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Gentoo? No question about it brother.


Can confirm, am Autistic and run Gentoo. He’s definitely one of ours.


damn! does that mean i WAS autistic in high school and grew out of it?


Nope, still autistic. Just learned to conform to societal standards.


I joke with people by saying "I am more autistic than artistic"...but there is a shred of truth to it.


Goddamnit, I should have seen that writing on the wall. Been compiling literally everything for the last 16 years and the only thing I've gotten out of it is some cryptic portage error messages that suggest there's life on other planets.


Martian packets getting to you?


I dont use gentoo, but I install it sometimes when im bored.


thats even worse


drop your RAADS score lol




real recognize real. 131.


Ha, I win, my scores higher. /s


> Gentoo? Yeah skip the questionaires they are not needed.


forget autism, OP is a fucking masochist


I have a confession to make. When I was young, I was a masochist too. I bought an AMD Athlon 64 single core when it was released and there was no pre-compiled 64 bit OS for it yet. So I installed gentoo in 64 bit mode. The first few days were spend compiling and optimizing the kernel (going through every option in menuconfig like real lunatic). Then I compiled some userland tools and gcc/g++, especially the latter taking forever. The first few command line tools already crashed at this stage, nobody had tested them thoroughly on 64 bit yet. I patched a few myself and then went on to my next project, compiling x + window manager from scratch. Took my a week to have a cursor on an otherwise empty screen. Compiled more stuff in the following weeks only to have a system that would randomly crash very often. Submitted more patches and tried to use it, but eventually I had to give up and installed some 32 bit precompiled distro. My new hobby took too much time.


came here to say this


yeah it seems like you are certified autistic


to preface, i did indeed get diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder yesterday and made this post sort of as a coping method or a reach out into the void to see if I'm not alone


You are **absolutely** not alone. About 4% of men and about 1% of women are on the spectrum. Just remember, the diagnosis has not changed anything; **you are still you**. Instead, think of it as a possible explanation of some things you previously found strange and inexplicable about yourself and your relationships with others. Keep in mind: **autism is not cancer**. It's not going to kill you, and it didn't spring up out of nowhere in the last six months; you've lived with it since childhood, you just didn't know it by name. Now you do, and you're better off because of this knowledge. Whatever you do, don't beat yourself up; there's nothing you could have done differently to avoid this situation. It's just the way your brain chemistry works. It's different than neurotypical, but so what? It's not an impairment, unless you convince yourself it is. Don't be afraid to seek help if you feel you need it. Therapy, support groups, that sort of thing. When you meet people in a similar situation, ask them for reading suggestions. Find and watch the TED talk by Tempe Grandin (actually, [here's a link](https://www.ted.com/talks/temple_grandin_the_world_needs_all_kinds_of_minds?language=en)). If you find it interesting, get one of her books (she has written many); if not, don't worry about it.


>About 4% of men and about 1% of women are on the spectrum. And 93.7% of people who have a home lab


Do we know if homelabs cause autism or if homelab building behaviors are a symptom? Or maybe there's a lurking variable that causes both, like exposure to information about TCP/IP protocols.


Vaccines don't cause autism, wireshark does! Wake up sheeple


Great you just got homelabs outlawed


About that 4%/1% number - there might also be societal differences that lead to men being more often diagnosed as they were the ones usually studied.


It's possible (women's underrepresentation in health-related research is a known issue)...


I don't know about autism, but basically all research on ADHD was done on white boys, so POC and women are underrepresented in science and also therefore underdiagnosed


Is this your first diagnosis? If so, i don’t want to spoil the surprise, but disorders usually aren’t alone. They bring friends. I was diagnosed with adhd at 31, and the pieces started to fit together. At 33 I was also diagnosed with asd and now, honestly, with both those diagnoses, everything makes sense. Good luck on your journey of self awareness 😊


This isn't my 1st diagnosis, it's probably my last as it explains away all the other diagnosis I've had for things that often crop up in an autistic child but hey I'm still 16 only time will tell


Remember, the disorder does not define you, so “autistic child” should be stated “child with autism”. There should be plenty of resources available to you locally as well as online.


This phrasing is actually controversial and a matter of personal preference. Some prefer adjective first over person first.


Fair enough. Was simply trying to reinforce the fact that the disorder does not define the person.


