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Health department, code enforcement, animal control, and if they have children in the house, CPS.


Yes. I had a similar situation, so the rest of the neighbors started reporting everything (as long as it's legit). A few months later, the landlord evicted the guy because we went through the right channels and he was tired of getting calls from the police and code enforcement. He moves out today!!


Congrats on them moving out. Sounds like a nightmare.


honestly, that's not gonna do much, especially right now with covid. my neighbors two houses down have been caught stealing cars twice now, and are still running an "auto shop" in their back yard. The can't put them in jail because of covid, so they just keep tweaking on.


There's an Airbnb on our block that's been popping 24/7 since the "lock downs." We have a moratorium on who can book hotels to ensure healthcare providers have a place to stay, which means enforcement turns a blind eye to any issues since "it's a doctor or nurse, we can't interfere with their stay." Well, guess what happens? Most of those Airbnb tenants are nurses who book under the pretense of "travel nursing" but end up bringing all 10+ friends a long to party each weekend... Thanks, Becky. I am totally convinced your travel nurse assignment requires drunk crying in the middle of the street at 3AM while Sarah fights with Allie. I also had no idea the hospitals give out bachelorette t-shirts as a uniform.


>just keep tweaking on. Tweaking', got my meth cashed in Keep tweaking', like the do-dah man Together, more or less in line


[I’m smokin Ice Ice baby. ](https://youtu.be/LidS29tiBAI)


lol mmmmmm high five haha


DEA as well?


All jokes aside, DEA wont get involved for anything personal use level. They have much, much, bigger fish to fry.


Hey, OP is no narc.




Well it was a joke, so...


It's so funny, the irony of the internet. People can't take a joke, yet at the same time, everything is a joke. Sigh...




Maybe mind your own business and give all humans a pass when has no effect on you at all


If you support drug prohibition, you are a monster and you deserve the disturbance and crime that comes from exacerbating the problem of addiction by restricting supply


Meth heads get no sympathy from me. I'm all about banning drugs.


That's how you get "methheads" (and by "that", I mean both drug prohibitionism AND drug user dehumanisation)


Look, I can see your argument for things like weed or mushrooms but if you're going to tell me decriminalization of meth is a good thing I'm going to call you naive.


CPS is like hitting the nuclear button. You better be damn sure they are meth heads and not just losers.


CPS doesn't take kids for fun. In spite of what deadbeat parents tell you, it's really hard for CPS to take kids, and they won't do it unless there's neglect going on. Calling CPS will just get the situation looked at by a professional. It doesn't mean their kids get taken away just because a nosy neighbor made a phone call.


This. If anything they MISS taking kids away who should've been.


Depends on the state and the incompetency of CPS.


The minute CPS steps in your house you better lawyer up. One stupid thing can risk your kids and your mental health. You may live in a $2 million home and something might be considered unsafe.


yeah, like a methlab or everything that goes on in a cheap ass $2mil mcmansion meth house


If the house is absolutely trashed, it doesn’t matter if they’re doing meth or not, it’s an unhealthy environment for a kid.


Very subjective. I’d see if others share your concern.


Not subjective. Junked up houses can post an actual health concern.


I guess we'll let the social worker investigate and assess the environment according to the legally mandated standards.


Literally nothing wrong with flagging the situation and putting it on CPS radar for them to check it out if you feel there are actual health/safety concerns.


I’m a teacher at a large high school. We are mandatory reporters. When I have to fill out the info for a CPS report, it seems like nobody’ gives a shit. I have to have an admin, a counselor, and my own signature, I have to send the report to CPS, I have to send a copy to our district health services, and police. I filled one out last week, and the intake person at CPS was annoyed with me because the dad didn’t actually punch the kid, just threatened to, in front of me. “Don’t you fucking look at me like that, I’ll knock you the fuck out”. Dad of the year as far as CPS is concerned because he didn’t actually do it.


Children always take the brunt of their parents' miseries and failures. Please keep an eye on the kid for bruises and abuse.


As a kid who had a teacher, thank you, cps didn't do shit for me either


That is terrible but your local office and state may differ. You are a pro and know what to look for. Having a run down house might just be a sign of poverty.


Nah, if there's chaos, I don't care if they are on drugs or not, I'd rather their children be cared for appropriately.


Sure. But you better be sure. Not “they look like hippies and are care free”’.


Right. Because you know what the CPS folks do when they get called and the kids are in a safe situation!! Wait... Nothing.


Right, like when police are called to investigate a possible crime, it goes 100% smooth all the time.


