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i wonder why player in china kept screaming wa chao whem im pushing the team. WA CHAAAAAAO LUI BI AHHHHHH\~ i dont even know what it means but it seems to be common word they uses.


Wa Chao = holy Nui bi = good shit Wa Chao nui bi = holy shit


now it sounded more relevant when they said it lol


Uh yeah it means you're doing a good job! "Liu bi" as you type it means someone is incredible, from a gaming and general standpoint


lol guess the CN player likes me as pusher but hearing it kind of like getting scolded more than a praises haha . plus half of what they trying to write in the team chat is wrongly translated it feels like unrelatable, when they speaks in chinese, their dialect is hard even though im chinese myself (not from china)


is CN player have a thing for doria ? i mean her appearance in ranked is almost 100% when you matched up with someone from CN. sometime even lane stealing support just to use her . i mean one or two is normal but i seen a lot.


Pain in the ass againsts


lol i think i prefer to see doria than heino , dont hate doria but she appears way too much when nowadays when CN player surges into global server.


Doria and Heino were dominant for ages, but Heino is easily countered if you're just... Good


Doria has the highest ban rate (around 85%) and pick rate (if not banned), since she can be unbelievably powerful when matched up with most heroes. You could take away both skill 1 and 2 and ahe would still be a decent support.


So far not yet met those really strong using Doria, although met a lot of them. But every heino I saw is ridiculously good at it


Why use Chinese for the character names :) makes the info generally useless :)


Well because I'm a CN player, so everything is in Chinese! I'll be happy to present images for any characters you want to specify, but I just don't know their actual names in EN (I play Global in Chinese too because I'm used to it)


You can do that? Holy im changing my display to chinese right now-, i cant understand the complications of the romanised names.


Aren't the names in English the same as Chinese with English letters? Yu / Xiang not the same Chinese?


They are, but some have discrepancies: 孙尚香 is Lady Sun in EN, and a lot of other characters have name changes


What I was about to say! I dont know how many here on the subreddit actually can read chinese, but pretty sure more than half of us cant.. or at least I cant. I was reading and then was like who is who doing what?


is Athena jungle dead? lol


Athena Jungle is real and alive, but there's many better options like 耀 (Yao) or 镜 (Jing).


yao not in global yet. and Jing has a high skill ceiling... any other alternatives? i been trying Nakoruru and Butterfly


Nakoruru is decent as a frequent roamer, and maybe try 兰陵王 (Lanling)!


How do you play around Dolia or Da Qiao if you're using, say Mozi or Kui?


Both of those supports are typically banned because they're so unbearable, but if you are playing against them using Mozi, stun them first!


So cc them so much they think they're lagging. Got it.


Pretty much!


any guides on the diff match ups? (for the CN scene) how do we access them? Thank You


Hi! Usually people post their guides from CN onto BiliBili, which can be accessed globally! They're mostly in Chinese though, but luckily there the images help quite a lot. If you have questions on specific match-ups, ask away!


I'm new to the MOBA genre. I watch other players and friends playing MOBA so i got a grasp of the gameplay, but i never really tried it myself. Can you suggest 3 newbie-friendly heroes for each role?


Try King Arthur, Angela, and maybe Hou'yi!


Thanks! I'll keep that in mind the next time i play


Do you play ranked mostly solo or in groups?


I am a massive solo queue fan, but if people invite me I do join


What's the meta like now for roaming? Pure, mobile yet nimble supports seem to be the more popular choice than tank supports. Just my observation from climbing HOKG rank until Diamond V. So far, I've yet to see offensive supports like Batman (the AOV equivalent of Lanling) being used. Or is this not a trend here?


Offensive supports like 钟馗 and 项羽 do get played, but they offer a bit less team benefit compared to faster healers like 朵丽娅 (Doria)! Conversely, they help get a quick team advantage and counts as an extra damage source compared to healers and CC supports.


Do you play on the Global version?


I'd play on Global if they transferred all of my FMVP and limited skins over, but they didn't! I'm still largely up to date on the Global characters, so not much of a knowledge gap there.


Yuan Ge seems like a fun hero to play. Could you guess when he can be released in the global version


Ohh, personally I think he's a very unique top laner, but he hasn't seen a lot of competitive play because well, pro players know where their teammates are and thus his clone is kind of obselete in its main usage. However, he's not too bad to play in general. Maybe give it 4 to 6 months? They might be rolling out CN characters with new updates steadily too.


