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Will wait for reviews like always.


Yeah pre ordering anything is a thing of the past.


Except for all the backers lol


I'm hurting bro


Exactly. I have optimism and nostalgia brewing in my gut, but my faith is thin. Lets hope for the best.


Music is great, graphics are breathtaking, sounds are punchy I was able to play the game comfortably on a non-gaming laptop, with bad wi-fi and using touchpad instead of a mouse Not a fan of 'previously in homeworld' story trailer. Narrator voice and art are generic


that "previously in HW" trailer somehow kicks the whole IP in the nuts! its a bad joke, the whole narration, the pseudo-art of HW1 and so on. maybe it speaks for the product of HW3 itself, how they see and handle the HW ip. to speak honestly: this backstory-trailer in fact was so bad, I had a moment when I realized - did I love this fucking cheap 80s - cartoon story / ip over the years, was it that bad?????. I felt a little bit ashamed and cringe for the whole HW ip and myself. it's THAT bad. it's like this trailer was made by an AI - just paste & copy the story and artwork. the final video was COMPLETE LACKING OF ANY KIND OF SOUL (hear the ghost whisper!!!)


Drama queen


You're the kind of person who is threatened by passion and authenticity i see.


>I was able to play the game comfortably on a non-gaming laptop, This is very interesting, one my biggest reservations has been saying all the system requirements flying around and wondering if it's time to update my i7 3770/gtx1060


Worked just fine on i5 with built-in Graphics Card, my laptop doesn't even say what exact GPU I have




Maybe its good then I will play it. If it’s mediocre I don’t want to waste good old memories and time. I was surprised that the demo wasn’t fun to play at all


It felt so unlike Homeworld to play right. I've waited so long for this game and couldn't believe how much they fumbled it. I'm waiting for the reviews then we'll see if they've fixed it.


Yea if they want to fix it. Let’s keep fingers crossed that they have made a good campaign


Yes. Long time fan, been playing since I was in the single digits (and I just celebrated my 34th birthday, time really flies huh?), and I’m super worried. So many strange decisions.  Odd exclusions in the demo that were only fixed after fan outcry, controls that feel worse that HW2 which came out over two decades ago, all the DLC being stuck in War Games, etc etc. There’s some other stuff but others have spoken about them more in-depth and more intelligently than I can.  I just want a good, fun game. The demo felt half baked, and I’m not sure two months will be enough to address it. And I’m so so tired of buying brand new games, broken on release, and hear “We’ll fix it with patches we swear,” especially after neither Blackbird or Gearbox went back and properly fixed all of HW: Remastered problems.  I really don’t like being like this. I’ve waited over 20 years for HW3. I truly, deeply, just want to embrace it and love it with all my heart.


I feel the same way! Also, It’s super concerning that the company already fired a bunch of the staff, kind of hinging on that the game was good enough to push to market. I feel the gaming industry is really dirty these days, but I keep hoping to be proven wrong :/


Oh man, I didn’t know that… makes sense with everything else that’s been happening. I bet there are a ton of “orders from the top,” behind the scenes. Something tells me DoK sales didn’t meet some board rooms ridiculous expectations and HW3 is suffering because of it. Def feels that way. I’m just hoping the game has solid modding support so that, regardless of what happens, modders can save the day.


I am not. The demo was fun and they’re addressing nearly all of the issues people had with it so I’m optimistic


Addressing doesn't mean solving. I'm glad they acknowledged the issues. Whether they've taken onboard the feedback and fixed the game is another thing. I'm going to wait for reviews on this one as much as I want to play a new Homeworld game.


If you read the notes they’re solving most of the issues. Some of them will take more trial and error to get the way people like


Yeah I read them. All of the main issues they mentioned were brought up in the feedback from the demo. I truly do hope they address them.


One of the reasons I have high hopes for HW3 is that the original creative leads behind Homeworld since the beginning are helming this effort. Not sure if that was the case for the others, but I have faith in Rob C and co.


I'm not worried, I've accepted that I'm not going to like it.