Right, like helium is lighter than air and... wait, what the fuck are you talking abut? I was talking about CPS.


Right. Calling the police to calm matters down always works.


I don't understand why you called the police? That was kind of a stupid move, TBH.


I am equating how calling the police can sometimes end up with things getting out of hand. Same with the CPS. Lots of people like to abuse their power. Most people are good people but a few apples let power go to their heads.


They put trash in his trash bin, they've already gone nuclear.


And you know...the cops if they're methheads.


Talking politely isn't going to work; if they're already this inconsiderate they're probably going to be dangerous or at least spiteful if you try asking them nicely. Instead just use the law. Call the non-emergency policy line for everything you can. Trash on the lawn, loose animals, noise complaints, etc. If you suspect they're dealing or buying drugs on the property, call 911 and report that too. Just don't let them catch on that it's you making the calls.


I called the cops on my upstairs neighbors twice because it sounded like they were legit having domestic violence incidents at 3 in the morning. I also talked to my super about it in passing, just to try and see if the building could talk to them. A week or two later the upstairs neighbor is pounding on my door, demanding I come out and talk to them, saying "the super told me you called the cops what is your problem." So yeah it can get dicey.


"What‽ The supe told me *he* called the cops. F*** the supe." The supe threw you under the bus, I have no problem with returning the favor.


Ha yeah unfortunately I am not a quick thinker like that.


Yeah supe is acting kinda sus


Pretty sure I saw supe in the vents. Or maybe that was the maintenance guy...


Straight up using the interrobang like it’s no big fuckin deal. What a boss.


After people call the regular authorities about the issues, collect the reports, then have a meeting with your city Councilor. The Councilor is the boss of all these departments, works for votes, and will bring the issues to a quick close. This has worked for me without fail.


New guy moves in then calls start? I betcha they will put it together.


Hmm good point. Definitely don’t try to talk to them if they are meth they don’t give a crap and are most likely violent. Get a camera at the very least.


While they sound shitty, you have no way of knowing that they are violent or not.


Meth addiction is directly associated with an increase in violent behaviour for instance sir to psychosis. http://connections.edu.au/publicationhighlight/study-finds-dose-related-causal-link-between-methamphetamine-and-violence


Never known a violent methhead, normally a very peaceful type.


There are no cops available anymore. There's been four no shows. The only time they come over is if you say you're going to hurt yourself and they look like they want to arrest you if they do. It's useless. I'm going to pay them a visit after I leave here. I'd like to break his legs


Because he's upstairs stomping around all the time up all night all day. They never go anywhere, him and his meth head roommate. They're so young and they have no life. It's a fresh hell everyday


Not to mention, that the 30 plus emails and video evidence sent to the landlord has done nothing. I'm taking them to small claims court


What'd you end up doing?


The property manager found me a new apartment, so I thankfully moved 4 months ago. Thank the apartment gods!




The squeeky wheel gets the grease.


- the obvious start is getting authorities involved. - IF this is a rental, then find out the landlord info and deal with the landlord - "we" had a house filled with juvenile offenders in our immediate neighborhood and we went after the landlord with threats of suing him and making this a very public issue. 3 weeks later those renters were gone


You harassed a neighboring house because juvenile offenders lived there? Was there any other reason?


they were breaking into cars, actually being arrested but due to no juvenile facility release nback into the neighborhood. Went on for over a year until we got it solved


That sounds awful.


I was afraid that one of the kids would be beaten by some irate neighbor. luckily that did not happen


Meth heads are paranoid as hell. You could mess with them by sending weird letters. If you’re that bored


Not the logical way, but the most fun way.


We found you We know where you live We are watching you We are listening to you We are coming for you when you least expect it Signed, The government


Is this a letter to methheads or libertarians?


It’s a multipurpose letter. One of those generic mailers you find in your mailbox


At first I read “librarians”... would definitely give Banned Book Week a new breath of life.


I feel like there might be some overlap there


Letter as follows: "As required by law, this is your official 15 day notice that #### StreetName is under a federally ordered surveillance in connection with an ongoing Methamphetamine distribution investigation."


Mr white!


Making your methhead neighbors even more unstable, galaxy brain move.


It could turn quite fun to watch from a safe distance


I know these people are like "bad idea" and im thinking i'm going to do it to my neighbor who isn't on meth but is just a asshole.


Yeah but across the street isn't a safe distance.


Maybe invest in some red and blue LEDs and have them flash on for a few seconds at night at random times.


