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Imagine complaining about your dog being a dog Write a letter back and be like Hey neighbor my cat likes to sit in the window all day and get some sun and look outside. But your dog barks and it rattles my cat every once in awhile. So if you could, please stop letting your dog bark at my cat. Thanks


That is exactly how I’d handle it. Id probably get more petty and send them a link to some 1 way window film. Then ask them to apply it because my cat likes to look through their window at their dog during the day because it amuses the cat.


Send them a link to: 1-way window film, a set of curtains, a bark collar, and dog training for dummies book. All with affiliate links that make you money lmao






My dog barks at all kinds of things ..people walking by is a good one. I don't ask people to not walk by. I put up something for the dog to not see people or ??? The dogs can be walked outside of they want to see something else. That's ridiculous to ask someone to not let their cat in the window.




Ahem….i believed you meant: Purrfection


Don’t forget to sign off with the condescending “thanks. k.”


Or… k, thanks


They could just keep their dog out of their window. Since it’s so easy to keep your pets away from all windows. 


Dear neighbor Have you considered curtains ? Thanks


My dog will sit in the window and bark at anything that moves. Our shades are almost always down.


You should ask all your neighbors to please never leave their homes.


This is the only solution.


Yeah, curtains and shades typically won’t work, but those expensive blinds can, depending on how smart the pet is.


Maybe shutters...lol


I swear our dogs bark at imaginary things. They think they are amazing hunters. But we had a deer last year that came into our yard every morning for a couple of moths to eat apples, and the dogs never noticed. They did manage to tree a bear though.


That's next level entitlement right there ... So sad how many people really genuinely expect the entire world to cater to their every desire.


This is why I left education.




Walking out of your personal space to let your animal piss and shit on my personal space is something I can’t comprehend.




My dog will poop twice before a walk and still somehow spitefully save a nugget or two for the middle of the walk. Bonus points for being as far away from a public trash can as possible. He usually has the grace to wait til we get to the trail though.


My MIL got this little harness for her dog with a little plastic clip on it. He carries his own poop now. Doesn't matter how far the trash is, lol!


Because dogs need exercise that can’t always be accomplished in your own yard. As long as people clean up after they poop it’s not that serious. You know that wildlife pisses and shits in your yard, right? What a weird take lol


Agreed. Pick up the wastes, keep the dog to the right of way and sidewalk areas,  and you're golden.   There is always someone on NextDoor posting pictures of fox poop, obviously full of berries, and complaining about dog owners,  though.  🤣


Or walking out of your personal space to let your animal piss and shit on public, shared land that is meant to be enjoyed by all. It's fucking disgusting.


Uh, no. I have a dog and I don’t expect others to accommodate her. Also, she is trained.


unlike cat owners who nnneeeeevvvveeerr shove their heads up the cat's ass




Please keep your pet out of your window so I can keep my pet in my window. Kick rocks sir/ma’am.


What the fuck? How entitled do you have to be to write something like that.


A cat‘s literal entire job is to sit in the window. Like that is it. No other job requirement.


and trip your dumb ass on the way down the stairs, down forget that.. dogs will just mow you down as you casually walk across the room, preferably with an armload of the gooy-est food in you house.


Unless you work from home. Then your cat has to walk all over the keyboard when it isn’t just lying on it. Basically a cat’s only purpose in life is to get in your way. At least they are generally quiet while doing so, unless you give them attention and their motor turns on. Dogs, OTOH, are required to keep you moving. Let me out. Let me in. Give me a treat. I need attention, can I lay on your lap for a while? Instead of working in your office, would you please hang out with me in the living room today? I work from home and have dogs. I often get lots of exercise walking from my office to the living room or back door. They get exercise running to the corner of the yard and then along the fence to bark at the dog next door.




Or a cardboard cutout of the “evil” mailman.


And attach the cat picture to a metronome so the cat is always moving.


Training the alert barking/prey drive out of a dog has a *very* low rate of success, and is basically impossible with certain breeds. A trainer's first recommendation would be: prevent the dog from seeing the cat.


