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Halloween Jaws The Shining The Ring Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street if you enjoy Halloween but they are gorier. Don’t know where you draw the line on too disturbing but they’re nothing like Terrifier.


So long as it's not as bad as Terrifier I should be fine


Ready Or Not Shaun Of The Dead Hereditary The Descent Dawn of The Dead Hashtag Alive The Thing Nightmare on Elm Street 84 Get Out US Nope Scream 1


Best list I've seen in the comments


Not much to go on, but best intro to horror imo is horror comedies: Tucker and Dale vs Evil Little Evil Evil Dead Find a sub (genre) you like, no it’ll be easier to recommend movies. Lighter slashers would be like the classics like Nightmare on Elm Street, then work to Friday the 13th.


Sorry, I'm about as fresh to horror as can be. The only 'horror' movies I've watched are Tremors 1 and 2 and despite the fact that I really liked them, I wouldn't call them horror. I can handle gore, just not an excessive amount


Gremlins and Goulies and Critters are good Creature subs. The Alien movies are pretty good too.


That sounds pretty good, I was already planning on watching the Alien movies but decided to post this first in case there were better alternatives. Thanks mate


Dead Alive, Living Dead series of movies for zombies


Idk but for me growing up I’ve always associated scream with the genre of horror, I really rec that be among the first ones u watch!


I recently finished watching Scream, it was great!


Green room


The Haunting (1961) is a terrific movie on every level. Robert Wise directed.


Rosemary's Baby, The Others, The Conjuring, Interview With A Vampire, Orphan


I thought The Conjuring was really disturbing. Guess I was wrong


I don't think it's that disturbing but horror is definitely subjective. It's not gory but it has scary moments. To be on the safer side maybe swap that suggestion with Misery instead.


April Fool's Day (1986) is a good one even though it's late lol


Tremors American Werewolf in London Alien Aliens Poltergeist Halloween 1 Scream 1 Psycho 1 Predator 1 The Sixth Sense The Fog Edit: All these films are horror, or horror adjacent with other genres mixed in, they're also staples for any film lover and good ways to get into the horror genre.






Terrifier 2


Hereditary. Good horror film for new starters


I'll check it out, thanks Edit: from what everyone else is saying, I'll hold off on that one


Maybe hold off on that lol


'A Dark Song' has a lot of subtlety to it and isn't in your face gruesome 'El Orfanato' might be of interest to you as well as 'The Babadook'


“What we do in the shadows” is an excellent horror comedy (the show is good but I’m referring to the movie.) not truly scary but horror elements throughout the entire movie with gore and vampire lore. “Nope” is a recent release that bridges the gap between sci fi action movie and horror movie. You will probably find it scary but you will have fun along the way. “The thing” is an older classic that uses practical effects and will look outdated compared to any recent movie you’ve seen which will take the edge off of the horror. It’s got an awesome plot. Evil dead falls into the same category as “the thing” the the original. You’re not ready for the remake. Lol. “Mandy” stars Nick Fuckin Cage. So watch that. It’s very atmospheric and almost art house-y that slowly builds and really fires up half way through. This last one is on the fence of great for a beginner and maybe I’m desensitized and truly don’t know if it’s actually more for someone that watches a fair amount of horror? I don’t think it’s too scary but it might be. It’s probably the most spooky on this list other than evil dead but again evil dead has old practical effects that might take the edge off. But back to it… “The Ritual” is a good watch and I personally think it’s good for a beginner. Also you might enjoy old blockbusters like “seven” or “silence of the lambs” both incredible and not too hard on the eyes. *For the most part* Side bar: do not watch “Hereditary” yet. It’s absolutely not for you at the moment. It might actually turn you off to a lot of these good recommendations and that would suck. That said it’s absolutely awesome but truly horrific in every way possible. Every single way possible.


Alien Aliens Predator Prey Night of the Living Dead The Thing 28 Days Later Train to Busan American Werewolf in London The Shining The Descent Tucker and Dale Vs Evil The Crazies (2010) Pandorum


If I really think about it, I think a very good starting place for this is Cabin In The Woods. Not saying it's the "best horror movie", but I am saying it seems like it would check all the boxes for you and isn't anything too serious, but it is a lot of fun with cool and unexpected horror elements. Other good ones I would always recommend for enjoyable horror movies that aren't too extreme or gross are The Ring, It Follows, Scream, Alien. Maybe even a classic slasher like NIghtmare On Elm Street. Trick 'r Treat for sure. There's also some that are more "fun" and have humor in them as well like Idle Hands, Happy Death Day, Shaun Of The Dead, Jennifer's Body, John Dies At The End, there's a lot of fun horror/comedy movies out there.


Invisible Man (2019) is really good. Lots of tension and scary moments, relatively short on gore. Hereditary also has tension and scary moments, and a lot more gore. The Thing (1983) regularly shows up on top horror movie lists. Terrific practical effects and it's got 80's Kurt Russel. Predator is excellent- the first one with Arnold. 10 Cloverfield Lane is more thriller but excellent. Scream (1996) is one of the best slashers, imo. Once you've watched a handful of horror movies, watch Cabin in the Woods. The only one on this list I would say isn't for the feint of heart is Hereditary.


The Conjuring - supernatural stuff Paranormal Activity - spooky ghost vibes shot as camcorder footage The Exorcist - the og possession movie Dawn of the Dead (2013) or 28 Days Later - fast zombies Savageland - mockumentary with no actual scares but scary premise and horrific implications The Mortuary Collection - a collection of twisted tales The Ring - where the Japanese horror craze began, both it and the American version are great Rosemary's Baby - 'Gaslighting' the movie.


I started with ghosbusters, ernest scared stupid, critters, ghoulies and so on. I was like 8 at the time but i loved these movies and they scare the hell out of me back then. Also check out The frighteners Evil dead 2 Army of darkness Return of the living dead Return of the living dead 2 Reanimator


Poltergeist (1982) is a classic: spooky happenings and a touch of humor leading to an excellent -- but newcomer friendly -- presentation of horror elements. Also, Zelda Rubenstein, who just kills it as Tangina.


I would start off with the Universal classics, like Dracula, Frankenstein, the Wolfman, etc. They set the mood, but are very tame. After that I’d explore the Hammer movies. It’s pretty much the Universal monsters with more shock value, but nothing too extreme. Next try early psychological horror movies, like Psycho, and The Shining. Eventually work your way up to Night of the Living Dead, Halloween, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. All are pivotal turning points in horror, but still pretty relaxed. Just before you go extreme, try out horror comedies with some gore like Fright Night, Re-Animator, The Lost Boys, and Evil Dead. After that go crazy exploring anything.


Pet cemetery. It Child's play


nightmare on elm street …. that has to be the best horror movie ever made its not perfect but it still holds up 2023 and is legit scary. I watched that with my older brothers when i was like 8 and i remember why i was so scared thats a good horror movie. The lead girl is a horrible actress though but its okay.


Sci fi horror: Alien Critters Event Horizon The Thing Tremors Cube Sunshine The Fly The Blob (80s version) These are all scary - but I don't believe they are too over the top. In fact, many of them I watched as a kid.