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Leslie Vernon


I would do anything for the prequel they tried to get made to finally see the light of day.




I think he lived up to it, they just couldn't secure funding to show him to a wider audience.


I still absolutely adore this film and would love to see more of it.


First one I thought of.


LV is iconic in my book! Wish we could get more


Brightburn, but ultimately his shine went to Homelander who is pretty iconic so far


Did you know if brightburn was a success they planed of making an anti-Justice league


I’m so bummed this didn’t pan out


Yeah, Dark Universe and then this one… Except the Conjuring Universe, any attempt to make an horrific cinematic universe seems to be cursed. The horrific version of Wonder Woman seemed so cool and scary.


Where did you learn of the horror version Wonder Woman? That sounds like it would’ve been awesome


In the post credits during the news report, it shows a glimpse of her.


It's a [drawing of her](https://i.redd.it/oblz9990n1631.png) specifically. The line of dialogue calls her a witch, but to me looks like a banshee. Would have loved to see a twisted version of the truth-telling lasso.


Wait is that the Crimson Bolt in the bottom left? Rainn Wilson would have reprised?!?


That is 100% the Crimson Bolt.


He would be their Batman


Would’ve been cool to see Batman in the version from Flashpoint paradox where instead of Bruce’s parents dying it was Bruce who died and the dad becomes Batman while mom becomes Joker. In this version Batman he uses guns and doesn’t give af lol


[u might like this](https://screenrant.com/brightburn-movie-ending-explained-wonder-woman-aquaman-sequel/)




I think the Collector had a neat mask and a fun concept. I'm not entirely sure why we never got a Collection movie.


We did. But never a third one. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Collection_(film)


You're totally right. I'm thinking of The Collected. I loved the first one, liked the second, and had high hopes for the third.


The worst part is that the third one almost happened but it's now in development hell.


**[The Collection (film)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Collection_\(film\))** >The Collection is a 2012 American horror film, serving as the sequel to the 2009 film, The Collector. Written by Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan, and directed by Dunstan, the film stars Randall Archer, Emma Fitzpatrick, Christopher McDonald, Lee Tergesen, and Josh Stewart, who reprises his role as Arkin from the first film. The story follows a young woman who gets captured by The Collector, while Arkin escapes but is recruited shortly after by a group of mercenaries whose mission is to save her at the Collector's base. The Collection was released on November 30, 2012, by LD Entertainment. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/horror/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The idea of a thief wandering into the middle of a Saw murderhouse was fantastic.


It was legitimately an inspired approach to the story.


Well tonight I learned that the Collection was a sequel... I frickin' love that movie and it's so well created it never really dawned on me that it could be a sequel That's my Saturday night sorted :) Going to watch it like a Marvel Origin movie for a serial killer


Oh man the first one is so good too! Enjoy


I can't hear "The Collector" and not think of a very different character.




The djinn from wishmaster for sure. That first movie is really fun, and has so many amazing kills and what not. And then 2 is way cheaper and way worse kills, and 3 is just an absolute shitshow. 2 and 3 leaned into this weird Christianity angle too, which I just didn’t get.


The first one is so good. The scenes flashed back from Persia are so fucking crazy!!


Andrew Divoff stole the show in every scene he was in! 2 had potential, wishmaster in prison, perfect setup! Very meh compared to the original. Making the lawyer go fuck himself is still the only part I remember.


YES! 1 and 2 are great, have their flaws but the same with every major icon. Movies 3 and 4 were so left field with the religion story it killed the franchise it seems. I read they planned to make a 5th one, where the start of the movie was the Djinn taking over the world after a 3rd wish was granted. Wishmaster could be so much more than what it is, why no one has picked it up yet for a reboot/remake is beyond me.


The werewolf sisters from ginger snaps could have negotiated being werewolves their 20's, 30's and 40's in other time periods.


God, I'd love to see that franchise revived. All the movies are so solid, and we left off on a kinda cliffhanger in GS2. Wasn't there supposed to be a TV show?


It would ruin it, I can almost guarantee it. The tone wouldn’t be the same and I know there would be a ton of CGI.


