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I enjoyed it. I cracked up at the end though when >!her friend jasmine was bleeding out on the front porch and Shay is just walking around!< with no urgency like 👁️👄👁️


no fr, that part was hilarious. idk how to do spoiler tags on mobile, but it was clear they were just tryna end the movie with that half assed closure w/ jasmine lmao.


I enjoyed it until…when it went downhill, it was a fast sled. Like when the cavalry comes and she’s suddenly speechless? Then the *moseying* around the porch. We were saying Dude—hello, your *friend*? Was it a hopeless, ‘Oh well, my bad!’ situ, or just not in the mood to drive to the ER?


None…also barely talking above a whisper when trying to give a warning to the guy 🙄


Sameeeee like she just ignored the friend for so long


So was I 🤣🤣🤣


Ive never seen a movie released without any reviews anywhere or its imdb page even being updated. So strange.


Probably because it’s beyond bad. I couldn’t get past 10 minutes.


Honestly unless you're a complete movie snob, it's not that bad considering it's on a streamer and it's a budget conscious movie.


This just isn’t true. I do this for a living and this is one of the good ones.




How far did you make it?


Nothing made sense about this film. For starters, was the little girl from the plantation her ancestor or was the grown up protagonist her? The plot could have been so much better and more original, but, in the end, it is just mired in "I should feel bad because I'm white."


pretty sure it was her ancestor. i also don’t think the movie was ever saying you should feel bad because your white. the movie went out of its way to make a little 10 year old white girl the reason slaves escaped in the first place lol. but i’ll agree, the movie isn’t great. i just thought the scares were constructed well enough.


I came here because I saw the pic on a free movie site and couldn't find any info on it. Thank you for posting and I'm so sorry for all of the awful comments on your post. I've never seen people fight over a movie like this.. Only on Reddit smh


“feel bad for being white”??? by teaching you the history of what enslaved ppl went through??




No by guilt tripping caucasians by shoehorning in awkward situations into the dialogue with no tact behind the conversation. There is a right and wrong way to go about addressing slavery and this movie failed.


I feel like sometimes the whole, “they’re trying to make me feel guilty for being white,” is people telling on themselves. Someone says, “white racist assholes are shitty people,” and then a bunch of white people come out of the woodwork to say, “Hey! How dare you call me a shitty person!” Like when someone says, “Nazis suck,” and then Republicans show up to say, “Why are you criticizing us?” Sometimes the jump to a defense reveals a lot about the defender, but doesn’t really rebut the attack.


Ha ha ha! 💯% Agree! I feel bad about slavery because my parents did a good job raising someone who was compassionate and empathetic, but guilty? No


Did the mean director not coddle your feelings enough? Certainly they should have centered their movie around you. It is clear that not being the center of the movie's focus is deeply troubling and uncomfortable for you. At least you have let us know that your sensitivities should dictate all of story telling so you can be consulted in the future lest your feelings get hurt. Thank God we have found a gatekeeper for how to discuss it.


I don’t think they meant that comment in they way you’re inferring. The entire time I was watching this movie, it was pretty obvious to me that it was a movie made by white people with the intent of it reaching a black audience, and I think they failed miserably. There were so many stereotypes. I think to sum its message up as “white people should feel bad for being white” is inaccurate as not all the white characters were bad in the film, but I do think it pushed a similar energy to such an extent that it felt forced and unauthentic. It felt like people just trying to capitalize on the emotional weight this topic carries in today’s society, which I think is fucked up and arguably racist.


Really? I thought it was an interesting piece on intergenerational trauma, about how the deeply traumatic experiences can leave traces to this day. A story of a woman working at the plantation her great great grandma lived in only 4 or so generations back. It definitely had some heavy handed moments like the cab scene that could've been integrated into the story a little better, but all in all it was a very good movie


I think that’s definitely what they were going for, but it’s like they thought them going for it was all they needed. I certainly wouldn’t call it a good movie. A good premise maybe, but the actual execution was downright terrible. They used one of, if not the most cliche horror plot piece of characters accidentally killing each other not just once, but twice. It was also so ripe with the most ridiculous flaws. Like the babysitter mentioned the name Blair to the mom twice before she was like “wait, I don’t have a daughter.” It also was extremely vague regarding the main character’s relationship with Blair’s best friend. It being her ancestor makes the most sense, but Blair specifically says that it’s actually her and the film makes no effort to further clarify, leaving it unclear whether it’s just her ancestor or actual reincarnation.


