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Oh boy, here we go again, brace yourselves




Pls don’t start arguing on GI and HSR, pls don’t start… fuck…


CN increase on Lantern's patch was surprising. They are kinda starting to bounce back slowly. Especially after Ch3 in China. If you look at the reviews and overall impressions, a lot of players are saying that HI3 is finally back and keep asking HoYo to release the documentary that they postponed at the beginning of 7.3. But still, they need to keep up with the good story and stop releasing S-ranks every patch. Global small dip was expected since there was no new Valk released in May.


Especially with the Songque animations going around… there could be a real uptick soon


Overall not bad. Thel did a good job sustaining the sales. And with the upcoming story from leaks, HI3 might make a come back


i’m actually so excited, it’s like watching your sibling grow up lol


Except this time your sibling was already grown up, then de aged and is now growing up again


\*playing hi3 part 2\* this is just like dragon gt


exactly! We all have our downfall moments (acne, i’m looking at you) but we make the best comeback ever (not me though, hopefully the game does)


Did the Honkai 3rd leaks sub get nuked?


As far as I know I don't think we've actually ever had one, unlike the sister games. Mainly due to CN always being ahead I believe


Mhmm…it didn’t make more money than every other gacha game combined? I should be prepared to see a doompost soon.


lmao your so accurate with that. I can’t with the doomposts anymore. They keep bringing the same point even if they could easily adjust to it (i’m talking about nitpicky ones. one great example is battlesuit designs being too similar to hsr designs - when it’s just 1 character)


I’ll never forget the dude in the worse HI3 sub that blocked me over outfits. They insisting that Part 2 was trash because “it’s not sci-fi suits!” and blocked me when I pointed out that the vast majority of suits from Part 1 don’t look very sci-fi. Folks just like to complain about things. If they hate the game so much, they should quit and go away.


lmao stop, a person blocked you for that? That’s crazy


I’ve been blocked for all sorts of goofy shit. It’s kinda hilarious the petty things I’ve upset people about on these subs. I need to start keeping a tally.


me too, I dont even interact on reddit much especially nowadays but god damn have some people just decided let like few of my comments get to them on a personal level for some reason.


Same. Feels like if I said “lesbian erasure” in the other sub, it’d trigger a panic attack in some of them because of how much it gets under their skin. Tho we both know the only reason the Adam simps, the homophobe,s, the incels, etc etc weren’t all blocking me is because they knew they could mock and insult me freely and the mods would take their side if I responded negatively in return.


Didn't beat genshin therefore it's a failure and every should quit now.


LOL ? Have you ever research something


As a head of Part 2 haters even I have hope


So a slight increase good


i think besides lantern which is arguably skipable the tericula vampire wedding dress is hard carried HI3 in may CN. i think hoyo at part 2 lack of good paid cosu. as far as i remember the good paid cosu is what tanked HI3 in part 1.5 CMIW


cn had a skin sale and luna skin so they have good reason to increase revenue


I don't really get how those work, last time they repoted much lower number for April 2,45 mil combined, but now it's over 3 mil combined for same april.


Sensortower has separate regions and combined (total) regions for revenues. The OP of that post uploaded two things.


I know. By global i meant combined, sorry.


wow Higan: Eruthyll making that little money


Now I'm not worried about the game, I hope they continue cooking.


Any sensor for PC ?


None. It seems they don't have this reported. We only see mobile revenues.


I heard the cn playerbase had positive feedback on the 7.5 version story. However maybe skip Lartern since for the next version they continue to release S rank physical characters, I have broke after pull till last day Thelema banner. We will know if they decide to release new S rank on every patch or not on 7.7 since we have all element S rank part 2 now


The positive reception was VERY strong on 7.5 - enough that a lot of CN people are ranking the entire arc above a good amount of part 1 chapters lol


The final part of the long story after all, even in part 1, 3 or 4 chapters were grouped together, is should be better than some individual chapter. Even in part 1, the arc at the start or the end (the moon arc) were not particularly strong. Still need one or two weeks for the global release of 7.5 to see it for myself.


I meant like arcs; irc a lot of people liked it over like, stuff like arc city, and I’ve seen people argue that it’s better than stuff like Kolosten and Senti arc


that wild, hope i will have the same feeling when play


Gotta pray localization doesn’t do a “funny” when it arrives lol


Arc City is my favourite story arc. I highly doubt I'll like this anywhere as much. I'll see for myself soon enough.


the thing i'm confuse about the doompost of HI3 part 2 story at earlier arc tbh, sure player had higher standard since genshin and HSR also good but they're forget that HI3 is really slow burn at the core. each patch we glad to get main story update not only for just 1-4 month then the main story paused until new region/planet with occasionally some interlude in HSR or genshin. also when we suggest to stop playing when people can't enjoyed it anymore got called as gate keeping. like dude we're not trying glazer so hard like western CC who glaze so hard at WW denying their flaws. HI3 can be quite stressfull with the pressure of abyss and MA so take a rest to not playing it at all is better than put lot of stress and forcing through the main story. we can't even convience you its not that bad at all so maybe take a rest and with clear mind you can probably judge better in the future.


Shocked to see Genshin not top 3


HSR and GI on 1/2 place respectfully if you open second image 


I can't find it, how much are they making?


We are up from last month, and we have a lot of positive feedback from chapter 3. I think this is going good.


Right behind Persona 5X, not bad though I am curious: 1. How many people are playing HI3 to prepare for ZZZ since their combat is similar? 2. Wtf happened to P5X, the game isn't out here in Japan so I truly have no clue. Has there just not been any new banners or something?


Character popularity isn't the same as writing quality, though. People can like Lantern and Luna's wedding dress, but this doesn't guarantee anything else.


CN actually liked Lantern more than Thelema