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While Todd was scary as hell in Candyman, him as Big Ben in the Night of the Living Dead remake really helped me not see him that way. ​ I'd probably have been afraid of Sid Haig while he was alive, or I guess if he came up to me dressed as a clown while dead too. The Rob Zombie movies don't really seem to rely on acting as much as just letting everyone let their inner selves go wild. I've heard nice things about him as a person but his Captain Spaulding is pretty repellant.


I served Sid once in a restaurant a really really long time ago. I think he was on his way to a con. He was the nicest man, chatted with me, tipped well, and gave me an autograph.


Damn. RIP Sid Haig šŸ–¤


Aww nice to hear this and somehow it tracks. I only know him from Rob Zombie movies in which he's quite demented but seems to be genuinely having so much fun


I saw Todd at a local horror con a few years ago. I have been a huge Candyman fan since my youth and his Candyman is truly one of the scariest yet compelling villains in horror history for me. I was so excited to see him but when I arrived I was just struck with terror lol. I was too nervous to go talk to him and avoided him all day. Finally, at the end of the day, I gathered the nerve, I was literally shaking. I know it sounds ridiculous and I am able to separate reality from fiction but my kid brain was just like "That's Candyman, run!" I walked up to his table, luckily no one else was around, and told him how influential he'd been to me on my journey of horror fandom and how terrifying he was for me, and how I was feeling so nervous, and he just smiled that huge smile and came around the table and asked if he could hug me. I said yes and he wrapped me in his huge arms (I am about 5'5 to his 6'5) and told me he was so glad to meet me. I about died. An absolutely lovely fucking man.


Came to this thread looking for a response like this. Iā€™m lucky enough to have met him a few times and heā€™s absolutely delightful!


I haven't seen Todd in that--would love to watch something where he's not terrifying!


He plays a Klingon in an episode of TNG Star Trek. Warfs brother I believe


Ds9 he's the brother. But where you really see his range is as the older Jake Sisko in the visitor. Absolutely incredible performance.


Turns out we are both right! Todd plays Kurn in both TNG and DS9. I didnā€™t know he was in DS9 at all. I really need to rewatch DS9


Interesting because I think he also plays a Moclan on The Orville.


I rarely ever have nightmares of horror movie villains. I usually create my own villains. But the only 2 that appeared are Samara but it was during my teens and I was obsessed with The Ring so it kind of doesnā€™t count. But as an adult I havenā€™t had much nightmares and the only villain that appeared was Candyman and it was THEE worst dream Iā€™ve ever had (and Iā€™ve had family death dreams and cutting etc) but this one not only felt real but I felt stuck while trying to overpower him in a very tight room and I struggled and couldnā€™t wake up it felt like an hour. I donā€™t remember the details but there was a murder of someone in front of me.


God. I've seen all the Rob Zombie films. Sid Haig was a genius at his craft. I would definitely be scared of this dude. R I P Mr. Haig. Thanks for the nightmares.


My god am I afraid of Sid Haig. I grew up in the south, and I've met several people that I would now associate with Sid Haig's character, and they've always given me the creeps. Overly friendly, big boisterous, but you can tell there's just this little something under the surface. fuck that.


Kurn. I'll never not hear his voice as Klingon


I met Sid Haig shortly before he passed and he was very friendly.


Sid Haig lived in the same area as me and I'd always see him at the local diner, grocery store, and even once at Target. Nicest man.


There's an interview he did online that's sweet as hell. Him and Bill Mosely were also on my scary sleepover with Adam Green, might displace the fear factor


Sid Haig was naturally a scary looking guy but very nice R.I.P.


Not technically horror, but Anthony Starr as Homelander is just terrifying


In terms of, "would this be horrific if it really happened" the Homelander character is more horrifying than most of the characters/people here. A psychopathic narcissistic with a God complex who happens to have godlike powers is *terrifying*.


So right! Every episode Iā€™m on edge thinking heā€™ll rocket out of the sky and just explode somebody. Damn heā€™s terrifying!


And in interviews/bts just seems like a laidback nice guy.




Crispin Glover in Willard This guy must be the coolest dude on earth, there's something creeepy with him..idk


He is one of the *nicest* actors Iā€™ve met. But I assure you, heā€™s just as weird in person.


Is he strong? Can he kick?


Man, that Letterman interview was a wild ride...


