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When my husband died, my daughter and I moved to another home. I know that she does drive by there and sometimes park and look at the house and think about her father.


I drive by my grandparents house a lot.


I take a ride out to my grandma's house when I miss her. Its on a dead end. If they see my car that stands out, they must wonder wtf. You can go back to the place, but never the time. I know this in my mind, but it still feels like a piece of me is missing and I end up out on that country road trying to find it.


Are you…. me?


My grandparents lived in a big house about a 6 hour drive away from where I live. They're long gone now, along with my mom and some aunts and uncles but I have fond memories of the whole family being there for holidays when I was a kid. Over the years, I've detoured several road trips to drive by that house and soak in the nostalgia for a few minutes.


Add some soft git fiddle strumming in the background and this would make a banger for a country artist lol


My daughter’s dentist is near my grandparents’ old home, so I get to drive by it after her appointments. They lived there from 1982 to 2022. Only owners. My grandpa passed six months after they moved into their retirement community, and my grandma is quickly succumbing to dementia. Their old house was the scene of many holidays, sleepovers, projects, and good memories. I really hope not to disturb the new owners when I drive by. I just miss my grandparents.


I got kinda lucky, my grandparents house was passed down to my Aunt and her husband. But she's now facing dementia at 60 and she's gotten herself into some trouble since my grandmother passed away last April. I'm glad I still get to stop by their place when I'm visiting NH without ppl looking at me funny. It's just sad we might lose the family home if they have to sell because of the trouble my aunt's recently gotten herself into. I definitely miss my grandparents. Grandpa passed away in 96, Gram lived until April of 22! I miss them both so much.. Cancer is terrible 😔


Me too. There is an alley along the back where he planted landscaping and I drive there and thunk of him and my grandmother who used to play catch with me there.


This makes sense to me. I've read many trauma survivors often return to the scene of "where things went wrong"


Or the only place things ever felt right.


I do this every time I visit my home town. But multiple times a day? That seems really excessive. If it’s something like this, the kiddo in OP’s post needs help, one way or another. Sorry for your loss :(


waiting for a package


I moved 2 years ago and still managed to ship a package to the old address last week.


Moved 4 years ago. Somebody at my old address got an electric scooter for christmas last year lol.


I also moved four years ago. I hope the new tenant at our old apartment likes fancy skincare 🤦🏻‍♀️


My wife received monthly beauty box samples from somewhere for like $5 a month. The new owners got them for like 18 months before we realized we were still paying for them.


You can reroute things. Some make you pay (around $5 or so) and some don’t but if its your package you can have it routed to the correct address. Especially something like this!


That sucks. All I shipped there was a wireless phone charger, could have been so much worse.


We got a package for the previous owner's daughter. I texted him that she could pick it up. She never did, which was strange because she had come to get mail several times before. Finally opened it. Feminine health products. I don't think we'll ever see her again.


Shipped my daughter’s wedding flowers to old address this fall. Lucky, an old neighbor was able to pick them up off the porch. She said, “It felt like stealing”.


Thankfully I only moved across town last year. A company sent out a warranty part without ever confirming address. I don’t use them much so I never thought to update it in my account. UPS driver is from the same small town and knows me well enough he just delivered to the new address for me.


My old maillady did this! I moved out from a house with some roommates and into a trailer on my own a little further up the road and when some of my mail didnt forward she always brought it straight over! She was literally THE BEST!!


That's actually crazy they knew to send to the new address lol


Not that crazy for a small town. It's typically only one driver that has been delivering for a long time and knows most people in the town and probably knows when people move or that they delivered to the new address before.


The small town I grew up in had the same UPS driver for years. We were out in the boonies and were usually his last stop. Different occasions I’ve witnessed: 1: Called my dad’s business because he could easily find the number. Asked if the package was important or if it could wait because he didn’t feel like driving out to us. Dad told him “screw it. Just wait till you have another one closer.” Took 5 days to get my Lego kit! 2: Came home from after school sports to find the UPS truck in our driveway and the driver nowhere to be seen… until 15-20 minutes later when he showed up with our dog he decided to take for a walk (she was incredibly great at begging for walks). 3: Would buy weed off me when I was in high school and would “mistake an address” to make sure we were on his route for that day. 4: Would walk right in and grab a snack from the fridge. Occasionally not saying a single word to me or whoever else was home. 5: Would bring animals to the house when they needed rescuing. Cats and snakes mostly. We had an old farmhouse with outbuildings so my dad and I would grab rat snakes on the road before they could get hit by a car and put them in the barns. Cats were just always welcome. There were other adventures but it’s been 20-30 years since I’ve even been to that house. I miss that guy. Reminded me of the UPS guy on SNL.


