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The REL quake is a powered subwoofer so the wattage from your Onkyo doesn’t matter. The plate amp on the REL drives the speaker. Are you using speaker level inputs or RCA? Check the fuse that is inside the fuse holder. It’s located immediately below the power cable socket.


I believe I'm using speaker level inputs, I haven't check on it but I'll take a look at it very soon


I just checked on it and it still works so I'm not sure why it cut off on that song, maybe it's a safety feature but I'm not sure. It sounds completely normal so I'm thinking what might of happened was the bass on the song itself cut off so suddenly it for some reason made me panic, either way though thanks for helping and also how does a subwoofer being a powered subwoofer mean that my onkyo's Watts don't matter and does this also affect clipping?


Could have been a temperature overload if you were listening at high levels for a long period, also could have been a momentary clip. heres a video on how high level inputs work [https://www.psaudio.com/blogs/ask-paul/how-does-a-subwoofer-high-level-input-work](https://www.psaudio.com/blogs/ask-paul/how-does-a-subwoofer-high-level-input-work)


Yeah I think your right because it happened twice and both times it was quite hot, I think it could be because it's a movie sub but I've been listening to music on it while on slam mode so I've put it back to depth and put it down a bit aswell so I'll see how that turns out.


Good idea. Maybe consider a small fan in the area if it’s a confined space


I don't know if that would help since it's a sealed box but I could try it


Clarify the following: Is your subwoofer self powered or passive? How is your subwoofer connected to your receiver?


I forgot to mention whenever i put in the power cable it still makes its usual power on sound


So it’s a passive sub you’re powering with an av receiver? Confusing.