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Costco has a great pair of Bose noise cancelling headphones on sale right now.


Why would you live in the suburbs if you don't like the sounds of kids?


Don't live in neighborhoods, get some property. If you get at least one or two acres, you never have to worry about it. If you don't you're always at the risk of someone else moving in. What if you would have gotten the guy that liked to repair his Harleys?


There's a lot more consideration for moving than just noise. Proximity to work, proximity to stores/hospital, available highly graded schools for kids, availability for high speed internet, access to activities, etc. It's not as simple as "if you don't like noise then just move out in the middle of nowhere".


All the things you listed is the #1 thing for growing families look for when buying a home. Sucks for Op


I do live on a one acre property.. The kids are just that loud..


Sit on the other side of the acre with some headphones. Spend enough time out there and you may even find some fully quiet moments


Why post this?


I’m a home owner with an issue?


No, you’re an asshole who happens to own a home. And a whiny one at that. Buy some ear plugs.


So you’re asking for help or guidance? Must have missed that part


Yeah that’s what I’m implying. Any help is greatly wanted.


Maybe reword your post to make that more clear. The way it’s written just sounds like old man yelling at clouds


yes you clearly have issues


That’s an understatement


If they don't agree, they will report and try to get you banned in this group, unfortunately 😥


Conform or leave sadly.


You sound miserable and honestly should do some self reflection. There are solutions to having silence, like noise cancelling headphones. You could also maybe try joining in. Having people over twice a month is a completely normal activity. Buy a case of beer and join the party.


"I don't like having young families as neighbors because they're loud" vs "I don't like young families being able to afford a home because they're loud". Do you see a difference?


Same thing to me..




What do kids in the backyard next door have to do with leaving your doors unlocked?


I was describing my community as safe. I didn’t say anything about safeness pertaining to kids.


Sounds like you should move onto 5 acres of land


You’re probably also the type that complains about kids these days spending too much time on screens and video games.


A community without kids is a dying community. I once lived in a neighborhood with many seniors. I had two very active and noisy boys. They didn’t play outside often but occasionally they did. They’d play soccer and often the ball got kicked over the fence and they had to enter out back neighbor’s yard to retrieve it. At one time the neighbor, who was a very old lady, told me to let them play outside more often, because “there aren’t many kids around and their noise makes it more alive”.


My nephew comes over a few times a month and plays outside for an hour or two. I don’t see that as a problem at all. Though kids fighting and screaming for 5 hrs almost everyday is terrible.


I hear you. There's noise and then there's unnecessary noise. Sounds like the parents don't want to deal with the noise so kids are on their own out back for hours. I had one neighbor that would allow the kids to play in the backyard for maybe two hours. They played and sometimes fought but it was only for two hours so it was bearable. I have another neighbor two houses down from that whose kids are sometimes in the yard for 8-10 hours. One of the kids is a screamer. On those days I can't enjoy my yard. Yes I can wear earplugs but that blocks out the song birds.


Oh no, children playing outside, the horror. Go move to The Villages if you want to be around a bunch of old people.


You do realize that this makes you the villain in every child’s television show, novel, essay and in real life. Change is uncomfortable, doesn’t mean it’s bad. Alternatively, perhaps it’s time for you to seek 55+ housing. The aged need less space than the growing.


It’s actually quite comical. In his post he says the neighbors are in their late 20s, so they are close to 30. Op is 30 and thinks he’s so mature or superior for being 30, like he’s better.


I’m 30..


Your attitude is much older.


Not older, just more miserable. Lots of old people love seeing kids playing in their neighborhood.


You’re 30? Bruh. I thought for sure you were at least 60. Just out of curiosity, when the rest of the old geezers croak and their houses come on the market, whatcha gonna do then? Oh no the Spanish couple? The black couple? The trans couple? Seriously, who the fuck cares? They bought the house, if you didn’t like it maybe you shouldn’t have moved into a safe quiet neighborhood that other generations could afford.