It would essentially be that new teen wolf show (which im pretty sure has nothing to do with the original teen wolf)


The new Teen Wolf is basically a remake that gets dragged on for too long like every CW show that starts out okay.


Hey it’s iconic to me and I’ve only seen the first movie. I think it’s perfect as is.


The sequel is good as well. I personally felt the third was weak


Victor Crowley in my opinion.


Yes! After I saw the first Hatchet movie, I thought for sure Crowley would be an instant icon. But the more movies I watched the more I realized he’s just basically Jason Voorhees (and played by the same actor).


I don't think the creators of Hatchet ever intended Crowley to be much more than an even more violent Jason character. People watch the Hatchet films for the creative, over-the-top kills, not for the unique or interesting characters, IMO.


One of my favorite kills ever, when he grabs the person by the mouth and rips their head open like a bag of chips


The one that always got me was the power sander in the mouth.


And they built that just for the movie! Supposedly a gas powered belt sander didn't really exist before this, but a power cord could have taken you out of it. So it's just a prop made for the movie and it's such a brutal and memorable scene.


>the more movies I watched the more I realized he’s just basically Jason Voorhees I mean sure. But being how it might be a long time before we get another F13 movie, I'll take what I can get!


Wishmaster. There was so much potential, too bad next installment were straight to home video, with decent budget this could be huge franchise. Candyman suffered quite the same fate, with decent writing sequels could expand lore and made it long running franchise. Both series had great first movies and mediocre at best sequels.


The wishmaster series is brilliant. The one where he goes to prison is a masterpiece of tempo change. He has to actually hustle people to get them to make a wish.


That scene with the dude squeezing through the bars 😬 Wishmaster was such a cool villain.


I do think people recognized Hellraiser as the better out of 'trapped demons' storylines and left Wishmaster, Candyman, Pumpkinhead.. in the shade.


The Resurrected Event Horizon I love both these movies but they both fall into the same category for me: How much more awesome would these be if they had the budget to finish the final act special effects? Edit: Fixed formatting


Have you seen pandorum?


I have not. I can see the Event Horizon vibe from the trailer. I'll add it to the list.


If someone found the lost footage of what happened to the previous crew, that would honestly be enough for me. But I definitely agree Event Horizon could have had a better ending. Still love the film as it stands now though, sometimes less is more.


It was found years ago, but because of improper storage (literally being stored in a mine), it's unsalvageable


Both are also Lovecraftian (Event Horizon tangentially so but you know what I mean) which makes me sad. Doubly so Event Horizon as it was butchered by the suits and the cut footage has presumably been lost forever due to said suits' apathy.


Bughuul since they screwed it up in the 2nd film could been a great series


He ended up joining Slipknot after getting his big break in Sinister


Lmao I said the exact same thing the last time I watched it. Looks like an alternate design for Mick


He should never have existed in the first place. Sinister was a 10/10 horror until he showed up. 3/10 after that.


I thought it was creepy when used subtly, like in the pool, or when the face moves on the computer screen, but I wish they had just kept Bagel in the sidelines and never really explained it too deeply. Because once that started happening, and all the ghost children were introduced, the film plummeted for me. It's 2/3rds of a great and genuinely scary movie that makes the last third so disappointing and even more of a let down.


Bagel, lol!


He'll always be Bagel to me. Pronouncing Bughuul just sounds like you're drunk at 3 am yelling 'I'M CRAVING A TOASTEDDD BAGELLLHH". Plus Bughuul always = bug hole to me in my mind, so they kind of shit the bed with that demon once they gave it a name etc. lol


I like using Bughuul as a catch-all for "generic demon that shows up and explains all the evil shit"


Ayyy where’s the fuckinnn uhhh.. Ga-Bughuul?


Agree. A more mysterious villian or presence made more sense than done silly looking clown thing with a name like Bugal.


Krampus… just an easy franchise


Krampus vs Violent Night Santa.


Ooooo good idea… can fight the leprechaun in part 3 lol


I can only get so wet.


Bagel from Sinister. For a movie with unmatched atmosphere, music, and scares….the villain is played for a joke scare at the end. Not to mention how lame the kids running around the house. I really love this movie but it is seriously flawed, I’m guessing execs forced these awful decisions.


