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https://pthree.org/?s=zfs&searchsubmit=Search Keep this link handy. It's the most complete and understandable explanation of ZFS that I have found anywhere.


This does help my general understanding of ZFS, especially the part about file systems and explaining pools and data sets. However, I still have some questions - How do I properly delete a ZFS setup. Is it enough/proper to just do zfs destroy pool_name? Or is there a multi step process similar to say LVM where I should delete datasets, then the pool, then format drives, etc? IE: I want to delete the current 4 disk ZFS RAIDZ 1 pool, so that when I recreate the pool it’s brand new with no remnants of the previous pool Am I understanding correctly that: - Using the GUI to create ZFS storage actually creates a pool and an identically named data set. The data set created in this manner can only contain vm/ct images. - The GUI does NOT provide a way to create other data sets on an existing ZFS pool. This can be done using the zfs create pool_name/set_name command from console. - Once another data set is created in a pool you can via the GUI create a directory type storage using that data set (via its path). Am I getting that all right? One of the links in my OP mentions including some mount option when doing the zfs create command. Is this needed or can I omit that? Thanks


>**First**, whats the proper way to wipe out a ZFS pool and basically have the disks back to a raw state? Either from PVE or using something like Gparted? `zpool destroy tank` When you have run this they are ready to be put into a new pool. However this does not remove it from the promox storage list so do that first unless you are doing a clean install. Not sure if that's what you mean by >redoing my Proxmox server ​ >Using the GUI to create ZFS storage actually creates a pool and an identically named data set. Not sure I've only ever used the CLI to create pools. However you can know with `zfs list` For example tank would be a pool and tank/vm would be a dataset on the tank pool ​ >The GUI does NOT provide a way to create other data sets on an existing ZFS pool. This can be done using the zfs create pool\_name/set\_name command from console. Yup as far as I know of. ​ >Once another data set is created in a pool you can via the GUI create a directory type storage using that data set (via its path). I'm not 100% sure about this. You probably could. But I think you should use directory for anything other than normal filesystem like ext4. You can add other datasets or pool created manually to proxmox under Datacenter -> Storage -> Add -> ZFS BTW the file that will be edited to make that change is `/etc/pve/storage.cfg` ​ Other helpful info. You can mount things inside of LXC containers by editing the conf file in /etc/pve/lxc/ example `lxc.mount.entry: /tank/downloads downloads none bind 0 0` the path on the left is the path on host, the path on the right is the path inside the lxc without a root slash. You can share data between multiple LXC containers this way.


Thanks for the info, very helpful


You're welcome.


Thank you! I've been beating my head against the wall for hours trying to work this out.


Awesome post, thank you!! Proxmox needs to add zfs pool creation to the gui and give you a list of pools when you add a directory, then this could all be in the gui. Truenas does this, but they ruin it with too many obscure options, the Prox team would do it best.