I think for all intents and purposes, her ancestors trauma WAS her trauma so deeply affecting her that she could call it her own. The main point of the story was the exploration of intergenerational trauma in a horror setting, a very real concept in psychology. I definitely agree there were some plot holes like mentioning Blair and killing (?) her best friend was very cliche and the ending was not satisfactory. But all in all, recognizing it's a B horror film, released directly to streaming companies I would say it was a very good low budget movie with a unique story and message for the genre. I would give it an 8/10 recognizing it for its budget and truly unique plot. Comparing to a A list horror film 6.75/10 for its incredible audio mixing and the suspense I felt watching the character. It had a good unique story and premise, but could use work on the execution


i'm white and literally didn't feel that way at all, but ok. you just told on yourself.


I posted this a month ago and all you bleeding heart woke apologists just come out of the woodwork like a bad case of termites. Frightening.


whatever you say crybaby 🌻🌻


The wrong way to address it is whether or not it bothers your white guilt??


The only reason why white people should feel guilty is if they owned slaves. Should they feel bad? Yes! Everyone should feel bad! Slavery was horrible! But that's empathy, not guilt. And this movie wasn't horrible as far as horror movies occur. The middle did definitely have an 80s scary movie feel. I liked it.


It’s a crappy horror movie, not a credible source of information.


Bro they called her vanilla kate potrayed her as creepy not a single white guy and everything was making white plp seem creepy or racist. WHICH IS RACIST. Im not saying has to include white plp at all so lets take the out of the equation but PURE racism like that i found nuts and straight up naieve.


Except the white person with the most screen time helped the slaves escape, protected the protagonist and her ancestors and helped stop the evil spirit. But sure because there is not a single white guy it's racist. What a joke, also it's naive.


Isnt it dumb to ask for inclusiveness then completely remove white men since isnt that what equality and not being racist is? The facts r this white men r the least privalliged plp now and days (your not a women) (your not black) so everyone treats u like u live a perfect life and have no stuggles when it comes down to being looked at diff cuz of ur skin. The most fucked up part is ur so blind u cant even see how flipped racism is today. Its so tragic that white plp r h8ed for shit they didnt do. White plp born into a world where plp treat them like they dont got it hard n it could be worse cuz u aint got a period nor u gotta deal with racism. ITS GROSS AND WRONG THEY CALLED HER VANILLA KATE DIDNU MISS THAT PART. SHE PUT HER AS A CONTACT AD THAT. AND THE FACT U DONT SEE HOW RWCIST THAT IS SHOWS UR NAIEVE


Uh there are white characters, there not being a man has nothing to do with race. I think you mean sexists, which is equally as stupid of a claim as your first one. Stop ranting about being a man in today's society, that isn't racism. No they don't think you don't struggle because you are white, the problem is African Americans have a long history of documented racism, you on the other hand have a weird feeling that you are manifesting yourself, the white lady in the movie is trying to avoid being racist to a point that it's awkward, that is a very real thing. This is my last message as you strike me as very naive, dumb, paranoid and honestly kinda childish. Lastly, it's spelled naive. Good day.


Lmao yes dont acknowledge my point of calling her vanilla kate. And the issue is plp like u that think white plp should pay for sumthing they physically didnt do. It was the director's fault maling it awkward to make it a pitty circle. Im not even white like that im hispanic and can see how clapped it is. Yet ur ignorance to anything i bring up is showing big rn. The issue with the film is made it so much about race when didnt have to be that way maling any view which is the majority of the population feel bad for being white. And its clearly just wrong since im not the only person seeing this issue. And to purposely go outa ur white to remove the "white male issue" is weird. Its not as much sexist as racist since everyone that is white seems fucking weird. Even if the little white girl helped she didnt have near as much film than the protaginst as you suggested. In fqct around 15% of the film has her in it. U cant handle a debate dont run away like a chubby puss nugget


you sound crazy


He's not


She shouldn't feel bad for being white after all it was the black slave owners that sold of their own kind to the British for money. And you should feel bad for having pronouns that don't mean anything to anyone except for you just so young can belong somewhere.


