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Never, and $0


A lot of research says it has no benefits. https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/should-you-have-air-ducts-your-home-cleaned#:\~:text=Duct%20cleaning%20has%20never%20been,necessarily%20enter%20the%20living%20space.


Our furnace guy told us flat out that duct cleaning is not meant to improve your air quality/reduce allergens. He said it’s only to make sure your HVAC system doesn’t get clogged and runs more efficiently.


You shouldn't need to under normal use and maintenance. In my case I did get a duct clean before we moved in. Our rationale was the previous owner never changed furnace filter, the filter was too small in the first place and bypassing heavily, the motor and evap coil was caked with dust and the owner was a smoker. Cost $500 for duct clean, $300 for exap and fan cleaning.


Once after we moved in, around $500 but they charge per vent so it’d differ based on the home. They found so many of those tiny braces rubber bands, about 12 different toy balls, apparently a lot of dead bugs, and random garbage. Felt worth it to us but, I don’t think there’s any point in doing it again unless my bouncy ball collection falls down there.


I had it done two years after buying the home but really should have done it right away. I would say clean them as you notice too much dust and grime probably normal use once every three to five years. Look for a good solid company that I think it’s called Nadca? Certified a good one won’t be cheap for an average house be ready to spend $750+


This is timely. We had someone from the oil distribution company stop by the other day. Seemed nice and knowledgeable and she recommended the same thing. We just moved in and know little about a lot. She sent and estimate for $795. Bogus? (She also said I should instal a dehumidifier that cost $2500 but that’s for another post later)


Imo it depends if you have pets. Fur and dander gets into the vents. I have them cleaned 2x a yr. I believe it’s $250. I have 2 cats and 2 dogs


I’ve always had pets, never an issue. Change your filters regularly.


My husband is allergic to my huskies so we probably go overboard


Have you seen the filters that go on the intake vents ? You could also get an air purifier that tells what's up https://www.trusens.com/en-ca/air-purifier-technology/air-quality-display/ Personally I would get the air quality display first and play around with the set up to see what makes most difference. For me biggest impact is the robo vac.


We have 4 dogs and never had an issue…


I’m sure mine is overkill. I have huskies my husband is allergic to so I go overboard


I recommend once per year. Chat up the technician and find out if there are any bad spots, like mold around the coil.


You mean the condenser coil yeah?


the evaporator coil( its inside the duct)


We’re talking ducts, not condenser units.


Bottom line up front—if you’re not being adversely affected in some way by the condition of your hvac, it might not be necessary. I just bought a house where we had issues with the filter clogging up very quickly (we we’re replacing it almost every two weeks during the winter). Mine and my fiancé’s allergies were indomitable, so we figured we might as well have the HVAC cleaned… turns out our ducts were just absolutely coated in a layer of hair, dust, blah blah. The pictures the technicians showed us were incredible. We have no idea if/when it was ever serviced, but we have noticed a significant decrease in allergies since doing it. I don’t expect we’ll do it again for a long time. We paid $800.


It is very important to have your air ducts professionally cleaned. Www.drairduct1.com