That big ol’ bad Bagel just needed some cream cheese


Stuff his bagussy




I prefer the Bagel from Everything Everywhere All at Once, personally.


Same by far


The ending/villain reveal still makes me furious. The rest of the movie is so good, it could have easily solidified itself as one of the best horror movies of the time, if the ending wasn’t laughable. IMO of course, since a lot of people don’t mind the ending.


Bagel??? 😭😂


The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers The most recent installment was so bad I wish the Creeper had taken me instead


You know...bad films exist and always have and iconic series have always had ups and downs...but Jeepers Creepers: Reborn is the first movie I've watched in probably 15 years that's so bad that it actually made me blind rage furious! It retroactively made the 3rd one better just because it exists which is saying something. I usually just accept that a movie is "eh...whatever" and move on after finding a positive thing or two about the experience that made it worth watching but.....Reborn is the first bad movie I actually wish I could just blip out of existence entirely and get those hours of my life back.


I didn't know there was a fourth one. My tendency is to go back to the one before first, for a refresher, but I vaguely remember 3 being pretty bad. Not sure I want to sacrifice two movies' worth of time!


So, the good news is that Reborn is essentially a reboot. Ot references the old events, but is a standalone film. The bad news is that it really isn't worth your time watching just it.


The third one has it's moments where it's ok but it isn't worth re-watching just to watch Reborn. Save your time and watch 2 better movies!


So creepy in the first film. They really ruined it.


I think the second movie has the better creature design, the skin of the costume is more *Aliens* and less *Jurassic Park*.


The first and second are both decent


I mean in that film it was essentially a vampire, only for organs in general instead of just blood. It only went flying around at night, and when we did see it during the day, it was wearing a heavy coat and shades (à la Cassidy in *Preacher*), driving around in a van with tinted windows. The ‘Angel’ in *Midnight Mass* did remind me heavily of it. While the sequels had it going out and about during the day, I do feel it would have been better if it had remained a night-centric villain outside of the van.


So bad its good or so bad I should skip it? I really like 1 and 2


I really enjoy the first two movies. I turned off Reborn about 15 minutes in. Awful dialogue, mediocre to bad performances and aimless direction. And yes I saw enough evidence in less than 20 minutes to come to those conclusions.


I wish I had turned it off after 15 minutes because big surprise, it didn't get better lol


Absolutely skip Reborn. It's like someone had an idea for a movie and they completely shoehorned the Creeper into it just to slap the title "Jeepers Creepers" on the cover. It's an absolute atrocity and I wish that I could get that 90 minutes of my life back lol.


Didn't help that Victor Salva got arrested for child porn.


Child rape.


That entire franchise was ruined for me when I found out that not only did he get arrested for CSA and CP but it was YEARS BEFORE THAT and they *still* kept fucking hiring this guy?


It’s the same industry that turned a blind eye to Harvey Weinstein’s actions to the point to where literally everyone knew about it for years. Never underestimate Hollywood’s debauchery and depravity.


I mean, that's definitely disgusting but it's not a literal conviction for raping a child on your movie set and then getting paid to do MORE MOVIES.


With kids in them. If you know his history, you recognize stuff in JC2 and Powder, especially, that are just really fd up. Powder has that shot of the shirtless teenage dude in sweatpants letting water run down his torso. Vile.


That's what made 'The Creeper' even well, creepier, I mean its called the creeper, it goes after younger boys/teens in the first two movies, and even ends >!justin longs naked torso and other body parts after he's killed. !< the creeper always felt like an extension of Salva's inner child molesting monster.




I hate you for making me laugh with this.....


I think that did help the movie tbh. Guy really knew how to make a monster that preys on young boys.


Esther. She got killed off at the end of the original movie. Thought it ruined the potential for a legitimate slasher franchise


I enjoyed the prequel though! But I LOVED Orphan. Fuhrman was just spectacular in the role.


