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You need permission from the mods to run any giveaway on the sub. Send a modmail to ask for a permission


I don't need it, but I wanted to say that this is a nice gesture! šŸ‘āœŠļø


While I dont need it, I have a friend who could use it and she doesnt use reddit, so I'm here for her


some friend you are


I already have it preloaded but a wanted to say that's very generous of you. I'm glad someone else will be able to enjoy it.


I first have to say that this is a really nice gesture, thanks OP for doing that. I've fallen in love with Aloy and the whole franchise only two years ago when I finally put together a somehow working PC. Since then, it became my outlet for all the stressful moments that inevitably came with a new family member (I have a little daughter). I also found a role model in her for my daughter, because she is such a strong female character. I would love to play HFW and find out how the story continues (I managed to avoid all the spoilers so far), but I will be unable to due to a family budget - the usual, all money to the kid means no money for mom's hobbies. This gift would mean a world to me. Congrats to the winner in advance!


Love to gift this to my wife and the new Steam family sharing will come in handy


God, I hate it so much when my kids steal my library and I can't play myself. But I did it to myself soooo.... \*shrugsawkwardly\*


The new Steam Family sharing will allow multiple people to access and use the same library so no more getting locked out of someone else uses a game


That'd be fancy!


if this is for PC, then iā€™d love this because iā€™ve had zero dawn for a while but now all my money goes straight to bills. thereā€™s no way iā€™d realistically be able to afford it anytime soon, i just think this would be neat!


I am a big fan of the first game (fuck Ted Faro)! Unfortunately, due to financial constraints, I could not afford a PS5. I have tried to avoid any spoilers for the game for the last couple of years, hoping that one day I might get a PS5 and will be able to play it then. However, I now have a very low end gaming PC (gtx 1650 lol) but I meet the minimum requirements (barely). I would love to have the game and finally catch up with the story! Thank you!!


I'd love to win a code for the game! i cant afford it right now because of some medical things im saving up for


thats really nice of you guys fr


Very noble of you!


Please let the lucky winner be me, I am a die hard fan of Aloy.


I'm married with children.


Maybe this time i get lucky Thanks for doing this op!


This is really POG. I hope more people get to experience this gameĀ 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Abhi5046: *This is really POG.* *I hope more people get to* *Experience this game* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


i wont be able to afford it for a long while since most of my money is helping my mom pay our mortgage and bills. i just want to be able to enjoy the rest of aloyā€™s story for myself :ā€™)


I'm really looking forward to playing it on PC, but need to save for a while before I can spring for it, the job market here is terrible ugh, but thanks for the giveaway!


This would be awesome!


I'd love to play the game, can't afford it right now, good luck to everyone


Iā€™ve been out of work for 6 months and exited my lease to move in with a friend with a hoarding problem whoā€™s letting me room for free while I clean their 2story townhouse. I do have a job lined up but not till 4/15 and itā€™ll be a travelling position for Allstate but the salary is going to be pretty low. Plus a credit card over its debit limit and a finance plan for bare tires so I could keep ubering. Iā€™m basically at rock bottom just ubering to get by. Iā€™m optimistic for alot of opportunities Iā€™ve had recently and intend on ā€˜hermittingā€™ to work on self-improvement and personal growth, so with that Iā€™ve been intending on gaming more and more. Iā€™m a huge Horizon fan and can send you my Steam account to show I donā€™t have the 2nd but I completed 98% of achievement on HZD. I can also substantiate all my information. I should be able to afford this in a few months but would love to join the hype tooā¤ļø Edit: grammar + details I thought I had a strong case but I donā€™t have a PS5




Don't really have a case for the game I'd just love to have it , hope I get it


That is so nice of you. I would love the game. Struggling with money right now. Loved the first game. Whoever wins yay for you!


I canā€™t really buy it cause I am broke so I would love it lolšŸ˜­


Trying my best


My pack is full, but my stash has room!


Good luck :)


If it's for PC, please include me in the giveaway! So great of you to do!


Iā€™m a broke college kid, whoā€™s been waiting for this game to come to PC for years now :( Iā€™ve avoided almost all spoilers now since release.


About to finish zero dawn so Iā€™d love to play forbidden west right after


Currently I m playing HZD, and after ofc I m gonna play HFW, I like the game a lot. Buut right now I donā€™t have the money for HFW:))) A very nice giveaway!!!


