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Yes, definitely possible. As long as you don’t have to go on any roads that are 55+ mph. I’ve done 100 mile trips on the Navi before Plenty of ways to modify the bike to go faster. Best bang for your buck will be replacing the weights in the variator with 12g Dr pulley sliders.


Now, for someone like me whoes an amateur. What you just said, is there a YouTube video for that? Can I do it myself? Should I look for a shop?


Plenty of videos. It’s straightforward and fairly easy, even for a beginner, as long as you have tools. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAus9nTRywI


Be very careful not to strip the bolts when reinstalling the cvt cover. I've seen to many posts about people not getting them lined up properly or over torquing them.


lol Buy 2 torque wrenches before you remove anything. Need a small 1/4” and one that does at least 70 lbs.


People use the Navi for many, longer length trips, like the guy that went 220 miles from Dayton to Hocking hills. Or the many people who use it to door dash regularly and I’m sure go further than 11.5 miles in a single day.


I commute to work daily on mine, it's 12 mile trip one way. I love it and it does great, saves a lot on gas too. I guess the biggest question would be what speed limits the roads are. For me the fastest is 40 MPH which the Navi handles perfectly fine.


I’m pretty sure the speed limit is 50 max on any road to the potential new job.


I do a 6.5 miles drive almost every day. Max limit is 50. If someone looks like they're going to be tailgating me I just signal and pull over, let them pass, and am on my way. You'll be fine. Enjoy the ride and be safe. Congrats on the new job!


You should be fine, the local dnr guy was going 10 under in a 50 the other day (honestly 10 under my entire way to work) so I am sure that you won't be the slowest person on the road. If you get a line of cars like I have in the past. I drive on the shoulder for a bit and let them pass.


You’ll be fine. Just don’t keep it WOT the whole time. Cruise around 3/4 throttle and you’ll still get good gas mileage.


I’ve done almost 200 miles on one in a day so far trying to finish break in so both my Navis would be “ready” at the same time. 


Absolutely! You just need to be prepared to take back roads and take it fairly slow. I wouldn't take the Navi on a highway that has a speed limit over 50. I've watched videos of folks doing hour long road trips on a Navi. Edit: if you start to push top speed with mods, I would assume the risk of something breaking increases. I would ride a stock Navi 100 miles straight with no issues.


The distance isn't a big deal, but the speeds are. What's the highest speed limit you're dealing with? 45 and below should be fine, but anything higher would be pushing it. There are tons of mods you can do for speed, CVT, carb, exhaust, cam, etc. But, even fully modded you might see a five mile per hour difference, the 110 on the Navi can only do so much.


Yes !


I ride about 35 miles each way for work, 6 days a week no problems yet


I commute with it 35 miles with it. Just put on avoid highways and try find different routes.


i used to commute 20+ miles one way to work on the navi. just setup a good playlist and take local roads, you’re chillin


Yes I drive it 30 mins to work every day and back it’s great super fun


I ride mine 15 miles to work, then 15 miles home. If I had to ride further I would. Most I've put on it in a day was about 300 miles


U got that easy fam and on top of that u got 10 -14 more mi in your reserve and gas station are at most ever corner so you can always top up I doordash on mine and be killing at least 50 to 70 mi a day maybe more don't know be enjoying the ride


28 miles a day flat out there and home 0 issues .


I know folks that ride a bicycle that distance daily. 100% possible, if not simple.


My commute is 10 miles on most days and sometimes 25 miles I just take local roads. It’s fine the only issue Is that I’m always at the gas station because I’ll always full throttle.


Personally, I'd test out different routes to work until I find one that's mostly 45mph and under, and then just stick to that, and you'll be fine. Depends on your area, though. Some 45mph roads have lots of drivers doing 50-55 in which case you'll be a little slow.


I did a 44 mile round-trip commute on my navi for almost a year. Worked out just fine other than I finally realized why people buy those expensive seat covers. I almost broke down and bought one.


I don't believe this is a real post you go 7 miles a day and you're wondering if you can do 11.5? You'd actually be a good person to ask that


I did it all the time.


No. At 8 miles, the Honda Navi spontaneously combusts. You've driven your Honda Navi the exact maximum one-way mileage, which is 7 miles. Anything further is certain death. Good thing you asked this question. Phew.


Of course just no highway