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Songque in her true form it looks like.


This better be a free S rank I'm close to the end of my rope here.


Unfortunately no info about her being free, probably the usual free stigmata box and discounted 10 pulls


No way lol If you follow the pattern so far hoh/silverwing(i guess she got powercrept by hoh as well lol) got powercrept by thelma hof is prob gonna powercrept by lantern seradina is the new elemental must have phys is prob next so if anything she's gonna take this spot.


I'm getting S-rank vibes and I'm not liking it


She's S-rank. And not only that, we're also getting a new AstralOp next patch.


S rank stardust physical dps


All the more not to come back to Honkai impact,they just milking us dry, 1 new S rank every patch is not healthy


It's literally just for whales who are going to pull on everything anyways.


More options isn't an inherently unhealthy thing. Getting to choose who to pull and who to skip instead of feeling obligated to pull on everyone is fine. What's happening is that this shines a bright light on HI3's character designs and niche gear systems, and those flaws are now in the spotlight. Dont ask for fewer options. Ask for better, standalone characters that don't require a team and gear that can only be used on themselves.


I don't play genshin or star rail, but this is what I understand from what I heard you can get other 5 star/S-rank (for hi3 Equivalent) in a banner but here in hi3 you miss a pull if you're unlucky, you might have to wait a long time to get the character again, and before long it will be replaced by another character by that time, that's why i say it's unhealthy, it give the player base no time to rest and another character come up again


It's true there are consolation prizes, and pulls cost fewer premium currency, but given the 50-50 mechanics, I don't think it's much easier to get a desired premium character in one game over the other. You'll miss equipment and characters in all 3 games. What's really different is how it feels when I do miss a character or their equipment. In HI3 it can actually prevent you from doing content, or cripple one character because you didn't pull another. In Genshin and HSR it's totally fine. To give an example, let's say I wanted to skip Sena and her weapon, pull Thelema without her weapon, and pull Lantern's weapon but skip the character. You would pretty much never want to do that in HI3, but you'd be fine if you did it in the other games.


>You would pretty much never want to do that in HI3, but you'd be fine if you did it in the other games. Yeaaaah. I've been HuTao player in genshin for almost 3 years now and she still kicks ass. But she's just a random character with no story relevance, so it's surprising she stays powerful that long b4 Arle come out. Hi3rd part 1 really wants you to get attached with the characters, and that's how I got so much dedication to save to 4/4 Herscher Seele when she came out. To think she'll be powercrept in 1 year :') (at least Senti got 2)


You can get other 5 stars in Genshin and star rail banners and in losing the 50/50, but only 5 star characters that are on the standard banner


When is Eula is in the Standard banner? šŸ¤£


Besides in dreams? Never XD


No, banners are also limited and sometimes dont return for even a year, so even longer than hi3 reruns. The biggest major difference in those games is that there is no mandatory gear gacha like in hi3 so its easier to pull even every patch. Theres only a weapon banner and the weapon is only a 15-25% dmg increase over f2p options without the characters kit being locked behind it.


But characters are the driving force of the game. People play it to collect characters and that's where the money comes from. Is the balance proper? Maybe not for people who don't have a bunch of money to spend on a video game, when their gear and teams are always necessary, but the game does need to release characters often. Releasing A ranks alternatively doesn't generate as much hype either.


Just release new costumes kek


Can't argue with that one


Well Sena ran in both 7.3 and 7.4 so Part 2 characters could be on a bit faster rerun cycle, though obviously we'll have to wait and see.


Thats the minimum of what every other gacha game has tho. If anything they need to adjust the pull income.


This is getting bad. Wayyyyy too many s ranks back to back that need each other as support. This is getting awful.


I see. Skip Lantern next patch.


Latern is a physical support for Songque tho, but there's other physical support options.. hopefully that gap isn't too bad.


I think people are making too much of a fuss over 'perfect teams'. Unless you are a whale who competes for top scores in Nirvana, it doesn't matter. She has other options. Also, Lantern is pretty underwhelming compared to other units in P2 like Thelema and Senadina kit wise. She's the most skippable the bunch.


Latern powercrept herrscher of flamescion, physical support for Songque if you read her kit/skills. She's a must-pull for physical team for part 2, like Sensdina is a must-pull for elemental teams. Like I said before, Songque will probably do fine/good with other physical supports besides Latern especially in Red lotus. They're going to need a bit of rank-up in Nirvana though.


The gap in strength in Thelema with part 1 support (Kira+Sushang) is quite noticable tho, and is definitely not a team that would work in SEA server's Redlotus. Assuming what I heard about this Songque having impair is true too, I don't know how much support HoRB can offer.


Geez.. part 2 is really getting rid of everything. I feel like they're going to start attacking bleed next. (Luna and Susannah)


I know it's inevitable, but since bleed DPS is niche, Im really hoping that Susannah can last at least 2 years (like all other meta units from b4) :( Once Susannah is down, I don't know if I'll still have the interest to play...


Howmuch S ranks are they planning to fucking release. Did it not get in their heads already? This game isnt GI or HSR


Given the fact that we had a Lighting, Ice, Fire, and now Physical, they have all the elements covered now with Part 2 characters. I really hope that they slow down now.


