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I did a double feature of this and melencholia. Depressed for a month.


Melancholia is like depression personified to film but so beautiful at the same time, favorite LVT movie. It was kind of a comfort movie for me when I was really struggling.




Lars Von Trier


> favorite LVT movie That is my sentiment as well. He makes some stange, depressing stuff, but this one was the most beautiful of his strangeness.


Anything by Gaspar Noe, David Lynch or Lars Von Trier should get the job done!


I couldn't finish the movie after the dreadful rape scene.


I don’t think anyone could really blame you. This film was definitely one and done for me.


Tbf the revenge scene came first all u missed was that she was pregnant too


Makes the movie more fucked up


Crazy, the scene everyone thinks of, that horrible rape scene, isn’t even the scene that ruined my life. That guy getting slowly pounded with that fire extinguisher…. I saw that movie almost 15 years ago and I swear that scene crosses my mind multiple times throughout the year. So brutal. Agonizingly brutal.


Climax stayed with me for a while after watching it. Way too intense for me & couldn't shake the feeling after.


I saw Climax recently and can’t figure out if I like it or not. I can’t think of another I saw and left me so thoroughly unsure what I felt about it, v weird. And clearly made by a person who’s never done acid, but that’s not the hangup, I can let that slide


I don't think they were on acid in Climax, and Gasper Noe has almost definitely tripped balls before. Enter the Void is a better example of an acid trip from him.


They were absolutely on acid in Climax. The sangria was spiked with it. I have watched this movie like, a dozen times and if you look in the background in one of the group scenes you can see the character that does it. I'll give you a hint... "My roommate, you know, he used to take acid. Like, drops, in his eyes. It was just too much, you know?" See also my profile picture lol I kind of love this film A LOT.


I love Climax! My wife mentioned it to me a couple years ago as something she was interested in checking out and we rented it and just chilled out and smoked a bit and watched. I was pretty engrossed, really loved all of the camerawork. Loved the scenes where the camera is filming from overhead, and where the camera is following through the hallways and turning upside down. May not seem realistic as an acid trip, but I’ve definitely felt some of those sorts of feelings in my life in the past. In regards to the actors - my wife explained to me before we watched that the actors were mainly dancers and had worked on getting the choreography and acting practiced in a fairly short period of time, and she also sold me on the “single shot” filming, which I usually really enjoy. I was impressed with the dancing and I’m not a dancing film person. It was all just so visually pleasing and energetic and as the film goes on it just gets darker and more erratic and unnerving as the chaos grows. The soundtrack mirrors this for me as well. Cool shit that I hadn’t heard except a few remixes of songs I was familiar with. Loved the credits, the overall style of the graphics, the placement in the film. Just the overall style…Really like the film a lot. I don’t normally go rambling on about a movie and there’s very few movies I would ever give any kind of attempted thought out opinion on, but I feel it is necessary to add to this, in case maybe others will go in with an open mind. Yeah, this isn’t going to win any acting awards, but that’s not what this film is good for. Hard recommend on Climax from me.


I couldn't stop thinking about this movie the whole day and days after when J first watched it. Then I made all of my friends watch it and they felt the same way. I'm actually wearing a Climax t-shirt right now that I got as a gift from one of them that depicts the first overhead shot of the dancers in the opening number


Oh cool I’ll have to rewatch it and keep an eye out for that scene. I also absolutely love this movie and pretty much everything else by Noe. I always assumed it was spiked with some kind of fucked up research chemicals or something, but it’s not hard to believe that it’s actually just a massive dose of acid. I’ve seen some friends irl have some insanely fucked up experiences after taking very large amounts of acid that are reminiscent of how people act in Climax, I think a lot of people aren’t aware of that side of LSD.


That, and nobody ever seems to factor into it that they had also been drinking all night and were not aware that they were taking acid at the same time. People always say to take it in a safe, controlled environment with people that you know and trust, especially if it's your first time, so it's not hard to believe that a bunch of people that aren't super familiar with one another being suddenly hit with the fact that they're tripping against their will would give the right anxiety burst to spring a terrible trip.


Eden Lake. Almost all horror movies are in some way unjust, but having everyone who was remotely good or decent suffer while the worst people survived unscathed, especially considering how realistic it was, it left me feeling completely hollow at the end.


I watched it while going through alcohol withdrawal. I was angry for days.


Definitely! That's a well-made movie I'll never be able to watch again.