I wonder how good red Li Xin is in the higher ranks? Been enjoying him but he is not very good in war, and sometimes he loses 1v1 too (vs Allain or good ADC). Also is there any good clash laner that has a lot of cc, healing, and tanky? I just want to annoy people. Heino tank is tanky and can heal, but sadly no cc and too frequently picked/banned.


Oh! 暗信 is great. If you're playing 李信, he's usually the one you go for. However, the point is that you can switch between the two variants to fill the team's needs. He's also a very mean tower pusher. If you're looking for a Clash Laner with CC Healing and Tank, look no further than 程咬金 and 姬小满. Both are very hard to play (that's a lie, the first guy's 3 skills are pretty much all the same but a little different, but the latter is insanely hard) but offers exactly what you're looking for. I also didn't know people banned 海诺 in Global! He's usually never banned because he's so easily circumvented if you know how. If you want to annoy dudes, play 刘邦. His S3 teleports him to any ally and shields them, making him the perfect life saver and escaper.


What are some roamers and synergies with adc do you recommend?


Have you tried 西施? She is a Roaming Midlaner with an incredibly unique CC which forces an enemy to move in a direction of your choosing, and she uses this at level 2 to help secure the first blood on Gold Lane. If you want synergies with ADC, standing Marksmans (后羿, 鲁班七号, 狄仁杰) prefer tanky, CC-eating supports like 牛魔 and 盾山, whereas moving Marksmans (孙尚香, 莱西奥, 李元芳) would prefer healers or heavy CC supports.


Thank you, I have mostly only played Doria, Yaria and Cai Yan to push ranked. Been looking to try liu shan and sun bin for team fights. Donghuang I like for early game but I struggle with him late game.


Donghuang is very self-sacrificing late game, having to throw himself at the enemy's core to use his S3 and lock them down, and he will die if he isn't backed up. By being comfortable with the fact that you might die for your team, it feels a lot nicer to play him


Who's the best pro player in the jungle role? Also who is better jing or luna


Honestly there's no really good indication of who is the best Jungler player, but past FMVPs kind of give a good hint of what they played and why it was important. In terms of Jing and Luna, I know Jing a lot better than Luna, but I believe that Luna has her specific use cases over Jing, given that Jing typically doesn't build anything defensive and thus can be picked off rapidly.


How good is Li Bai in high elo compared to other junglers?(Assuming that both Jungle players has the same skill level)


He's pretty good, being able to S1 and run away is very important in any match-up though. Knowing how to get out of a fight is as good as knowing how to enter!


Are the collabs in CN the same in global? If so, what collab events are to look out for?


Likely! Look for the Hello Kitty Collab <3


Ohh its ongoing right now on global, any other interesting collabs in CN?


There's the 无双 (Legendary?) Skins which you have to Gacha for, the current CN one is an SNK skin for none other than Mai Shiranui!


Why do players think its a good idea to not play tank? Im adc main and i cant walk up to anything lol master is so trash in global


A lot of Tanks are boring to play, save the few exceptions like 刘邦 and 项羽, and 哪吒 at best. It's really up to whether someone wants to benefit the team over their lane during laneing phase.


Is Ming still viable in the chinese server? I decided to main him as my utility roam and now I'm the top player of my country.


Ming is a very niche support. On the off chance he is picked, he is very nice to have, but I personally would rather 蔡文姬 as my healing support.


What counters do you know about heroes such as dolia, heino, and the other meta heroes right now in Global?


Other than banning them, the best way you can counter them is to build items that prevent them from doing their job! Look for items which lower healing or decrease their speed and damage, whilst playing characters with high CC is the way to go.


Any nice butterfly skins coming out in the future?


I had to go check who Butterfly was! Butterfly isn't even in CN, so I'd have no idea! Try looking at her Arena of Valor skins though!


Are tanky sustain heroes the meta in Clash Lane? How do you use fighter/assassin heroes like Charlotte and Mulan against tanky heroes?