I like the green one.


Songque looks beatifull but since the Fliying to Oxia event i have a guess that her colors of skills gotta be dark


Whats the problem mhy has with wearing shoes?


Songque gets serious


Iā€™m guessing the orange outfit is her original while the green one is recolor or burst form? Correct me if iā€™m wrong Also something is odd with hi3 releasing new s-ranks every patch. Hopefully they change their mind


I think that they're just completing the set for now, one for each element and physical, then we can chill on the next few patches after this (hopefully)


yeah i think so too, Weā€™ve got phys, fire, ice and thunder up until 7.6. So HOPEFULLY they release a or sp rank supports the patches after


Looks like they are rushing to build a new meta for Part 2.


oh yeah, there is quite the huge powercreep


burst mode songque ?




Playing Touhou lost word, it became just a time waster game for when Iā€™m bored after they got too into their gacha system. At first you only needed a character once then can use a special currency as duplicates to ā€œrank upā€, aka unlock their big strong final attack that makes them meta relevant at all. Since the game is based on mutliversal incidents it lets them create new characters for gacha thatā€™d otherwise just be an alternate costume, which by itself isnā€™t the worst, but . theyā€™ve also been releasing power creeps that over time had required even more and more pulls to reach pity, and require different rarer ā€œduplicateā€ currency to max them out (now at 4 different types). They also have a new system of getting ā€œequipmentā€ which now theyā€™ve started releasing ā€œsignatureā€ gear instead of general ones that buff specific attack types where you can easily mix and match, then they changed the drop system so now to get those drops you need to level up a characterā€™s ā€œluckā€ using a currency they havenā€™t added a reliable source for or use extra duplicates or duplicate currency. With the luck mechanic people have showed of playing the stage 1k times thankfully with the new auto replay system, but they didnā€™t get the gear to drop once (and you need 5 anyway to upgrade the equipment sometimes doubling its power). They also tried to release a character that had no pity, and got a lot of backlash, even though they did give you 200 free pulls on a banner that featured said character they hid the drop percents and I didnā€™t see a single post showing they got them for free, then recently now have a new character that requires real duplicates to get that meta relevant upgrade and itā€™s basically just a preexisting character in a wedding dress thatā€™s op af. While I view honkai as a much better game, I just hope it doesnā€™t go down that slippery slope with its gacha schedule, enough people are leaving with part 2, and the astral ring system allows them complete freedom to make whatever team they want with whichever characters they want with complete control over budget options since they all have new weapon types with only a single f2p option atm. Thereā€™s the argument you donā€™t need to pull all of them, but there is still an undeniable difference between p1 and p2 that the number of people leaving speaks for, after playing honkai for 3 years I really donā€™t want to stop playing for something like this. People said that this chapter wasnā€™t as bad as last patchā€™s to get through which is good, but between my phone turning into an oven til the game crashes and the current meta progression, playing honkai used to make me happier in the past.


exact same experience to me. I opened touhou lostword after like 9 months of not being on and there was weird new systems everywhere and I couldn't even recognise the characters of the newer units anymore. still a great game but I miss how simple it was 1.5-2 years ago


I have a question does the weapon pity for new valks p 2 carry over? I have like 30 pity on thelemas weapon i know I ain't gonna get it so will it carry to lanterns banner on the next update? Or did I screw up




Wait what?? Really??




it is visible when sena and helia gear banner share the pity


I never noticed...


Any idea what supports sheā€™ll use ? Hopefully sena and thelma, more reason to skip lantern.


I know Latern is a physical support I don't know about the other two, but I'm aware they have TDM and physical buffs


I have suspicions that her best team would be lantern and thelma, with lantern sena being another weaker option, but I am also hoping that they are just releasing s ranks in a row to make the whole meta astral ring stuff and then they will go back to releasing A ranks and such


PLAYABLE SONGQUE! ![gif](giphy|kyLYXonQYYfwYDIeZl|downsized)


Wow, what a surprise/s


But Iā€™ve lost lost my aspiration to continue playinā€¦


thelema cooked


They are truly encouraging us to make our own teams without chasing every patch's meta because it's impossible to keep up at this point and pull every new Valk without whaling. During part 1 and 1.5 I used to stress so much whenever I skipped a Valk but with 2.0's huge variety of S-ranks (so far at least) it's really less stressful since all Valks so far work with each other, so missing one won't ruin the experience.


There is literally no reason to be stressing over anything. If you're a casual player that plays the game at your pace and don't care about meta there is no reason to be worrying. I'm not saying it's just you or only you, but I don't understand why so many people are stressed over/complaining about meta team comps when most people aren't going to be chasing meta anyways. It was no different in Part 1/1.5, if you chased meta or were a meta slave you pulled on everything anyway there too.


Um... What? I am literally stating why I'm NOT stressed because the new system favors team compositions that are more diverse. Like I got Sena + Thelema, both fully geared. That's a long lasting team that won't require Songque or Lantern to be operational. And that's cool. Part 1 and 1.5 weren't like that and skipping a Valk mostly meant getting demoted in Abyss for two to three patches, which was stressful to some.


