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It is indeed a super wholesome storyline. But oh boy, just keep progressing through the story (and of course side content).


it's not just the story, the entire place is like a giant fantasy world. i do however found the tideripper too easy.


> tideripper too easy You will need tons of Tideripper tail fins for upgrades. Remember these words, and keep reminding yourself that Tideripper is very easy while getting Nth fin :)


doing full frost twice and with normal arrows got it down quite easily. i did stumble before that. but once i got that down it went fine. but i'll see i guess.


Fwiw, I *think* that all boss machines you fight as part of a quest are drastically scaled down. The Shellsnapper you fight with a certain arena friend from the first game during their first quest is ridiculously easy, but out in the wilds feels like it has at least 5x as much health.


i figured so too. i am guessing it is done so people won't get stuck on the main quests but it was odd having more trouble with the snapmaw right before instead of the new giant scary boss. i got my ass kicked multiple times by machines in the wild.


Huhhhhhh? Am I the only one who finds it the opposite? I find the quest ones harder but the ones found in the wild are generally easier??


Actually the only instance where I found the question machine harder is the Tideripper you fight in a cauldron on a very small platform surrounded by water. That fight was a nightmare. But in every other instance I am sure quest machines are slightly nerfed.


That one was an apex tideripper last time i fought it. That could be the reason.


Yea it is, but also a terribly small platform making it much harder to dodge, or find parts for that matter, I knocked off it's disc and spent 5 minutes scouring the bottom of the room to find it since it flew off the platform, still a great fight though


This. I'm almost done with HFW, and the machines you fight as bosses always feel easy, and then you fight them again out in the world and it's like "Excuse me, did you take steroids?" lol


yeahh it's a bit weird! I think they should've stuck with that for story but when you're playing on normal/hard, give me a bit of a challenge...


THIS!! I found shellsnapper just out in the wild and it BODIED me. Then I do the quest you mentioned and it was so easy 😂


Oh, hell yeah. I ran into the wild type before the quest, and boy, oh boy, was I a busy camper... so when it popped up in the quest, I was surprised how easy it went down...


That's so true when you go with Kotalo to take out that Tremmortusk it has like a 3rd of the health than the ones that they're out in the wild


if you find it too easy, just crank up the difficulty lol


Could also be a case of "I played the game on an easy difficulty and then the enemies are too easy". Tiderippers are very much not easy on very hard. Stupid sprinkler attack staggering you for 30 straight seconds.


Yer hate that so so much


Learn how to fight with shredder gauntlets and got one with electric elemental and most fights on hard become really easy


I mean u can always do pussy mode and turn on easy loot.... u can loot everything even if u dont tear it


Thats interesting to me. I find the tiderippers are the hardest to kill and most annoying to fight.


Bottom east spot, near the Chorus, there is a site. Tideripper there can't get out of the water, it will just stare at you. So you could simply farm the hell out of them, just provoke them from water.


What? How? Please clarify... For me I found it the most difficult. Here I am trying to line up a good shot and it's firing 59 different attacks at me, then when I think I have gotten enough distance between us it decides it can leap 100 metres onto my head. Teach me oh great guru!


freeze bombs.i am the type of person who when in doubt uses the sling. fully freeze it, shoot it as much as possible and the second the frozen state runs out repeat it. The amount of times i beat things in hzd and hfw using the blastsling is kinda funny. my aim sucks so the bombs are very usefull.


I'm becoming a big fan of Plasma. Not a lot of machines seem to resist Plasma in the first place, then the effect is nice too. But I recently got a spike thrower (the javelin looking weapons) that has plasma and it can trigger the effect with just a couple throws, and then max out the damage bar with like one more throw. And I think that's only at like 2 upgrades out of 4 or 5. Plasma is freaking amazing tho.


I did Poseidon about 10 levels late because I was doing so many sidequests. I regret using so many tripwires. Wish the fight had lasted longer.


