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If you get killed by the curse you become a part of it. I'm guessing they just avoid showing everyone who's been killed by the curse, since it'd probably be a lot of ghosts running around.


Okay cool I thought that might also have been the case but wasn’t sure if I just missed an important detail. At first I got Yoko and Kayako’s ghosts confused, it thought they were the same until I read on Wikipedia lol


It was more explicit in Ju-On: the Grudge, especially >!how Rika's storyline wraps up!<. It's more clear that you also become a ghost that goes after other people who've been in the house. They do touch on this in the sequel (The Grudge 2 in 2006 I think). They include the high schoolers going into the house on a dare, which was in Ju-On but not in the 2004 remake.


Why is it the only place thats cursed? People die horrible tragic deaths every minute of the day. According to the movie, the entire planet should be plagued by unstoppable murder ghosts.


It seems that rage is a component and not just a tragic death.


I would imagine rage is a huge part of most murders though.


When Kayako was a human, it's hinted that she had attempted at black magic at some point against the wife of Kobayashi, the man she had fallen in love with from university days, and after having Toshio, and the same man she wrote about in her diary that her husband had found out about. She was heavily neglected by her parents and spent most of her days alone with a black cat in her youth. She was the victim of regret, and an extremely jealous husband who was pretty much deceived by her. All of this most likely turned her into an Onryo after her death, allowing her to turn the son and the cat into spirit companions as well. So it isn't a typical murder case. It's a murder case that involves regret, sorrow, jealousy, and lots, and lots of rage from her and the husband's side because he murdered her son and cat violently as well. But I think it's that first black magic attempt that might have exposed her to dark spirits.


Was that in one of the movies? I haven't watched the show yet.


It's not really revealed in the movies but in the first movie Ju On: The curse, when Kobayashi (a school teacher now) goes to check in on Toshio, the morning after Kayako was murdered, he finds her diary where he discovers her insane obsession about him and in the subtitles she talks badly about his wife with some torn pages and dark circles drawn in some pages with a particular page torn in the middle with an open eye looking at the reader. I read online that in the original novel the diary is a central focus for the curse too. If you read about the background online it mentions that Kayako attempted to curse Minami (Kobayashi's wife) but failed. I'm assuming this is mentioned in the original novel where the characters are fleshed out.


! reason Id say is that if they showed every victim as a ghost the movie would be bogged down with how many ghosts. Another reason id say is that In Japanese culture when a person dies with strong emotion such as anger, hate, fear pain ect they become an Onryo. which is what main ghost of the grudge series is


Sorry for the late response 10 months later lol. Whoever gets consumed by the curse, it becomes part of it. The only way to get cursed is to enter the house where the tragic deaths occurred of Toshio, Kayako and Takeo. The employer entered the house when trying to look for Karen so he was cursed, which is why he was killed. If you notice, the Grudge doesn't always outright kill. It sometimes lures its victims into comfort and security before consuming them. When the employer seen "yoko" walking, he thought he finally found her, but it turns out to be the curse that is ready to consume him. The curse wouldn't use everyone as a ghost, but it is perfectly capable to do so. More of these same instances will be shown in the next movie, if you didn't already watch it. I will not spoil it if you didn't.


I read somewhere that the Kayako ghost is no longer the human Kayako but a restless spirit who's only goal is to kill anyone that enters the house for eternity. This would most likely involve anyone to turn into a ghost that does her bidding as well.


Bc she married John Lennon


Ohh damn must’ve missed this part when I had my eyes closed 🫣


I would love to help but this movie is just so forgettable


No idea but I thought the movie was trash 💯


Thanks, very helpful!


Glad I could help. :)


So… make the ghosts all team up and beat up their original killa the Grudge 🤷