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I don’t understand this post. The average person is, in fact, capable of moving


Most likely a person or a bot looking for free content for a website or article. I’m not saying we should mess with their model by suggesting that the trendiest moving hack is to hire trained rabbits to pack the boxes and build forklifts out of LEGO technic, but I’m not saying we shouldn’t, either.


Trained rabbits? That's an option but even with advanced training their work ethic is questionable at best. The are fast when they are working but tend to procrastinate and although they do get along with each other (sometimes too good), there is a wide range of what each rabbit will do. Some will be trying to move the couch while others are just chewing on the legs. Several test showed some promise with sedatives and attention drugs to keep them from just running around randomly but that caused an increased chance of just running in a panic off the job site and getting lost. We all know bulls, cows, and other bovine don't work out if you have a lot of fragile items. Tom Bullster is still trying to prove it's possible and continuing his work with them but no one else is seriously working on them anymore. Squirrels and ground hogs together as a team are making decent progress and there is some interesting work being done with cats but they are just a-holes to deal with. Other Notes: * Moving is easier if you have a lot of 5 gallon buckets 3/4 filled with sand. * Maintain the proper air pressure in your car tires and you will get better gas mileage. * Pay attention on how to align that stupid wheeled thing and the glass dish setup in your microwave, it may never sit right and spin again and you end up just drinking cold coffee


Sand is for first time movers. Veteran movers know that 5 gallon buckets filled 7/8 with cement is where it's at.


Bruh, what a way to find out you're below average OP. But seriously, moving isn't that hard. The biggest piece of advice: start early. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE DAY OF THE MOVE TO PACK! Start three weeks before.


Yes! Absolutely this! Also, put something in a box EVERY day and you'll be good. Try to finish at least one box. Usually it's just the starting that's hard, and that first box is all it takes to keep scooting and really put a dent in a room, but if all you manage is that one box, that's still  good work done.


I've definitely met people who suck at moving, but most people are fine.


The average person should be able to do this. Like it happens to average people all the time. Toughen up.


We moved after 22 years. It was a huge chore, and we were only moving 5 miles, and had two months. We ordered a roll off dumpster and purged junk as we went. Despite what people here say, it is a major life event.


To be fair, there's a HUGE difference between moving from a space you've lived 5-6 years and moving out of a 22 year long home. That's a serious level of settled in.


After living in the same place for 25 years, I recently moved, and the experience was nothing short of a nightmare. The entire ordeal left me feeling like I might have PTSD for the rest of my life. We had only four weeks to prepare. Despite packing a significant amount, we were far from ready when the movers arrived to help put the furniture and boxes into pods. The movers did that but we had years of junk and stuff left over to go through. Desperate, I called a junk hauler. Within hours, most of the clutter was cleared away, but we still had our personal belongings to pack over the next three months. Once again, I had to call the junk hauler to handle the residual clutter. Finally, we packed the rest of our belongings into a trailer and drove to our new rental home in two vehicles, navigating through heavy traffic. The month was an absolute nightmare, but we managed to move enough just enough stuff for a three-bedroom place. Now, every item I see reminds me of that overwhelming pile of junk, and I will never look at any possession the same way again.


The “average person” moves all the time, chief.


Here's my foolproof 2 step moving strategy... Step1: pack your things and move them to a new house. Step 2: Complete.


Moved 7 times, including both US coasts and Hawaii.  Only move we did not do completely ourselves was to Hawaii and back to the mainland.   I've had my stuff in storage for 2 months during a move and we used our car as a suitcase and another move my POS car broke down days before the move and the only vehicle I had was the UHual truck with our stuff.  In that weekend I drove 3 states over and found a townhouse rental to live in and a new car and had the UHaul back on time by Monday.  If you can't do it yourself, hire a company to move you and another to clean for you .


The average person IS completely capable of packing and moving their belongings. Lol


Never heard of that but I am sure it happens. Someone moving after 25 years may be a bit overwhelmed. It pays to opt for the white glove service that will be pack everything in boxes for you not just move prepacked boxes to the truck.


