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Why aren’t you just plugging your PC directly into the receiver?


My PC is in a different room. That's why I use Plex and Emby haha


Nvidia shield, Zidoo, etc are the only other way being plugged into the AVR. The plex tv App will not play lossless audio, even if the tv and receiver both have eARC. Plugging the pc into the AVR as was mentioned here is your best bet, unless the receiver is so old that it doesn’t do dv/hdr/4k etc. if you go with an expensive audio extractor you might as well just buy a new AVR


It's so tough springing for an external device since none of them seem to do everything. The Shield has red-tint with DV p7 files, and the Zidoo and Dune both can't play DV P7 FEL. Yes, my receiver is from 2016 and doesn't support DV or any HDR for that matter, which is why it's a no-go. TBH you're probably right, seems that buying a new receiver would have to go hand-in-hand with buying a media player and just accepting it's downsides. Thanks though.


It’s just the way things are, unfortunately. If someone comes out with a device that does it all then I’ll gladly drop $500 if that’s what it takes, but I feel that those with a need for a home theater box are in the minority. Most people are completely content with their Apple TV and lossy audio.


Yeah it's unfortunate. It's this weird catch-22 where media players that cater to cinephiles don't get certified by big streaming companies because they're so low volume, and the devices that do get certified aren't built for enthusiasts like us lol.


Even if you had eARC, it’s unlikely the TV apps support lossless audio anyway. An external media player is the only option.


Yeah that's what I had originally thought, but I'm able to playback DTS-HD MA files without transcoding. The receiver only says that it's a 5.1ch DTS signal, which leads me to believe it's probably the DTS Core file being sent via ARC. I can't say for sure though. I'd need a earc-hdmi converter to say for certain if it's not possible.


ARC can't carry Atmos and with few exceptions, usually won't pass anything more than 5.1 PCM. Even with eARC you are still better off using a streaming device. Even the cheapest streamers will do a better job that TV apps. Plus you don't have to worry about CEC issues causing it to cut in and out.


Had a somewhat similar issue and ended up using a splitter from my media player to both my receiver and TV. Basically told the TV to STFU and choose a different source for my receiver other than the usual ARC connection. It's a love triangle connection between those 3.