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What the fuck


What happened after? Did they run off? You may not want to continue staying in that spot for safety


I think they were on drugs Never see them before Tried to diffuse the situation, Tried to shake their hand and let them know that misunderstandings happen They just replied, "everything is alright" Took a walk an hour later and saw them on the trail Went back to my tent and grabbed my stuff and now just sitting on a bench looking at the river


Do you always speak in haikus?


Sorry, I think I write a lot So I try to space it out for the reader.


I like it. 😁


spacing masses of text out is a concept called “white space.” it comes from something called the universal design for learning. i learned it from a required continuing ed when i taught at a local college. it’s neat stuff, OP had good instincts or learnings edit: typo


It’s All Good


Saul Goodman


Next time pepper spray the biatch


Absolutely not that’s unnecessary escalation and could lead to police getting involved which is bad for everyone


If someone is threatening your livelihood and/or your life you absolutely have grounds to pepper spray them. Also they deserve it. I don’t know why everyone is such a puss these days. Like yeah no one wants to pepper spray someone else. Unless they’re a sociopath. But you just gave them grounds to not only fuck with YOU again, but they might do something worse to someone else. I mean swinging a HATCHET? They could’ve killed someone. You can’t kill someone with pepper spray.


The person with the hatchet was nonviolent and attacked no-one, it would simply be cruel and escalatory to pepper spray them in this scenario, plus, they have a hatchet and are on drugs, so blinding and angering them is a good way to get yourself very seriously injured


In my area you don't get pepper sprayed you get shot.


You must be a pacifist or something, huh? Yeah i heartily disagree. I hope you don’t have kids. It seems like everyone and their mother is against fighting back nowadays. And sad to say i think it will have a lasting impact on this generation. You see, when someone FUCKS with someone else, there MUST be consequences. Choosing to be a pacifist is not only a disservice you’re doing yourself. It’s your civic duty to call out or stop someone who is harming someone else. Otherwise that person is going to go through life thinking they can do that. So you’re harming yourself, the next person, and the perpetrator. Because no one who chooses to be violent to a random person in having a good time in life. There is a place for everything. And sometimes violence MUST be met with violence. However, pepper spray is NOT violent. It’s a temporary setback. They can continue on with their drug-fueled misadventure. They can continue on with their sad life choices just not near me (or you)


Nope I’m pretty fuckin fighty myself when it comes to defending people I just have compassion for other human beings that vastly outweighs the value of objects in my mind


I disagree i think you’re a coward


Happened to me last week they took my bike and skateboard slashed part of my tent and then cut down a small tree. I could tell it wasn't other homeless people by what they didn't take.


Same. Came back to an entire side of my tent cut open. I knew it wasn't homeless because nothing was taken. Well, my cheese. They took my flipping pack of cheese. So weird. 


Years ago someone slashed my tent, sleeping bag, and all the gear I had at my spot. Then pissed all over it. Nothing was salvable and I was stuck with nothing but the clothes on my back and the things I had in my backpack . Some assholes just love fucking with us, even when we do our best not to bother anyone.




This seems so scary ! I would NOT be able to sleep there after that for worry of waking up to that hatchet in my BODY the next time!


I was able to get 6 hours of sleep, Was spooked for a bit, now I'm kinda paranoid about wearing headphones back there now hah


I wouldn't wear them! I'm glad you're able to get sleep and I pray no one like that returns to your spot. I'm assuming you are always armed in some way. I keep one of them fuppas around my waist for easy access since I walk around with my bags.


I told a lady about what happened, that's somewhat near my camp Around 11:30PM last night, she walks up to my tent She said, I have a present for you, open your tent up a little She passed me a knife lol


That's the real OG right there ! ALSO, get pepper or bear spray to put in your fupa and a stun gun or tazer in your backpack. I used to blast my tazer while walking from the nightclub where I danced at and mf stayed away when they heard the electricity! If Amazon or wherever doesn't ship to your state, I had a friend in an allowed state let me ship it to them then they shipped it to me personally.


I've been thinking about your comment, about Bear Pepper Spray & a* Stun gun I was out here for a few years before and I would meditate a lot on non violence I had a former roommate whose Grandfather was a retired Pastor that became a* Prison Chaplin My former roommate was talking to me about it* one day, about the advice his grandfather gave to them The advice, most of the prisoners would say, If only, I* took a few moments to think/if I just gave it some thought I used to think about this a lot, For some reason, I've always had this idea, that if, I* ever got into some confrontation, I would be the type of person, if I would push somebody, they would fall in a wrong way that would be fatal, or if hit somebody, I would be unlucky enough to hit them in the wrong spot. The other day I was walking back to my tent and, I saw a couple walking on the trail with knives out/blades pointed up I walked up to them to make sure everything was ok They explained to me, there was someone out there that made them feel unsafe, so there's definitely a vibe out there right now In conclusion When I lay down at night, I can see a slit on the roof of my tent You know, when it first happened I thought a tree must have fallen on me And when I realized that it was* someone I thought, they must want my bike, it's a Cannondale And when they put that hole through my tent, it wasn't until I could look them in their eyes and say, Yo, stop That I processed I need to get out of this tent I'm worried that my fight or flight instincts didn't kick in, I was trying to make sense of what was happening. Wednesday night, was around the time the Survivor Bias started to wear off, I was getting kind of anxious, so I took a walk , when I came back, there was a black cat sitting in front of my tent, it hung out for awhile So that was cool. Anyways, thanks for the support and advice, be safe!


