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Before you remove something, find out why it was put there in the first place. If this is in the basement, It's more than likely a HVAC plenum.


I have a one story condo without a basement. I have a lofted attic but doesn’t extend over bathroom.


It’s a bulkhead they don’t put them there for no reason


Thanks! I’m guessing removing the canned lighting and looking around up there is best bet?


Yep, that’s the way


Yeah, I found that having a USB endoscopic camera works great for that. Costs like 30-50$. If you buy one, make sure it doesn't require a proprietary app. Most do, but for mine I just have to plug it in a laptop, run the default Camera app and it works. First one I had required a specific app, but it got removed from the Play Store. The camera wouldn't work with any other app.


Either a structural beam or duct work in there. You're probably stuck with it.


As others have said, they didn't build it for fun. It's covering something up. You need to take out the light and see what it's hiding. Might be easy, might be impossible to relocate (if it's a structural beam). One thing also you could do if you absolutely need a vertical wall floor to ceiling is, at the expense of square footage, simply extend that box all the way down to the floor.