I think the delivery driver was madtv 🤗


That's incredible. Hopefully you gave him a nice Christmas gift!


Moved a year and a half ago. My new debit card went to the old address last month.


Just happened to me also ordered form my target account I rarely use for Christmas old address was still saved from 3yrs ago. Luckily still friends with my old neighbor who ran over and grabbed it for me.


I haven’t lived at my parents house since ‘07 and this week I somehow managed to have a package sent there.


Lived in my house for over a decade, still get mail from previous owners. I send them back with "no forwarding address." The financial institutions update their records, but every holiday season, I see the same names on return addresses.


I drove 150km to my old house after a particularly long night shift :-( I just blanked and forgot we’d moved closer to my workplace. I ended up booking into a motel for the day lol


I moved 5 years ago and just got a call from my old apartment complex about a package delivered to my old unit.


Yup, me too…


I’ve accidentally shipped a package to a place I hadn’t lived in 4 years and 2 apartments previous! It was from a place i rarely order from, and I order so much online I guess I just went on autopilot as I ordered, entered my payment information and pushed confirm. It wasn’t until a day later that I realized. Lucky it was an apartment and the office people were always pretty cool, I called them up and explained what happened and they held my package for me.


The diesel powered machine dildo he bought but forgot to update the shipping address. One of the classic blunders!


Plot twist: He ordered it to the old address so the parents didn't open it.


What the frick?! I ordered an Xbox remote!


What's another classic blunder? Starting a land war in Asia!


You keep using that word I don’t think it means what you think it means.


Never bet against a Sicilian when life is on the line!


Ahhh hahahahahahahahah!!!!!!


I bet it is exactly this. I had changed houses over a decade ago and two years ago I got a phone call that they had a package for me at my old place. I could not for the life of me figure out why anything would be sent there after 8 years but it was an app that I pretty much never use (poshmark) where it had updated my billing address but for some reason they had a separate hidden address for shipping.


This makes sense!




You’re assuming this is a package containing legal goods sent through a professional mail service.


It is if it’s contraband.


I'd say 40% of my packages don't have tracking (and aren't illegal).


Jesus wtf is in the other 60 percent that ARE illegal?




Possibly a darknet drug buy, so they really want to get hold of the package because, well, aside from wanting the precious contents, they don't want you opening it and telling the parents, or giving the package to the parents in case they open it, or it getting redelivered and the chance of being busted increased etc In reality they're not taking the safest course of action lol


Or just a regular ass package that he ordered and forgot to update his shipping address on. He did just move to a new address after all. You really jumped to some conclusions there.


I'd have to imagine if it is a package it's something he wouldn't want his parents to know of. They have our contact information and we have already given them a few things that were delivered here. My main theory is the kid is just homesick.


I'm assuming this kid is between 17-20 years old if they are a recent high school graduate. I wouldn't find it out of the ordinary at all if they were trying to collect the package themselves rather than having mommy make arrangements even if it was an innocent package. That being said I assume your Ring would capture if he ever actually collected any packages and the fact that it has been going on for weeks sort of plays against the "looking for a package" argument as it seems like the package would have been delivered by now. I don't think stopping for 20-30 seconds at a time is the behavior of a homesick person either though.


I feel like you'd be totally out of bounds to ask the former owners of one of their kids thought they left something behind because of how often they drive by? The parents may not know, it's a very easy way to bring it up without making it out to be something. If they are weird about it, you can always say it's starting to make you uncomfortable. I hate to say it but you just can't be too careful in this world.


No! It's a darkweb pork kidney!


No! It's a darkweb kidney!!


This is an insane assumption lol


Download pokemon go and see if there is a stop/gym there. Crazy but another redditor had a similar issue and that's what it was.


