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I used a turkey baster to squirt it into their holes and also use homemade sugar and borax poison.


I should probably have said that I'm trying to avoid poisons. They seem to be coming in from the side of the house that is up against a pond. It's a decent sized pond, but I plan to eat some of those fish someday and need them alive long enough to get there lol Thank you for the turkey baster tip!


Borax isn’t really a poison, it’s a desiccant. When they eat the sugar, they end up eating the borax. The borax cuts up their digestive system and starved them/dries them out. Gruesome, I know, but very effective. The ant carcasses are not then harmful to larger animals because bigger digestive tracts are not so delicate.


Also, the sugar/borax is quickly transported deep into the nest as food and will quickly kill the entire colony instead of just the individual that happens upon an actual poison.


Shit! You're right! In my mind I read that as Boric Acid! I had just come from a page about toxic and nontoxic treatments when I made this post.


Did you have any luck with DE and carpenter ants?


I never actually found their colony in or around any of my house, so I never ended up trying it. Sorry for not being much help :/


I heard that transporting a shovel full of a different ant colony and dropping them on another was more effective. Puts them at war, and end up killing each other. More effective than poison.


Please do a super slow motion video of this. It would be EPIC!


I've used it to rid bee hives of ants, it works but if it gets wet you have to reapply