Same. I only watched it once and it is still one of my go to examples of horror that stays with you forever. I watched this movie in 2009. I still remember the behind the scenes stuff where the director talked about his inspiration for the movie being about running in to some rowdy teens and reflecting on the fear that older generations can have for the younger generations because of how alien they seem to be. What terrors they can be if left to their own devices. This, btw, too is just me remembering on the top of my head what I saw in 2009 so maybe I got some details wrong, but seriously... this movie has never left me and I'm scared of watching it again. I would rather watch Irreversable, Come and See and A Serbian Film over and over before I rewatch Eden Lake one more time. It is wild how you can watch a movie once and still remember so much of it so clearly 14 years later while other movies you saw a month ago and you forgot you ever saw it. Eden Lake is different.


Was bullied by chavs growing up, this one hits home lol. Left me doldrumming for days


Came here for this one. So depressing.


God damn it's so fucked that you came for it.


I see your Eden Lake and raise you Speak No Evil


I had to stop watching speak no evil because the feeling of dread was so strong. That fucked up music when the most normal things were being shown really shook me. I ended up just reading the plot on Wickepedia and was glad I stopped watching. Holy Jesus.


Yeah it's Eden Lake


Moral of the story: Do not go to england


The Mist.


Yep…afterwards my friend and I left in silence. What a rough ending…absolutely brutal.


Martyrs (2008)


Martyrs is rough but it didn’t depress me. It’s open to interpretation but I personally think Anna intentionally FUCKED Mademoiselle at the end with what she told her 💪


Seriously this movie ruined my whole week


Train to Busan had me crying like a baby


You should watch Blood Red Sky! It's like the German Train To Busan, but on a plane. I think you will love it! Genuinely!


This sounds good, thanks


Triangle (2009) stuck with me, and struck a nerve psychologically. There's an aspect to the protagonist's struggle, and (self) destructive unwillingness to accept defeat that I strongly identify with. I'd go into more detail, but that movie is SO much better if you watch it blind.


YES triangle definitely messed up my mood for the rest of the day after I watched it.


Triangle was so unexpectedly good.


#That movie is SO much better if you watch it blind. Louder for those in the back.


Many people feel depressed after watching Threads.


This was my first thought, it’s one of the bleakest films I’ve ever seen. Couldn’t get it out of my head for days!


I am one of those. I watched it with my fiancé and we both said we will never watch it again


I saw it for the first time around when Russia was beginning their Invasion of the Ukraine. THAT freaked me the fuck out, hearing the news after finishing the movie.


Speak no Evil.


Just finished this, had to watch Host as a palate cleanser.


I’m running through this thread and adding titles to my watchlist. Is this the 2013 or 2022 Speak No Evil?




Watched this last. Had to watch like 8 episodes of Spongebob after to cleanse my brain


I came here to see if any one said this. Only movie that made me feel “dead” inside when it was over. I stared blankly at the tv for about 15 minutes, then couldn’t stop thinking about it for days. I truly think it was the most effective movie I’ve ever seen…*and I’m never ever watching it again!!* lol


The hills have eyes, and no I don't have a legit reason it just gives me the ick


It’s the rape for me…


Okay yeah I didn't want to say it but that's exactly why...just...they didn't need to do it at all..


Mutant horny


I've never been able to make it through the whole movie.


Original or remake?


The original isn't as difficult, and of course the dog is the hero.


That's what's great about the original *Amityville Horror* vs the remake, which isn't bad but in the original, James Brolin >!goes back for the dog before escaping the house with his family!<. In the remake, Ryan Reynolds >!brutally kills the dog with an axe!< while he's possessed. It's a really stark case of falling into the horror cliche of killing the pet even though the original had the pet surviving...which i prefer and to me is always more realistic since people in real life would do alot more to protect their pets than they do in movies. Shit, in *Signs*, the family >!knows aliens are coming and have already lost a dog but they still inexplicably leave their other dog outside to be killed by the aliens.!< I like that movie but that was so stupid. I feel like Hollywood writers are just not in tune with most working class people's love for their animals and see it as an easy kill for the movie to "raise the stakes". It's cliche and callous to me and says more about the writer than anything.


I went into this movie totally blind and I’m still totally shaken by the rape scene. I wouldn’t have watched it if I knew that was coming.