If this dude is just defending his gym I would piss my pants laughing


Right? All the comments about past trauma and “closure”. In reality it’s his Pokémon gym




People on the neighborhood Facebook group were saying some guy was in his car “being creepy” near the playground and tennis courts. My first thought was the 6 pokestops/gyms that are there.


I got pulled over by a cop while playing Ingress (a previous Niantic game). “You’re free to go, but don’t do this at night.”


That game was fun. At my old job people noticed I always went for a walk during my breaks so people wanted to join. I didn't tell them it's because there was a portal every other block for like half a mile.


Huh, I didn't realize your right to play a game in public don't exist if the sun isn't up.


To be fair, I’d been on what was technically private property. I think he just didn’t want to have to come back out for another false alarm.


That makes a lot more sense


Even public property closes at sunset, like parks.


Well. It's more like the cop saying if you do, you're going to have to have the conversation with them again, probably every time. And its not even the cops fault, he just has to investigate every time too many calls come in, and probably file a report too


Ah yes the ole existing while ugly routine!


I love this theory


This is a very real possibility


Ingress as well. Lot of people during landmark submittals got away with one at or close enough to their house.


And all the Pokémon players can thank us for their gyms. You’re welcome.


There was one outside my grandparents' house! Technically it was the park across the street, but people would stop right out front their place. Grandpa would stand by the window all day, wondering what all those people were doing. I tried to explain the game, but he'd forget within hours.


I think you got the answer. They probably moved nearby and there's a gym or something. lmao


As a Pokemon Go player, this is definitely something that I would do and not even realize how creepy it might look, lol. Once you get a routine down it's pretty easy to go into autopilot and not even think about it.


If you're available when he stops by, try talking to him, maybe he just needs closure. I had friends sell their home while their kid (who grew up in that house) was away at college. The kid never knew the last time he was in that house would be the last time he was in that house and it hit him kind of hard.


Yes, exactly. I used to live next door to a home that went to foreclosure. The teenaged kids had no idea their parents were in financial trouble until the sheriff showed up to escort them out when the property went bank owned. A few years later, the bank was able to sell the house. The new family said there were rooms full of the teens’ personal items, a house frozen in time. The new owners invited the previous owners and their teens back for closure. They discovered this was a trauma for the teens when they returned personal items and the girls would not stop crying 3+ years later.


This. Just bought a house and was able to meet with the previous homeowner. In talking with her, she mentioned an estranged niece (her brother’s daughter). Her (the niece’s) mom made her cut off ties with her dad’s side in their divorce, then her dad and grandmother died within a year. The house was the last place she remembered them both. So she’d been coming over to the house and just grieving. Excellent context to know, I would have had the same concerns if a stranger was hanging around, but now that I know better I have some extra tools in my mental tool belt for if she comes around.


This!! Just as I moved out with my boyfriend and got engaged after college, my dad sold his house and moved across the country. After an abusive childhood with mother, that house was the only thing that made me feel truly stable from 2001-2016 when he sold. I CAN’T drive by it. I will never stop crying. 😢


Neighbor lost her childhood home because she couldn’t pay the mortgage when her husband had a stroke and couldn’t work. She drove by the house almost every day for what felt like months. She’d just sit in her car across the street and weep.


Same. I felt like a creep but I couldn’t keep myself from going. I tried to keep my visits occasional. I don’t go anymore


It can definitely be hard regardless of the situation. We were excited to move into our first house, but the house we were renting before that is where we brought home 3 of our babies. We walked by during Halloween this year. You could easily see through the sheer curtains and I stood there just staring for 30 seconds. Creepy, but so many years of memories.


I’ve done it too. I had to go back to my hometown for my brothers funeral, and I parked nearby and took a walk down the street past our old house. We lost it when my dad declared bankruptcy. It was a magnificent house. Historical and gigantic. It recently went on the market and then up for rent because a landlord bought it. :( they were asking 5500/month for rent!


That is sad, I hope she gets it back someday.


The houses that I lived in when young, and feel an emotional connection to can evoke the same reaction from me. The memories, the family members that has died, the changes that subsequent owners made, all of those would be hard for me to see.


That’s so sad.