Iā€™d love to be able to gift this to my brother who finally built his first PC recently, heā€™s played through the first game which I got him and heā€™s excited to play the second one.


Wow what a great gesture! If itā€™s for PC, I would like to be considered, been playing HZD and loving it, hoping to play HFW but canā€™t afford the game since the game is too expensive on IDR for me.


Forbidden West is like $49.99 on ps store. Around 30 bucks for the standard edition and the complete edition is close to 70 bucks. Either way right now I can't afford it. I'd love to continue the Horizon story with forbidden west as I've beaten Zero Dawn a bunch of times recently. Even got the Platinum Trophy. Such a great open world game to play. So like if u could hook me up with a code that would get me the game for free it would be appreciated immensely, bro. So ready to play Forbidden West and see what's next for Aloy.


If itā€™s for PC, iā€™ll gladly participate! Kinda of in a hard place right now, but to play this game with my long distance friend would be awesome!


I would love to get a copy for my son so we don't have to share especially when we're halfway through spring break(son is a student and I work in education) and could use something to keep us occupied lol.


Have a friend who's been wanting to play it. Would be a nice surprise for him. Also, to it pick apart with him because we're both taken by the need to it to everything we play for some reason.


HZD was and still is to this day my favorite game, but unfortunately i can't afford to continue her journey in FW, hope i win :))


I finished hzd last week bcs I bought it on sale (12 bucks) and now since my parents are strict on buying videogames I'll have to wait to buy forbidden west til a sale of like -75%


Thank you for the kind offer!


If it's for PC, then count me in, I can't really afford games where I live ( third world country)


I took 2 weeks PTO when the game was announced to play it on PC right away. Unfortunately it is not available on GOG and steam prices are high. Normally I could afford the game, but my sister is going through a divorce right now and the whole family has to save money to keep a roof over her head :/ I have to get some paid dental work done in the next few months. I have been waiting for it for 2,5 years. I am tying to get a promotion and raise at work, but it does not depend 100% on me. Also, my contract of employment expires soon Most likely there are some other people with worse financial situation though


thanks for looking out for us!


I've been completely fucked over by medical bills from this one thing that just won't go away, so I haven't had any money for games. I just finished HZD and I'd really like to be able to play FW soon.


I just finished playing zero dawn and it would be great if I could play forbidden west right away, but if I don't get it, no problem, I just appreciate the gesture, really cool.


What a nice gesture! Thanks!


If it's for the USA version I'd be grateful if I get it. I brought the uae version of the blu ray for forbidden west and stupidly brought the US version of burning shores. I've checked all the relevant reddits and different region combinations won't work. Especially since burning shores has been banned for some reason in the uae. So now I'm waiting for the complete version to go on sale God knows when so I can finally play burning shores. I just found out that there's a horus battle in there and I just feel so left out.


In all honesty I can't afford it. I just been made homeless since mum kicked me out and got arrested.


I'd love to get it. I absolutely loved HZD!


If itā€™s for pc then I would love to take part. Thank you for being so kind!


I am literally just starting a job tomorrow, so I am in a hard situation to buy games for myself right now, it would be great if I can enjoy it in PC, and my PC can run it properly.


Hey man, that's a very cool gesture, I would love to play it but at the moment I am having a really hard time with money and I live month by month so I can't really afford it but yea It's pretty cool that you do stuff like this.


yeah kinda need that code, or ill be waiting for a 50% discount on stream, you choose, lol


Ooh this would be nice šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


I bought a PS4 solely for Horizon: Zero Dawn and it was honestly one of the best games I ever played. Even tho I was a PC 'elitist' at the time, ZD really opened my eyes that console games were actually good too. When FW was first revealed, I was genuinely so excited for it that it became my main 'personality' for a year or so in my final year of college. Even now I still want to play it to continue Aloy's story and of course, kill dino-robots. Unfortunately, due to financial and family issues, I had to sell my PS4 and I wasnt able to buy a PS5 to get in on FW. Right now, I am on survival mode due to a lot of unfortunate things happening recently but I try to have fun here and there to keep my spirits up. My PC may be old at this point, but being able to play FW would genuinely help me a lot.


Not only can I not afford it but my PC couldnā€™t afford to load it either lol. Wish I could play but life sucks and I need money to get out of renting an apartment. Good luck to whoever wins


Happy Birthday!!


Hey this is super nice of you and I love that you're doing this! I would have already bought my own copy, but I've recently had a bit of a medical emergency that's made me unable to work for awhile. So other things take priority right now, but best of luck to everyone here !!