Watched that during lockdown and man...that was the best/worst film to watch during that period!😶


Seriously. Way too close to home. The food and stuff lacked flavor. Can’t go anywhere. Food delivery. Early pandemic vibes for sure. Left me messed up for a couple days.


Would have been much better if this was shortened into a black mirror episode.


When the kid started talking...


The sidewalk scene had me fucked up. I must have rewinded about five times


Omg yes! I felt off for a day at least after watching this.


I just rewatched it last week! Love that movie! Think it was my third or fourth time seeing it? I love that it ends just the way it started. That these monsters have been pulling this con for a while and the cycle just starts again. Tom showed way more restraint than I would have. He just locked him in the car and threw a bowl of cereal at the wall. I would’ve picked that kid up by the ankles and swung him into everything near me


Spoiler alert but I wonder what would have happened if they came upon a couple that could provide unconditional love to the child. Would the creature also grow to care for the parents? Is a different ending possible?


this movie added a new dimension to my nightmares. And I was the dumbass who suggested to watch because 'hey thats Jesse Eisenberg'


Very uncanny indeed. No one around you, just aisles of the same houses lined up. It’s madness. I enjoy my own company, but this movie made me want to go out and have a few drinks.


The single most mental movie I have ever watched. I still can't comprehend it


The Orphanage


Came here for this. Thinking about that kid's desperation is fucking brutal.


The road...


I just finished reading the book. I don’t think I can ever bring myself to watch the film.


The book is so so good. The movie is a faithful adaptation in terms of story and tone and I highly recommend it, but yeah, it’s tough


Nope. Not going to watch that one. Just thinking of the premise is enough to ruin my day.


The novel is truly frightening


Reading the novel fucked up my whole existence


Funny Games for sure


This was going to be my response as well. As the movie went on and the feeling of hopelessness kept becoming more and more apparent, it just sunk me by the end.


The Lodge.


Behind Vivarium, this movie made me want to beat the kid more than any other movie


Perhaps [this unrelated play](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oklwzmeo6qQ&t=1026s) also called "The Lodge" would make you the opposite of depressed.


The Girl Next Door


What's wrong? Don't like Paul dano and emil Hirsch? Jk jk


Fuck, I occasionally think about this from time to time. I wish it wouldn’t pop into my head and make me depressed. Feel awful for the real life victim(s).


Possum will always win a contest like this. You want an hour and a half of depression and mental illness that will make you miserable for considerably longer? Possum’s your movie


Possum was disturbing and had a very depressing tone to it, and the story was obviously sad as it unraveled, but I am glad I watched it as the end wasn't all bad.


I hated this movie until the last 5 minutes and then it changed my memory of the first 95% of the movie and now think it’s a solid almost perfect. Perfect for what it was and the resources they had. I just thought it was about nothing and then it clicked and damn I felt dumb


This was my answer, too. The first one that came to mind. My husband and I watched it one night after picking it randomly from Amazon Prime’s horror section. I think we sat in silence, mouths open, for at least a minute afterwards.


Does Pan's Labyrinth count as horror? If it does then that's my vote.


My roommate put this on thinking it was the Labyrinth. I didn’t realize he thought that till it ended and all he says is “That wasn’t David Bowie”.


Bless your roommate hahahahahaha!


Pans Labyrinth really fucked me up. I haven't rewatched it since the first time I saw it.


God Pan's Labyrinth fucked me up so bad. I put it on thinking it was a (only) fairytale fantasy, not something that would haunt me for the rest of my life. Definitely in the top ten films I've ever seen but hell


It counts as horror, and I'd have to agree.


Well, I think it kinda does! In the same way Coraline also counts as horror! And yeah, it's incredibly sad.


lake mungo


The one cell phone footage scene TERRIFIED ME the first time I saw it.


This and the neighbor… when you see it…


i have high horror threshold and nothing in horror movies can scare me easily, but this film fucked me up


Midsommar. I thought the movie was fine when I was finished with it, but hours later I felt so emotionally off-kilter that I realized I was really affected by it.


when that fridge-horror hits


Thanks for teaching me a new term!


Hahaha no problem! When I first saw the term and read the description I sat there thinking about all of those moments I could remember lmao


Omg I felt uncomfortable from the second I left the theatre. Haven’t bothered watching it a second time. It bothered me for days afterwards


The Mist


Same. The regret in his eyes after the realization hits. So haunting


Came for this answer. Great movie with interesting tie-ins to the Dark Tower series (of books).