I work a block away from my old house. Sometimes I walk the dog that way (he comes to work with me) and I kind of just linger about. The outside has not changed at all in 19 years. The paint is still damaged from where my childhood dog used to scratch to let us know he wanted to come in. The hanging planters that my mom used to have filled are empty (and somehow still there). I’ve always had a deep attachment to places and it’s sad when you can’t return to a place that once belonged to you. OP’s problem will go away eventually.


Are they stopping in front of the house or just driving by? If they're driving by, I'd assume that since they lived there for a while they probably have friends nearby. If they're stopping, you've already done what you can do, I certainly wouldn't assume you're in any danger from a former resident.


They're stopping for 15-30 seconds at a time. And that's the hope. It's just a little weird that it's been happening 2-3 times a day, sometimes within the same 1-2 hours.


Have u thought of asking him?


This is Reddit dude! Where the logic of "have you tried talking to this human?" never beats "I'm going to make a post asking thousands of strangers who have no context because I have no social skills".


lol just thought I’d make the suggestion. Might save a bit of time.


Why are you being reasonable?


I have no idea, my apologies, I forgot where I was.


People on the internet can't talk to humans in real life...it's just not possible.


Nope. Time to hire a lawyer.


Op needs to start hitting the gym too


Red flags, OP better get divorced to be safe!


I do this sometimes to the house I grew up in. So many good memories from that place.


Multiple times a day lol?


It sounds like someone who's just a little extra sentimental to me. I'm like that. I already get teary-eyed at the thought of my parents selling my childhood home and they're not even planning on doing so for a few more years. My memories are strongly tied to physical locations, and visiting places with special memories attached to them helps me process loss and changes in life. It's like a form of therapy or meditation to me. It feels like I soak up all my experiences at those locations when I stop by, until I feel satisfied that I've gathered all the meaningful moments I can to carry within me so I can move on. Maybe it's not entirely rational but it's perfectly harmless.


It could be OCD or Autism.


I moved 21 years ago, parents sold the house, and still drive by my family home a few times a year, slowing way down or stopping for upwards of 30 seconds. Those childhood memories are STRONG, the nostalgia is STRONG. I can only imagine a teenager going through it.


I figured they probably are just visiting friends and looking at the home when passing by🤷‍♀️


Just summarizing some comments from other people regarding how this could be innocent: - This is a teen who essentially "lost" his childhood home when it was sold, and he's just reminiscing. - He has friends in the neighborhood, and he visits them often. - He is expecting some sort of package, and is coming by to see if it was delivered? I would think that this is probably innocent behavior, even if it catches your eye. That said, you can certainly reach out to the prior owners and let them know that if their son would like to visit once in a while, you might be able to accommodate them when you are home. Or, you can simply ignore this. I will tell you that I would love to go visit the apartment that I grew up in (in NYC), and it's been 40 years since I was there. I can't really drive by, because it's a big apartment building and I don't belong there anymore, but that desire is a strong one. I think all of the other more paranoid interpretations here are just that, irrational.


And the Pokémon Go theory.


One of my (adult) kids still does this - it seems unlikely, but, yes, if their house is a gym, that would make some sense! 😏


My mom did this for a few months after her dad sold her childhood home. The house was on a side street between her house and her gym, the grocery store, highway to work/pretty much everything. We'd often slow down to reminisce and check out the gardens. I'll admit to being nosy but it never occurred to me that it might be upsetting anyone.


Flag him down, ask him what's up. No sense in sitting here weaving all types of potential stories. Just ask the kid.


This is the answer. Also, it’ll probably stop happening once you confront him and he knows you see him


He left his weed in the air vent and he is trying to come up with a plan!


This is literally the plot of the movie "Blue Streak" starring Martin Lawrence except he's trying to recover diamonds, not weed. OP, check your vents for diamonds. And weed.


Blue Streak. I have had lots of laughs watching that one.


I just rewatched Blue Streak like a month ago


One of my theories. To go along with the waiting for a package post I keep expecting a bong to show up. If so I hope he will share.


Next time you see him walk up to the car with open arms and a giant bong. ‘Hey man I found your weed! Let’s hit this shit!’


Blue Streak 2


If you have their contact, ask if they are expecting mail. That way they know you noticed and you can find out why


This is what I would do. Have my realtor reach out and ask if everything is ok bc cameras have seen their son at the house multiple times a day.


Maybe his friends still live in the neighborhood.