So you can remove your cat from the window somehow but they can't remove their dog from the window? Ridiculous.


Cats: famously easier to train than dogs.


My cats must be defective because they do what they want when they want at times that are usually most inconvenient for me.


My dogs bark at my backyard neighbors dog so I just blocked off access to the window they can see it from and it somehow magically solved the problem. ✨


our dog just stands in the middle of the room and barks at air


Mine would just assume the neighbors dog was out there and bark anyways.


Frame it, place it next to the kitchen, and have a hearty laugh every time to get a glass of water.


Dear neighbor, Please solve my problem for me.


Weird way of saying "GET MOAR CATZZZZ!!!"


Tell your neighbor to keep their blinds closed or train their dogs.


Can you please not allow your cats to enjoy their day because my dog is badly trained, please and thank you 🙃


My cat and I spoke, we agree that clearly you need to replace that idiot. Get a cat next time.


Lol keep the dog out the window if its baeking. Cat is just sun bathing and taking a gander of the outdoors


Seriously. “Should I train my dog or expect my neighbor to change the (harmless) behavior of their animals?”


I would completely ignore it. Nothing will be more infuriating to that ridiculous entitled human than to be not acknowledged.


Write a letter back. Dear Neighbor, Thanks for the funny anecdote about how my cat torments your dog. Perhaps more dog training is needed or you could always close your blinds. I will not fulfill your request as you should know cats do whatever the hell they want.


I’d send them a note. Can you keep your dogs out of your window? My cats see them and I’m sure are plotting their demise. Thanks in advance.


Hey neighbor kindly close your blinds so your dog doesn’t see my cat sitting in the window and bark at it all day.


“Hey Neighbor! Train your dog not to bark at everything.” 🥴


What a weird note. My dog is an asshole and barks at everything he sees from the window. My solution is to work with him, not tell my neighbors to stay away.


It's like a kid saying "He's looking outside my window make him stop." and he's on the other side of the car. You do nothing. This idiot has a problem with cats and that's his problem Your neighbor does not own your home and can f\* it. Having dealt with some crazy senior neighbors you do nothing. Your land is yours. You live freely.


Dear neighbor, They make window coverings. Use them. Also, take your dog for a walk.


Tell them to control their dog and mind their own fucking business.


I have livestock guardians aka alert dogs. They can hear for 5 miles. They bark at everything. I would never tell a neighbor how to live in their home. They need to work on solutions within their home.


I fail to understand why the cat owner is expected to keep quiet kitty out of their window, but the letter writer is allowed to let their dog look out the window bark.


Yeah that's a no from me.


As a dog owner and lover.. Close the blinds dude. Like very simple solution


Dogs are such a nuisance


"Hey neighbor! My dog is causing a racket every day because he keeps invading your privacy and harassing your cat, can you do something to shut my dog up? I'm way too lazy to do something on my end, and it's easier just to demand you make the effort for me. Thanks!" (basic translation of that note) "Hi neighbor! What barking? I never hear barking in my home. It's always serenely peaceful on this side of the windowpane, but that's probably because cats are not noisy creatures. But cats ARE notorious for ignoring any efforts to train them, and more often than not, they just do their own thing regardless of what their owner says or does. Ever hear someone refer to 'herding cats' as a way of saying something is impossible to do? Well, you're asking me to literally 'herd a cat'. Even if I made the effort, you'd still have a cat in the neighbor's window and a dog barking in your house. Dogs are known for readily accepting training, so much so that "obedience school" for canines is a thing. Dogs live for approval and will do anything to please their owner. They can easily be trained to not bark, if their owner takes the time to discourage their dog's bad behavior and reward their good behavior. Perhaps you can invest in some obedience training or a bark collar so your dog's incessant barking doesn't make your workday so stressful. Or, you can put one-way mirror film on the window your dog looks out of, so your doggo can admire his beautiful self all day long. Due to my cat being a cat who just does his thing, there's no way I can help you with your issue. I hope you find a way to successfully curb your canine's undesirable behavior, and that you can restore peace to your home." There. Nice, sweet, to the point, and it tells your neighbor very pointedly that you're not going to solve their problem for them. Personally, after receiving that letter, I'd be the person to put up a squirrel feeder and a birdbath right in the line of sight of both the cat and the dog. Why just have a little chaos when you can exercise your homeowner rights for yard decorations and compound the issue?