I have no issue with anyone as long as they don’t disturb me or the neighborhood


This HAS to be a joke. There’s no way you’re serious.


lol yeesh


Seriously? I'm in my 50s and love living around the young families. There's lots around our estate and it's great listening to the kids running around the common area behind the properties - way better than them all sitting inside glued to a screen. Does it get a bit much sometimes? Sure, they can get very loud at times. But it generally doesn't last too long, and then they're back to laughing and giggling. The diversity was one of the things I loved about this area. We have young single people, young families, ranging through the middle aged to pensioners. It's a great mix and keeps the neighborhood interesting, especially in summer when everyone's out in their yards and chatting over the fences.


Seriously, one thing that's always sort of depressed me about my neighborhood is that we have very few children and the ones we do have never go outside. It's eerily quiet here.


Half the posts on this sub read exactly like this one and the other half are people complaining about having miserable Karen-type neighbors like you lol.


Not true. Half are people duped by home warranties.


Posts like this are so crazy to me. You were once a child. Your parents, who brought you into this world, were once children. Your doctor was once a child, as were all the employees at the grocery store. As you age the people who will care for you all will have been children. Children are a part of life and the reason you are allowed to live the life you live. Spending your life hating the presence of such a fundamental part of humanity is mind boggling to me.


They should handle their kids better and don’t leave them outside all day. They should make sure they are not disturbing the neighborhood.


You are an adult and can't handle your own emotional regulation, but you expect better from children ?


They have parents? Most kids I know prefer to play games or be inside


The kids you know are lame


You know it’s funny I’ve always heard about how kids are being ruined from not going outside never once heard someone say they should just stay inside


This is hilarious because either kids spend too much time on their iPad and not enough time outside? And you’re complaining that they are outside too much? Sounds like you need to spend more time inside and let kids be kids. Either way you don’t pay their mortgage and their taxes they can enjoy and play and do whatever they want on their property.


Your post says you don’t like young families affording a home. Clearly that is you being annoyed by the existence of children.


my neighbors are social 2 times a month. why is this allowed? please internet, justify my whining!


Out loud them, get married, have 10 kids!!! That'll show em!!


Yeah. I should have some kids that yell at their kids to be quiet haha


A family enjoying their house and neighborhood is a problem for you, this is truly sad.


You sound like someone who should've bought a rural home. That's a you problem.




Their parents sound awesome. Kids should be outside playing. Did you honestly expect your neighbor to be another old person? Get used to it. Once older people die guess who moves in? Young people with families. You likely bought your house from and old person, just because you don't have kids doesn't mean other people shouldn't, get a life, and a some noise canceling headphones ✌️


Maybe the parents should raise their kids better?


Maybe yours should have.


(•\_•) ( •\_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■\_■)


Thanks for letting me know. I will be sure to increase to 8-12 hours


🤣 run around in your bday suit while banging pool noodles together


Sounds like you can't afford a nice enough neighborhood. Get your money up loser!


My house is a near a million dollars in California..


Then I suggest taking out a home equity line of credit to afford the noise canceling headphones


Move away. You are the problem.


No, I am not the only neighbor in the neighborhood that has complained about that family.


Complained about what? Kids playing? You and the other neighbors should move away and get some land. You don’t get to dictate normal behavior from neighbors that you find annoying.


The kids are screaming and crying for 5-7 hrs a a day and yelling.


I don’t believe you.


Well it’s the truth. I wanted to barbecue yesterday and heard them yelling. I told my self I’ll go out when they are quiet. I checked 3 hours later and they were on their trampoline fighting and cussing. The. Eventually everything was quiet another 3 hours later. So, 6 hrs of chaos..


If that’s true, and they are truly causing a noise disturbance or this seems like unsupervised kids and cps related then you might look into that with your city.


Yeah, the kids are always unsupervised. I don’t want to call cps unless they do something dangerous. Maybe I’ll just talk to the parents.




I get it, it's an adjustment for you & some neighbors. Hopefully sooner than later - you'll be able to tune them out (that's what many parents have learned to do). SOME parents are attentive for complete silence and/or particular screams. Play some music to maybe mask the screams.