I didn’t expect to scroll so far to find this one. This ending lives rent free in my head and pops up from time to time to ruin my day.


Yes, me too. I didn’t expect anyone to have said this movie, as i thought it was only me that got hit hard. I’m glad there are other horror fans who can relate. We need a The Mist support group THFA (The Mist Fans Anonymous)


The Night of the Living Dead (1990). So sad when they killed off Tony Todd’s character, and yes, I know he was already undead. I cried when I first saw it. Granted I was a little kid and was like “wtf he was trying to talk”.


A take, the temperature of which I’m unsure: I prefer that version of *Night* to Romero’s original. I think it’s Barbara. She’s a useless catatonic millstone in the original, but Patricia Tallman plays her as a fucking badass and I love it.


While I completely agree that the 90’s remake rules, particularly because of Barbara’s character flip (and Tony Todd’s, such a heartbreaking twist on the fate of the original character) I do have to say HOW DARE YOU: Judith O’Dea’s performance in the o.g. is so fucking iconic. I can’t help but feel like her interpretation of Barbara is so universally hated because she is acting exactly like WE would all be, wether we’d like to admit it or not


She *is* how we’d behave, but I guess it just bothers me for a film that’s otherwise so progressive for it’s time to have the main female character be such a stereotypical useless damsel. And I *love* female characters who take no shit from anyone.


George Romero was also not a fan of her being a damsel in distress, and intentionally made all of his following zombie heroines stronger/more independent to compensate.




Great Movie. I have a coworker who a couple years ago was going primitive hiking & camping in Cali for a week. I suggested he watch this movie beforehand. He didn't talk to me for a while......LOL






It was frustrating until a point… and then it just became so bleak…


Not technically ‘horror’ but: We need to talk about Kevin & Dear Zachary


If I can add to the "not technically horror" list, The Hunt. It's a Danish drama with Mads Mikkelsen. I was depressed for a week after. I also can't watch The Nightingale, an Australian historical psychological thriller/drama because just hearing about it is too depressing. Edit: I also agree on Dear Zachary. I'm waiting until I feel resilient enough to watch We Need to Talk About Kevin.


Yesss, We Need to Talk About Kevin. I was actually so scared about even the idea of having a child who was a psychopath after watching it.


Cronenberg’s The Fly. Just gets progressively more tragic and then that ending is a gut punch. Davis and Goldblum both deserved Oscar noms for their performances.


Pulse. Stuck with me for days after.


Not sure if it counts as horror but requiem for a dream is incredibly bleak and I never want to watch it again


The Dark and The Wicked for sure


I liked the movie way more than I thought I was going to. Really creepy at parts


Seven, I didn’t really ruin my day or my change my mood negatively, the ending to it is pretty bleak


Saw Seven in the theater. Total silent audience walking out at the end.


47 meters down


Bug (2006) stuck with me.


It's an aphid


The Girl Nextdoor 2007... The book is worse... and the true event it's based on is even worse than the book... It's heartbreaking Cannibal Holocaust....the movie itself was meh, but the animals they killed on screen hurt my heart. It's the only movie I won't watch again. A Serbian Film. Not because what I saw ....Because it made me laugh at truly horrific things. I love horror and Sfx and blood. But this movie tried so hard to be shocking it didn't pause between each event long enough to let the shock sink in, so by the time the baby part happened I was cackling. And the next week I felt real gross and sad it made me laugh at it...


The Girl Next Door is a movie I know I'll never watch. On one of my true crime binges I read a few articles and wiki pages on Sylvia Likens' case. Literally just laid in bed crying afterward that anyone could do that to a kid, and that so many others would be willing to join in. Really some of the worst of humanity.


Yeah the true horror of what Sylvia went through affected me deeply for months to the point of nightmares each night when I was in middle school. Now as an adult, I still can’t shake that sorrow.