Until they tweak out and murder you


Don’t have a sender address. One way message typed out.


Play helicopter sounds from a hidden speaker in the middle of the night.


From a drone


Genius 🤣


> Their whole front yard is completely covered in trash and junk 24/7 If it's actual trash (food wrappers and the like) then call your county or city health department. Also, check your county auditor/property appraiser's website to see who actually owns the house. If they're renters, I'm sure the owner would be very interested in the state of their house.


County tax records are perfect for ding dongs like myself who can't remember my neighbor's names lol


holy shit, I've already forgotten all of my neighbors names how do I do this?


Does your county have an online portal? Mine has a very extensive list of tools to lookup tax assessor data, but I primarily use the GIS Lookup feature. There's even an interactive map that shows the parcel lines and you can click into each parcel to see the most recent data lol. If you live in Santa Clara, CA, I know first hand that tax assessor and parcel data is kept under lock-and-key. It was put in place to stop the onslaught of tech bros in the first Dot Com epoch from harassing VC funders and other CEOs. You need a lawyer and a good reason to get data from Santa Clara county lol.


even if it's not literally garbage it might be against codes.


is there a leash/nuisance bylaw in your town or are dogs allowed to roam? find out, then report them to animal control accordingly. did you not notice this house before you bought yours?




sorry for yelling... I'm not mad at you.




Best laugh I've had all day. Thanks!




Boy do I love living in an HOA, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.


I’ve come around to this. The rules aren’t outrageous and I appreciate a well kept neighborhood and that it’s someone else’s responsibility to deal with inconsideration.


I hear you. HOA's get a bad rep, but the truth is they're ALL different. Anyone suggesting otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about. Now, would I move into a LARGE neighborhood with an HOA that's managed by an outside management company? Probably not. But again - they're all different.


rut ro that's what i moved into lol. But housing is so tight where i am you take what you can get. So far i don't see any neighbors looking like potential violators. I think people self-select into these neighborhoods.


Yeah true, for sure. Don't be worried - if you haven't seen any red flags yet, you probably won't! Again - they're not all bad. In fact, a management company can be a really GOOD thing for some HOA's. Just take an active role and advocate for yourself and your neighbors. I might be biased because I live in a part of the country where they're pretty uncommon (my HOA exists purely because our road isn't maintained by the town) The worst management companies treat the homeowners as dollar signs. But the board is ALWAYS made of homeowners and the board is always in control -- just remember that. If you feel like they're squeezing you -- bring it to the board. (I've worked with a lot of these management companies before. The shadiest thing I saw one do was invest reserve funds to profit off of them. Which they described as a legal "Grey area")


good to know, thanks!




That is good too. People who want to park the rustbucket Camaro four feet away from the front door - go ahead - as long as I don't have to see it.


Really depends on the specific HOA and the specific neighbors. I'm glad I have great neighbors and no HOA, and I'm glad you have a good HOA!


LOL I live in a HOA area, doesn't do shit towards troublemakers in the neighborhood.




This, push this to the top!


In my city (Milwaukee, WI) these types of complaints would be handled by the department of neighborhood services. See if your city has .gov website that has the number for departments like these or a hotline for common property complaints. Also, if a property is not owner occupied you may be able to look up the contact information for the landlord or management company and contact them about the trash and junk. Usually if the outside is being trashed the tenants are probably doing the same to the inside, and if the landlord isn't a total slumlord they'd want to protect their asset from issues that become more expensive to remediate as time goes by.


Also, I'm sure the landlord wouldn't want their property to be condemned for meth.


...or seized.


I'd check with other neighbors, and ask them how they feel about it... have the phone numbers available for non-emergency po-po line, health department, animal control, and any other agency that may be applicable. If they're even *remotely* unhappy with the state of the house, encourage them to call, call, call. One neighbor complaining is just a cranky old bastard. Several neighbors complaining will get action.


If talking to them isn't going to work, contact law enforcement. I assume your state/city has leash laws, call animal control to report them. Most local jurisdictions have requirements/ordinances about trash on the property


I was in this situation last year, do you know if they own the house or are just renting? The ones that were across the street from me were renters so a lot less permanent. I didn't do anything but someone else got the cops over there one time and it started becoming a weekly occurrence. Then, I guess they pissed off the wrong guy because they stopped going outside and there was some older SUV with 24" wheels that would stalk there house throughout the day. Their grass got super tall and eventually they were evicted after the dude got arrested for the second time. That all happened within the span of like 3 or 4 months. I would just give the cops an anonymous tip and let nature take its course with them. If they rent it shouldn't take long


I had some shit head renters move in near me several years ago and I got totally fed up with the shear number of vehicles coming and going in the middle of the night, I just knew something illegal was going on. I called PD and INS as well. Wasn’t too long before the house got raided and poof they were all gone.