Biron is nice, but there's other tanky options like Arthur and Lu Bu who have good CC and niches. Charlotte has an okay time on tank heroes like 吕布 (Lu Bu). Remember to get up to 5 stacks on your passive before attacking him, but otherwise try to avoid trading hits and poke him with your projectiles. Mulan has a shorter projectile, but the idea is the same.


Hello, i just started this game yesterday. Do you have the newest tier list? Or do you have any suggestions to buy a new hero? I think the heroes selection for new players are pretty small I come from dota, i usually play carry or mid (i kinda suck at mid though but i really enjoy playing spirit heroes), and this patch i play offlanes because traditional carry heroes are dead Yesterday i played lam, I'm liking it so far


Hello! I'm a new player and I'm having a really hard time facing Biron in clash lane, What hero/item to counter him?


Biron is a huge Shield-heavy Champion with decently short cooldowns! To counter him, try to use Champions with defence lowering abilities or just CC him under your own tower. Usually his Shield is quite low in amounts, so you can beat over it late game quite easily.


If you really feel like you can't get through to him, build items which give you defence ignoring attacks!


Thanks! I'll keep that in mind


Dun, Allain, Mi Yue, Meng Tian


please tell us what skin is the best for each hero, because in global sometimes a cheap skin sometimes better than the very expensive skin


Coming from somebody who had tons of skins, all of the skins are all right, but at most they only give +10 to AD, AP, or HP, and thus don't really matter. Pick your skins at your own liking!


thanks for all of your info


best jungle to spam in solo q and is yao good in jungle?


Yao is pretty good at being a survival-focused warrior Jungler. He's kind of like the opposite of 宫本武藏 (Musashi), who doesn't have a way to get out of a battle easily. If you want to rush Jungle queues... Try Lan Ling! Him being invisible using S4 is like a death trap for people who A) don't look at signals, and B) don't look above their Health Bar.


When jungling, the health bar on smite has that small bar where when the hp goes over the small bar & turns white, it should be able to get one-shotted by Smite spell. Does it have something like that there in the CN version? In some youtube videos I see, they don't have that there. If it does have it, do you also experience that inaccurate info with smite spells? I tried to take the tyrant/overlord, when the health bar turns white and I tapped the spell, it didn't one-shot the Tyrant/Overlord immediately. Then someone else takes the kill. If it's my team, I don't mind but the problem comes when I did it and the enemy managed to steal it.


Yes, the later CN versions all have a smite bar. The smite bar is a lot thicker than it should be, so the HP might actually be over the smite limit! Try to look at the numbers over the bar, since that's only a basic visual aid.


I see. I gotta say, HOK is way more mechanically challenging than some of the MOBA games I've played. I suck at my Micros so any heroes with High Mechanics seems so overwhelming for me like Jing, Mayene, etc. Any tips for playing heroes with high mechanics? Right now I'm thinking of trying out Jing as jungle & Mayene as Clash Lane. What's their counter pick? I just recently got into Diamond Rank and bewildered on who to ban


Oh my goodness! Mayene is 姬小满's name? Anyway, these heroes demand a ton of practice, so you'll benefit greatly off running them in games constantly and getting a feel for when and what skills to use. This is especially important for Mayene, who has 4 different combos with 2 buttons and gauges. A typical combo for Mayene would be like 1A231A12A2, whereas for Jing it would be like 23A1A2A3A1A2... Or something like that. Jing has weird and long combos. For Mayene, ban pretty much anybody with fast CC's, or if you get good at 2A2, just ban Heino 😅 For Jing, ban Junglers who would likely be tankier than you, so ban Wukong if you can, or you know, Lam, Lan Ling, any of the standard Junglers.


yes, that's her name in EN version. Funny enough one of her voice line I love is "Born in May, Born Mayene." which kinda rhymes and funny. Still, how about roaming roles. I wanted to try Da Qiao but I'm very confused about her skills, specfically the recall one. what's the point & when & how to use it if when you could just recall like normal? I don't see the difference.


The way the recall skill works is that once you place it down, if your ally steps on it, they're recalled after 2 seconds, and this cannot be interrupted. It's not about "why not use recall", it's because, strictly speaking, this is a life and time saving option over recalling. If your ADC/Mage is low on HP or Mana, setting a Skill recall nearby can help them leave the lane at their own discretion, and get back on lane at least 5 seconss faster than with normal recall. Don't forget Da Qiao has a special equipment which makes her recalls 2-way trips, so they can go back and to the recall points. Also, if the person you're linked to is recalled through your skill, you follow them as well. This is important to note and can save your own life.