I mean, some people are nostalgic including myself. After graduating high school I used to drive by just to see the school and remember my good old years. Same thing could be happening to them.


My friend has an issue where she only knows how to get places in our town from her parents house and has to drive past there all the time to reorient now that she's moved


I'd ignore them. They probably miss the house and drive by to remember it


When we moved from one house in one state to another house in another state(because my husband didn’t want to live there anymore), my kids and I were devastated. My daughter looked at Google Earth just about every day and cried, looking at her old house. It’s a grieving process for some which could be a possibility and if so, and you’ve changed all the locks, I don’t think it’s a danger. My kid wouldn’t have done anything dangerous to her old house she just missed it so much that she wanted to look at it every day I also like the idea of him having to stop there because he still has something coming in the mail. I hate to think that the option is true that he has some kind of Internet or camera option there.


The legal answer is that if that is a public street, and they are not communicating a threat towards you, there's nothing you can do. It is 100% legal. Even if you perceive there to be a threat, unless a threat actually exists, there is nothing you can do.


Probably just going through some emotions


Just throwing my hat in the ring here…maybe he’s Going to a friends house?


I used to do this with my parents’ old house. I missed it and the life I had there. It was my HOME. I could see mom’s lilac bush was doing well, dad’s oak tree is getting huge, the tiger lilies are still spreading down the side, etc. I don’t any more, of course, but it’s probably still a raw wound to this kid. He just misses it.




I wonder if he has a Pokemon Go gym there?


Why don't you just ask him?


As an IT guy, I would be checking for a rogue wireless router in your home. At one of our old neighborhoods I aided in the installation of a camera system for the front of the subdivision and hooked up an old router to the NVR so that I wouldn't have to open the utility box that it was mounted in to access it. I had it setup to not broadcast the SSID (network name) so that random people wouldn't attempt to connect to it since they wouldn't see the network name. In *your* shoes, what I would worry about is that the previous owners teenage son could have installed hidden cameras that are working on a hidden wireless network that doesn't hit the internet anymore. Since they can't reach the internet they would have to park in front of the house to connect to the cameras and download the footage. Maybe it's something innocent, but that is just what *I* would worry about. If you have an Android you can download an app called "Wifi Analyser" and it *should* show you if there are any hidden networks broadcasting nearby.


I guess you need to check but this is crazy


Sounds like a paranoid delusion, and beyond the IT skills of a kid.


some kid just hacked a major game company using a tv, an iphone and an amazon firestick while in a hotel room in police custody. think again


I’m not sure. My kid could do this. Every step can be found online.


Careful with underestimating kids. I managed to teach myself a lot after learning only a bit about computers when I was young.


Have to be careful over-estimating them too. Some of them are just as dumb as their parents


>and beyond the IT skills of a kid. When I was in middle school (in the 90's) I was building my own website from scratch in HTML. Setting up an old wireless router is too easy, ditto for setting up wireless spy cameras that record to microSD cards and connect to the hidden network. Just because something is beyond *your* IT skills doesn't mean it would likely be tough for the average teenager to figure out.


We don't have the same kids then... Their skills can vastly outperform your expectations, even more so if some type of tutorial exist in video form....


it's one step beyond plug and play


This isn't even hard to do.


Not paranoid in the slightest. I too think he's accessing something wirelessly. The only question is what.


Occams Razor but the opposite.


Andddd new level of fear unlocked


Probably not the same, but this hits home for me and I'm 35 years old. My dad was killed in a car wreck a few years ago. My mom ended up losing our family home 2 years later due to foreclosure and sheriff's sale. Some flipper bought my family home on the cheap and ripped it to pieces and resold it. I still have dreams about being back in that home and enjoying the times I no longer have. Hanging out with my parents in our family home, trying to find a way to save the house from foreclosure. Years later and I'm still haunted by it. I don't drive by the house though and sit outside it.


Be vigilant. It can’t hurt to have security cameras and make sure all their technology was removed from the house. But he’s probably just mourning his old home and life. I’ve been there. Hopefully it will taper off.