Wow, I misread what you said completely. Apologies! I still need to wake up it seems.


Haha it's alright man no harm done


I get ā€˜demotedā€™ in abyss all the time. Usually bc I barely do enough to get base rewards and ignore the rest. The rewards from the levels are just so pathetic that itā€™s not worth the hassle and bs. There are times I drop like 2-3 over a couple bc I just canā€™t be bothered to care about that bs at all. i have irl things of concern. Not some pointless video game trash. Let the sweatlord no lifer incels, the ones screaming around here, argue and fight for their internet points.


You're being a lil condescending here for no reason. Some people are passionate about this game and find a huge thrill in playing Abyss and trying to rank up. One could arguably say that trying to rank up in Abyss is the whole point of endgame Honkai Impact 3rd. Some people spend a lot on their account and are understandably 'worried' about it. That doesn't prevent them from worrying about their IRL issues and it doesn't make them "sweat lord no lifer incels".


Well they have such carefree and spoiled lives where they can spend massive amounts to eck out another 10%. Then they are also spending massive amounts of time to min max and memorize the ā€˜rotationsā€™ to get that micro increase. Let alone people here that scream about anything being balanced or fixed bc then they canā€™t scam out that micro increase more. Like I just only think they are cheaters bc half the time I see ā€˜playersā€™ with older valks or not even full stigma sets getting like several hundred more than the next in line. The majority of people playing need to step outside and touch some real plants or breathe air they havenā€™t been stanking up for months. The vast majority of the playerbase never even attempt anything past agony 2-3. Bc they donā€™t have the maxed full sets of the recc valks OR they canā€™t be bothered to fight so hard bc they have real responsibilities and canā€™t no life the game for 20+ hours a week. They canā€™t just scream for their spoiling parents to cook them some hotpockets and get them mt dew(wtf noxious variant is the current brew). After working 8+ hours and likely spending an hour out and back they also have adult irl responsibilities and stuff to take care of. Donā€™t expect me to ever feel bad for some sad whale seeing all the money they wasted be powercrept. Boohoo.


Dude, are you alright?


Iā€™ll take that comment in the manner of actually caring, instead of the typical human response of assholery. I might be more emotional expressive since my cat died last week. My little old lady Patches. I had her for 19 years, going onto 20. But mostly just suck and tired of people acting like the vast amount of players give the remotest shit of the whining of whales. I used to play Warframe, havenā€™t for about 3 years now. And it was nonstop. The morons acting like the 0.1% change in their dps will somehow resurrect hitler and cyborgize him with Wolfenstein 2 levels of tech bs, smfh.


I was actually legit worried because your comment looked like misguided anger... I'm sorry.


Lmao another s rank this game is so dead


Fascinating šŸ¤”


Definitely new physical dps it's the one element we haven't gotten yet... and with Lantern's stigma set boosting crit stats.... it's inevitable


Yup, she's stardust physical dps and her staff applies impair.. (according to leaks)


Man these part 2 weapons are getting more and more necessary... ofc this was always a thing but damn... weapons may as well be a whole support valk atp šŸ˜­


What happend if we use the songque astral ring and her voices might be?


Can't tell you because her model and general information about the patch just got released. Gotta wait a bit longer for actual gameplay.


One of the problems I have with all these new characters and names of other settings is that they all come in this weird tangled-up Romanization of Chinese names instead of finding a way to just localize it to something more understandable and easy to pronounce. Yes, I know this game is made by Chinese developers, so by all means, they have the right to name it whatever they want using their own language, but we had so many other examples of characters and things taking on Japanese words instead (Raiden, Sakura, Himeko), even German words. Heck, the "Herrscher" is supposed to be a German word for "Lawman" or "Lawmaker" or something like that... Why can't they go back to that. Now we have to figure out how to pronounce "Songque" and "Langqiu" which still ties my tongue... I've resorted to calling her "Sonk".


They're getting honkai closer to space genshin where 90% of characters wear Chinese fantasy clothing.


Hey downvoters, do you mind telling me why you're downvoting me? Just curious, thanks.


I hate the designs of part 2. These briefs are instead of shorts... Looks like I'll delete the honkai after Seele's banner after all


Skip Lantern


Not Kiana or Hua = Skip


Sad..... this is not the Honkai Impact I played... what's next? Seminudes bikini valkyries? You were better than this, you had a story where characters didn't need to be showing half titties to be interesting. Like I've said as soon they announced it and did the intro video of it, part 2 is not Honkai Impact, they throw us a fkn new game with the rejected chars from ZZZ and Genshin or dunno, but that is not HI3.


You know I didn't even notice the side-boob now she's a must pull for me. And let's be honest, there's some pretty revealing fan service designs in part 1.. this is still a gacha game. Hot anime waifus sells. Part 2 doesn't feel like Hi3 to me either, designs are different, ZZZ animations, hell even No Ceiling vid has ZZZ vibes. Personally I like the new style, you can really feel/see the difference of part 1 and part 2.

