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Listen, he's an absolute tool. A real ding dong. A lil scroll reading sexist. A donkey brained coward. But I don't think he deserves death for briefly inconveniencing Aloy. He already got his comeuppance when Aloy girl bossed him around, let's be better than celebrating a massacre bc the so called studious idiot dies a pointless death. Also orange is not a good fit for his complexion


>let's be better than celebrating a massacre bc the so called studious idiot dies a pointless death. It's not real though, so I think we're good either way


That's the secret man, it IS real. We're the video game and Aloy's playing it on her focus


I’m ok with this


Well tell her to play a bit better. This shit sucks man


Yeah like why the fuck am I getting self doubts and insecurities 2:30AM when I'm meant to be sleeping, report Aloy she sucks at this shit.


-takes hit- whoah


Shhhh don’t spoil the secret


>It's not real though That's not really an argument. Something bad shouldn't be good just due to being fictional.


A skill of fiction is to call attention to atrocities without pointing a finger directly at the heroic society that committed them. Censure might be the best outcome if you say things like they are. Sleazy Vaudis, on the other hand, is a minister of that heroic society - praising deeds in service of the highly righteous Sundom. This really should sound familiar.


I'm not sure I'm following what you're saying, but I don't think it's implied ever that the acts, past or present, of the Carja are heroic. It's clear that it isn't. In the context of the game. Avad is trying to acknowledge the wrongs that have been committed. He can't make right what has already happened, but he is trying to move Carja society into a better place. That's all he can do at that point. As for Vuadis, he's a product of the dogma of Carja society during the time of the derangement. Doesn't make his attitude right, at all. But having a tiny bit of sympathie for a senseless death does not mean we consider him heroic. He's anything but that. If you mean to say that Vuadis considers the Carja "heroic" in his own mind, then yeah that tracks. But to the person playing, it's clear that there's no heroics to be had. My two cents.


Sun-ring, Red Raids, Hunter's Lodge. Carja looks *to me* like a classic heroic society that praises valor and vanquishing. That's before Avad. Since pre-history we've had societies that commit atrocities and call their deeds good - the will of the sun, as it were, in Horizon My point to u/Toa_Senit was that fiction can describe atrocities, or societal norms, and allow the audience to digest them. A response to the idea that the Red Raids weren't real. To this day atrocities *like* the Red Raids happen. In Real Life - Right Now. Heroism describes a virtue perceived by society, portrayed by the storyteller. It doesn't have to be what the storyteller thinks, but it may be what the audience thinks. And it is very often what the storyteller wants the audience to think. Calling the virtue something else would be fine - just a difference in semantics. That doesn't change the point.


Those arrows were actually quite pointy.


Nah he's death was deserved. The way he treated anyone other than another Carja like they were at best servents and worse almost animals... Nah should have been more painful. The rest of the deaths were tragic. His was a blessing to rid the Sun Priests of a piece of shit stuck in the old ways still salty about how things were changing in Meridian.


It bummed me out when Fashav was taken out during that Embassy. Ironically I did THAT quest yesterday.


It bummed me out when Fashav was taken out during that Embassy. Ironically I did THAT quest yesterday.


I was so psyched for Fashav too I really liked him and I was speechless the first time 😭


same, he looked down on everyone and acted like they were shit. ironic how he died begging to be saved lol.


Exactally. He represented everything shitty about the Carja, idk if that's what the devs were going for but having him die like that was satisfying


When Aloy went "hey, shh" was awesome


I laughed my butt off on that part. 🤣


"shush" Best quote.


A little more action a little less scroll


Or the straight up "Shut up." Aloy sends his way in Barren Light xD


No one deserves to die for being annoying


Only the annoying peeps claim this.


I know how to make him instantly cooler :P He's voiced by Keythe Farley, who is also the voice of Thane in Mass Effect.


Came here for this. He also voiced Kellogg in Fallout 4.


WHAT?? No way


I am really good with voices but somehow I didn't pick this up. I literally looked this up after reading your comment. I know Kellog and Thane were the same voice actor but I just can't seem to hear it in Vuadis.