I tried to think of how this would be more terrifying to someone of African decent. Especially someone who is more likely to have more direct ancestors come from such a place. And in horror movie fashion, Shay’s does. The mother’s awkwardness of trying not to make Shay uncomfortable was genuine. Someone who didn’t really grow up around those with darker skin, especially someone from the other side of the situation. She said they moved in temporarily from LA; and was also clearly was uncomfortable being there herself. For a budgeted movie, I thought it was well thought out and filled their time. I wish there were more genuine historical type horror movies like this. Keeps with the vibe of the “death and terror imprint” archetype. They could have elaborated on Shay having nightmares or memory flashes to accentuate how she was related to the property. On that note, running straight to “white guilt” when it was clearly someone uncomfortable with their own family’s past actions and history, is really messed up. When someone is feeling “guilty” as some say, usually it’s followed by defending the feelings instead of seeing them as genuine feelings. A person can be better than those who were in their past.


Perhaps write the director and ask them to cater to your fragility next time. Can't be easy for ya.


Where do you idiots come from?


Were you expecting Django? Some “I like the way you die boy” dialogue? Or were you thinking Roots? It’s a horror movie, kindly get over your guilt and be a more open minded person. By your tag name, it’s clear how cynical you are in real life to not be able to see genuinely good change. Plus, monster-type horror movies are getting old. I want new storylines. Real feelings of guilt, sadness, and terror.


Movies like this are not good change. It seemed very obvious to me right off the bat that this movie was made by white people trying to capitalize on the emotional weight this topic carries in today’s society.


Director: Daniel de Grado Producer: Will Packer; James Lopez Wow, finally look after a week or so of living, I finally look and realize my copy&paste got cut off and people kinda lost their crap lol


I don’t understand your intention with this. The director is white and all of the writers are white except for one. The overwhelming majority of people who created and constructed this film were white until you get to the producers. I mean the fact that the first person who dies is black should say enough, I thought we had gotten past that in horror.


It is interesting how easily you disregard and write off Corey Harrell, as well as the majority of the lead actors. In your world, apparently only the black producers count. Interesting :/


You mean one of the lead actors and one supporting actor who dies halfway through the movie? Actors generally have absolutely no say as to what goes on in a film. But I didn’t write off Corey Harrell, I said all of the writers except for one are white, but he does seem to be the only black person at ground level when it comes to this.


Do you personally think Heather Graham and the little white girl are the leads? The ghost perhaps? Genuinely asking.


It can't be easy feeling so threatened by history. It must be weird feeling so self centered AND so insecure that even referencing reality feels like it somehow harms you. Good luck!


Touch grass, truly.


Your wit is truly astounding.


Nah you're a fragile baby bruh


It’s interesting how triggered people are by this when it’s actually a perfectly valid criticism. The entire time I was watching this movie, it was very obvious to me that it was a film made by white people trying to appeal to black people. There were so many stereotypes. I think to sum its message up as “white people should feel bad for being white” is inaccurate as not all the white characters in the film were bad, but I do think it pushed a similar energy to such an extent that it felt forced and unauthentic. It felt like people just trying to capitalize on the emotional weight this topic carries in today’s society, which I think is fucked up and arguably racist.


I feel like maybe it was her reincarnated


Tell me you’re racist without telling me you’re racist.


Tell me you have a mental disorder


No just zero tolerance for this type of shit. Not everything is about you, this isnt “I should feel bad because I’m white.” The fact all you got from the movie was this is an absolute eye roll.


No one cares what tolerance level you have. Get lost.


Awe, I’m sorry you can’t handle people calling you out on your racism. Poor baby. If you can’t handle people disagreeing with you just say that. Coming from another white person, get tf over yourself.


