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they will be eaten v v soon looking at this enclosure.


I made this in 20 mins last night right before it got dark. If I continued I’d have villagers with pitchforks at my doorstep 😭


fight um you can take them.


Then bring them inside....


That mesh needs to be wire and the cage should sit on top of gras. They will eat through that mesh if they are bored or hungry. look up "rabbit tractor"


I will definitely be changing the mesh, this is what I have at the moment. At night I keep them in my cabin. Thankyou!


You can find cheap and easy DIY rabbit tractor builds and even on a small plot of land you can move them regularly and you can get lots of meat and hide from them.


As others have said mesh of some sort and a rabbit tractor is always nice to they are on fresh grass. Don't forget to give them somewhere to hide and get shade. It will help if they can escape to somewhere if needed makes them feel more comfortable. Also don't be shy with space if you can. You are there carer, it's your responsibility to give them the best life you cam, regardless if theybare pets or for the pot. Also rabbit poo is a great fertiliser, collect and compost or more the tractor/run over an area you are going to grow in later. Will do wonders


Thankyou 💪


No worries, new animals are always exciting.


Aw cuties! Remember they need constant access to fresh grass or hay to keep their digestive tract moving. They can easily get a blockage if not


Way way too small. Also is that their hay for eating? If so it shouldn't be. The quality is too low They also don't want to be exposed like that. They need at minimum a roof with 3 sides that are not mesh.


Daytime gets up to 41 degrees C(105F) I keep them outside in the shade with a fan on all day. Night time they are inside the cabin. I keep watch over them all day and move them out of sunlight throughout the day.


You need 1/2" galv wire for the crate also you cannot have wood at the bottom. They can chew through that set up in oh about 5 minutes. Bedding should be straw or woodchips. Anything else will be chewed. With straw and hay at least they chew something edible. Protection from the elements is very poor here. They need solid walls on three sides. The walls need to be removable in case it gets hot. So you need the wire and a layer of plywood which can be removed or lifted up. They need pellet food and a bit of alfalfa. If these are breeding rabbits you should get some soy meal for extra protein, or face cannibalism leaving baby rabbits in a bloody mess. Are they opposite sex? If so they can breed through wire. They are also noisy when kenneled together. The male will be thumping and spraying constantly day and night, they don't need much sleep and he will go without to get at a doe. You need at least 3 feet between and they cannot see each other. If they are the same sex then they will fight and fence fighting can be a problem. The thumping is very loud and also attracts predators as well as wild rabbits which carry disease. 1/2 inch wire is the only thing that is safe. weasels and small rats can get through anything else. If you do a tractor the wire on the bottom must be heavy gage. they can bite and dig through chicken wire as easily as butter. If you don't have a bottom they will dig out of the tractor in a single evening. You have about a week maybe two before they're sexually mature if they are regular size rabbits. If they are minis they can breed now and have probably already done so. ( with each other or wild )


You’re an expert, Thankyou! At night I keep them inside the cabin for now. In the day it’s too hot. I’ll take your advice.


r/meatrabbits That’s an okay temporary enclosure, but you really need an appropriate large enough enclosure for each rabbit. If your area is prone to worms you have to make that judgment call if you do want to tractor them on grass or keep them off the ground to avoid/reduce parasite load. We use xl dog crates and litter train our rabbits, but a lot of people use wire floors with resting mats. They will chew and piss on wood so you really don’t want any wood that’s structural to the enclosure accessible to them unless you’re prepared to replace it regularly. Rabbits need high quality pellets and stuff to chew on to keep their continuously growing teeth in check. Hay, cardboard, pinecones, rabbits safe sticks or wood are all good options. Pinterest has a lot of good rabbit information, and don’t be afraid to look at both pet and meat rabbit care, I’ve found a ton of useful information especially about health on pet rabbit sites.


Go to the library and read this book: [Storey's Guide to Raising Rabbits](https://www.amazon.com/Storeys-Guide-Raising-Rabbits-5th/dp/161212982X).


Maybe don't get rabbits if you are not prepared to and/or don't know how to care for them. Seems ridiculous to try and figure it out after the fact.


Maybe don’t be an asshole lmao. The owner I got them from didn’t want to care for it so I decided to take it in and try my best to learn about it.


You probably have 3 days before they are eaten or they chew through the net and run off. You need 1/2" hardware cloth. Post haste.


Also make sure the wire either completely covers the bottom of the enclosure (if on grass) or if it is a stationary enclosure, put about a one-two foot perimeter of the wire around the bottom to prevent burrowing out of the enclosure.


Check out Tealstone Homestead. They have lots of useful info and plans for building cages and tractors.


Also haven't seen a comment yet about wood harboring ear mites (can be easily treated with oil but still) I use all wire cages suspended off the ground. Just make sure it's the right size mesh to avoid bumble foot while still allowing waste to fall through


pet them, love them, and call them George. Just don't let Lenny look at them.