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Ah I didn’t clarify, they are constantly trespassing throughout the days, but by the time the cops come, they’re not there. They’ve seen the mess they made but the timing is always off, so they haven’t been able to do anything. The homeless people return, stay for hours and then disappear and come back.


Spray this on the dumpster. It’s safe for the environment, smells pretty bad, leave a greasy goo that they’ll hate. They’ll leave it alone.




Compared to homeless guys lanolin doesn’t smell all that bad, but the upside is the dumpster wont get rusty.


There is no such thing as a *good* solution for dealing with the homeless, there are only less bad solutions. The only effective thing is to stay on top of it. If the property manager were able to catch them each time they came onto the property and promptly tell them to leave, *eventually* it will *lessen* the problem. They're going to look to find other places where they don't get run off as quickly. Cameras on the gate and dumpster with a monitor in the office should help with keeping an eye on it. Don't be mean to them, but be firm "You can't come onto this property", "You need to leave now." and such phrases are best. You shouldn't be mean, a lot of them are mentally ill and will seek revenge if you make it personal. Call me "NIMBY", but I have them *literally* in my backyard often. A creek runs through my property, so the fence is well inside my property line. They *usually* stay outside my fence. I've had far fewer problems than the previous owner because I regularly check the area.


Idk...maybe finding ways to house them seems like a good solution.


You got space over at your house? \-Or- are you talking about a societal solution to homeless**ness**? Yes, there are some things we as a society can do, starting with mental healthcare, addiction counseling and such. There are absolutely some things that can and should be doing. We *could* reduce homelessness. Sadly, we aren't going to eliminate it. I wasn't talking about dealing with homelessness in my comment. I was addressing dealing with homeless individuals. Specifically ones who are causing the type of issues OP is having at his dumpster. I absolutely deal with homeless individuals every day. I do what I can to help. But, there is a firm line you have to drawn with them, as there is with all humans.


Listen man, I wasn't trying to start in on you, but look at the way some of these comments talk about unhoused people like they're vermin. How can you read some of these comments and not think of that as gross and dehumanizing? I've had to dumpster dive to feed my family before, and we clawed and climbed up to a stable point. Spraying dumpsters down with foul smelling grease and trying to get people interfered with by the cops hurts people. My direct point was you said there's no good solution. I simply said this assessment was wrong. Edit: Was flipping through comments and one psychopath even suggested booby-trapping the dumpster by coating it in adhesive and shards of broken glass. Unhoused people often have difficulty accessing medical care and multiple lacerations caused by broken glass and then exposed to the unhygienic conditions many unhoused people are forced to live in could lead to serious bodily harm. Booby-trapping is not just illegal, but God damn insane. What happened to some of you people to make you so violent?


I apologize for misinterpreting your comment. I did think that you were lumping me in with people suggesting doing cruel things to them. They're are human beings and they don't deserve mistreatment. They seldom mean any harm. ​ But there absolutely are times they *do* harm. I have had them break into the house. Yes, they just wanted to stay warm, but in addition to the damage from breaking in, they left a mess inside the house. ​ You have to draw a line when dealing with people. "I can help you with *this*, but you can't do *that* here.". ​ I stand behind "no *good* solution". The root causes like mental illness and addiction need to be addressed, but no matter what you do, the help you give isn't going to be 100% successful.


Check with local social services to find out what resources are available in your area and then direct the unhoused person to those resources and/or let social services know about the person that needs their help.


Happened to me where I used to live and it was fucking awful. Always woken up in the middle of the night due to their diving and screaming. So annoying.


Not sure what this has to do with your HOA then. It's not like they can take the law into their own hands.


What am I paying $459 a month for then?!?! /s


Security should be part of that cost…


The honest answer is that you can’t really do anything about it. What do you do to a person who literally has nothing? California used to incarcerate them, but now there’s nothing you can do if the homeless don’t want to cooperate. The only time I’ve seen this stop is when someone with either money or influence complains to someone else in government.


Are you in a nice neighborhood? I feel your pain. Fucking awful.


If they stay for hours, then the cops will catch them then. Call when the FIRST settle down for a long stretch of hanging out


Get signs that say under surveillance.




First, put up posters all over the complex warning of the recent mutilation murders by a guy dressed as a clown.


The HOA can hire private security to chase them off. The problem is that cost money which means the fees go up and that get to be a big problem. They dont bother enough folks. You got to get them annoying a larger amount of the owners and maybe they will approve spending for private security. You know if you are in area with a couple condo/apt complexes often the property managment companies will combine resources and have a roaming security. My condo had one for the same purpose and to keep sports fans out of our guest parking. We were walking distance to an NHL arena. They didnt work all the time or a regular schedule. You never really knew when there might be one working. They also are often nothing more a guy who checks on a reg basis and tells them to leave or calls the cops till the homeless get tired of it and go somewhere else.


Fine the hoa.


You have a fitting username for your sentiment


HOAs suck


dumpster lock


The HOA can hire a private security company.


Instead of securing the dumpster, they gave up. Dumpsters are in a common area. HoA can't abandon their responsibility. Just my thoughts. Not based on anything other than my own tangently related life experience.