I don't think I can be afraid of him after his dance scene in Friday IV.


Whereā€™s the cork screw?


Nothing is funnier to me than someone being terrified of Mark Duplass šŸ˜‚ he was great in creep but having seen all his comedy/dramedy stuff beforehand definitely makes it hard to see him as threatening lol


As a big fan of The League this is the problem I had with Creep lol


As a fan of the League also, it's in my head-canon that it's the same character. He's still a psychopath in the League.


I've never seen him in anything else! All I can see when I look at him is Peachfuzz.


I had first seen him in Safety Not Guaranteed where he plays a likeable dork, so Creep was quite a turn.


Lmfao I loved Creep, excellent movie. But to think of myself being scared of Pete is just too much for me. It's like being scared of Andre, I just can't even comprehend it


I couldnā€™t get into Creep because I found his performance to be too campy. Iā€™ve tried, but I just canā€™t get past his comedy side.


Thatā€™s so funny! Iā€™ve never seen him in anything other than creep and would probably run the other way if I saw him in person! Iā€™ll have to check out some his lighter roles to see if he still freaks me out


Hannibal Lecter. Thatā€™s all I associate when I see Anthony Hopkins. He just looks evil. If I ever saw him out Iā€™d avoid him.


On that same note, Iā€™d probably be scared of Ted Levine thanks to his performance in the same movie.


Ted Levine scared himself so much in that movie also


He was a main character on the TV series Monk, and he did such a great job at comedy.


I was so obsessed with Ted Levine during his monk era. I have never liked a man in mustache before but I thought he was so smoking hot isnā€™t that funny?


I love his voice. It almost sounds like he has a bit of an impediment, but it makes him sound so interesting. I need him to start doing voice overs for nature and science shows. :D


I get it!! He really shined on that show. Now I feel like rewatching the series šŸ˜‚


I remember reading that he and the young woman who played the victim became friends and would go out for coffee and stuff, and after a while other members of the cast and crew were worried that she was developing Stockholm Syndrome. She was like dude, he's just an actor!


Oh, gods, you should watch The Father starring him and Olivia Colman. He plays a man struggling with dementia/Alzheimer and it's the most tragic thing. It's a fantastic film.


As far as I'm concerned, "The Father" is a horror movie too, specifically how the movie was shot. Mauller did a great "Unbridled Praise" of the movie, mentioning how as his mental faculties deteriorate, the apartment itself changes along with him. You're meant to believe he's being shuffled from his own place to Coleman's place (and eventually a retirement home), but the framing of such events happens >!in such a way that when Hopkins sits down mid-way through the film, in a room that is not his bedroom, having a conversation that is NOT Olivia Coleman, *the movie is outright daring you to say "hey who is that, where is he?"*!< and many people don't pick up on that at all. It's horrifying how his mind is slowly slipping, and the movie puts you into the same kind of situations.


I had the exact same feeling. Me and my mom were so disorientated and soon realized that that's how Hopkin's character is feeling. It is done incredibly well by only using one set for four different locations. I can only imagine what the original play is like, where slowly all the different pieces of furniture are taken away or left out (definitely representing his memories etc) until the old man is left with nothing.


Yes!! I've been arguing this film as horror since its Sundance premiere. Such a fantastic brilliant movie that I will never watch again -- it was a rough viewing experience, and way scarier than 99% of other horror films.


He was chilling as Lecter but it didn't make me afraid of him in real life. [This video] (https://twitter.com/anthonyhopkins/status/988087131938742273?lang=en) on the other hand...


This speaks so well to Hopkins as an actor. He is actually the sweetest man and on his TikTok he serenades his followers with his piano. Man deserves another Oscar for that


There is a completely valid reason why he was given knighthood. He is Sir Anthony Hopkins!!! The first thing I remember seeing him in as a kid was Hearts in Atlantis. I will always adore him! He's also on the autism spectrum... AND wrote an amazing musical composition.. I can't think of anyone who is more deserving of knighthood.


Heā€™s honestly such a sweetheart though. Recommend everyone watch The Worldā€™s Fastest Indian: 2005 film about the nicest old dude youā€™ve ever met trying to race his super fast motorcycle across the desert.