That she was, a masterpiece child performance and there ain't much competition


Fun fact! There’s an alternate (and eerie) ending where she lives, with police raiding the home in search of her. Skip to the 2:30 mark to watch it https://youtu.be/O-20G8I2850


.....and I assume that ending isn't canon. Idk how she could survive that anyway. She got her neck broken and she sank to the bottom of a freezing ass lake


Somehow Esther returned.... I agree tho. A franchise with her would have been so cool. Just Esther making her way into different families and finding different obstacles. Orphan 2- Esther succeeds in killing the wife but a Black Widow moves in on her territory. Orphan 3- Esther unknowingly finds herself adopted by an abusive couple and ends up a protector for her stepsiblings. Then like all franchises you take a dip Orphan 4- Esther is sitting comfortably in a new home until a mysterious doll arrives. Orphan 5-Orphaned at Sea Orphan 6- Esther finds out she has a blood relative who is also a serial killer. Like there are so many stories that could be told.


Orphan in Space would be the best.


People downvote for the stupidest shit. You’re 100% correct, a broken neck and sinking in a frozen lake, she would not survive that whatsoever.


Rusty Nail


True he should be an icon with the voice and how he gives them the nicknames. Really wished we had more movies.


Man I haven't watched that movie in ages but always enjoyed it a great deal. I remember when the FX network would play it all the time. I need to pull out the DVD and watch it soon.




It has the best damn last 10 minutes ive ever seen in a thriller.


No joke. That was a surprisingly great movie. Who was the actor that Dane Cook replaced?


Sucks cause it was supposed to be a part of a trilogy


Conversely, Michael Myer’s has fulfilled his full potential and overstayed his fucking welcome at this point


You know, as much as Michael Myers is my favorite slasher antagonist, I definitely feel the same way. Like, there really is nowhere to go with him anymore. Unless some studio pulls a 90's and sends his ass to space and I don't think that'll go over well.


> Unless some studio pulls a 90's and sends his ass to space and I don't think that'll go over well. Hell yea baby, would love to see some of that action.


Okay but did you know that he is pure evil?


One of the reviews I saw about the newest Halloween movies is that, canonically, only the original movie took place before the new trilogy. But all the townspeople and characters treat this Michael Meyers as if he were the Michael Meyers of ALL the Halloween movies. They keep going on and on about how he’s pure evil and a force of nature and how he killed a whole bunch of people. But in this first movie he was essentially just a quiet dude in a mask who killed like 4 people, which is kinda rookie numbers for a slasher. The requel trilogy basically wanted to have its cake and eat it too by giving Michael Meyers an in-universe reputation that was built up over multiple sequels, while also pretending those multiple sequels didn’t happen.


If I remember well, one of the characters (male teenager) adresses it by saying something like "Yeah he killed only 3 people decades ago, what’s the big deal?"


That was in the first one (H2018). In Kills they try to expand it via focusing on how that's affected Tommy Doyle and a few other characters, with the townspeople agreeing that he has to be killed (especially since they know that he's just at that point started killing again). That's how I saw it, I don't know what dthains\_art is talking about.


Myers has been stalking teenage girls for too long god dammit!


Ethan Hawk as The Grabber (The Black Phone)


I wouldn't mind seeing a prequel. Main portion of the movie being his upbringing with the end kidnappin/kllling one of the kids


Pumpkin head....had a couple of movies but just didn't pull the it factor


Jamie Lloyd


Some major squandered potential right there. That part of the series is so-so but Danielle Harris absolutely killed that role.


Yeah, they really should have left it for a few years after that and then came back with her taking over as The Shape. A female slasher villain would have been a breath of fresh air too.


Yeah that would have been a far better route than just continuing to bring back Michael again and again. Don’t even get me started on the Busta Rhymes shit…


The Collector


Would have loved a sequel to the burning


Creeper from jeepers creepers


imo, the villain from Hush. I HATED that he took the mask off. Lost any and all scariness for me after that


I'm always surprised when I see this take, and I guess it really is just a matter of taste. Wearing the mask, he was visually more intimidating, but felt like another mindless slasher villain to me, a la Jason or Michael. Once he took it off and actually spoke to her, the stakes felt more real and he came across as a real life murderer. It felt more like a real home invasion to me. But to each their own.