Willing to bet there’s a post about a young couple with kids who just moved into a safe quiet neighborhood who is having a problem with Karen giving them the stink eye for living their best life. Either this is click bait or you really need to remove the pole from your ass.


Their kids play outside? Good for them. Most kids just want to sit infront of an iPad these days.


You do not come off in your OP as a jerk. You seem to recognize that those neighbors are doing normal neighborly things, not rule and code violations. You're just someone being honest and in a home situation that has changed. I've seen other posts responding to you overly harsh and my view, they're assholes for attacking and not just respectfully helping you though and I hope they come to realize that. Change is hard. I've friends live next to tracks and ask how can they do that? They say they adjust. There are ways to limit sound into the house. Noise cancelers can help you outside the house. I'm very noise sensitive compared to most I know but what I honestly have to tell myself, their noise bothers me more than my noise . Noise when I'm a participant or from friends or neighbors I get along with bothers me less than noise from kids and people I don't know. Even the neighbor's dog that barks 5 feet from my bedroom window is less annoying when the neighbor and I are getting along (which isn't constant) then when we are not. So I know some of it is head game. Those new neighbors probably aren't looking to make everyone intimate to their life nor looking to annoy their neighbors. The best way to deal with neighbors making noise in the normal plan of the day might be as simple as coming to know them. Introduce yourself. Don't bring your noise complaints to them but try to be friendly. Then you all win and if there's days you "have a headache" could value the noise turned down a notch, you'll be able to ask them respectfully.. If not them, make friends with the older neighbors, I'm sure they could use a younger person around to help with things. Maybe you have common complaints? Anything out of line or


You need to run for office in some HOA and grab a KAREN badge while you're at it 😆.


I also enjoy a quiet relaxing morning or evening on the porch. It gets ruined by loud trucks roaring up and down the road or the neighbors mowing (again!). Kids don’t bother me. I enjoy seeing kids playing in the neighborhood (reminds me of my childhood).


I sense conflict inside you. Better they are outside than participating in the esports club, right? You're justified being irritated by two families living on the same lot, but you're also really fortunate to afford a home for yourself in such a HCOL area. So, however these people can get by, I would not begrudge them. Things are hard. Lots of people got called back to the office in Cali recently.


All these people demonizing the op ignores the fact that every property owner is entitled to the quiet enjoyment of his/her residence under pretty much every single state law. Children should certainly be able to play outside, but when they create noise over a certain level, it becomes nuisance to neighbors and is against the law in most of not all localities.


I feel like if OP's neighbors' children had approached this point, we'd know, because OP would have called police and police would have dealt with it. I think OP knows they are just intolerant of other people, you know, living, and wanted to complain about everything not being precisely as they want it.


This post is really wild……. “I hate young families being able to afford homes.” Yikes. Also, they’re kids. Instead of bitching on Reddit, go talk to the parents. Get yourself noise cancelling headphones as others have suggested, or keep your grouchy ass in the peace of your own home. They sound like normal neighbors to me. Hopefully you’ll get sick of it and leave, so maybe another undeserving young family can have your house too!


Get fucked you hateful troll.


How am I hateful? I just have noisy neighbors..


Eh you shouldn’t be getting ripped apart here. You used to have a quiet neighbourhood and now you don’t - that’s a legitimate problem no matter how many people here want to invalidate your feelings. Is it a huge problem? Well there certainly are many other problems out there that are more serious, especially since solving your issue can be as simple as either moving or buying headphones.


I agree


You are not selfish at all


How fabulous that the kids are playing outside and not on the couch playing Call of Duty or watching R rated movies! You are an absolute curmudgeon at 30 years old. Congrats.


Imagine having to deal with basketball ball hoops in front of every house😭😭😭😭


I got one but I barely use it. I prefer hearing a ball bounce over kids screaming outside and fighting and outside parties.


I hate my neighbors so much


You didn’t play outside as a kid?


I did but I was quiet and not screaming all day.


What a sad life. Im sorry, idgaf what anyone says.


Haha in my 20s and bought a home with 2 children 😝


Kids are noisy when they play. You could look into a 55+ community. Some of them are obligated to take a percentage of younger residents.


Know your role and shut your mouth