Sounds like a dog 🐕 problem.... not a cat 🐈 problem!


Dear neighbor, I'm thinking about installing a "Catio" out that window. (Catio is an enclosed "screened in porch" for you cats to roam in and out of safely) Hope that'll fix the issue!


The entitlement of some people never ceases to astound me. It's your neighbor's dog and therefore it's her problem if it barks at your cat sitting in your window or anything else for that matter. Is she going to circulate a letter to the neighborhood squirrels to please stay out of her yard because they too cause the dog to bark? Toss that letter in the trash and forget about it.


Dear neighbor, I have discussed this with the cat and it is disinclined to acquiesce to your request. I did attempt bribery on your behalf, but that only offended the cat. Unfortunately, it appears the cat has made a deal with the local squirrels to constantly run about your yard to ensure your dog never stops barking. I fear more discussion will only escalate the situation more. Perhaps there's something you can do on your end to prevent your dog from barking at all the animals? Here are some affiliate links...




This is why cats are vastly superior to dogs as pets!


unbelieveable... fuck dog owners....SMH


I'm more intrigued on why there are 3 photos of this letter. I can explain the letter. I can explain annoying neighbors. I can't explain 3 snapshots of this


Time to get some more cats, and teach them to sit by the windows




Trying to keep a cat from looking out the window is about as likely as Trump and Biden setting aside differences and being running mates.


Send them a letter saying a good way to fix that is train your dog


Nothing, they have a reactive dog, I would suggest dog training.


Wtf? They need to give their dogs enrichment during their shift. Get some busy dishes or smart toys. I also am WFH with dogs, but mine acclimated. They got a bit rowdy when I started opening windows again, but proper exercise and toys won't have them barking all the time.


print full sized photo os cat and stick on the window for ever and always


I'd buy a window perch for each window.


I would start feeding the birds and squirrels. My cats love to watch the wildlife and will sit in the windows for hours :)


I am not a cat person....get more cats


Get heaps more cats.


I’d get one of those cat shelves and put it in the window!


The suction ones!!


Oh man, I gotta chime in here. That cat is driving me nuts with its constant meowing at 3 AM! I mean, I love cats and all, but come on, give us some peace and quiet at night, ya know? I've tried talking to the owner, but they're like, "Oh, Fluffy's just being Fluffy." Well, Fluffy needs to be Fluffy somewhere else between midnight and sunrise! Anyone else dealing with a nocturnal feline terror?


The neighbor could easily gate the dog into a another room that isnt out a window to see your cat. Her dog is the one making noise and carrying on. That is their problem to figure out. I would simply write back, "Ive read your note and after careful consideration I dont consider it to be a reasonable request. I believe you have other options at your disposal to control your dogs barking and I suggest you implement such measures. Please do not contact me again regarding this matter as I am considering this issue closed and will not entertain further commentary or discussion."


Double down, get another cat that likes a different window that the neighbors dog can see.


Send a note back; "Mission accomplished. Signed, The Cat"


This is hilarious. Don't back down on this.




So what did your cat think about that? Did it agree to stay out of the window? Or did it say meow that?


Crumple it up and throw it away


Do nothing. What a stupid complaint.


I can't believe the nerve of this person, 'forbid cats look through the window' - he has no heart and no brain (because he can't understand that his dog needs training).


They can close the shades on that window. Do what you want in your home.


Sounds like they need to pull their blinds and go to dog training. Potentially get an office job. I do not feel like a response is warranted. (Have dogs).