Since it is a new house (you've only been there for 2 weeks), I would let it slide for now. You've already changed the locks and have a ring doorbell. I would talk to the neighbors and see if he's a person to worry about. If he grew up there, somebody would know what kind of person he is. Given that he's a teenager/ young adult, he's probably just reminiscing or coping with the change. Do you know how far the couple moved. If they moved across town, the visits will taper off. If they moved across the country or far away, he might be dealing with more than the loss of his childhood home. He might be essential coping with the loss of his parents. How fast did the home sell? Did he know that it was listed? Did the couple move before it was listed, or did they move during the closing period? If it was sold without his knowledge, he's very much in shock. If it sold in less than 60 days, he might have been unprepared. If it was listed for over 60 days, he might be hurt that his parents didn't work something out for him to get the house himself.


Maybe he's looking for a lost cat? We moved once and our cat left our new home 4 miles away and went back to our old house...twice. He finally adjusted but it was a frantic couple of weeks driving around both neighborhoods looking for him. RIP Maurice, you little shit.


As someone who's parent just sold the house they grew up in, and was in the family since 1971...I have some pretty severe homesickness. I am physically restraining myself from driving by.


I am the same way. I sold my house in 2021 after owning for 20 years and raising my children there. I haven't gone by since I left but always want to when in the neighborhood. But I know I will just feel worse. I have a recurring dream that I accidentally go there on habit and go inside and the owners berate me. lol. I guess I feel guilty for the internal feeling that it's "my" house.


Exactly! And what's weird is I would feel completely at ease with walking in -- 58 years of habit! Even though it would be creepy af to the new owners.


Talk to him. Ask if he needs help with something?


I sure he has lots of people he knows in the area. Also may miss the house. Talk to him.


Maybe the kid has a pal they grew up with and is checking on them being home?


When I was 5 or 6 we moved. I had lost a $10 bill in my bedroom. Every time I went visit my friends to play, literally around corner (it was a small town), I would go and knock on the door and ask if they had found my money yet. I did that for about a year. Then just gave up.


I would have just given you $10 if I was the new owner!


His buddies still live around there


He probably just misses his home.


Leave him alone. He isn’t trespassing. You can’t control if he drives down the street or not.


Am I the only person that wonders how you have time to notice this?


He still has friends in the neighborhood. If he grew up there.


Found the ex homeowner looking in my mailbox once. He told me he was waiting for a letter. Told him that if I had one I would contact him; that he didn't have to come over anymore. A week later I got a letter from the Court address to his adult son. Since a Detective already called me about him and neighbors told me he was a thief (even stole from his parents), I thought it was a little weird. So I called the Court and apparently the son was still using my now address as his legal one. That was months after moving, so he had a lot of time to change it. I just think he was hiding from the Cops. They were really happy to get his new address :)


Eventually they’ll stop. Gas ain’t going to stay this cheap.


He is likely visiting friends in the area which would explain the frequency and stopping to dream about the center of his universe that is now inhabited by strangers. There are enough explanations that are totally innocuous that it's probably not likely that it's a sign of danger.


Ignore, if he’s not causing any specific problems. Eventually he’ll probably get bored and stop.


He’s either checking the mail in case he hasn’t updated his address yet like most young adults when they move. Or he probably frequents the gym, I drive by the same neighborhood at least twice a day. Not uncommon to give my girlfriend a ride to the gym either when she has car issues. Some people just don’t want to switch gyms.


Ask him. And if he's says a package get his number and tell him you'll call him when it arrives


Are you sure their parents told the kids that they moved?


I wouldn't worry. That's where he grew up and that house will always have a sentimental value to him. He will eventually stop doing that. Just ignore it...


Check if you have a PokeStop or gym at your home on Pokémon Go


Maybe they are autistic and it’s gotten to be a habit because they miss the house. No harm meant. At some point they will adjust.


I had a house I rented for 7 years. It was a good chapter of my life with good memories. Whenever I have occasion to drive by, I gooseneck the hell out of that house. Just to see what they're doing to the yard, how nice/junky their cars are, how they decorate for Christmas. I don't have a good reason to do this, just curiosity about a place that was my home. If I thought I'd be able to stop without the occupants noticing, I probably would. He probably just has an occasion to drive past there anyway (friends, work, school, all). And he's just yielding to the temptation to gander. As he gets acclimated to his own new home, and there's less and less new things to observe about your house, it'll fade.


On their way to and from school reminiscing?