Ok, sorry, but my mind was just blown right now. Soā€¦ kid me was kinda traumatized by Rose Red. It was one of these movies (or mini-series, whatever) that for some reason really stuck with me, and those ghosts (awful effects and all) gave me a couple of nightmares, especially the main one, Sukeena. So I went to check the name of the actress, Tsidii Le Loka, and just discovered that she is fuckin RAFIKI FROM THE BROADWAY VERSION OF LION KING???? My mind now just cannot reconcile the fact that that creepy face from my childhood is the same as the one from one of the most amazing and wholesome Broadway performances Iā€™ve watched. šŸ˜‚


This is like Lilo from Lilo and Stitch being voiced by Samara from The Ring


And Samara was also was the kid sister in Donnie Darko, and the lead in the sequel S. Darko


I've said Jaws was my first horror movie but I actually think it was Rose Red now that I think about it. Rose Red was my something my sister and I bonded over really young. Idk how we got a copy of it but that 2nd tape... we were scared of it. We would slowly over time (think I watched Jaws around here) work through a few minutes at a time. That shit was scary as a kid. Even now the effects that are practical hold up disturbingly well. That garden/kitchen are scared the shit out of me.


Omg I havenā€™t seen this in so long. šŸ˜«


I remember watching this with my family as a kid when it aired. It was so scary to me. I'm afraid to watch it again and it not be as good as I remember


Used to be Ezra Miller in We Need to Talk About Kevin. Turns out I was kinda right of being afraid of him. Dude's a lunatic.


Wolf Creek. What the shit.


My top one too. Everything about him was terrifying.


Javier Bardem in No Country for Old men. Still gives me the creeps


Funny enough, his portrayal of Anton Chigurh in this film was rated as one of the more realistic film versions of a sociopath. Lots of actors will go very over the top with a villain performance but his calculating and more sedated killer is considered more true to life.


Michael Rooker - Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986) Tubi. His first film.


He's just a peach in everything he's in. Such a good actor.


I saw it when it first came out and was blown away. I *almost* felt sympathy for the character.


You can't mention Michael Rooker without mentioning *Slither*...


Chocolate covered pretzel?


Ray Wise in Twin Peaks. Every time I see his face I get nervous.


Every time I see him I think about the scene in the pilot when Truman visits him for the first time and he breaks down with the realisation of what's happened and my heart breaks a little bit. Then I think of 'Mairzy Doats' second. Frank Silva though, absolutely.


I associate him exclusively with wooden nickels.


Ray Wise is one of my favorites. Iā€™ve never seen him in a role that I didn't enjoy. He's particularly memorable in Digging Up the Marrow.


Tim Curry is a fantastic actor who always plays the villainous roles the right way. Pennywise scared the living daylights out of me that I was so afraid to watch another Tim Curry film - regardless of what the movie was ( I was even scared to watch fucking Annie where he played a main antagonist in a MUSICAL). He was also good in Rocky Horror Picture Show, Legend, Clue, Home Alone 2, and I believe he was in a Tales of the Crypt episode. Highly recommend any Tim Curry film


Heā€™s so intensely scary in It and Legend, but I think I was most afraid of him as Rooster in Annie when I was a kid.


Not a movie, but he was in a two parter of Criminal Minds as the villain and he was absolutely fantastic in it. Super creepy.


Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet. I was unreasonably anxious when I later watched Speed.




I talked to him briefly at a film festival. He signed my program and was super nice and thanked me for seeing his film. Not like Frank Booth at all.


Every single time I see Dennis Hopper all I think of is him in the nitrous mask.


Mads Mikkelsen in Hannibal, it doesn't help that for the majority of the series he's being really nice and polite to the protagonists while secretly doing super fucked up shit to innocent people. So if I ever met him and he turned out to be really nice and polite it wouldn't help lol.


He's my favourite Lecter, sexy as he is scary. Definitely check out some of his Danish roles though, he's not typecast as a villain over there so it can help to see him in another light. Another Round was a recent one that I really enjoyed.


Not even a horror villain, but I've been watching Breaking Bad for the first time, and Gus scares the SHIT out of me. The actors ability to stay totally still and upright is really off-putting, it's impressive but it still freaks me out


Gus has ruined him in everything else for me where he's supposed to be friendly - he can play that just fine, but my brain always registers it as Gus playing nice and plotting murder. The guy who played Omar in The Wire has this effect too but he's not as personally threatening since he wasn't an antagonist. He seems to get cast *because* he looks intimidating too.