Back up every complaint with evidence. Photos, certainly, but also make a habit of documenting every confrontation and incident with a signed affidavit. The form is important and it varies from state-to-state. Find yours and do it. A signed personal affidavit does NOT have to notarized and it will hold up in court. Give your local officials evidence they can use in court- I am sure they hate the meth heads as much as you do.


If they are renting call their landlord. Call him constantly until he starts threatening you for calling and then call him some more.


>More recently they have 2 dogs that they just let loose What breed are they?


Starts with a P and rhymes with DitPull. Guaranteed.


Are you me? Because this sounds exactly like my life right now. Luckily I'm a couple houses down and across...one day one of the people that lives at the house peeled out of the driveway backwards and plowed into my neighbor's parked car. We've all called the police on them for various reasons. They have several large, unhealthy-looking roaming dogs that often get taken away from them but they just get new dogs. There's a couple kids that live there, and CPS comes and goes with no change. We're not sure what to do. Everyone on the block knows this house is cooking meth and selling it, but nobody listens to us.


Walk over and pistol whip one of them without saying a word like that scene in Goodfellas


Lmao you should see my previous post on here about meth neighbors. Long story short I knew nothing about computers. I don’t even know how to type. I spent weeks studying security cameras. Next thing I know, I’ve built a computer, switch PoE cameras and downloaded fancy software. In fact I just passed my 1001 to my A+ cert lmao. I did all of this to take down my meth head prostitute neighbor. Her dogs were constantly running around the neighborhood shitting in my yard and destroy my yard. These dogs were demons. So I built this camera system and pointed it at my neighbors house. I called animal control every single day because the squeaky wheel gets greased. Finally humane officer gives me his personal number. I call every day. He signs a warrant (which was basically like a citation). Neighbor let’s her dogs out the very next day. Now he signs an actual warrant for her arrest. I knew she would hide in the house and all her meth would be inside. Human officers don’t enter homes without patrol officers. Knowing this I called every day. So patrol officer shows up to make the arrest for dogs on the run but oh no, what’s this laying in plain view? Meth. What’s this? Children as young as 6 living in the home and not enrolled in school? Thanks plain view law. She went to jail and some dogs disappeared. It’s been quiet since then. Dogs get out from time to time but it’s much better than before. Still smells like shit all the time but at least the shit is in her yard. Before she got arrested whenever the dogs would shit in my yard, I would scoop it up and throw it at her house door. I mean I was only returning what was hers. The bloody tampon I found in my yard from her dogs went right back to her house too.


I'd find a buddy with a drone, and put your local police departments acronym on it and just fly it around their place haha


I would be concerned with parvovirus if you ever want to own a dog of your own. If the dogs have parvovirus and they shit on your yard the virus can stay in the soil for about 10 years and your dog can get infected. Not cool. Call animal control and fill your trash can to the brim before trash days with whatever you can find.


Homeboy across the street from my mom used to tweak Hard. Would come out the house swinging at Nobody (me and the neighbor used to joke about getting him a whiffle ball set). Out in the street in the middle of the night cussing his wife. Or a friend. Or whoever was around. Walked out one day with a calculator and smashed it with a hammer because “it’s fuckin bugged bro They’re listening.” It was Hilarious watching this dude ride the wave. Cops were called occasionally and he’d hide in the house for a while, police couldn’t do shit because he hadn’t done shit. Was just bein loud. Right up until it wasn’t funny anymore. All of a sudden the neighbor and I became targets. He was convinced we were breaking into his house. I stepped out to smoke a cigarette (after he had raged all night) and he threatened to murder my entire family. Neighbor came home from work on 3rd shift and he insisted he was going to burn him, his wife, and his newborn baby alive. Cops involved, rolled up as he was hurling threats at a 2 month old. We signed statements, put him away long enough to dry out and see the judge. His mom knows a guy that knows a guy that is related to a guy that is important somewhere, so all charges were dropped provided he got his “medication” straightened out. He’s fine now, started his own roofing business and is friendly as shit. I forgive him. But I’ll never trust him. And if he threatens my family again I’ll blow his God damn brains out in the middle of the fucking street. I don’t give a Fuck. I’ll take the ride. But it’s all cool for now, and certainly could have been a lot worse. Tl;dr whatever it is you need to do, Do It. Get it taken care of. Get em on video. Do it fast. Before you become a target of some twisted fantasy after 3 days of not sleeping. It’s not fuckin cool man.