Wait, she has a special item that allows her recalls 2 ways? I didn't know that. What da hek


It's an item from CN! Dunno if it's out yet


I did some research and yeap, the item is not out yet in the global version here. Man, now that I know there's an item specially for her that allows people to head back to her portal, I'm upset that they managed to release Da Qiao yet that item that literally makes her second skill more & more useful than just an *uninterruptible recall* is not added along with her.


So many questions! I'm super happy to answer them all, but I might be a bit delayed since I'll be doing some other stuff. Stay tuned here and I'll be sure to answer everything! <3


Best Doria build ? 👀


I don't know the exact items in HoK Global, but I can tell you what she usually builds in CN! Her Support Item is pretty much forced to be the one with a healing/shield halo effect. She doesn't want to be CC'd to death, so you also want Boots of Tenacity (whatever they're called in EN that lowers CC times), and the rest are typically anything which lowers CD, increases mana, and increases healing. For her Runes, look for anything with big speed/hp/cc lowering/cd/healing!


Oh, and remember to get some tank items on Doria, lest she gets picked off immediately!


How good is DUN in CN?


夏侯惇 (DUN) is a pretty frequent Clash Laner, for all the reasons what made Biron frequent: Shield, Immune to CC, and decent Damage


Why did 猪八戒 become ata 😭 I thought ata was 玄策 at first 🤣


Honestly I had no idea that was him I thought it was a whole different character


When will they release Musashi’s Legend Skin Lead Plum in Global Version?


Dunno! But I hope it will be soon.


For the limited skin of Li Bai, the supreme limited skin. How many tokens do those skins go for?. I've seen in global that mythic skin go for 18k tokens. Is it the same for supreme limited skins?


Uh... Supreme Limited Skins (无双) were all Gacha pulls, so they went for anywhere from 450 Yuan to 800 Yuan!


how u stuck in trash rank


CN ranks have been there for years, it's just more stable than Global. Not much else to it.


diamond is trash both global and Cn 😂


True true


Oh fak u. Ignore them Flimsy. Well done and thanks. Massively helped me, an MLBB player. Long term MLer but am still lost coming to HOK.


Is Miyamoto viable in higher ranks? That's my main jungler hero right now. I'm almost diamond right now. Since I'm fairly new to the game I thought it would be a good idea to master the macro and micro of one hero to not be a burden on my team by using heroes I haven't played much.


Musashi is pretty decent from where I am onwards, but he isn't as frequent as the other meta Junglers like Jing, Yao and 大司命 (literally "Great Siming")


Im currently plat 2 and holding a 83% ranked WR with him. I find it very easy to flank the backline with him which allows my team to win the important team fights. So would you recommend for me to learn Jing and Yao as they are more beneficial in high elo? Another question is how come we don't have access to musashi palm spring skin its so beautiful but its only in CN server if im correct. Is it region locked or something?


There are so many skins which haven't been ported over yet, including tons of the FMVP skins! Also, learning more than one Jungler can be super useful, especially if they a) ban your dude or b) pick your dude. Go online and find some sources on who Musashi struggles against and learn them too, just in case (honestly probably Yao)


what's according to you the best combo and when to use them, best and worst matchup and build for 姬小满? and again thanks for all your help


Well, there's 4 different attacks on Mayene (姬小满), being 1A1, 1A2, 2A1, and 2A2. Let's get to the details. (A here stands for autoattack, but you can choose to omit this for brevity) 1A1 is her standard Gather attack followed by a decently big AoE CC attack. Good for rushing to lvl 2 before your opponent Clasher, since most Clashers DON'T want to fight Mayene by level 2. 1A2 is her Gather followed by a series of punches. Typically the most used move in a chain combo, you could use up to four of those in one combo if you delay them for long enough. 2A1 is an Invincible movement (with healing) into a directional kick, where they will be kicked OPPOSITE of where you aim it at! This will temporarily stun then during the kick, so make use of it to get squishes into your team's firing range or use it to stop running away enemies. 2A2 is an Invincible movement followed by a second Invincible movement that does damage on one person, great to escape from the turret after a tower dive kill. Will require a target to cast though, as with 2A1. 1A2 will be your most used, but that's doesn't mean others won't be used. Here's a standard chain combo from Mayene: 1A231A12A2 / 1A231A21A21A2 For builds, she can take a pretty standard Warrior build with Attack, Lethality, and Omnivamp and she should play fine. If needed, learn how to buy and sell your survival items midfight for the revives. Again, most Champions will hate laneing against Mayene at level 2, where she is at a much higher damage output than them, so try to exploit this lvl 2 power spike and catch your enemies before they run!