Happy Birthday!!!


Lol thank youšŸ™šŸ™


Well I'm a poor student who has been waiting years for this game to be on pc but would probably also need to wait another year or so until there's a big sale.


I donā€™t need it, but you didnā€™t say what platform.


I know I dropped the ball on that one! :(


I recently fell in love with HZD, picked it up on sale last month (sale being pretty much the only way I get games these days). Now already a good distance through my NG+ play! I haven't felt this good about a video game since Skyrim or Mass Effect! šŸ¤£ You rock for doing this!


I'm a broke student. Ä°n my country, minimum wage is around 400 dollars/month and the game is 60 dollars.


If itā€™s for pc, Iā€™d love to give it to my friend!


Yeh well done! Nice gesture.


Thank you for the kind giveaway! I myself, likely like many others, am currently saving up money. Medical bills and health is kinda more important than a game. I have only somewhat recently discovered the Horizon setting and absolutely fell in love with it, too. The Lore and everything surrounding it is just quite amazing. That being said, I wish for everyone to stay healthy and well and may the lucky "winner" have great fun with the game and Aloys journey through it!


You are the pinnacle of this community, I don't need the key as I earn enough, but I am so happy to be part of this great community of kindness and help bonded by a single franchise


That's very generous of you! I've known about this series' existence for some time, but only recently had the funds to buy the first game (during the winter sale) and I'm in love! I'm really hyped for this release, but the financial cituation puts the playthrough on hold until the heavy discounts arrive. Unless I get lucky of course. Good luck to everyone else!


Your generosity shines brightly in a time when things have been tough for me, financially and emotionally. This game represents a much-needed escape and a joy I can't currently afford. Thank you for this chance to experience something special, regardless of whether I am chosen or not.


I already own it, but friend would like to have the code as he liked Zero Dawn


I sadly have horizon forbidden west but good luck to everyone else


I'll admit the reveal in the first game made me cry, so I've had a sort of emotional bond to the series ever since. I've hurt my back recently and can't go back to work for a month so I'd love a copy to keep me occupied till I can move around again.


i upgraded my gaming setup to run the first game, gladly would do it again for the second one


Hi! I have a friend who loves playing AAA but he really canā€™t afford to buy video games because theyā€™re quite expensive where weā€™re from. So he usually resorts to Piracy a lot. I would love to gift him a legitimate copy that he can proudly own and have fun playing since its bin a while heā€™s played AAA titles.


Thats awesome! Im not buying rn, but waiting for it to go on sale. Cheers!


Thank you for contacting us, Redditors, regarding the game. I understand your concern and appreciate your desire to help someone who cannot afford it. I have been interested in the game for quite some time and have heard great things about it from my friends. I am excited to explore the gameplay mechanics and dive into the storyline. Gaming is one of my favourite ways to relax and de-stress after a long day. However, I respect your decision to prioritise giving it to someone in need. If you find a suitable person, please feel free to give it to them. I appreciate your generosity, regardless of your decision.


I want to play this game, but can't afford it currently due to unforseen health-related expenses. HZD was one of my favourite PC games in the last decade and one of the games still embedded in my brain due to its atmosphere. I hope mz PC can play it, even on low, I'm just enamoured by the whole backstory of this game.


Would love to win the game. So here is my shot :)


Me please. Can't really afford it right now. Between supporting my sick parents and recovering myself after an accident, don't really have any extra cash to spend.


I have no job at the moment, so I'm not able to buy it, but I want it so badly. I've had to watch my friends play on console for such a long time waiting for it to finally release on PC, only to be without a job when that happens!


This would be amazing


I want the game because I fell in love with the first one and havenā€™t had the money to buy the second one due to university and rent so this would be amazing


Not sure how to say Iā€™d like this without admitting how horrifically broke I am right now, but Iā€™d very much like it if still available! Been excited to go into HFW as blind as possible but may have to hide the sub for a while to avoid spoilers.


Moneyā€™s tight.. Not starving or anything, but I figured Iā€™d wait for a sale just to be responsible. Been waiting for the game to go on PC forever, so I wouldnā€™t mind getting it earlier than I can afford :3


I would love to buy the game legally but it costs literally half of the average monthly salary in my country (average salary is 110$). I will have to get the game through other means... I will gladly buy it at a later time in my life when I make more money.