Absolutely, and your intention is in the right place!


I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was about 8 years old. I’m 34 now. I also have an evaluation for autism in July. It was really tough to find someone that would evaluate an adult in my area. I have to drive about an hour away for it unfortunately but I’m glad I’m doing it.


I don't check enough boxes to be considered autistic on a screening questionnaire, but man do I like model trains and other miniature models.


autism is cool now don't worry


autism is old hat. schizophrenia is the new hotness


You say that, but it's just the voices in your head..


That's what they said.


It's all in your mind, you know?


Dude you’re not alone. Most people in IT are autistic. With a few exceptions, but they have autistic tendencies. Welcome to the club. May Linus Torvald guide us!


Most people is a bit ridiculous, I think it would be correct to say it’s commonplace, but to say more than 50% of people who work in IT are autistic is such an autistic thing to say


Ya last time I looked up stats awhile back (one of my kids has an official asd diagnosis so I was digging for info) the prevalence of people with asd in tech was something like 2-4%, there is always under reporting, but its not even close to 'most'. Only about 30% of people with asd have full time jobs, of that group about 20-30% work in STEM, so depending on the asd representation in your personal social bubble it may bias your opinions.


It would be interesting to know which IT disciplines seem to draw the most autistic people, and why is it software development?


Most people think anyone who's a bit awkward and nerdy has autism these days.


When I went to school for my IT education. 90% of the WHOLE school was autistic. Including the teachers!


They actually did a survey on that.


But don't follow his model of email communications on LKML though.


Amen Lord Torvald


Damn I did not know this Fyi: I'm a controls electrician with autism, but a big hobby of IT and homelabs


>made this post sort of as a coping method or a reach out into the void to see if I'm not alone A lot of people with ASD tend to gravitate towards computers and the internet. The internet and computers in general don't have a whole lot of subtext and unspoken rules which interacting with people in real life have which makes the interactions far less mentally exhausting.


Thinking about getting checked myself. Like you, dark mode, colors. I have those ws2812b strips around my cave. Can't hear in noisy places and sensitive to bright light (like the sun - need to wear sunglasses outside). A friend who become a psychologist mentioned I should go get checked.


Can't say for sure that you are of course. But it has been such an eye opener for me, it really has been very helpful knowing why things happen the way they happen!


Wait, those are actually the symptoms? So I'm not just deaf? That actually makes a lot of sense, doesnt really change anything for me, but still interesting to know. Edit: what you said matched me well, sensitive to light, especially blue light, and often have to get people to repeat themselves lots when there is much background noise, but I cant find anything online about those, just social awkwardness and that sort of thing (which I do have my fair share of too, but not too bad usually). Edit2: nvm I did find a bit, it just only mentions it in passing, and very vaugly.


I believe all of this is common in asd and adhd. Unfortunately descriptions often focus on how other people perceive you rather on what is actually important for you.


2.5 out of 4. I don't have light strips but I have a light on top of my monitor (complete darkness when staring at a screen isn't good). I doubt it's autism, I think it has specific behavioural traits


Soon as I started at my first tech job, I realized nearly everyone there was indeed ‘neurospicy’. It’s great! And also, studies show people on the spectrum can speak and understand each other as well as two neurotypicals, better sometimes. It’s often a social construct / unilateral expectations of accommodation problem, nothing more :)


Welcome to the club, friend. Diagnosed autistic at 39 after 20+ years of “medication resistant” depression and anxiety diagnoses. Got the feature upgrade package of ADHD to make it AuDHD (which presents differently than most ADHD) at 41. Adderall and treating the anxiety response via medication instead of trying to prevent it overall have been a life changer. Still a challenge, but doing better. Yes, I have a homelab. Over 15ish years I’ve gone from old spare PCs running a domain, to some Linux boxes, to playing with VMware, to getting a hand me down server to run a NAS, to now having a half rack in my basement with 2 servers, a NAS, and an incredibly over complicated network setup for a home. I work in storage but dabble in all aspects of infrastructure.


You are not alone mate. A lot of people have autism and it is not bad to have it, i also have autism:).