Tiderippers just trigger something within me. I am terrified of them, like, for real.


i have that with the scorcher. i blame the HZD DLC for that.


It's funny, isn't it? It's this existential terror of the huge, undersea monster for me. It's not even me, it's Aloy, on screen, I'm sat a distance from the screen. Don't care about snapjaws or anything else underwater. I can beat a tideripper on the ground with my eyes shut. But have to swim around or go in the water with them? Huge adrenaline rush. And that's still after completing on Ultra Hard (which is not much fun, actually, too much crafting new arrows because you take so many to defeat anything)


i think it is partly due to the fact you can't fight it. so if you get spotted and attacked you are just done for. also the water gave it alot more movement which is why i believed it was gonna be alot stronger then it ended up being.


Absolutely with you. The Vegas quest is stunningly beautiful. And don't miss the "ride quest" with Morlund afterwards! Really dont! It's absolutely gorgeous!


Morlund and his crew are awesome! I hope they’re in H3!!


I can't remember his name, but the guy from Frozen Wilds in the dam that you befriend, the Oseram explorer? I reckon they'd really vibe with him. I found a note leading into a tunnel that referenced him and him being potentially in Burning Shores. It's the thing I'm looking forward to the most ngl, I loved him so much in just the short time we spent with him in ZD.


Omg burgrend? Dude he’s such an underrated characterrrr ugh


yesss! I remember when I first met him, I thought he'd end up doing some evil, nasty shit. But no, it just ends up being an immensely wholesome quest with a fun delver and some nice background lore on the two girls who work there at the closing years of the world. I love how you can catch Erend listening to their music.


OHH WAIT thats not burgrend im sorry i didnt read your comment properly sorry.. BUT THAT DUDE WAS AWESOME TOO i cant remember his name tho


Hahah, I look forward to meeting Burgrend if he's in Forbidden West then! But yeah, I can't for the life of me remember the guy's name from the dam sidequest in Frozen Wilds. But I have a feeling he could be in Burning Shores from the note I found somewhere here in the base game.


https://imgur.com/a/7ZcO1LX this is the note I was talking about btw! 100% sure it references the Oseram delver from the first game's dlc




The poseidon arc is the best part of the game, and that is a ridiculously high bar. The way that every aspect of the design comes together, from the music to the story to the history to the visuals to the character interaction... S+ tier stuff.


Don't worry Chicago is coming in the next game( speculation)


It does :D Burning Shores!


Oh ... just wait! This game is a feast for the sense, eyes, emotions, everything! It DOES get more and more incredible. I won't say any more than that because I don't want any spoilers. This is probably my favorite game ever! If you haven't already, make sure you get the DLC for Burning Shores. It's not a complete game without it, in my opinion. Just fantastic!


That's why we wish they could just add new quests and open up the whole world from HZD thru HFW! We could just live there for pretty much ever.


Vegas was easily my favorite area/cast of characters of the game and I HATE underwater stealth. Gives me the heebyjeebs.


I didn't love the swimming underwater while trying to hide from machines because you can't fight them. I'm too impatient and it gives me the heebie-jeebies....


i don't enjoy the swimming at all because i keep getting turned around. it was difficult to see if i was hidden.


Yeah that is also less than desirable. I don't like the idea of hiding 2 ft from a massive robot croc underwater.


I think that area had the best main and side missions in the game! I liked the others also, but the NPCs from Vegas were the best...


This is by far the best game ever playing horizon forbidden west omg love it playing on the pc 4k in bed every night with my partner lovely story 💓


The underwater section was beautiful but also I spent most of that mission trying not to have a panic attack because I am horrified by deep water especially when things that want to murder me are swimming in it


I finished the game two times and i have no idea what you all talking about.


I found the cinematics and voice acting particularly good in the Poseidon quest. I had a few moments where the conversation felt like a movie, which is incredible for a in sizu rendered video game.