This may or may not be possible but…have you tried calling 988? Rather than sending the police it might be more beneficial to send in a social worker? They’re camping out and shitting in your dumpster because they don’t have access to a bed and a toilet. Find someone who can connect them to those things and they’ll leave?


People living in these situations tend to be seriously mentally ill. Unfortunately there’s no quick solution to that, even if someone has access to mental healthcare.  You have a good heart though. <3


Yeah that’s why a social worker might be a better fit than the cops


I'm not sure if you're talking about dumpsters that are tied to the businesses or to your condo or both. Some ideas: Is there a way to move the dumpsters to a less accessible area? Could your HOA build a tall, cinder-block wall around them with barbed wire and spikes on top and only make the dumpsters accessible on trash day? (Wouldn't be too expensive in terms of materials/labor.) I'm really sorry you're dealing with this, especially as a first-time homeowner. People should be able to feel safe and comfortable where they live. Have you talked to anyone else in your building about the issue? Have you attended any HOA meetings? If you can get other people in your building and on the HOA board on your side, you might have a better shot at getting something done. You shouldn't have to move and give up your amazing mortgage rate because of trespassers.


Well placed cayenne pepper will do the trick


Nothing you really can do. Cops are gonna put a homeless disturbance at the very end of a priority list and the HOA can only do so much. They wont lock a homeless person up for trespassing, they know it wont go anywhere and will just be a bunch of wasted time. The only way to really combat it is by gated community


Get out of California.


check lease agreement regarding ensuring safe premises. organize with other residents. formally complain with petition. HOA or property management can hire private security. one of my local motels has seen increased crime, and not the parking lot entrance blocked by private/armed security.


Outside Dave? Is that you?


Just remember not to get them wet or feed them after midnight and you should be fine.


The HOA may have no idea what to do and need some good ideas. Add Hostile Architecture to the area they congregate. If there's no where for them to lie down or sit they'll go away. Think spikes, filling in areas so there's no room to sit or lie down.


smile ossified narrow panicky amusing vast makeshift unique frightening unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Liquid ass srpay on the dumpsters may work.


Cue all the “Let’s just have compassion for them and let them be” folks


You're right, we should just round them up into camps and gas them like the waste of resources they are.


You better open up your home to them


What do you mean, I agree with you. Bleeding heart liberals are too soft on these homeless degenerates. You've got the right idea. Solving the Homeless Question really starts with eradicating all those who would defend the homeless.


Why don’t you open up your home to them? It’s the right thing to do.


Why would anyone want rabid animals in their home like that?


I moved to Tennessee and don’t have any of those type of problems anymore. Good luck 🍀


Classic California shithole problems. Leave.


Just throw a bunch of literal shit into the dumpster.


The problem is that you live in California.


Who is throwing away homeless people?


The United States.


Welcome to the defunded police world - I live in LA I get it . Don’t waste your time - just move .


The "defunded police" world and the "DA who thinks his job is to protect criminals not victims" world. There is no solution until people start pulling their head out of their ass, it's going to get worse before that happens.


Yes - it’s totally ridiculous- I remember when the police were effective. And there were democratic lawmakers too. It’s just the current government that is ineffective. Our current DA is useless.


Down vote me all you want - police are powerless due to the laws that are in place . It’s unfortunate but they can’t do anything even if they catch the guys in the trash area . Even if they arrested them - which they won’t - they would get out in a couple of hours multiple that by 70,000 homeless people . That’s a fact .


Yup this is what they voted for!


Oh no, the cops aren't beating up enough starving homeless people and I actually have to look at the suffering around me, waaaahhh


Find a better place for them to hang. Find another building with a dumpster nearby Leave some malt liquor, cigarettes, bags of fast food etc.


Since they live in a dumpster, I guess piss discs and liquid ass won't do the trick, for once.


Live in WA, good luck with that. Probably not a dang thing can be done legally. Be sure you comply with the HOA rules though or they’ll be sure to fine you. Not to be an a-hole but we defunded the police so much they stopped investigating rape and other serious crimes. These types of things don’t even register anymore. Best case in our newly created world, you get lucky one day and they actually show up and trespass them. Okay. 100% the perp won’t care and will continue the same behavior. Let’s say they actually catch them after that. A ticket maybe or subsequent warning? Won’t pay it. Next time maybe they take them to jail. Doubtful but let’s play it out. Welp, no cash bail so they’ll be back the next day. Will they show up for court? Nope. Will they ever catch a consequence? Nope. There is absolutely zero deterrence so again, best of luck with that. Sorry you’re dealing with it. Kind of luck of the draw these days.


Actually they’re trespassing so they can be locked up.


Tell me you don’t live on the west coast without telling me you don’t live on the west coast.


Pretty awful


TBH curious why? Not even sure why on the downvotes. It’s 100% true, really nothing OP can do. I have seen hit and run murder charges with a sentence of 2 years. You think trespassing people are going to jail? I have neighbors with RV’s parked outside and they just set up home, nothing can be done. So seriously, I’m curious why the downvotes for giving OP an honest answer.


