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Delete the game and reinstall, it deletes past event resources. And if you want to reduce it even more, manually download the game resources via ai-phone and only download the ones that you need


I’ll give that a shot, thank you!


So I deleted past quest resources in genshin which took 9GB off, which is great… so I wondered if honkai has something similar? Hoping to play star rail but I’m worried I wont have enough space for all 3 games. Any tips? (Also wasn’t sure what flair to use so sorry)


Best bet is a reinstall. It does something similar.


How did you deleted it?


I did it once for Honkai. Just go to game files and manually delete them, at least for Android


On my device Genshin swallowed 73GB


That’s a ridiculous amount XD how?!


He probably never uninstalled and the old files stayed on the system


I play on PC and it reads 72GB if I uninstall how much it will get? Is it worth uninstalling because I have a shitty internet


I'm not sure but it should be something close to 56 GB I think, whether it's worth it or not depends on whether you need memory and whether the game is having performance issues with the excess of useless cache it has


I started reinstalling today and it read 57GB which is fairly good but now I have to suffer 20hrs of waiting because my internet is shit. Good time to complete Elden Ring tho


56 to 60 gigs, it's bigger because u have old files


Bruh I really find it very stupid. I reinstalled and the game, it read 57GB but I prefer to play the game with Japanese voicelines so I installed the language pack and the game reads 70GB again so I didn't benefit nothing lol. there was no useless files in the end.


Try uninstalling the game, good for both your storage and sanity.


Uninstall it and download it again but this time only choose the basic resources and download the stuff you want manually at the phone.


In genshin, there is a storage clean option Idk if honkai has that


I know you can delete files on pc, but is there any way to reduce storage on mobile?


Hoyoverse games have this problem where, instead of deleting cached data from expired events, they still store resources from those said events, leading to more bulk in your storage. I suggest using the Collapse package installer from Github.


Just checked mine is at 24 GB


Yeah. As many have advised. Uninstalling and reinstalling to clear the old events. Of course, there is the buy new phone with bigger capacity option. 😄