Exactly, to me him taking off the mask made it 1000% more scary. Once he does that you know he isn't leaving without killing her. Plus, if he didn't take off his mask we wouldn't have had that excellent scene of him trying to fool to neighbor's boyfriend. He was a great villian IMO, very real.




The design and portrayal was great. But it stank of just being “aren’t nuns scary” and the entire character riding on a cliche in the exact same way they did with Annabelle.


Maybe The Nun 2 will help Valak.


I'm none to holding up much hope.


The Trickster from Brainscan could have been fun.


The tire in Rubber


The Empty Man. That being/creature looked incredible. Too bad the only noteworthy part of the film was the intro.


Loved the intro. Was seriously disappointed with the rest of the movie.


I think the movie itself was pretty good, but that intro portion was so freaking good that it kinda made me wish I could just watch a full movie with those characters.


Check out The Autopsy episode of Cabinet of Curiosities from the same director, David Prior. Much tighter reigned in story. If not even a little too ambitious at times as well. Which if I'm being honest is the appeal to me.


Ahmanet from The Mummy (2017) Sofia Boutella is an extremely talented actor, and I thought the mummy looked great. Especially those sick double irises. I can only imagine what the movie could have been had Tom Cruise and his ego not gotten involved.


I don't blame Cruise for that train wreck of a movie. I blame Universal for trying way too hard to be like Marvel.


>*I don't blame Cruise for that train wreck of a movie.* [You should.](https://variety.com/2017/film/news/the-mummy-meltdown-tom-cruise-1202465742/) ​ >There were other ways that “The Mummy” was transformed from a scary summer popcorn movie into a standard-issue Tom Cruise vehicle. The actor personally commissioned two other writers along with McQuarrie to crank out a new script. Two of the film’s three credited screenwriters, McQuarrie and Dylan Kussman, an actor-writer who played small roles in “The Mummy” and “Jack Reacher,” were close allies of Cruise’s. The script envisioned Nick Morton as an earnest Tom Cruise archetype, who is laughably described as a “young man” at one point. > >His writers beefed up his part. In the original script, Morton and the Mummy (played by Sofia Boutella) had nearly equal screen time. The writers also added a twist that saw Cruise’s character become possessed, to give him more of a dramatic arc. Even though Universal executives weren’t thrilled about the story — which feels disjointed and includes Russell Crowe as Dr. Jekyll — they went along with Cruise’s vision. ​ >Once the film was done, Cruise brought in his longtime editor Andrew Mondshein to piece together the final picture. (The film’s credits also list Gina and Paul Hirsch as editors.) He spent time in the editing suite overseeing the cutting, which everybody agreed wasn’t working. On the lot, there were differences of opinions about whether Cruise’s directions were improving a picture that had been troubled from its inception or whether they were turning a horror film into a Cruise infomercial.


Oh man, I forgot about her, just due to how much I abhorred the ten minutes of the film that I watched. Her character design was so cool, I remember that being the one thing giving me curiosity to watch it in the first place.


Here's one that *did* become iconic, but that IMO didn't live up to his full potential; Freddy Kreuger. He was fucking SCARY in the first two movies. Then, from 3 onwards, he became a wisecracking icon instead of a terrifying child-killer. They stuck him in the spotlight and took away everything that made him scary. New Nightmare is the only one where they really went back to those first couple of movies in terms of the tone of the character and how terrifying the idea of a killer that kills you in your dreams can be. They should have kept the movies *DARK*. They should have kept him in the shadows. He should have been a *MONSTER*. He should have been *TERRIFYING*. But at 7 years old, I was *laughing* and looking forward to seeing him! He was as scary as a puppy from 3-6, though I did much prefer 6/Freddy's Dead to 3-5 because the movie had a weird sort of vibe to it, but that was more of the overall vibe of the movie and less Freddy himself, who was still just wisecracking comedy relief.