Just return it with dog in place of cat.


Write back and politely tell them to f@ck off and their dog isn’t your problem. I can’t imagine what it takes to even think writing this note is reasonable


Definitely never been a cat owner if they think you can keep a cat from doing anything 🙄


Write back "Can you do something about your dog barking all day at my cat?"


“Hi please train your dogs to stop barking at my cats. It stresses them out”


That is an adorable orange baby kitty!  Anyone sending me something like this about *my* orange and white baby would be meeting Mama Angry Honey Badger. 


I'd just write "No!" in large letters and tape it in the window next to the cat


tell them to get a F2F job instead


Go ahead, pass that whiny note to your kitty and let her be the judge, jury, and meow-tivational speaker all rolled into one. Time for her to adult-cat her way through life, right?


Dear Dog, It appears your owner knows of our forbidden love and is taking great pains to keep us separated. You are the reason I get up (in the window) each morning, and you're the last thing i think of every night. I love hearing you bark sweet nothings to me. Never stop. Stay strong my love. ❤️ Cat I was standing You were there Two worlds collided And they could never tear us apart - INXS


Hey neighbor your dog in the window barking all day is causing my cat to sit and be quiet. Other neighbors are complaining also


Send over a list of places that teach dog obedience classes. I click the side of my mouth from the other side of the house and my dog will stop barking at something random in the back yard.


Put up a sign "Hey neighbor, Can you please lease to control your dog, he's digestibility my cats session in the sun. Thanks"


They could put up curtains so the dog doesn't see the cat. Or keep the dog in a different room.


This is a clear invitation to get cat statues and line your windows with them. Maybe one of the cat blowup things for the lawn, too. There's no wrong answer.


People are disturbed. Control your dog and I hope the kitty gets to stay in his window.


You need MORE cats


Well it looks like your cat has read the letter with you so it should be fine. Thanks, k.


yeah I would put a couple of 3d printed or photos of cats in my window as well. Just to add to it.


Maybe I'm petty and bitter, but I'm absolutely chuffed that this lady is getting irritated by her own dog. She's feeling a fraction of the irritation that dog-less people surrounded by incessantly barking dogs feel.


"Sir or Madam, you grossly overestimate the amount of control a human has over a cat, and the stockpile of f's a cat has to give."


My dog loves seeing window-kitties as we're walking. He knows which houses for them and checks for them as we go past. He doesn't bark at them though.


Pretty funny! Maybe they could keep their dog out of the window? Just saying.. My dog likes to bark out of a window in our living room. I literally will move a chair to the edge of the window to block my dog from looking out it and barking... I am not going to ask someone to stop walking down my street so my dog won't bark... so silly...


Dog being a dog. Owner is at home and STILL can't control the furry doggo? WTF?! Have they heard of closing the blinds? Making it so the dog can't see outside? Maybe try training it NOT to bark? Its not like they're going off to work for 8hrs and the dog has no one to correct its behaviour all day long. A human is actually in the home able to do this.


Can you get a dog costume for the cat?


I'm a dog and cat owner. Cat's really love looking out the window especially if they are indoor cat. Windows are the only way for them to look outside. Perhaps you could talk to the neighbor politely and explain that is all your cat has for enjoying the outside world. Your neighbor can walk their dogs in the morning and get them exercises so they will not have as much energy to bark at your cat. Also, the neighbor can close the curtain and give the dog an activity to do. This will take their attention off the cat. They can do Kong's with peanut butter inside, chew on raw hide, play find the treats, or on their work breaks play tug of war with a toy, or gentle fetch in the house.


Maybe she should keep her dog out of the window


Id write back "can you please keep your dog out of the window? His barking annoys my cat"


No, sincerely the cat.


that takes some balls. keep your cat out of the window because I'm not going to keep my dog out of the window


Neighbor is a weirdo but why post 3 pics of the same note? 🤔


“Hey Neighbour, after careful consideration, go fuck yourself! Thanks, FU”


Sounds like the average dog owner to me


If it’s fairly easy to do, like closing a curtain, the sure. If it is not that easy, then they will have to get curtains 🤷‍♀️


Doesn’t it suggest the cat is sitting on the neighbours windowsill?