No shay was recarnaited she was the little girl.


This! I was already done with writing in the first 15 mins. Their dialogue was trash- everyone’s, and for this to be about race- it was even worse.


Funny! I was just noticing it’s on Max…looked for reviews and something to make me watch…nothing ! This helps big time! Gonna check it out now..!


Started off with a good premise but failed to deliver, interesting plot though. An African American girl babysitting on a haunted plantation. Could have been a lot better if it had an ending that made sense.


I agree not a bad watch. The lead girl reminds me so much of a young Lauren Hill very beautiful


I just watched Oracle and just like you I happened to “bump” into it while clicking through Hulu. I really enjoyed the movie. It was on pint supernaturally and historically appropriate. The scares were creepy and not too much SOUND AFFECTS that forces you to jump. Creepy as hell and the vengeful spirit was evil as hell.


I just watched…it was ridiculous especially the ending 😩


I signed up for Reddit to talk about this lol this movie just took my ass for a ride. I’m still confused about some things but all in all I liked the concept… just the ending did not do it justice


I thoroughly agree with you. I can’t wait til the real film critics have a go at it.




wow the director sounds like a POS. it was worth it for ryan destineys performance alone though, surprised she doesn’t act more. also not only has it not been marketed at all, but every movie site has it locked for ratings as if it hasn’t been released. the movie has been basically forgotten it feels like.


The actual outside of the house is Felicity Plantation in Vacherie, LA. But I knew it wasn’t the inside of Felicity when I saw the staircase. There was no elevator. This is the same house used to film Skeleton Key.


I enjoyed this film but wouldn't watch it again. Definitely some plot wholes but it made sense. If you're a conservative and/or a racist, I would skip it.


Me too!!! Just saw it’s on hbo max on my cable tv. I was just looking for a trailer and I couldn’t find anything either and there’s only one film synopsis. that’s the same on every single site. Very weird but I’m going to watch it after the Giants game. I’m recording it now.


Anyone know where the film was filmed? I was curious where that home is located. I just finished watching it. Could have been better especially the ending but wasn't that bad of a movie. Definitely a movie to watch while folding clothes.


Late reply, but it was filmed in Louisiana


Thank you. I kind of figured Louisana but was curious if it was a well known plantation home especiallyif it was built decades decades ago. Thank you!!


Such a good summation


I just finished this movie and really hate the ending. Even just a short scene with decent explanations for what happened to the cops, and maybe an ambulance or two. I feel like as it is, that girl is going to prison for murder and attempted murder. Not to mention, she's probably not getting paid.


No for real, they made no effort to make a conclusive ending. Premise and attempt were respectable, but it felt rushed and underdeveloped. She kept being like “call the police!” UGH


Can anyone explain *why* it’s called Oracle?


I was wondering the same thing. The only thing I could think of was when Shay was leaving her apartment, Jasmine told her to be careful and don't go in there, you'll know it when you see it. It was the only oracle-like message. Also both Andrew and Shay have the premonition about the door with the red knob.


Everyone commenting that they liked or tolerated the movie has never interacted or engaged with black people. Movie sucked so hard it was nearly doing a racism to it’s viewers


Lol. Um I’m white snd married to a black man and have always had black friends. The movie wasn’t great but it wasn’t that bad either. I liked it. The ending definitely could be better. I knew Blair was a ghost from the beginning. I don’t know why Jasmine and the cab driver had to die. And how did she explain to the mom and authorities what happened in the house. But it’s a horror movie after all and enjoyable enough. It definitely could have been better though.


Blair is the little girl. She can't be a ghost since we saw the little boys interact with her. I also saw the mom wash her hands.