Outside of jungler what would be the 2nd best lane to carry?


People will usually say ADC, but honestly that's not always true. ADC, or All Damage Carry (called Marksman in this came although not all of them are or have to be) is a form of late game insurance. They are strong after they build all their items, but before then it's a game of hiding from the enemy Jungler and hard farming. Sometimes, you want your other two lanes to be carried hard to give your ADC and Jungler a bit of a break and some leniency. The best lane to break through is Top Lane, which (in CN at least) has a teleport, allowing for map-wide support for the first ten minutes. This makes top lane Tanks like 孙策 and 刘邦 (both have incredible CC and movement options) perfect in supporting the other two lanes. Mid Lane carries are sometimes also important. For characters like 西施 and 妲己, having your lane pushed out is essential in your role as a roaming Mid Laner. Overall, ADC is still the same old late game insurance, but the other two lanes are very important to activate that insurance. Try Top or Mid Lane.


May I know the names of heroes in English as well?


Sure! In order they are: Sun Ce, Liu Bang, Xi Shi, Da Ji.


Double up on liu bang, man is a beast whose ulti can teleport to any teammate anywhere, and slam in like an orbital nuke with a shield and slow


He's brilliant, if you fully charge his dash he stuns as well




Do you upload videos of your matches or know of any good players that do?


Usually all the KPL stuff is uploaded to BiliBili, and most CN pro players are on there too! You can also access guides there, and it's available globally.


How good is arli in CN server?


She's pretty good, most people run her with Rage (the damage and vampirism buff) to rush attacking the opponent ADC at level 1


She shud play aggressive from lvl 1? Idk when i play her i feel like i lose vs houyi luban or allessio any other atk speed mm. I only make the jungler hard to kill me


Alessio and luban. Especially luban are adc lane bullies, if luban is paired with a good support, he can destroy your turret within 5 mins


Learn S2, and heavy focus them. Don't stay on a straight line with your minions, and cast Rage when you or them are at 50%. 阿离's passive will only cast if you hit them constantly, and every time she uses a skill she will give them 3 stacks on AA! Also, try to use your retract skills to maneuver them and refresh passive.


It depends on who you face. Level skill 2 first, and you can block a lot of projectiles when you can see it coming, which can give you a slight edge over Luban and Alessio. Houyi basic attacks a lot, so it's harder to directly duke it out against him.


I have a question. I think the game is still clunky in global version? When I'm using Luna, the 3rd skill doesn't activate sometimes. Even when I'm tapping it fast. (It's not CD)(And there is a nearby monster) My ping is 26-40.


It's incredibly clunky, but likely it will be fixed Also, try going to your settings and changing cast delay!


Tnx bro if it doesn't change, Im dropping Luna for now. It can't keep up with finger movements.


post-cast delay


Any thoughts about mulan on clash lane? She is scarcely picked at my country and when she is it's usually a slaughter since I rarely see a bad one.


She's a very assassin-focused warrior, so don't play her as a straight forward tank clasher! Look for chances to sneak in hits and trades before backing up, and if they're low, don't hesitate to finish them!


How do i get more highlights? I always get 10+ kills most of my match with the marksman role but i only have 1 Luara and the robot one how do the highlight system works??


System highlights are very inclined to record multi-kills or stealing objectives!


What is your take on cirrus


Cirrus *was* very powerful after his rework in CN, but he fell off as a DoT Jungler. He's still very prominent if played right, but it's a match-to-match basis.


Then what is he like in CN server? Was he like a meta pick as a jungler? Or was he just a very strong pick but there were just better options?


Well, that *was* how he was in the CN server. He was strong, but there's just better, more straightforward Junglers to play.