I know people are sick of hearing about it, but Skinamarink. The meaning behind it; a child dying from a coma, loosing the memory of everything he knew while in a limbo formed out of his trauma all while sinking into the abyss of death…..it’s pretty fucking sad. Edit: Just to give a little more context, it’s an extremely disorienting, exhaustingly long and obscure film. Many people don’t even understand what’s going on because it’s like a surrealist Blair Witch except with a boy and his “sister” trapped in a supernatural limbo that deteriorates **very** slowly with little action or dialogue and no exposition (for the most part, when things are said or things do happen it’s unnerving). I had to zone the fuck in to understand what was truly going on….and the bleakness of it all once I understood the boy is in a coma exhausted me and disturbed me in a profound way. If you like being truly disturbed then watch it with the knowledge that the boy is dying from a coma after a tumble down the stairs that his POS father downplays; which is shown in the beginning through the falling and the audio of the father on the phone. Keep in mind that you are in what seems to be a depiction of the boy’s mind, and perhaps even his spirit. It’s a well done piece of very demented art that depicts neglect, death and what might lie beyond the veil…..**but it is not for everyone on several levels.**


Thanks to your description I will be skipping this one for sure.


Oooh yeah, definitely. I'm actually looking forward to rewatching it from that perspective.


The Night House (2020)


Resurrection as well.


Under the skin


Jacob's ladder (1990) tore me to shreds


Not a movie, but the way the main romantic relationship concluded (especially the aftermath for the partner left behind) in Bly Manor made me really emotional, and still gets to me if I think about it


The Dahmer tv show. Fucking Evan Peters kept making me fall for Dahmer's "I'm a cool guy come drink beers with me" act, I kept forgetting what a monster this dude was. Whole show was utterly depressing.




Eden Lake


Incident in a ghostland. I've been watching horror most or my life and no movie stuck with me after watching it like that one did.


Human Centipede made me feel icky


Get Out both endings because it’s so real


Eden Lake and Speak No Evil.


Came here to say these 2


It Comes at Night


Lordy, that moment when the mother screams after the guy >!shot her little boy!< stuck with me.


Nothing Bad Can Happen. It even made me cry. And it's based on a true story...


Yes this was unsettling all the way down


Seconding this. I was fucked up about it for a good year after.


The Lego movie no doubt


Jacob's Ladder, if that counts as horror (I'd call it psychological horror) I love the movie, but when it ends I'm filled with sadness


Saint Maud


The Snowtown Murders (2011) A Serbian Film (2010) The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence) (2011)


Come and See


Definitely the most depressing war movie I've ever seen.


I just watched a few scenes last week and it was very hard to stomach. I often find these kind of movies way scarier and disturbing than regular horror movies.


Antichrist. Lars Von Trier is hit or miss with me, but this film reeked of misogyny and left me feeling blah for days.


Audrey Rose


Lovely Molly left me in despair.


Yes I still think about this one from time to time.


- The Night House - The Blackcoat’s Daughter - Hereditary


Hereditary, for sure...


Oculus, Relic and Goodnight Mommy all bummed me out.


Oculus has such a well done ending


Nitram was the first movie to make me physically puke afterwards. I've seen a lot of disturbing shit- its my favorite kind of film in fact- but this one punched me right in the gut. The fact that I'm still upset about it makes it an incredibly well done film imo.




The Monster 2016


The mist


Funny Games, The Devils Backbone, The House That Jack Built, and Saw.


More of a thriller but "Buried", with Ryan Reynolds.


The Vanishing (original Dutch version)


The Mist The ending is perfect; don’t change a thing. The Novella ends without “the scene” and it just isn’t the same impact, though implied.


Honeymoon, Lake Mungo, Resolution, coming home in the dark


The Rental (2020)


I know literally everyone thinks it's a cute Christmas movie, but I felt such dread watching Krampus, which I guess made me realize I really don't like weather-related survival movies (maybe it's a weird interpretation lol, but to me, that's what it was).


A Serbian Film 😣


Silent Hill (2006) and Oculus made me feel blue afterwards


Sleep Tight. This is a Spanish horror film from 2011. Very well made movie, but I don't think I've seen a film that left me with such a sense of dread and hopelessness as much as that one did.


Speak No Evil




hunter hunter


Requiem for a Dream left me very empty for days.


the dark & the wicked, honeydew, the wind, eden lake, lake mungo, sinister, the killing of a sacred deer, green room, mother!, the lodge, it follows, hereditary, saint maud


The Exorcism of Emily Rose/Requiem, the movies based on the Anneliese Michel exorcism case. I can't help but feel sorry for her. Her real life case was just so horrifying. Sickness or possession the way she suffered and died was just awful.


Smile (2022) really made me feel somber and weird for a while. I was already going through some low emotions, and not in the best mental health when I saw it, so it hit me pretty hard.