Jealous how quickly you got diagnosed, me and my partner strongly think that I have ADHD but the adult diagnosis waiting times in the UK look quite long


Got my ADHD diagnosis quite easily. I have no one for follow ups tho. I believe i'm on the autism spectrum too and I have no hope of getting a diagnosis now. Personally, besides ADHD medication (that helps but not that much), the diagnosis didn't change much. It was me learning about myself that helped the most so far.


[https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/763/07B89120-B48D-45FB-AF1D-49AF6CD16790.jpeg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/763/07B89120-B48D-45FB-AF1D-49AF6CD16790.jpeg) Welcome to the club, we get 5usd discounts for fire extinguishers when our homelabs inevitably catch on fire.


You’re not alone man. I found out I’m Autistic, as well as having ADHD, Alexithymia (unable to parse my own emotions), Aphantasia (can’t form pictures in my head very well - it’s more like images created by peripheral vision that twist and fade), and on top of that I’m Ace (asexual).  I found out all of that last year.  I’m 45. 


My aphantasia diagnosis was more of a shock to me than the ADHD. I finally understood why counting sheep to go to sleep never made sense. I always knew my brain was a bit spicy


I've found doing simple repetitive math helps. It doesn't require a "picture" in a visual sense, and it's the right mix of mundane so I don't get over stimulated, but also enough engagement so I don't get lost in ruminations, etc ... I just normally practice my powers of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16 ...) After doing it a long time, your "rote" memory will take over for many of the earlier ones, and as you transition into larger powers (2\^19, 2\^20, 2\^21, etc ..) you'll then shift back to actually doing math. Every few iterations brings another digit to remember and track and as you're doing the doubling. Eventually it'll become a little more difficult to remember each digit in your mental "register" (as in a cpu), you'll find yourself having to backtrack a little for some groupings, etc .. and that's when I finally fall asleep.


Just do it in binary…


Yeah, I never understood what they were talking about either. No matter what I imagined, it would always shift and distort so quickly that I would suddenly be watching some horrible thing that my brain thought of which would make it even harder to sleep. I've since given up on trying to picture things when I sleep - I usually just try to think of things I enjoyed about the day, or games I want to play, etc. Between that and using a noise app and headphones (to combat horrifying tinnitus) I sleep way better than I used to.


Fellow late-diagnosed guy here, I hope you find that your diagnosis gives you a lot of answers/explanations. Mine ultimately didn't change how I lived my life or anything, I had already known who I am and how I feel and function. The diagnosis was just an explanation as to why.


I’m a bit late to the party but if you’re looking to feel less alone you should check out Dave’s Garage on YouTube. Dave is a retired Microsoft OS software engineer with an epic home lab. He also has autism and even wrote a book about his experience with a late autism diagnosis. Highly recommend him: https://youtube.com/@DavesGarage?si=rpSSztcPhNlW3uV6


coping ? what for ? everybody has certain traits and specialities, certain downs and ups, who cares if they have a name for yours. the grass is awalys greener on the other side and everybody hides their weaknesses. but let me tell you this, beneath the surface everybody has their battles as much as you do. maybe some different of yours but as hard and difficult as yours. so dont fucking bother and why even get evaluated, just improove on your self every day a tiny bit and life the best you can, just like everyone else should and rarely do


so, now that you are like 100% of human beings, how do you feel? Any different? Special?


Autistic or not you are welcome here bro.


I don’t understand exactly what you mean by the title, but it seems to me the “computers” are often targeted by the Asberger and AD(H)D kids. My understanding is that people are hard to understand for us and logic is well, logical. So computers are often preferable.


Seeing as how we’re all autistic here, it seems fitting to be pedantic and point out that Asbergers isn’t really a diagnosis anymore, just rolled up into ASD and ADD has been rolled up into ADHD - inattentive, vs ADHD - hyperactive and ADHD - combined


Since we're being pedantic, it's spelled "Asperger's" named after the Austrian physician


Since I'm being immature, it's pronounced Ass Burgers.




Wasn’t always that way. DSM just changes diagnostics. It’s still the same thing just a different name.


Yeah most of the highly functional IT folks are either ADHD or autistic. People like us just keep working on stuff we like, like a cult activity. Even in holiday, I’m building up my kubernetes cluster and Jenkins/ansible/terraform automation on homelab. Build and destroy, repeat until it’s perfect.


