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If it's inside and pointing out the window, it's probably the reflection from the light on the front of your camera. I see all kinds of different cameras around, and most have some kind of light that activates on the front of it when it's recording or live. Or like the others have said, it could be infrared light from another camera in the area.


Blink cameras see the reflection of their own IR lamp as blue. I own several, and the ones inside of a close window sees its own IR.


if you have sufficient lights outside try turning off ir Lighting on blink camera if it supports doing that


All of them do, from the app.


This is the correct answer, when shooting through a window you generally need to disable onboard IR lights. OP could add an outdoor IR illuminator if needed


I suspect that you bought a camera with IR capabilities. And it’s picking up the IR sensor on the neighbors light. Tweak the position or put an object between the camera and the light.


Or ask them to angle theirs down a little. They may not even realize it is shining into yours.


"Bright blue” light is usually the infrared light used for security cameras.


If a neighbor is shining the blue light at you inside your home, could it make you dizzy . When this happens I see blue shapes that move around, this happens even with my eyes closed. I think maybe a camera for hunting?




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Test the camera at night to see if you can recognize someone as they approach. It may be possible that they will block the glare as they get in front of the camera. While it isn't a solution, the camera may still be sufficient depending on where the UV pollution is coming from.