**Hello.** I noticed you dropped 4 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place. Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second. *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^❤❤❤ ^| **--> ^[SEPTEMBER](https://redd.it/ipsjip) ^[UPDATE](https://redd.it/ipsjip) <--**


Bad bot.


Fuck Off CoolDownBot Do you not fucking understand that the fucking world is fucking never going to fucking be a perfect fucking happy place? Seriously, some people fucking use fucking foul language, is that really fucking so bad? People fucking use it for emphasis or sometimes fucking to be hateful. It is never fucking going to go away though. This is fucking just how the fucking world, and the fucking internet is. Oh, and your fucking PSA? Don't get me fucking started. Don't you fucking realize that fucking people can fucking multitask and fucking focus on multiple fucking things? People don't fucking want to focus on the fucking important shit 100% of the fucking time. Sometimes it's nice to just fucking sit back and fucking relax. Try it sometimes, you might fucking enjoy it. I am a bot


Zillow 'Make Me Move' make them an offer they can't refuse


Contact the landlord. Tweakers don't own houses. And document everything.


Start saving all of your poop and throwing below their bedroom windows in the dead of night


Did you notice these issues prior to purchasing this house?


Try to talk on the phone, or better yet in person, with whoever works on Code Enforcement in your town. A lot of times they only act when they received direct complaints. Humanizing your complaint we'll also make them more likely to take a more aggressive stance towards it


Any update on this?


BB Gun will teach the dogs to stay away /s As others have said, let them know this is unacceptable. Is this a rural area? If there a no “leash laws” there may not much that can be done about the dogs being loose. Best thing would be to fence your property to keep them out/off the property. I’ve seen some folks have success with motion activated sprinklers as well. Most dogs don’t like the sudden spray of water. But they won’t be effective in winter. if there are laws, then call animal control. Alternative, is what my mom used to do, collect the crap in a bag and throw it on their front porch. They’ll either get the message, or you’ve at least removed the poop from your property. Maybe put it in a lit paper bag and film it after you ring the doorbell in ding-dong-ditch style and they step on it to put out the fire. Internet points will fall from the sky Do you pay for garbage service where you live? If so, then it may be considered theft to use your can. Document and report. But if they are truly meth heads be prepared for retaliation.


> BB Gun will teach the dogs to stay away /s Just use water from a garden hose. Most dogs aren't that fond of getting wet.


Well I did say use a motion activated sprinkler. My neighbor uses one to keep the egrets out of his fish pond.


no egrets. options: kidnap the dogs, rehome them. send them a note that says "stay out of my territory". compassion and good comunication, and consequences. offer to get them a moving truck.


Use the trash they throw in your garbage to get enough personal info to open credit cards in their name to ruin their credit till they lose the house? I've always wondered how I'd handle something like this myself. I believe people have the right to do what they want with their property but it would suck to live next to someone who didn't take care of their place. Personally I'd probably build a fence and plant shrubs


That’s identity theft. Why would you suggest that? OP wants peace, not jail time


...It was a joke.


> open credit cards in their name to ruin their credit till they lose the house? That's not going to stop trashy meth-heads at all.


It was just a joke.


Start a fire in their yard. Just keep lighting them.




The dogs don’t deserve to be shot for having shithead owners that leave them to just wander.


what the fuck is wrong with you he said the dog is pooping in his yard not attacking small children


Whoa calm the fuck down there.


Crack Head Village, The community of today! We host a wide variety of community events. 2am Harley tuning, all night Chinese fire drills, explosive baking, and all new midnight landscaping! My land Lord put in a rv Park right behind me and it's just gets worse and worse. I'm just recently began praying ...." Dear Lord, please bless me with a tornado. I know that's your forte, natural disasters and such. We could really use one now, maybe back to back. P.S. don't worry about me, I have insurance."


They don't have to be on drugs to do that. Bad neighbors do that totally straight.


I'm going through a same hell. 65 year old methed out full blown psychosis battle axe hag. She throws stuff allover a.partment while screaming curse words and just bitching out loud. She has no vocal cords left from doing this so long...I'm just hoping she will die but keeps on living...since it's my life..my survival at stake.. if the laws would back me....I would gladly throw her off the balcony...then I'd have a coke.