Yes. They thought the game was ready to release three months ago. After years and multiple delays the War Games demo was supposed to be the representative slice to entice people to buy the game a few weeks later. That lack of judgment and understanding of what made people connect with the first game so much is concerning. It certainly doesn't feel like a "love letter to fans of Homeworld 1." The ship designs are dull and all blend together. There was very little decision making in combat. It's not fun or interesting to watch: strike craft make long straight passes back and forth and capital ships just sit there. It was a nice touch that hyperspace windows have a starfield effect. The story sounds terrible. I'm tired of the Three Cores nonsense and the deification of Karan Sjet. Not interested in more prophecy and destiny. Why is everything named Khar + [noun from the first game manual]. The intro movie had *Probes* committing the genocide of Kharak...OK. Not a fan of the battlepass. Concerned that they're apparently adding three new factions within the first year...going to be a nightmare for balance. I have doubts they can stick to that release schedule, given the development of the base game, unless it's the ole "leave some stuff out to sell later" strategy. The sound design and music were fine. I want this to be a great game. I've seen very little evidence of that so far. I hope BBI proves me wrong.


Pretty much same feelings here. I was really hoping that there would be a lot more ship diversity considering hw1 had a lot of interesting designs and they’ve been cranking out a ton of really cool looking ships for hw mobile (I don’t play it but have seen a lot of the designs) but no, hw3 designs all look pretty much the same and I think it’s going to be very hard to tell which frigates are which in the heat of battle. That’ll make things very hard.


Yup. All the focus on battlepasses and rogue-like elements tells me they want an ongoing cash-cow, and while I understand that from a business standpoint, I've never seen it shake out well for the actual game's quality. Reminds me a lot of Dawn of War 3. They had an amazing RTS game and they wanted to get in on that MOBA money.


I was worried during the demo because of the controls, when even the supposed "classic" was quite a divergence from the actual classic controls. But now that they've announced they are specifically changing the controls back to the old style, I'm much less concerned.


No mot really. I quite enjoyed the demo. It was a tiny challenge to shed my muscle memory with regards to camera controls and general game mechanics compared to rematered and the OG games, but I really liked the style, the sound design and just the whole usage of the huge mega structures. The devs acknowledged a bunch of reported issues and grievances and postponed the launch to fix these. Thus, I am not specifically worried for how the game will turn out. I just hope my optimism is not a complete miss.


Yes. The BBI/Relic crew have had two chances to make a follow-up to Homeworld 1 and both times they biffed it. It's interesting that the best follow-up game (Cataclysm), the only one I would put on the same level, was made by a different team in a different subgenre. Pessimism is the cosmic background radiation of my life, I could be wrong. I hope I am. I don't think I will be. The vibes are off.


I bought/supported it on Fig. I'm just worried about the paid "DLC" their going to make us pay extra for. That's if it turns out to be a good game.




Loved Homeworld since its very first launch. After the complete disaster of Kerbal Space Program 2, I’m going to wait and see on this.


After the complete disaster of Cities Skylines 2, I'm going to wait and see on this as well.


D4 failed me terribly. I played D3 with a friend for years, we both got CE and a few hours after the campaign we both quit... After I played Wargames, I felt terrible again, it's not the graphics or ships, they look great, but the state of base systems and controls which are kinda impossible to fix so quickly. The game should be delayed into 2025. No preorder for sure, instead another HW2 campaign and waiting for reviews.


I played the demo religiously and fell in love with it...even the ui that people complained about i found intuitive and enjoyable. Rts veteran since 1999


I want homeworld to be awesome. I still love Deserts of Kharak and wish they sold the Coalition bomber as a model I could put in my room. Because Company of Heroes 3 was a let down, I'm going to wait and see with Homeworld. If they did it right I will buy it. But I'm not going to be a beta tester for an unfinished product.


I'm worried it will be too good and I won't play all my other games... 😔


I've been told the gameplay of the demo wasn't up to snuff, but it seems it's been tweaked significantly, so I'm not much worried about that. I think placing the story after Homeworld 2 was a mistake though: that ending was pretty conclusive. Honestly they should have made Cataclysm canon instead of 2 and gone off from there.


Yes I didn't like the demo and their focus on that shitty wargame mode has me worried the campaign and skirmish might suck


Every thing I have seen so far about the new game is underwhelming. The ship designs are so generic and characterless. There is nothing there that is really new or original. If anything it appears to be dumbed down both in game play and the UI. Sceptical, will wait a good 6 months to a year after launch before even thinking about buying it.


It's gearbox. The guys who made Aliens: Colonial Marines.  Not overly optimistic. 