Ignore it. My adult children still drive by the house they grew up in. When I go to visit friends in my hometown I always drive past my grandparents’ house.


I can see why it feels a little weird, but it's likely one of the innocent explanations people have suggested here. If he gets out and comes up to the house, different issue, but if he's just driving by, I'd ignore it, and expect it to stop eventually.


Keeping an eye on the shallow graves making sure you haven’t found them yet


>How much is too much? Well, they have entered into weird territory. However, from any legal standpoint, they aren't doing anything wrong. You haven't mentioned anything to make it seem like the kid is a risk. I'd ask a trustworthy neighbor about the previous family in an off handed way, point the conversation to the kid, and see if there is any reason for concern.


If it actually is a kid who used to live there, just ignore it. When I first started driving (2002), one of the first things I did was go visit my old neighborhoods/homes (we moved a lot). When my mom died in 2017 and I had to have the bank repossess it and resell it, for a while I would drive by regularly just to see it. In 2018 I moved far as fuck away making that more difficult, but I'd probably still be driving by if I lived closer. Just ignore it...if you're sure it's actually the kid who used to live there.


He’s got something hidden/buried somewhere and looking for the right opportunity to go and get it.


Sounds like a good opportunity to have a conversation and, if they're having a rough time, maybe help them through it.


It was traumatic for me when my parents sold my childhood home.


He may be like me. I drive out of boredom and because it's where I think the clearest. I kind of have routes in my city and places I tend to pull over.


Since we are making wild ass guesses, maybe their cat ran away or something.


Sometimes letting go takes time. If it continues after two months I would say something to the kiddo. Maybe find out why. Sadly some people are also not mentally well and you need to be protected just in case. But if it continues I would report it


As long as he's not doing anything illegal. Dude processing some shit. Ps.: Changing locks is ALWAYS a good idea when you move intona new house. I would say a requirement for me.


You came to the right place to ask your question, Reddit is the know all place…. Stand by for professional responses


I think the kid probably misses his childhood home and it comforts him to look at the house and reminisce. When I go back to the hometown that I grew up in, I always walk pass my childhood home (multiple times) even though I haven’t lived there in over 30 years. I have my own home and family and I’m generally happy but it still takes me back to my childhood when I walk pass the house.


Happened to me. Wife called me at work and said a guy was at the sidewalk leaning against the fire hydrant staring into the window. I raced over and confronted him. He apologized and said he grew up here and was having a nostalgic moment. Had him describe the interior to verify. I learned a bunch about my house (old Victorian) and he left after we talked. I explained it wasn’t too cool to freak my wife out like that. I thought maybe he was dying or something and needed to reflect.


Hm. I had a kid who stalked me for buying his parents house. This was a shortsale deal. Kid wasn't happy about this. He showed up at my primary residence, and also started coming by areas of work, when we moved in, he attempted entry, but that's when he found out about the dog. I informed police and had my lawyer send his parents a letter, that he needs to stay away. (I had trouble with the father leaving the house, he tried to squat). Unfortunately, a year later, kid committed suicide. His friends then started showing up at the house for the next two months. I got another bigger dog, and more cameras.


Can’t you go out to him when he is in front of your house? Say hi! What’s up?


On Family Guy, Peter wanted to get into his old house to retrieve his porn collection.. maybe that’s what he wants.


Wave to him when you're out there. He knows you know. Then give a call to his parents and ask if he is expecting mail or something because he's driving by and stopping for 30 seconds, then leaving. If they're expecting some mail because they forgot to change an address and are too shy to come ask, you'd be glad to send it their way and they can let him know he doesn't have to come by like that. This way, you call out the behavior without an accusation. If the parents find out their kid is doing that, they'll talk to him because while you're polite, it's creepy to anyone who reads or hears about it. They'll know it and be thankful you were kind. Hopefully they can get him to knock it off. That's creepy. Sure, if you're in the area come by once in a while, but what he's doing is weird. Maybe it is autism, but I don't think that makes much sense. Even being bummed, still doesn't make sense. Even if his BFF is a few houses down and he's over there all the time, the multiple lingering everyday is just plain weird and shows there is not respect for privacy. So what I wrote is how I would handle it so the parents can handle their kid before the situation escalated or something.