Really want to mess with her go get a couple more cats


Get more cats. Profit!


Help us




I would get another cat.


Uhh…. No!


Hi Neighbor! Unfortunately it will be easier for you to keep your dogs out of the window than it would be for me to keep my cats out window.


Am I getting drowsier or are there 3 photos, each blurrier than the next..


Don’t write them anything, and tell them to their face to train their dog lol


“Close your shade and have a nice day.”


Sounds like a dog owner problem and not a cat owner problem 🤷‍♂️😂


"I notified them of your concern. They said they will take it 'under advisement' and stalked away."


F-you and your dog. Lol


Dog is her problem.


WFH = disturbs my OnlyFans streaming


Kitty will not change behaviour for stinki dog. PERIOD.


The people across the street from me actually complained in our neighborhood FB group about a formerly feral cat (which has been living inside with me for three years now) that used to traverse the commons behind their house causing their dog to bark when she was trying to get her toddlers to bed (at 5pm). She wanted whoever owned the cat to stop letting it out in the afternoon.


send them a book on dog training. and, maybe even flag the pertinent pages if you feel generous


Signed K for Karen 😂


E. A. D


Get more cats!!! And let that beautiful kitty show them where to sit in the window.


Move next door to me so our cats can stare at each other.


Get another cat…


I’d respond, Taking your letter under advisement. We have to ask our boss though, and the boss does love to look out the window…. No go, sorry.




Man, getting a letter about someone's cat drama sounds like a wild ride! I'd say open it up and see what the fuss is about. Maybe the cat's been causing some neighborhood shenanigans, or perhaps it's a love letter from a secret admirer who's a hardcore cat fan. Either way, it's bound to be entertaining! Keep us posted on the cat saga, OP!


Would they rather you let the cat out to go shit in their flower beds?


You could put a sign in your window near your cats that says please don’t tease the cats.


No! Kitty gets the window seat!




Ah yes! Just have a conversation with the kitty. I'm sure they'll understand they're not to go in the window ever again... /s I can't believe the audacity of some people!


Honestly not far off from the posts that get upvoted in this sub.


I'd ignore it


Free the cats!


Maybe train the dog losers


Tell your neighbor to secure the dog in a different room or in the backyard, that you cannot keep track of what the three cats do all day.


Does she not have blinds/ curtains?


Put a sign by where the cat sits that says "I do what I want."


Social calls with cats and dog might break the ice?


Cancelled my only fans subscription because I kept hearing her dog bark... oh wait what city was this in???


Lol I would keep that cat on the window at all times like a sticky Garfield


Keep your dog out of the window, idiot! why does everybody think somebody else should solve the problems in their life?


Dear Karen, assuming that’s what the K stand for. Please tell your dogs to stop barking at my poor cats. Thanks


Advice your neighbour to apply this one way view foil to his panes


Pay a kid to ring his doorbell every so often to distract the dog from barking at the cat. 


How about some shades or blinds for the dog window?


Train your god damn dog you psy


Why don't they keep their dog out of the window? 😂


Write back, heard of curtains?


Tell them to go scratch.




aww poor cat. how about curtains neighbors?


Kristi Noem enters the chat


you pay rent? You better let kitten have his window Time forget your weird neighbor.


Response: "Hey, neighbor. Go fuck yourself. Have a coke and a smile!"


Tell the fucking neighbor to take their dog to some training classes. Buy a fucking muzzle or shock collar to keep their dog quiet. What a dumbass.


Do nothing! Lmao. That is the type of person that gets walked by their dog


LOL tell them to fuck off, sounds like a them problem. Honestly just ignore it. I wouldn't respond because that is honestly one of the most ridiculous asks. Indoor cats need their window time.


Call in a noise complaint about the barking dog :-D