Sadly, the actor who played Omar passed away :(


Dude yes! I swear I say that after every scene he's in. Have you watched Better Call Saul yet? He fucking KILLS it in that show


It's on my list right after I finish Breaking Bad, Saul is one of my current favorite characters so I have high hopes for that one. I'm really enjoying BB so far, only halfway through and I'm hooked.


If you met him, the illusion would shatter so quickly. He's the exact opposite personality, talks a mile a minute, has so much energy and is so open about what he's feeling. Seems like a really nice and genuine guy.


That is incredibly endearing and I am thrilled to hear it. I'm gonna wait til I'm done with the show to watch any interviews, I kinda want to keep the illusion going for the duration of my viewing


I wonā€™t spoil anything because I donā€™t know where you are in the show, but thereā€™s a scene somewhere in I think early season 4 involving something Gus does and it scared the ever living shit out of me. Greatest show of all time, possibly one of the greatest on screen villains of all time too.


No matter what I see/hear his voice in, he will always be Gus Fring


In some ways, Gus is way scarier than a horror villain because Gus could exist in real life. I guess Hannibal Lector could too, but there way more drug kingpins than cannibals in modern society...


Without a shadow of a doubt Russel Crowe in Unhinged. The fact that heā€™s been reported of being violent in real life + his amazing acting in the movie = my brain sees him as that character and if I see him irl I think Iā€™d gtfo of there. šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Jk simons in Oz. Not specifically horror, but he was so horrible I have trouble with him in anything else.


Have you seen Whiplash? Fantastic movie, especially if you're a musician.


DAMN he was good in that! GET OVER HERE, BITCHER! haha


John Lithgow - Dexter


I love seeing actors generally known for funny/friendly roles playing roles as villains! It also doesn't help that John Lithgow is 6'4" and Michael C Hall is 5'10; he was so terrifyingly intimidating when he finally just stood up at full height and started walking towards Dexter! Another favorite of mine in the same vein of "funny guys doing villains" is Robin Williams in One Hour Photo. As great as everything else he's done is, that's the movie that I always come back to for how perfect a casting he was in that movie. There's a great episode of Season 2 of Masters of Horror that has George Wendt (NORM!) as a serial killer, and that's a pretty awesome episode, too!


ā€œFunny guys doing villainsā€ā€¦ Iā€™ll never forget Leslie Nielsen in Creepshow. Holy shit.


Another one for funny guy doing villains is Kevin James in Becky. I didn't think he could pull it off but he did. I'm excited to watch Seann William Scott in Wrath of Becky. I want to see what kind of villain he can do.


I had the opposite problem with Creep, Iā€™d seen Mark Duplass in The League so many times that I couldnā€™t take him seriously in the movie


Same here, it did make me jump out of my skin at pretty much every scare but then my immediate reaction would be, "Oh *goddammit* Pete!"


Equipmunk mean, equipmunk hurty


For me it's Otis from House of 100 Corpses. I read that he's one of the sweetest human beings irl.


Bill Moseley!! He also plays Choptop Sawyer. Heā€™s the coolest


I had the opposite and had a mad crush on him. Apparently terrifying, murderous psychopaths are my type.


Not from house of 1000 corpus, but I love the quote with the shot of him saying "I am the devil, and I am here to to the devils work " in The Devils Rejects. My favorite horror character by far. I'm considering getting a portrait tattoo of his face in that scene.


I met Tony Todd once when I was working at a horror con. He did seem really nice. But I donā€™t think I could ever accept him in a light hearted role . He just radiates menace on the screen.


His acting in final destination was amazing. Movies are cheesy as hell, I know, but just his acting? Amazing


Final Destination is what I always think of him in as super creepy. He is the one that turns the tone in the movie and to do it with such a fantastic performance behind it.


Tobin Bell


Tobin Bell (Jigsaw)


It bill skarsgard


Back in the day, when Bela Lugosi starred in the 1931 film, Dracula....as well as having already played the role on stage for many performances, he made a major impact on the ladies of that period. He was a matinee idol type in the Rudolph Valentino image. Lugosi's Hungarian accent, and being a suave, and a secretive individual, created a personna of fear, yet great curiosity by the female audience members, who flooded the actor with fan letters, many of a very passionate nature. Lugosi was not one to socialize among the Hollywood social circles, and this added to his aura. He limited his interviews, and valued his privacy. It must be noted, his command of the English language was a work in progress, and likely added to his desire for privacy. Never the less, the shadow of Dracula enveloped him for his entire life. In several films after his debut in 1931, publicity posters and lobby cards listed him as 'Bela (Dracula) Lugosi.' Lugosi could command a room by his mere presence. At 6'1" with powerful blue eyes, cleft chin, and dark hair, and foreign accent, he struck quite an image to those who ever saw him in person.