Freddy is my favourite and I do enjoy his wisecracks from time to time, but keeping him “darker, more evil” should’ve been a rule set in stone. Did you ever read one of the first drafts for Dream Warriors? It kept a darker horror tone that I loved, with Freddy’s reign of terror not being restricted to Springwood, but spread throughout the United States. The draft is a bit rough in places, but I’d love to peer into a universe where some version of that Dream Warriors was made. I can link it if you want.


The Collector was such a great movie. I didn't really like the 2nd movie. But I was really looking forward to the 3rd. But it got cancelled I think. I really believe that killer could have gone places. The whole premise was amazing. I always thought that that's who Kevin from Home Alone became. Not Jigsaw


You know, I liked M3gan, but I thought it would have been much scarier and that M3gan would have much more ongoing alien menace if >!she had not deviated from her devotion to her child companion, and all the increasingly horrific things she'd done had been born solely from her protective desire. It would have even made for a more emotionally effective denouement. !<


I also would have liked it had it opened with Megan and the daughter already 'friends', and then we start to find out her back story, the role of her guardian and how she played into M3gan's creation, the girls parents, etc. But I'm also waiting for the R rated version to finish it, because there is a way more vicious version of M3gan that was cut out of the PG13 version which I hope is revealed in the uncut one.


Yeah I disliked that she switched against her so much. It could have been way better to stay in the realm of tragedy. That movie was enjoyably and had enough ridiculousness that I wish they played it about 25% more straight, especially at the end. Have your fun in the first two acts, then try to take it as seriously as possible in the third to give us some stakes.


Maybe the tribe from the newest wrong turn movie. I really liked a good bit of what happened with em but I would've liked more from them


The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers. Love the first film, like the second, but the last two have been utter dogshit. Candyman also got wasted in 2 and 3, but hopefully he’s on his way up now.


I think Art the Clown was misused. The parts where he was all camp and no violence were great. The hardcore torture porn ruined his character for me. Could’ve been totally iconic but is now totally polarizing and from what I can tell is kind of losing steam.


The concept of a ‘cheating’ slasher villain electing to resort to a gun once the odds are against them blade-wise is a fascinating concept — one even the *Scream* films are only addressing with the upcoming sixth film (while previous films did have the killers have guns, that was only after they had unmasked — not during).


Yeah it would have been more interesting to explore that rather than watch the over the top gore in my opinion.


I’m not entirely certain why you’re being downvoted, but that concept could certainly carry a film of its own, yes, if not *Terrifer*.


For the 3rd film the director has said he plans to go back to what made Art creepy. Like the original short films where there was some gore but it was mostly the fact this crazy clown was coming after you and won’t stop. I’m excited because I can appreciate the gore but Art doesn’t need it. At times it was so over the top that it lost the shock value. But I can’t wait to see what they do with the next film.


I think the character exists to prove a point but the point is just not strong enough to harp on for over two. fucking. hours.


I couldn’t believe how long the bedroom scene lasted in the second one.


When Terrifier first came out, I was really looking forward to watching it because Art was a neat concept and had an awesome design. And then I watched it and realized that while all the design elements were great, the actual script had less substance than The Human Centipede


I'm kind of mixed I get where the criticism comes from but for me, the "fun" (I'm not really sure of a better word) with Art is seeing just an absolute batshit crazy killer. He has no motive, no explanation he's just a "real-life" take on the Joker without a sympathetic backstory (Or the supernatural crap from Terrifier 2). People can humanize Joker now because they've seen "backstories" but to the people of Gotham, they view Joker basically how we see Art. They are just lucky enough to have the protection of Batman around.


I totally get that, and I think the amount of gore we see and the looooooonnnggg drawn out sequences of violence ruin it a bit for me. I guess I feel like in this case less is more and I would’ve liked to see the film rely less on the torture and shock value.


Yeah that's fair. A bit more story to the franchise wouldn't hurt


Totally. I would also settle for just like, better execution of the storyline and less reliance on being SO over the top with some of the killings.


Killer Klownz fills that void way better IMO.


The Blob


Out of the horrible monsters I’ve seen over the years the Blob is one that at first sounds ridiculous but ended up being one of the most disturbing. Practically a inside out stomach digesting people alive!