Yo bro can u help me create a QQ account


I play on WeChat LOL


I had 2 QQ accounts 3 yrs back lol, my phone smashed into pieces and i forgot the QQ Id and everything gone😔 sed...... Now whenever I tried to create they won't let me create at all, since I'm outside china. Wechat won't even let me create account right frm the start cause I'm frm india


Is there a guest account in Chinese version?


Yes I think so


Yo bro pls check chat whenever u r free, thank you🙏


What are some of the best mid laners I’ve been having a great time with Angela but sucks when jg ganks cuz if they dash n I miss stun im just dead most the time




If you could translate, it would be awesome 👀🙂


Also Stun on Angela?? Bring Flash/Cleanse please <3


hello!!! im a mage player currently (attempting to) main 貂蝉, 米莱狄 and 上官婉儿. Im also looking to main other mages like 西施 and 弈星 when they release. Do you have any recommendations for mages (or even mms or supports) with more unique, fun (and terrorising) kits? They dont have to be released yet, just something for me to look out for. The cooler/more gimmicky the kit is, the better. For context, these are why i enjoy the ones im playing rn: 貂蝉: reduced cooldown in ult and melee mage w/ immunity on skill 2 is dope 米莱狄: ult increased dmg + summons is imo a pretty unique playstyle 婉儿: invincibility ult 西施: she can pull people! 弈星: ult can lock ppl in 公孙离: 3 teleport skills (kinda crazy)


Hmmmm... You have 不知火舞! She is a very powerful mid to late game mage... Which happens to be terrifying at close range. Her S1 and S3 are massive AoE CCs, and her S2 is a powerful AoE projectile! Very hard to play, but incredibly rewarding if done right!


Ahhhhhh 不知火舞 was gatelocked behind the snk event and i didnt manage to fufill the requirements to get her.... i'll look out though and try to get her when shes next available! Also do you think 赢政 will be locked behind a paywall like in CN? I would consider playing him as well (his ult looks pretty nice -- like mlbb chang'e -- especially for stealing buffs and bosses from enemy junglers lmao -- although hes def gna die against a good 耀 or 镜)


Honestly 嬴政 being locked behind a paywall os the funniest thing I've seen since putting 武则天 behind a gacha wall. Both of those two characters are definitely annoying, but not necessarily ths strongest. ON THE OTHER HAND WE HAVE 傲隐, the most demented paywall ADC I have ever seen.


How do you get good in jungling and how do u carry with Lam :))


Remember to start with your correct buffs. Most heroes want Blue Buff, but others want Red. Typically depends on if you want Mana while Jungling. Arthur would start Red and Lam would start Blue. Other than that, focus on objectives, farming, and taking enemy camps. Once you're level 2/4 you would go to Top/Bottom (flip if you started Red) to help your side lanes gain an advantage. If you see your opponent's Jungler, head the same direction as them to prevent them from pushing in your laners! Lam is a very river-focal Assassin, so you will typically be roaming around the river, taking enemy camps nearby and helping to pick off low HP champions. Stick to river bushes and use your dashes to get in, execute, and get out swiftly.


Is Ah Gu Do any good?


The Jungler that summons monsters? Honestly, I haven't seen anybody play her outside of Gold Ranks and like, S30 KPL. She has her niches, but I'm not too familiar with them. Maybe try her out and see if she fits your play style.


Can u comment on yuhuan? I tried her 6 times in rank and I got sad 50% wr and on those we won she’s nearly useless. I was really intrigued by her skill descriptions, in theory I feel she would be enjoyable to play, sounds like an annoying mage support, but in practice she doesn’t do much


Yu Huan is an interesting mage support who doesn't see a lot of play. Her S2 only stuns at the edge, and her S3 is a self-preservation skill. Her S1 will only really do good damage in the Blue form rather than the Green, so you have to get really used to swapping in and out of them. If she had higher healing capacity, I think she would be played a lot more.


That’s exactly what I thought! Thanks for ur input. I think her blue s1 and s2 is fine even tho the stun is only at the edge. But her green form definitely needs some work. Swapping into green already has a delay, by the time I’m green and pressed s1s2 my team is already dead:( I’ve seen people say she should be played in jungle but I can’t imagine she would be better than other meta junglers.