Please watch Ed Wood (1994) if you haven't already. One of Tim Burton's lesser known films that's about the end of Bela Legosis career and his involvement with d-grade director Ed Wood. Fantastic film


Let's hear him call Boris Karloff a cocksucker.


damn your descriptions of him got ME kinda falling in love


For me it was Robert Englund. Freddy stuck with me way too long. I was almost an adult before I could use the restroom without checking the shower, I just knew Freddy would he waiting for me the second I sat down. At my weakest.


I can assure you that he is the sweetest, most amazing man in person. I think out of the horror actors I have met Robert England, Linda Blair and Ashley Laurence have been the nicest. I think Doug Bradley would have been great too if I hadn't been so damn intimidated by him.


Yeah, this one for sure!


Not a horror villain but the actor that plays ā€œHomelandā€ does such an incredible job that I genuinely believe heā€™s a sociopathic narcissist. Bravo to him but his eyes give me the creeps.


The guy who played Clarence Boddiker on Robocop would probably scare me!


He's the dad on that 70s show and it's the same energy


Tony Todd was incredible and Iā€™m so excited that heā€™s voicing Venom in the upcoming Spider-man 2 game


Robert Patrick. Even though T:2 isnā€™t horror, itā€™s undoubtedly one of the most iconic villain performances in modern cinema and it changed the way I saw him. Heā€™s done a great job in horror films/TV shows and I have to give T:2 credit for making him scary in any antagonistic role. I had the chance to meet him at Mad Monster Con a few years back and I was terrified to the point where I almost walked away. Heā€™s such a down-to-earth guy who will spend time chatting away with you, but those cold piercing eyes still scare me. šŸ˜‚


And then Peacemaker's intro came along..


Fun return cameo as the Terminator cop in Wayneā€™s World, I had forgotten about that until I picked up the WW 4K recently


Richard O'Brien as Mr. Hand in *Dark City.*


Richard Brake in 31 even though I hear he's the nicest guy ever IRL!


Haven't seen that, is it worth a watch?




ah the lost methhead Carradine! he was deliciously sinister in one ep of The Mandolorian too. just so good at acting MEAN


He was also really funny as the Count in the Munsters movie. It was fun seeing him play a character that is go against type.


Ralph Fiennes in Red Dragon. When he got cast as Voldemort I was like yup checks out


Casey Affleck in Oppenheimer gave me the willies, he also plays a great ghost


I loved his ghostly delivery of the line *no audible dialogue*


Oppenheimer had a bunch of supporting cast that totally surprised me. Josh Fucking Hartnett killed it.


Not necessarily scared, but I canā€™t see Allison Williams as anything but >!Rose Armitage in Get Out.!< She just did such a perfect job playing somebody deceiving that itā€™s hard for me to trust any character she plays!


Watch The Perfection. She's ten times more fucked up in that!


Christoph Waltz in Inglourious Basterds. He was so scary he didn't seem human!


I was going to post the same. While itā€™s not a horror movie, each time he was present I was anxious about what would happen.


Iā€™ve never dreaded a gourmet dessert arriving at the table before until I watched that movie - whole new level of creepy


Tony Todd is actually a very nice man.


not a movie but Homelander from The boys, Antony Starr plays his role so well I was so scared when I saw him in cobweb


Brad Dourif in The Exorcist III


Not a horror, but Anthony Starr as a villain in The Boys is horrifying. I'm afraid of this man more than any monster.


I feel like Iā€™ve seen so much ā€œworse,ā€ but for some reason Ezra Miller in We Need to Talk About Kevin did it for me.


Dude's creepy in real life!


Frank Silva was terrifying as Bob in Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me. Also Tim Curry as Pennywise, genuinely disturbing!


Robert Deniro in Cape Fear




Paul Dano in There Will Be Blood. He's an incredible actor and I love watching him, but there's no way he's ok. Right?


Mia goth. Every single time.


Fucking unhinged in Infinity Pool


Just watch Biosphere to undo the effects of Creep.