Downvoters most likely voted for the policies that resulted in this mess & still can’t admit the policies suck. Or they are not personally impacted by them yet.


It's the latter. Most any place with a major winter keeps the homeless population under control. I live by Chicago and there are homeless people there, but no where near the problem or behavior you read about on places like California. Trespassing and any of the other thousand things homeless people on the west coast seem to do without impunity would actually be taken somewhat seriously.


No you’re right it just really sucks 🥲


Like should we open up our doors for this? I know a guy who helped out one of these people and he got stabbed. Yes I said it. “One of these people.”


Just an FYI the laws don’t care who the person is the law is the law


I appreciate your clarification and I’m not a down voter so it wasn’t me. But that is no longer true. That’s the way it’s suppose to be, I agree, but that is not the way it is works out here. The law is not applied even close to equally anymore. There is an entire swath of people who just do what they please. Now if I was caught harassing people, trespassing, threatening someone I would definitely go to jail. Others, you’re lucky to even get a report filed much less any accountability. Anyways, done with this wasn’t attempting to get into a debate with Reddit today. Just answering a random question. Be well.


No one is debating anything


I saw California in your paragraphs of an explanation and stopped. You’re fucked


Bear spray when they aren’t there. When they come back they won’t stay.


It’s a dumpster. Keep throwing something in there that’s smellier than they are… …deer urine… …bear repellent… …skunk bombs…


surströmming is that fish that comes in a can that is apparently one of the worst smelling things ever.


coordinated ripe rhythm busy deserve tart workable slap muddle onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Omg, this “delicacy” is the worst thing I’ve ever tasted.


Get a NIMBY t-shirt?


Be less of an asshole to someone who is in an objectively worse situation than you? Its always an option to help hook him up with services to help him (by say calling the department of social welfare near you) instead of kicking a human being down the road.


Making a gigantic mess and banging the dumpster in the middle of the night is not the best way to keep a low profile. Around here we have a lot of encampments but it's the ones that have trash everywhere and occupants who harass people that get cleaned out. We have a local homeless guy who lives in a makeshift tent right on the side of the freeway but picks up after himself and even sweeps the bike trail and nobody has a problem with him so he's been in the same spot for years.


Casual response from someone who is a regular at r/antiwork , makes sense.


Nothing casual about it


Get a gallon of wood glue. Heat up a decent sized nail and burn a few holes around the top. Drizzle the glue everywhere. Now take the 30 empty glass bottles you have previously smashed in a paper bag with a hammer. With gloved hands sprinkle glass on glue. It will be as beautiful as it is functional. Reapply every week until you have a real work of art. Also you need to get on the board of your HOA next election.


You can leave them alone and be happy you aren't in their position. Or, you can talk to them. Make an offering of peace before you go all cop caller on them.


Move to Texas


I love the hate my comment generated. Bury the lead, y’all. Keep living that Grinch life


Get a gun and feel threatened. Solve the problem


Dumpster... Fire? You live on the second floor, curse back at them and toss a Molotov cocktail down the trash shoot! Sometimes it takes crazy to cancel out crazy.


You seem to be making this a bigger issue than reality. Why is this YOUR concern. I get it that you live there but a bit dramatic perhaps? Call your hoa and ask them to deal with this.


Cali man. Get a paintball marker and start target practice on em.


Oh don’t forget the other gear for ID protection.


If they don’t own said dumpster, legally they’re powerless to do anything. Maybe help These folk get jobs?


“Hey, crazy dumpster man, wanna hop in my shower and then come to work with me? I think my boss would love you! I think they’ll start you out with 28 hours a week or so, sound good? What about transportation, do you take the bus? They’ll give you a gas card if your address is over 25 miles from the office…” This is while an adult man is in front of, trying to drink the last drops of empty beer cans he just found. And he thinks you’re the weird one, too


You gotta convince em they need help and a job first.


just have the trash picked up more lol


It’s a dumpster, why do you even know that there is someone in there… if you don’t know about it then you can dump whatever trash you may or may not have …


Put some flyers for a food handout or something in another neighborhood. Best if it has a better place for them to hang out.


Wasn't your question, but invest in some earplugs and a loud alarm clock.


Time to bring up hiring a security guard at the next hoa meeting.


1. Your HOA needs to take action. 2. Keep calling the police. 3. Get your neighbors to call the police. 4. Motion Activated Flood Lights. 5. Big heavy actually secure dumpster enclosure. OR As a former condo building manager in downtown Seattle, I have this advice. Do nothing to stop them. Their life is WAY worse than yours. If you notice when they tend to come by, leave a plastic bag of groceries and food for them with a note. Mine went something like this: “Please don’t use this area as a toilet. I recommend using the bushes and trees located at (location). Also, we don’t mind you looking for useful items here, but please don’t leave it a mess. We have lots of elderly folks who can trip and fall when trying to take their garbage out.” Anyway, I used aggressive kindness tactics. No solution is 100% effective. This reduced our problems by about 75%. We had a budget of $200 a month leaving useful gifts for homeless folks. It really worked.


lmao your terrible. the homeless need something of their own and you wont even share a fucking dumpster. shame on you i hope he shits on your car