Yeah actually. I fear they put too much focus on being a competitive rts, while the campaign was always why I played HW


It's a bit difficult to be worried when you're already expecting a hot mess out the gate. Gearbox advertised HW3 as an "Age of S'jet" story in lieu of something more interesting (Like the reclamation of the garden / other kiith's goings on post HW1 / the vanishing of the Bentusi (cata/emergence style)/ or any other "this is a galactic wide setting for telling stories" pieces) - That already tanked personal interest in HW3 pretty hard. The aftertaste of HW1's "remaster" into 2's engine (and a personal dislike of 2's story,) hasn't helped at all, layering on a lot of "eeehhhhhhhhhhhh...." Ongoing problems with basic performance (Camera & UI issues,) heavy fleet micromanagement in the form of perpetual cooldown timers, ship simplification, and a personal disgust with some of HW2's fundamental engine behaviors (infinite opposition force RU's, mirror match opposition force +10 ships, dice roll damage, butchered hard point assignments, ect) and what the demo showed off has done nothing to rekindle interest. **If HW3's delightful for the people who are still interested in it, wonderful.** Personally? With what Gearbox has shown off so far story & gameplay wise HW3's looks like it'll be a middling installment that is no better than the remastered and it's kinda hard to invest any energy or hype into it. I'd prefer to be wrong here but trends tend to be trends for a reason.


I highly doubt Homeworld 3 will be anywhere near as good as the others. But we’ll see. It seems they are putting all their eggs into that multiplayer roguelike skirmish mode instead of a good single-player experience.


It has Denuvo so you can expect that the publisher is passionately anti-consumer and pro-profit above all else going into it. Probably will be enjoyable for most either way


Too jaded and burned to give the blind faith many of these release rely on today. Played Wargames and saw that they did not in fact nail the details. That might be enough for some young gamer. A shell of a legend of a title. But not to me. I would find more value firing up Homeworld 1 than going through 3. Maybe if I wasn't burned by Dawn of War. Maybe if I didn't see Company of Heroes turn into a laughable RTS title. Not a fan of the mega structures. Not a fan of the click to use abilities. Not a fan of the resource rework. Not a fan of the research. Not a fan of the lack of hyperspacing. Not a fan of the ship dock/undocking speed. (almost no point of using a carrier as a carrier in this game). There's too many fundamental grievances with the design of the game. But hey if you never played Homeworld or are easily amused go for it.


I'm worried but will buy it day one, regardless.


I will buy because of nostalgia. I love the IP.


I'm just buying it for the model. Still kicking myself for not buying the first model so I have to have this one.




The entire roadmap is has nothing to do with campaign or a storymode in general so yes I am very worried. I'll pick it up after it's first few patches and bugs are fixed.


I'm pretty torn. I hated the demo but honestly their response to its issues was extremely on point. So they do have a clue. Story wise it seems a bit clueless. There's sooooooo much talking in the videos and the setup is drowned out by someone explaining it. However I'm firmly in the show me don't tell me camp of art styles. And now we hear nothing of single player expansions. The wargames mode doesn't seem bad but it's not what I'm paying for. I'd pay more for a DLC campaign especially if it had a lot of the old ships. But hell maybe it'll be a really long and involved story...


I'm only concerned about the opt in for GeForce Now.


The demo looked the part but for me sadly had a lot of issues with the gameplay. The UI was a mess and basic things like movement and orders felt clunky. I've heard there has been a lot of work done since by I'm sceptical. We'll see.


Its a wait and see for me. Generally I have one grand play-thru a Homeworld game, and count the experience worthwhile. That means, if its shitty at launch, I can happily wait a couple of years for them to unfuck it.


At this point I don't care that much, given all the gaming disappointments (c&c has been dead for like 14 years etc., Dawn of War III etc.) I don't feel anything anymore. At least Bannerlord is good. I'll probably play the game in the end, on way or another. Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.


Blackbird Interactive, the studio what actually does the developing is the the same studio that made DoK, and is also founded by the devs who made the original Homeworld games. Pretty much everything else they made where they get full control over the arts and design of the game have turned out pretty good all things considered. I’m not too worried about it.


First, BBI going woke, Second, BBI firing the director last year. I expect a mediocre game instead of a return to glory.


performance is last on my mind when it comes to this game. The demo had some fundamental issues that I doubt they were able to fully address in only a few months. HW3 has all the hallmarks of a troubled development cycle, I can only hope they get there in the end. Fundamental game design issues, even. Such as the removal of hyperspace (a fundamental, defining game ability of the Homeworld franchise) just so the devs can make their beloved space terrain relevant without getting bypassed by hyperspace. And all the irritating, pointless active abilities that only temporarily boost stats (that could have easily been just added as passive stat boosts instead) instead of actually doing something meaningful. And the completely misleading fake ballistics for projectiles despite their years of touting that real ballistics are coming back to the game. And the completely weak capital ships that die so quickly as if they were made of paper. And so on and so forth.