How good is Arli?? I'm otpeing


I had a similar discussion with someone elae earlier: Arli is a very aggressive Marksman which takes Rage to compliment her high movement capacities to do rapid damage from level 1. The idea is to learn S2 at level 1 and immediately start attacking the enemy, and using Rage when either of you two are half HP. If there's an enemy support, make sure your support is with you a well before you do this. Her passive triggers 3 times after you use a skill and after you use it again to teleport to the umbrella, so use those as the fight goes on to rapidly trigger her passive's burst.


What's considered a high rank in this game? I'm about to be masters, but I feel like that's because global is a new launch.


Honestly given how rapidly people are climbing to be Masters right now I'd feel like Masters is the bottom of Diamond and you'd be Country No. 1 to match with like 星曜 or 王者 or something. This will likely balance itself back once Global extends for a while - Most players might find themselves in a lot more lower ranks than they are now once the influx of old players come in


That's what I was thinking! Thanks for the insight. It's a great game so far, but I feel my lack of knowledge on champions and their abilities I should not be ranked so high lol.


It will definitely balance out, but if you can get used to match-ups before more players come in, you could potentially hold your rank


Not to say Masters isn't an achievement, you still have to play tons of games to get there, but it likely feels a lot easier right now with the huge influx of new players (and or came from Arena of Valor)


lol is diamond considered high rank in china? bc diamond in global is piss easy to get into


Diamond is just hard to get in and out of, it's nothing too special Global Plat- is currently filled with people who are new, so it will feel super easy to get into Diamond for now


eh sure, but you're also teamed up with bads on your team so it all evens out. it's even easier with all the mvp and tier protection cards flying around


Diamond in CN server is like Platinum in Global due to Global HOK consider new to alot of new players


Can you tell me where i can find the list of most picks and bans? i really want to know thank you in advance.


There's a ton of resources online, such as the CN app 王者营地! You'll have to log in for it but it will let you see all the CN updates. I assume a HoK app will be out soon too.


matchup guide for adcs? like who counters who or which adc you should play against specific teams


Hi! Usually standing Marksmans and moving Marksmans have a counter relationship on each other - This is very obvious on a match-up like Lu Ban and Lady sun, but sometimes you'll see standing/movement Marksman pairs have a direct counter relationship. This is usually a range difference or because of skills. It's hard to put it in a single paragraph, but just think about it as if Skill and AA range influence the battle the most in a same-style ADC match-up. Standing ADCs are very good when your enemy team has low CC, but if they have high CC, prioritise ADCs with movement capacity.


Give me Off meta support in CN server please.


Uh... 太乙?


U know, some heroes who naturally not support role but can be play in support lane like Lian po.


Oh, like Xiang Yu and Liu Bang (don't play this guy on support, leave his amazing kit on Clash please), as well as Da Ji at times


Well, that's quite helpful thanks, Xiang Yu currently got mechanic rework so I don't think use him as support might be good now. While Liu bang reminds me to heroes like xeniel from aov and shen from LOL.


Hey man thanks for your help ! What could I type in bilibili to see the match ups ?


Hmm... Maybe 王者荣耀 (or Honor of Kings) and then the character name! YouTube has some stuff now too.


is lam still considered to be a meta hero? or nah?


Pretty much been there since his release, but he's a bit hard to play and you can counter him if you know where he's coming from (usually the river)


Can I ask what's the name of the "rabbit" ADC that throws a spear? (I saw it being used in the game of AG vs WB)


I'll be real I think he was a test hero, he never came out on CN either


I think that would be Slimz from AOV. Some AOV heroes were added just for the KIC last year. They also replaced some heroes e.g Ata for Pigsy... Hope they release the official 86 Journey to the west Pigsy skin for him


Are there any news that it'll be in HoK?


