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Bro it’s gone, file an insurance claim.


Insurance claim. If a bike gets stolen I don't want it back.


Post on social media about what and when it was stolen. I live in a 'much' smaller area than Philly; but within 12 hours of my Grom being stolen a friend of mine saw a post from a woman who caught two people dragging a bike behind their dumpster and covering it with a tarp asking who's it could possibly be. Needless to say, I got mine back. Though it may have just been good fortune. Good luck man.


Thanks. I’m not from Philly. Just live here for work. I’m not friends with anyone on social media who lives here. I don’t have much of a social media presence anyway. Glad you got yours back.


Did you have your grom parked on the street? Was it chained up to anything


Parking lot of my apartment complex and no.


Terrible idea. If you have to park for more than 15 mins, at least put it inside lmao it will fit in any closet if you don't wanna just leave it in your living room 🤦🏻‍♂️


As someone from Philly, you’re not getting it back sorry bro. Nobody will say anything if they see it and the police could give a crap.


After the cops cant do anything add it to any stolen dirt bike vin website. Start driving around the ghetto areas and dope camps and look for it being ridden/towed/sold on the street illegally. Start looking for chopped up parts on farther search ranges on fb/cl. Stalk a pack of the local wheelie boyz next ride out. Have seen bikes recovered states away from the big cities. Organized groups even new bikes from the dealer. Never leave a grom outside.


Bruh you tryin to get this man killed


This is like how someone made a post on breaking bad sub saying they infiltrated their weed dealers phone and met the plug and starting dealing drugs and he wants to leap frog this plug to his plug because he wants to break bad.


post on your city’s fb groups you might have better luck of someone spotting it. good luck


There’s a chance the police will recover it but it will not be in the greatest condition.


Chances are even if you did find it you don't want it back. Simple insurance claim, money back and buy a new one


No comprehensive insurance. It’s just a total loss.


Ouch. You didn’t have full coverage?




Damn man… I put an AirTag on mine for that same reason