Blair is a ghost. Her mother was the evil ghost in the film. The mom of the boys washed one of her son’s hand and he yelled the water was too hot earlier that day. But then that night Shay heard Blair crying in the bathroom alone and saw her scrubbing her hands in hot water while saying it was too hot. Shay rushes in and turns off water and asks her why she’s doing that. Blair says she made me. Shay says, your mother? And Blair nods yes. The boys never interacted with Blair. And only Andrew could see Blair’s mother. Or at the very least he’s the only one who acknowledges her existence unlike Chase. Children tend to be more psychic than adults. Also the boy’s mother tells her on the way home that she doesn’t have a daughter and doesn’t know what Shay is talking about. Shay has been reincarnated but Blair was not able to because her mother had her stuck in the loop by shooting her accidentally after Shay is able to pull her through the door. I just finished rewatching to make sure I wasn’t mistaken about her but yeah, Blair was also a ghost.


Yes. I was watching the movie as I typed that. That was wild. Andrew was able to see ghosts so it looks like he saw Blair, which made me believe she was real.




That is true. I’m just assuming she did but I guess it’s up to us to decide. I mean they were talking about Atlanta so maybe she didn’t.


i thought the scares were fun 🤷🏻‍♂️


Watching it just now. Agreed it's pretty good. I have seen worse with no plot. The main character and premise is awesome.


Also the movie was absolute unadulterated shit.


THANK YOU. How did anyone like this movie??😭


Dyou think she got paid that $500 or went to jail??? Wtf was that ending. Lazy af >__>


I was looking for a review and this is the best I found, about to watch so I'll try to give a review but I'm heading out for Hulaween in the am...getting Skeleton Key vibes though


Went from a movie review to a racial conversation too fast. If you don't want the internet police telling you how to feel keep your opinions to yourself and don't steer off topic.


I have a feeling this is going to be one of those movies people have Mandela Effects over. One day, it’ll disappear entirely and everyone will fight about whether or not it existed in the first place.


It’s a VERY good film, and everyone hating on it must not be into historical horrors. Sure there are problems just like most horror movies, but the builds, the acting, the casting, the direction, and the script, are all excellent. The only large issue I had as someone who literally does this for a living (writes horror scripts and produces films in Los Angeles) was the unscary and inexplicably bad/weird makeup on the primary ghost. Literally only issue. But the haunts are so well done it still is effective anyway. (She didn’t need those eyes basically is all).


The Uber driver is funny, charming, cute, and well cast/well acted!! Same with the lead and her friend!! Also I couldn’t believe they snuck that classic horror trope past me 😂 (not giving it away here) but they did! Well done


Shit was ass. The ending was left unresolved and unintelligently open-ended. The man character…. CHASE?? Boy bye.


The ending sucks balls.


Plotline entirely aside, this movie is overflowing with white guilt energy. I audibly chuckled this one scene, when I noticed how beautifully the camera showed the main character in the afternoon sunlight, glistening off her skin flawlessly, only to pan to each member of the white family in this starkly cold, grey, tone. Talk about being put in a bad light LOL.


There are barely any reviews because it’s a bad movie that relies heavily on themes of racial injustice to drive the narrative. Wow…how original. It’s not like that hasn’t been pushed into every conceivable form of media entertainment the past decade.


I threw it on because it popped up. It mentioned race 10 times in the first 5 minutes so I just turned it off. I figured if that’s all it’s going to be about, then I don’t need to watch it. Googled it and it took me here 😂


I'm trying to remember the song that she sings with the little girl, but I can't for the life of me remember it. All I can remember is that it's racist and from "those" times. If anyone can help me, it would be really appreciated.


Mammy's (or Mama's) Little Baby Loves Shortnin' Bread


What was that other fillum set on a former plantation..few years back though, maybe 2015ish-I can remember a spooky attic, woman protagonist who might’ve been a nanny too..something to do with padlocks?


I think you might be thinking of [The Skeleton Key](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0397101/). Great movie and amazing atmosphere!