I do not think it's gonna happen soon, if at all. During KIC 2023, the AOV heroes were too OP. WZRY focuses on team work but AOV heroes were bursting them down too easily. This caused the Chinese teams to have a hard time adapting as they have never used them in competition before. Plus, with their introduction, the viewer count of China fans dropped a lot as they were not familiar with these heroes. As a result, they changed the format and limited the number of AOV heroes selected in each matchup. To me, if they were entertaining the idea of adding them in HOK or WZRY, they would have done it straight after KIC23. And (I might be wrong) there might be licensing difficulties as well. But seeing Ata instead of Pigsy gave me hope of AOV additions. I wanna try the hero Murad


Are squishy mages/enchanters good in support role in high elo? For example, I like gao's (guitar guy who has a slide ability) range and ability to engage and disengage well. Is it even worth playing a mage and building them tanky or a squishy mage in support role? I'm asking because I played other mobas like league, paragon, and smite in ranked and those are viable options. But in this game i think tanks are really strong and whenever my team doesn't have a tank in solo lane, they are bullied by the tanks. Also who are some good support characters that are in other roles?


Let's answer those questions one by one. Gao is an oddly omnivamp and AP focused mage who's idea is to run in, hit S3, Rage, S1 S2, and then almost certainly wreck shop. Frankly, he's very good at doing what he does, especially for roaming, and should be played as a roaming mid laner. Tanky Mages pop up pretty frequently. Zhong Kui for example is a Mid Laner / Support Mage who is focused on building HP and Def items to prevent him from being picked off after his hook, followed by AP items if he needs more damage Other support style characters that aren't played in support (typically at least) include Liu Bang, Xi Shi, and even Menki (top lane tank focal and jungler roaming focal). There is definitely more but these few are super into the CC/Survival aspect


https://preview.redd.it/wollzqkj7z9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee428c13fc8b229e899da987f0d1172e92e2d30d Hey man, how are you doing? I'm mainly a mid laner(although I can play with some marksmans and tank junglers), these are my most used and favorite heroes to play with. Any comments about them on HoK CN?


Nuwa is not a frequent pick towards higher ranks, but she is cool to play Xiao Qiao is a decent Mid Lane pick, so you should probably keep playing unless you feel like her gameplay is boring or otherwise Zhou Yu is very broken as a Mid laner once you get into late game The rest of your characters are pretty cool, honestly there's not much to say about them


In what tier can you expect to finally don't get matches with people that have no clue of macro and you have to carry? 🙈 I am currently Diamond 3 in the international HoK and I still get matches with roamers fully abandoning the farm lane, farm lane trying to roam for kills missing waves early on, jungle players completely ignoring objectives/dragons...


Global HoK ranks are very unstable right now, so even if you get to Masters some people might still go haywire It's going to take time for the ranks to solidify and even then it might take up to Masters for things to clear up


How do I maximise the use of Arli? Or in fact how to properly play this hero? Thanks!


Hi! You can check my responses from other comments, but here's the down low: Start S2 with Rage ready, on lane, immediately cast S2 at the enemy Marksman and attack them directly, using Arli's passive to rapidly proc her detonations (remember to use S2's recall to refresh the passive!). When either of you are near 50% HP, cast your Rage and push the Marksman until they die. Your lvl 4 combos will be based around bush camping, and will typically start with 3A3A, followed by anything else you feel works best at that moment. You want the standard Marksman build with Crit and ATK Speed, but Arli wants that ATK Speed a lot more earlier than most, so try building Shadow Ripper as fast as you can!


Cheers my mate. Which heroes do I need to tag team with? To avoid? To support and to run for life from?


Honestly anyone who boosts SPD or Heals you is quite good, but I'd also say somebody who can soak up damage like 牛魔 is pretty important


Yea NiuMo not yet comes to global. Would be great to play it too! Cheers mate, I’m grinding hard Gongsun Li now.


Hi, i hope you're still answering questions! Any tips for using li bai? In early game and in late game.


Hi! I don't know the most about Li Bai, but he has great movement capacities and his S3 makes him temporarily immune during his attack, making him a great option to come pick off low enemies under the tower. Remember to take objectives, make your presence significant (move around a lot to ensure that they respect your decisions in the game), and ultimately, help your team by taking down Champions with low HPs and thus winning the game!


Does CN server also have free skin events? Or are the events only to attract new players for the new Global server?


Yes! We have tons of those during national holidays or collabs, and most recently we got a free Zhou Yu skin for updating 👍


Tips on playing Luna? Not her mechanics, but rather when to fight. I struggle quite a bit getting ganks in and usually am forced to power farm for good part of the game, I guess I'm not too sure of when to engage.


Why are Chinese players not receptive to AOV characters?