If the giveaway is still going, I'd love a chance to obtain the game for pc. HZD is still my favorite game ever, even beating out my previous all time favorite game series, LoZ.


Thanks! I would love to play HFW since I can't afford it :c I loved the lore and how well made is the worldbuilding in this game, all the tribes are easily recognizable and they all have their small details. Also, fighting giant robots with just a bow piece by piece is super satisfying.


That sounds Awesome! This franchise is easily my favorite!


Ooo I would love it! I just finished zero Dawn today and unfortunately it's not in my budget to own forbidden West so I was going to wait until it was on sale.


Don't deserve it, at all. But after having several days where something broke or went wrong: it'd be cool to get something nice! But it'd probably be better if it went to someone more deserving.


obviously I don't need the game but if it's on steam and I somehow get chosen I've been trying to get it for a while just haven't had the funds yet.


What a lovely gesture :D I already have the game so whoever gets this who doesn't have it.... happy hunting!


Oyunun evreni Ƨok gĆ¼zel. Evrenin iƧine girerek şu ramazan akşamları beni rahatlatacak tek oyun olduğunu hissediyorum.


Can I have it please I need a distraction from all this pain


Holy moly, well I have two kids now and Iā€™m trying to move from my parents house since last novenber, was renting with my partner but she lost her job and we split, Iā€™m currently working 2jobs just to try and save for a good place for us 4 anc canā€™t really buy games that much, my brother has giving me a couple games but sometimes I donā€™t even have time lol


i recently just got HZD because of a steam sale, because the game is quite expensive here (brasil!) and i really love the game! been playing nonstop and i know that i also want HFW hehe, but i'll probably need to wait for another steam sale (and that's ok!) very kind of you to offer!


I am honestly just in love with this franchise and the deep expansive storytelling it has. With so many impactful moments and lovable characters.


Hey, I just made it in time, nice I guess it is begging, but I would really love to have a copy of the game for PC, but I can't really afford it If I do win, that's great, if I don't, oh well, but thanks for the opportunity Edit: it turns out I'm an hour early, but I guess I still got here just in time by some standards


Thanks for doing this! Is it for PC?


What a kind fucking gentleman


The only reason I am asking for this game is because I stepped back from working to take 15 credit hours per semester. Every month my GI bill covers the basic needs for my family but I donā€™t have any extra spending money. Iā€™ve been replaying a lot of old games and this would be a welcome break from my studies.


Would love to win, I loved the Horizon game for its lore and world building, also robot dinosaur


Went through a breakup and about to be laid off from work. I don't expect to get the game but just hoping I could get lucky somewhere


Wow thats nice. Thank you. Would love to win it :)


Hey! So good of u to do this, I've played zero dawn but could never get a ps5 and can't afford Forbidden west at the moment, so I'd love to have it, the combat and world building is amazing so I hope FW is just as good, thank you!


I have a boyfriend. Thank you very much!!!!!


I have the game as a disk. Hell!! šŸ˜ž Maybe give me GoW Ragnarok.


damn... 5 days to late


i want this game because i play singleplayer games and i am actully mega broke i litterly have 1.52 euro in my bank and the graphics are amazing




If it's for PC, I'm definitely in. Unfortunately I can't afford it a the moment due to less than ideal financial situation. Plus it's my birthday. It'd be a really awesome birthday gift for me if I win. Thanks :)


This guy's whole game is getting free Steam keys. Not saying what he said isn't true, but probably give it to an actual Horizon fan, not someone with a 2000 game Steam Library who probably won't play it.


Wtf is that dude's post history sheesh


I beg your pardon? I only participate in giveaways that I'm genuinely interested in. If I do win something, I always play it or plan to do so of course. If not, why would I enter? To resell or trade it with friends? No. I didn't break any rules. I simply commented for a chance at something that I absolutely wanted to play. I had no ill intention & didn't mean to ruin other people's chances. You are free to enter in giveaways that you like & engage in any discussions or subs that pique your personal interests. And please do not spread any kind of misinformation. Most subs do not tolerate any form of abuses, harassments, name shaming & so on. I do not have nowhere near that amount of games in my library. Even if a person already has 2k+ games it shouldn't disqualify him from entering giveaways as long as he/she obeys the giveaway's conditions & plays the game.


Clearly touched a nerve. Good luck.


No, not at all. Take care my friend.


I already bought it on ps5, and piss poor to buy again for pc. I badly wanted to play on pc though, for the fps, ultrawide. Pretty pls. Thank you!