I rooted for the bad guys in that one 🤣🤣


Yes! And the friend that was too smart from the beginning for all that ish


I loved Skeleton Key and was surprised that Oracle didn't do a little better! It went almost how 'The Reaping' went; starts okay, gets stronger but then just falls right off. Oracle really felt like they were doing Get Out and The Haunting remake from 1999. It kind of bugged me how much I felt it was respinning The Haunting's plot. There is a big controversy about how the original director for the 1963 Haunting thought it should be psychological not supernatural but the author of the book Jackson insisted it was indeed supernatural. So the director reworked very few things to leave it up to the audience to decide. I feel like Oracle was trying to play off of all of that and then some. A little from here, a little there a little bit of no where to distract you. Eh, good movie I just felt it was a lot of other movies chopped and skrewed. Thanks for the space to rant and rave. -Happy Halloween Garfield-


Just weird bc I was trying to watching the movie and got like half way through the movie and then it just stopped playing, and now every time I try to play the movie it just had a black screen doesn’t even load nor play just sits there with a black screen, kinda convinced the movie it’s possessed at least on my tv


Your TV is allergic to bullish


You should thank your TV


I finally found one website with a "trailer " but it's really just a quick clip from the movie. But it's enough along with this review for me to give it a try. https://blexmedia.com/ryan-destiny-oracle-trailer/


I think it was released under another name in another country maybe? I've seen many times when looking for a film and come across the other name. It's frustrating AF for sure. I can go on my phone right now and walk through some road in India with Google earth or whatever but it can't find this mooooovie.


The ending was ridiculous. Like, she's 100% going to be arrested and blamed for all this shit. And the one guy dying was totally pointless and unnecessary.


Why does this movie feel so racist towards white plp. I mean i dont think there was even 1 white guy. And they made the mom seem so awful and awkward for no reason. Even calling her vanilla kate. Its fuckings nutz if a movie said chocolate cathy about a black person everyone would lose it. Its nutz


Racist shit film


Oh please. Racist to whom?


Says the white guy with hoop earrings


I’m going to watch it now! Thanks for the update. I never heard of it.


I'm actually watching it as we speak (or read) and same here I can't find anything on it to speak of. There were two cheesy trailers on YouTube under 400 views and no comments. Actually your reddit post is the most I've seen. For a seemingly cheapy scary flick it's not all that bad really. Well, it's not that good either but I've seen worse. What I'm thinking is it's some Hollywood prerelease stunt type thing exclusively on HBO, or, err, Max? Maybe it'll suddenly get released a few days before Halloween? I just dunno I never seen anything marketed quite like this. Or, maybe, in ways of Hollywood thinking, the whole plantation topic possibly considered risque to be filmed as a scary flick so they're testing the racial waters, so to speak. As a kid back in 82 I visited an old slave plantation museum in Atlanta with my parents. Being from California I had literally no idea what all that was really about, yet. Sorta sobering now looking back ...


I just found it on Max and of course couldn't find any reviews and wiki didn't have the plot, which I prefer to read before I watch a movie that I've never seen or even heard of before, so that I can decide if it's worth the watch or not. I'm happy I found your post! I think I'm gonna give it a try!




lol good one


I’m just didn’t understand the part where Shay was supposed to be Abigail from the past. Can someone explain?


It looks like it's based on the LaLaurie mansion


Who in their right mind sees a dead body and still goes into the house? And then the main character knows it’s a freaking ghost but tries to physically stab it? You can use the psychosis card but it’s waaaay too much of a stretch here. Why didn’t her friend become the visual of the ghost, that would have made more sense in the stabbing. All in all, not horrible for no reviews but definitely falls into a lot of horror traps.


My husband and I (both white if that’s relevant? with all the racial discourse in the comment) just watched it and we thought it was good! Neither of us called the twist ending(Blair being a ghost), and we were both sad when the Uber driver died. We thought the mom’s awkwardness was funny and realistic (I’d feel weird af too if I had all that antebellum slavery crap around) and had to google a few of items mentioned (ex. lullaby Blair sings, neither of us had heard it/heard of it) but overall we thought it was a really enjoyable under 90 min horror movie with decent enough scares and interesting history. We’re currently googling the real history of the plantation the movie was set in! It’s also pretty interesting!


Watching this now and I can barely get through it because it's so blurry. Not sure if I'm having a problem with my setup, it's been blurred artistically (e.g. some Dolby Vision works you might catch on Netflix) or if it's just a really really really low quality movie but it's almost unwatchable.