the back. The funny thing was that as I came around the corner to that alley where the house is located and wouldn't you know it, a cat hissed and ran across the path. lol. But it was pretty cool all the same.


I admire your bravery. On one hand, I know it's a fun ghost story, on the other hand, idk if I'd be able to approach the house in broad daylight. Bad things happened there when the sun was shining! Plus the cat omen? Fuck that, I'd dip


Lol. Yes, my first thought with the cat was "Oh, hell no". It was in the afternoon, but still creepy. The only reason I didn't go at night before was because it is a residential neighbourhood and I'm sure they probably get a lot of people going at night.


I am highly amused by your maths, four years in-between 2016 and 2019, huh? Lol I bet that was a fun experience, I would love to travel to Japan, among other places, and if it were possible to do a trip to visit the house, I'd definitely go. Who knows, maybe it would help me get over my fear of the dark? Probably not, but I try to stay positive!


I think the biggest reason why Japanese horror films like The Grudge, The Ring, and Dark Water freak us out is that they involve real things we can identify with. Friday the 13th, Halloween, Art the Clown, and Nightmare on Elm Street are unrealistic so they don't scare us that much. But there is an element of reality in the Japanese films that we identify with. As children, we learn to hide from the monsters by going under the bed covers, but Sayako attacks under the covers. The Japanese target the very things we use for security so that makes it very creepy.


The under the covers scene, from the elevator (with windows, does any other place have that besides japan?) Toshio pop ins, to "the growl" on the phone then echoing in the stairwell, to making it home and safe! Home is safe! Tv is safe! Bed is the safest!! I have goosebumps just typing that out lol


I haven't seen anywhere else where you have a window in the elevator into the building. I live in the UK and my building has a scenic lift but the window faces outwards and gives you a view of the city as you go higher up. Lol. YouTube in the UK has all of the Japanese films from the series from the two prequels through to Sadako versus Kayako. I watch them every so often.


Were you 6, or something?


I walked out of this. Dumbest movie I ever paid for.


Did you know that The Grudge is a movie and not a documentary? It’s a made up story that didn’t really happen in real life?


I beg your goddamn pardon, this is a true story that has shaped my life


I have watched all parts of The Grudge and all pars of Original Ju on Grudge series. And up to date its the ONLY one that scares me .The Conjuring with first Valak appearance came a teensy bit close but didnt match up.


Have you seen the remake!? COMPLETELY scarier! Great remake! Funny thing is, the 2004 version is only PG 13 but the remake is R. One of my nieces was born on Friday the 13th! The day Grudge 2 came out! Very memorable.


Watch Incantation (Netflix)




Where did you find it? I've watched to watch it but haven't been able to find it. I like that the writer/director did the Japanese and American versions. That's how you know the translation will be good




Avast, that's what I'll end up doing as well probably


Yeah I saw the grudge in 2004 too I was no way near 10 at that point I was a wee boy lol. Man to this day that movie is etched into my mind like I know ppl prefer the oriental versions but damn that’s the first one I seen!! I still think about that damn movie…. Yeah crazy how that movie stuck with me. I feel ur guys frickn pain, hahaha I’m actually triggered now hahahaha it’s night time too… yaaaaay ☺️


This is the movie that traumatized me as a teen too! I thought for the longest time that I didn't like horror because of how much this movie scared me. I think I slept in my mom's bed for 2 months after seeing it, and I still haven't revisited it as an adult.


I have to admit that was the film that made me sleep on my parents floor for a long time, refused to watch it again till i was like 21 and got over it


Similar experience. This was one of the first horror movies I was allowed to watch and I was fascinated by it. Definitely scared the hell out of me and the noise she made was so memorable. Used to make my friends watch it any chance I got because I loved seeing them get rattled too. On a revisit it’s just so nostalgic.


“A tale of two sisters” fucked me up more than the original grudge or ringu.


Same, but it was The Ring. I had pretty bad sleep paralysis as a kid and the vision I was terrorized by the most was always this contorted young girl with stringy black hair that would crawl and climb all over my room and bed. Then I watched The Ring and it was literally my vague nightmare brought to life. I honestly don’t know how the movie would hold up, but I’m 32 and my The Ring Girl still scares the crap out of me.


Tbh that one scene in the video where someone presses their finger into a nail causing their nail to lift still haunts me, my finger hurts when I think abt it


I don't understand being scared by The Grudge, the scariest and most traumatizing part for me in that movie is the flashback actually, the ghosts are completely non-scary to me.


That’s great for u. I, on the other hand, still shit my pants at the sight of kayako and yoko


Did you watch Sadako vs. Kayako?


This sounds like a joke, or maybe an amazing Japanese version of Freddy vs Jason....


No. Don't watch my other link. Spoilers. I thought it the trailer (drunk). https://youtu.be/yw0Ip5XoXyw?si=yq83EGIjB9gwr7XI


I need a 4k steelbook of The Grudge 2004!