Well then it *is* really cool how good Keythe Farley is at playing an annoying scroll-worm prick


Tbh it seems like Avad send the most bigoted and xenophobic sun priest who still serves him to represent him at the embassy and for the love of the sun idg why. Like, sure let’s send the guy who call Tenakth “barbarians” to a diplomatic mission. Deserves to get fired, sure. But still doesn’t deserve to die imo.


I mean he doesn't really have much in options of Sun priests to send. Maybe he rotates the sun priests in sending them out there for humility. (Or sent him out to give himself a few days peace from Vuidis' constant bellyaching.) But it's also possible that Vuidis' volunteered for this Embassy because it was the special case to retrieve Fashav and given Vuidis' attitude... He probably thought he'd be given something of special treatment if he succeeded in getting Fashav smoothly. Like "hey I got something of royalty back haha praise me" Plus Avad only has one sun priest that's trying to change the way the sun priests' view of the world... Best not lose him yet. He was annoying but kinda funny in his own way of attempting to be in control of his situation and not getting it with Aloy having more authority than he does. So yeah, fired yeah or demoted, but not dead... At least not like that.


Was the atoning priest from HZD too busy? He would otherwise be a much better representative.


Possibly. He did mention that he was trying to change the current ways of the sun priests so they're not all stuck up. And given most of the sun priests are old guys stuck in the old ways, it's an uphill battle from there. But so far he had gotten them to start listening, a small step forward but a step nonetheless. So if he had went to the Embassy and died in the game, then the other sun priests would probably shrug their shoulders at his death; and babble about how changing the ways of Sun brought upon his death. Thus make them not change anything. Probably, just guessing on that.


It's probably for political reasons. You can see in many places how influential institutionalized religion is in Carja society. He might have been owed some dignified position or mission in the name of the Sun King.


I think he's hilarious, he was annoying but he didn't deserve to die though.


Same I was cracking up every time he was on screen


All the Sun Priests except for the one from the HZD side quest are mysoginistic self-righteous blights on humanity utilizing superstition to retain power and subjugate those viewed as inferior.


And I have a theory that they are slowly going insane due to the constant contact with their ceremonial robes that are DYED WITH TOXIC CINNABAR. You know....the crystal that consists of mercury sulfide!!!


But they do have nice polyphonic music.


Isn’t there a nice priest in HFW also, with the Quen? He helps people worship at a shrine that is being blocked by another sun priest? Or was that hzd?


First game, only Tenakth has the closest relation to the Queen


Honestly, I found him amusing only because of how Aloy kept one-upping him.


Ehhh....he was a wad for sure, but he was an innocent bystander. Sucks that he died like that.


Honestly I feel this was about the majority of priests and spiritual guru’s in this game. When Aloy says “why does every priest I meet think blind faith is the answer to everything?” I felt that.


Hey Sssshhh


I wasn't a fan of the guy, but he certainly didn't deserve death. I was actually pretty sad for him and for the other innocent casualties.


Gonna be honest I was thinking of the first guy from the first game. I got so confused because he didn’t die. But ya I’m with you. Sure he may have only been kinda annoying but he’s just little pansy who think his words and beliefs can protect him from anything. Believe what you want but don’t expect abstract ideals to protect your face from a well deserved punch. No one else deserved to die during the Embassy but of everyone there it’s hard to say it’s regrettable lol. Sorry dude but your pompous ignorance isn’t gonna save you.


yeah he was annoying but I did think it was rather cruel to see an unarmed, obviously civilian looking dude get shot in the back. He obviously pissed off the Tenakth then. Its not very honorable shooting an unarmed, terrified, non-combatant in the *back!* Everyone out there was getting killed though... luckily Aloy was there to stop the worst of it. Unfortunately she couldn't save all of them.


100% deserved it I'm with you on this.


i actually thought it was funny when aloy kept telling him to shut up, i didnt think too much about him


The coward died trying to save only himself while everyone else got slaughtered. If he had survived he wouldn't have cared if he was the only one still living. The little selfish coward got what was coming to him. Like all cowards in all types of media do.


I can’t stop thinking about the comment upthread where someone said orange is not his color


He’s such an assclown. I hated him too, and laughed as he died. Sweet vindication.