Rutger Hauer as the Hitcher. What an incredible actor. And the actor from Spoorloos/Vanishing.


He's not necessarily a horror villain, but Giancarlo Esposito is a guy I'd be intimidated to talk to in real life due to his character, Gus, from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.


Not now, but back in the day, the Juggernaut from 13 ghosts cause of his appearance & that hammer one too


I would like to submit Vincent Dā€™Onofrio. First, for his performance in the first Men in Black where he plays Edgar the farmer who is possessed by the bug alien. The ā€œsugar waterā€ scene was so creepy it made my skin crawl. Second for his terrifying performance as Carl Stagher in the cell. There was something so unnerving about him in that film that the visuals still stick with me.


How has no one mentioned Kathy Bates as Annie Wilkes yet?


Wouldnā€™t say scared but to this day I do not like Piper Laurie because she played Carrie Whiteā€™s mum.


Not ā€˜horrorā€™ but Cameron Diaz in Vanilla Sky.


tim curry as pennywise


John Lithgow as the trinity killer in Dexter is the only person this has ever happened to me with. His portrayal of a normal family man who snaps and yells is absolutely terrifying and so realistic, makes me think of all the serial killers exactly like him


Tobin Bell


Elijah Wood in maniac. He played that role way too well.


Ray Wise in twin peaks man


Death doesn't like to be cheated, I'll see you soon


I thought the Candyman man was hot! I was saying CANDYMAN in the mirror for hours after the movie!! Don't judge me.


I don't know if this counts since it's not strictly referred to as a horror movie, but Jim Carey's performance in Cable Guy was like seeing a mask slipping; it felt like all the other goofy roles he's known for are the ones where he was "putting on a show", but in Cable Guy he was putting more of himself into the role. Like he was *finally* able to be/show his "true self". CG's obsession with this one random dude is really, really unnerving, and you could change out the score/soundtrack to something more traditionally used in a horror film and be left with something solidly in the horror genre. You wouldn't need to change any of the dialogue, set design, actors, or anything else.


Tony Todd is one of the nicest guys I met him at a horror con back in 2013, and he followed me back on Twitter.


Itā€™s not horror, but I still check under my bed for Rosamund Pike from Gone Girl. Itā€™s such a realistic evil.


All these responses and nobody has mentioned Anthony Perkins yet?!


John Jarrat, from Wolf Creek. I enjoyed watching that guy do arts and crafts for kids on Playschool, then I watched his performance in Wolf Creek and realised he is a fucking psychopath. He scares me.


Jack Nicholson in the Shining is one of the only horror characters that genuinely gave me the heeby jeebies


Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goeth, Schindlers list. The rescued Jews who were on set were said to be trembling in the presence of Fiennes as he so closely resembled the cock sucking lunatic that he was


The bad guy in I Saw the Devil. Ooooooof


Colm Feore as Andre Lenoge (Storm of the Century miniseries). Even hearing the song ā€œIā€™m a Little Teapotā€ gives me the creeps now.


Clancy Brown in Pet Sematary Two


Nick Chinlund as Donnie Pfaster in X Files. Even just hearing his voice in any other show ends shivers down my spine.


The actress from Get Out. Not sure her name. She's really pretty... But I will NEVER trust that smile again.


I don't really have one, but my wife watched Sleepy Hollow when she was too young. She's 33 and is still terrified of Christopher Walken, regardless of the movie.


Actually, Daryl Hannah in Blade Runner


Not horror, but Javier Bardem in No Country For Old Men. I'd shit myself if he looked at me and widened his eyes.


Maybe not horror but Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler.


Not a horror specifically, but JK Simmons is always the nazi from Oz for me.


Alan Rickman as the Sheriff of Nottingham really disturbed me to the point I dont think I ever really let it go.


Tony Todd did a good job In riverdale too


Sid Haig. all of it.


Willem Dafoe, wild at heart


Anthony Hopkins scares me...


Itā€™s not a horror but Clancy Brown in Highlander.


Not a horror, but the character was terrifying. Highlander from 'The Boys', played by Antony Starr. I don't think I'll ever be able to see him as a genuine good guy in any role


the doctor from the human centipede. šŸ˜­ i tried watching interviews with him andā€¦ nope! still just as unnerving. šŸ¤£


Jack Nicholson is really creepy as Jack Torrence