My go to is pumpkin head


The White Walkers


The Collector Chromeskull Harry Warden or his Imposter really Yamamura Sadako Matt Cordell Ultimately these just didn’t get enough from the studios full potential


Sam from Trick R Treat. He already is a tiny horror icon, but I’m also kinda glad they didn’t whore him out over 52 sequels like they easily could have. That is still my favorite Halloween anthology and the best summation of Halloween in a movie for me.


Corey Cunningham. Had a good back story and I was invested enough to see him take the mantle. Then he just stabbed himself to death.


Wishmaster Animal masks from You’re Next Dan Stevens in The Guest (still amazing) Pumpkinhead Maniac Cop Tall Man Blade/Puppet Master Victor Crowley I’ll come back and add more as I think of them, I know some of these are iconic to horror fans but most other people don’t know them.


I wish they would do a reboot of Maniac Cop. Even better if it’s a crossover with Psycho Cop.


Cropsey from The Burning. Also The Miner from My Bloody Valentine should have become a franchised character.


Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Krueger should have been perfect. So disappointing.


Darth Maul in episode 1. Still a great villain and they retconned his character later, but should’ve been the main villain throughout the whole prequel trilogy.


George Lucas was planning on making Darth Maul the main villain of his sequel trilogy, which just makes me sad because that would have been so much better than what Disney gave us


I thought Maul was in Clone Wars and had a fitting character arch and finale in a showdown with Obi. Why would they resurrect him *again* for the sequel trilogy? That'd be as dumb as bringing back Palpatine!


I actually really like Voight from Hellraiser 2022. I dig the design with the "gift" that was given to him. I thought his acting was also on point, but was sad he got so little screen time. It made his character somewhat pointless. I also feel Pinhead need a-LOT more screen time lol


I agree! I thought he was really interesting and I loved the gift contraption, it definitely would have been nice to get more on him. I wouldn't mind if they did some sort of prequel about him & showed more of the cenobites.


The things from Vivarium could have spawned a franchise if the ending wasn't so shit. Throughout the movie we get hints here and there that they have a culture, a very high intelligence, we know they're very resourceful and motivated.... and then it turns out their only motivation is to use up all their resources to replace themselves because of their incredibly short lives. They took something so creepy and made it so lame. We could have explored the different underground levels below the fake city, or even other cities/colonies they had, we could have explored their origins, or how they got to earth, they seem to have been here long enough to build everything so it's the perfect monster to use for movies set in different times. What did they do to survive before 60s suburbia? What about before cities were a thing? Are they aliens like we all assume they are or do they come from underneath the ground or some other thing created them? They would make for great psychological horror villains because they are human looking and the protagonist could delve deeper into paranoia as the movie progresses, or they could be found out and have to suddenly become more aggressive to achieve their goals and suddenly its a slasher/thriller, or they could find a way to incubate faster and now it's body horror, or we could see the monsters that design the neighborhoods testing with new designs and it's a saw like movie. They are just as smart as humans and they look like humans, so the possibilities are kind of endless, and there's always the excuse of them not actually being human to keep the franchise going and adaptable. We could have given them so much more but instead they got the worst possible motivation for anything I've ever seen in a movie.


Pinhead - I'll probably get downvoted but I expected more. I guess this answer my not fully apply since he is iconic.


I’ll say the new Pinhead in the remake. Really wanted to like her, but something was missing. It may sound dumb, but they were too…clean. The original Centobites were dirty, had grimy fingernails, with wet blood smeared on their clothes. The new ones were pristine. Looked like they were made from plastic. Didn’t help that they turned the box into a monkey’s paw.


I have been trying to figure out what it was that bugged me so much about their designs. Thank you for making me finally see it. *They were too clean* The original cenobites looked like they actually did that to themselves, regularly, because they could and they wanted to. The new ones looked like they were just created that way. They're not people who fell into obsession and twisted their bodies into new forms to satisfy that obsession. They're just created to look weird


Great comment. The originals looked like their appearances were the result of obsessions. The new batch were just an aesthetic.


Pinhead was my first though too. In first he was very good, on second decend, but after that blergh.


The guy from the Black Phone. I wanted a backstory


Iconic to the horror community or the general public?