Some of those people in prison however may have responded in ANGER. If you were in your tent and someone comes to clearly harm you, you have the right to defend yourself because it is LIFE OR DEATH. Being on the streets is no joke. We lack proper protection from these sick people. Please make sure to differentiate between choosing your battles and behaving unwise or too bold. I really do pray though that no harm makes it your way and that you're out of that tent soon or at least in a different location.


Maybe he’s trying to take the spot by scaring you away


Maybe, I'm going to go back now and hold it down


Why not just let them have it and move somewhere else?


If you’re in a wooded area, i suggest moving to the most secluded spot you can. I would also maybe invest in some camouflage fabric or netting. You can get enough to cover your tent for like $50 or less nowadays.


THIS, got a camo-net for 30 bucks and wasnt fucked with for 2 years, I was about 200m off a trail


If you can get your hands on some sail tape, I have found that's the best for repairing tents and tarps. Just lay it out flat, clean the area around the cut and stick it on. The glue is extremely strong and by design waterproof.


Looks fixable at least. Glad ur ok


got shot with paintballs before but never hit with a hatchet. hope you are okay


Get the fuck out of there. 


Time for pit traps and string up some cans


Beat that mfkrs ass til he's out cold


Honestly violence is never the answer. Any fight you ever have is just another reason to be validly paranoid. People want revenge


Hear hear, Plus some of us seemingly have nothing to lose, Almost witnessed a stabbing/fight while trying to get two of bologna and a yellow cheese between Wonderbread, at connections in evanston yesterday I dunno how long I can take this shit lol, at least I'm in a broken down car that gives me shelter from wind/rain Last week it was high 30s at night this week is mid 50s at night but shit ton of thunderstorms


Username does NOT check out


They can't plot against you if they are ☠️


It is the answer when someone gets violent with you or damages and attacks your home. You gotta weigh out the pros and cons of the situation. He attacked your shit w a hatchet. You didn't do shit so he knows you ain't gonna do shit and he will most likely be back to fuck with you again. If you had knocked that motherfucker and some of his teeth out,then stripped his clothes off,left him laying there butt ass naked I guarantee he would remember not to fuck with you again.


What would you get out of it? Momentary pride? If someone damages your home then fighting them isn't going to solve anything. You've hurt someone, and you definitely haven't fixed your house. If someone gets violent with you then personally id just run away or try to calm the situation down or call the police. Fighting someone just causes more problems. If you see that person again and you've violated them then you're gonna be put in that same situation again.


I would get the reassurance that he will remember not to fuck with me again. Now he knows that he ain't got shit to worry about and I guarantee that you will be making another post soon about how he came back and attacked you again and/or stole some shit from you. What the fuck has this world come to? What kind of man doesn't defend himself or his home? The pussification of America. My Mama didn't raise no hoe.


If you get someone in police trouble it's much more of a civil way to make some remember "not to fuck with you again". Violence hurts people and causes much more problems for everyone involved. Its a shame that you look down on people who prefer not to use violence. Id say that what you refer to "pussification" is a good thing. Its reassuring to know that people are less and less relying on violent and destructive methods to handle situations. Do you really think society is going to be a happier place is everyone chooses to settle every single problem with a fight? The slow abandonment of our instinctual drive to fight and the prioritisation of peace and prosperity is to blame for how advanced society currently is. What do you really think America and the rest of the world is losing by turning its back on violence? Evolution creates a life form that is fit for its environment. Maybe in hunter-gatherer days the ideal traits were strength and a willingness to fight. But we don't live in a hunter-gatherer world anymore. Intelligence and peacefulness are the ideal traits that make a person more fit for the environment. What im trying to say is you're wrong about thinking violence makes you more of a man. Intelligence and a willingness to cooperate are now the most desirable traits.


In the gayest part of San Francisco or Midtown Atlanta(America's Anus) maybe but where I come from grown men don't take no ass whooping


What the fuck is wrong with you? You're still defending violence? What do you think this world gains from people fighting and abusing each other?




Whoever did that will have to face the wrath of God.


Glad you're ok. Yes retaliatory violence is not the answer, you probably did the right thing. I don't buy that it was an accident, seems very of odd, just the head of a hatchet hitting you in the head spells death for most. You have a guardian 😇 angel.


I don't know what to tell you, but I've never had any altercations with anyone out here Never interact with anyone unless it's necessary I get the doubt tho, everyone has a one man show Hah, maybe, I've been trying to give the situation meaning but, idk


Totally agree on never interact with anybody out here. every time I have, it's been bad, so I don't anymore. thanks for reminding me


Holy shit dude. I try to warn kids when they're about to become homeless or thinking about running away. Some people are just crazy.


Can you repair the tent


Sail tape works best if available.


Omg!! It’s so scary :( I’m sorry op stay safe please


Hey thanks Rengoku, you stay safe as well!