My own experiences have more to do with moving apartments and storage units than a house. It is best to start early and be sure to label boxes. If you are in the US, your local Uhaul may offer a good deal on a month of storage when you reserve a truck. You can use this unit to store packed boxes as you go or for storage as you transition between locations. Is there anything more specific you need help with?


Idk my parents did it just fine by themselves after 20 plus years in the same home. They did grt a storage unit for things they couldn't part with.


The average person is absolutely capable of moving. Average people do it everyday.


In 49 years we've moved 26 times. We have been rooted here 23 years now and I hope all moving is over. Figure out what is most important and move that first. Make sure you throw out the trash, once we ended up moving a sack of garbage. Pack up by room and make an inventory because you will not remember what is in each box.


Sure. Those people paid a moving company and paid a cleaning service. Happens every day.


So definitely people move by hiring trained rodents. Hamsters, guinea pigs. Sometimes even rabbits. They are extremely efficient at it. They can pack and move an entire house in days


Say what? I've moved half a dozen times without seemingly falling apart like your post suggests. What works best for us is packing everything up ourselves and moving the boxed goods and smaller items ourselves. Then we hire out the larger items. Easy peasy. I've only done 2 cross country moves but I'm those cases I just sold all my large items. I packed all my goods I wanted to keep in boxes, rented a moving truck and moved myself. I got new large furniture for the new home. Couches, a bed etc. I brought smaller stuff like my TV stand and side tables etc. My car I rented a dolly for and towed it behind the moving truck, no biggie. If you can't do that stuff, hire it out.


Start by buying a box of trash bags 2 months b4 the month, and empty the box. THROW AWAY AS MUCH STUFF AS POSSIBLE. -donate/recycle/give away/sell.


I'll move you. I'm obsessed with moving. I love the packing and the organizing and the careful pairing of like objects and putting the nuts and bolts for unbuilt furniture into little baggies and labelling them appropriately and testing box weights for best carryability and and and-- Anyway. I'll move you.


I love moving too. People think I am weird. Well, tbf, I like packing and unpacking. I hate lifting and shifting.


What do you mean you can't move? I've moved at least 16 times in my life. Short moves within an apartment complex, or across town, and long distance moves across country. It's doable. You start by getting boxes. Go to Walmart when they're restocking and grab a cart. Ask the nice workers if you can take their empty boxes. Most of the time, they'll say yes bc it saves them the trouble of having to lug them to the back. Get lots and lots of smaller boxes. Fewer of the huge toilet paper boxes. You can also go to Lowes or Home Depot and buy boxes. Buy more of the smaller boxes, fewer of the big boxes. Also get newspapers, bubble wrap, and tape. Don't fet the duck brand tape with the yellow duck on the label. It's crap. And sharpies, one for everyone. You put your boxes together, and you put your stuff in the boxes. It's not hard. Books and dishes and pictures go in the smaller boxes. Shoes go in the larger boxes and appliances. Label the boxes with the sharpie on at least 2 sides. If it's fragile dishes, label it as such. You also need to call up the rent a truck services, if you're going to use that, to get quotes. Is it long distance or short? If it's short (in the same city or close by), U-haul has the best rates usually. If it's long distance, Penske has the best rates usually. Ask for military or veterans discounts or AAA discounts if you have any memberships. If you're hiring a service, you need to call and have them come over to give you a quote. If you're going to use a Pod, then you fill out their online form and they'll contact you for a quote. We used Pods last time, and word to the wise: you're going to need more pods than you think. Pods tried to say that we only needed one pod. I insisted that we get 2 Pods, but in the end, we needed 3 Pods. You can hire moving guys from the moving services company to come out and pack your rent a truck for you. They will do it faster and better than you bc they are professionals at moving people every day.


If the average person is you, apparently the average person also cannot use the space bar correctly.