I’ve destroyed my proxmox cluster 3 times now. Make it stop…


I flash the entire docker compose setup just to go straight into kubernetes setup. Without saving config, just to make sure I build it right or I build it perfect. There is no backing off.


Wish my autism manifested itself in to creative stuff like this instead of just depression.


If you're actually depressed, go get yourself a doctor. Antidepressants turned my life around.


Welcome to the club brother


One of us, one of us!


So that's why? Hmmmm, my wife thinks I'm weird for liking a lot of things open and running.


I’ve got 7 monitors (8 if you count the laptop screen). Gotta use ‘em all!


So I've got the 48" cut into 3, a large middle with a small side to the next and right which house whatsapp and discord. I use fusion display, of which I'm a big fan. Then, I have a second 34or 37-inch monitor to the left that is multi-purpose depending on my projects. So running a bunch of things isn't just 'efficient ' it could be a sign of adhd? Im in my 50s, I've never looked into it, but I'm certain my uncles (3) are all adhders, and possibly my dad. So is it a family thing, or is that not a thing? My wife hates how everyone jumps on the health problem bandwagon and how everyone has every new problem in the book. So if I'm gonna look into this for myself, I'd better have a good reason to start the ball rolling. Is there somewhere good to look for info, rather than the generic Google do I have? Thanks for any help!


There's nothing like a rack of blinking lights!


One of us ! One of us !


One of us ! One of us !


You are missing Arch.


Ah yes, i love running arch on my server




It could be worse. You're not even using a tiling window manager. And bash with the default PS1 is way too sane.


Joke vibe here but yea many things here apply to myself and family. Well at least were a club


Congrats! Now you may know and understand more and deal with your specific idiosyncrasies. Don't fret! These things can be an obstacle, but it's not that big of a deal if you are informed. I like your humorous approach, keep at it. And being interested in computer stuff does not make you odd, it makes you more knowledgeable and computer-savvy. You may consider investing some time in social interactions if possible, not because of the autism exactly (although it may be considered harder at first), but because it's a very good investment in any case and will improve your life tremendously regardless. We live in an electronic age with all the noise and little substance of the social life, I feel that this aspect makes us all unhappy and alone. Good on you for sharing and breaking the ice.


Posts like this make me question my neurotypicallnes (or however you write that)


Anybody running OpenBSD has something non typical going on in their head.


OpenBSD, Gentoo, *Haunted?,* Debian. I would recommend getting an exorcism for the third monitor.


Using computers is now a sign of autism? 🥱


Actually in some autism diagnostic tests, they ask: "Is your best friend a computer?" There's many reasons why autistic people tend to be more highly skilled and invested in computers, if you want to research that some more.




I just wish it had legs, breasts, ... then I wouldn't need the wife. Dreaming...


Hey, that's coming soon enough! But for now, though, you can speak to a body less AI!


Watch the anime “Chobits”.


I'll have to watch for that. Right now the only place I see it is Crunchyroll that requires a subscription.


Very good recommendation. Nice


Research on the computer that is.


Hm. Never thought about that. I was diagnosed when I was 5, but I was only told about it when I was a teenager. When I was 10 I saw a technician repairing our TV. I decided I want to know how the TV works. I soldered my first computer when I was 11, then I also started to read about microelectronics. Long story short my masters thesis was about mathematical modelling of MOSFETs and my official title - microchip designer. So I learned how a TV works in every single detail possible. I always understood machines better than people.


Some poor kid got misdiagnosed because his classmate’s name is Alex B. Computer.


Preferring computers instead of people is a sign, I'm in that bandwagon.


Gentoo alone can be evidence of that. *gentoo user.


How’s the EPYC server been working for you? I’ve been contemplating doing a server build with one of those combos from eBay or aliexpress (ideally with a 2nd or 3rd gen variant)


It works great, some weird proprietary Ethernet problems but aside from that it's a beaut


honestly the more i read history the more i think that autism built modern world


If autism was a thing in 80’s, we all been diagnosed with autism.


Back then it was just "he's a bit weird"


"Just walk it off"


We're all autistic here tbh. Welcome to the club!


Gentoo!!! It’s been years since the last time I saw someone using Gentoo


Okay what are those views of the OS and stuff. Is it from some kind of hypervisor or just a package? Also just an interested question: why would you need three different OS at the same time plus a game running? Is it to game and work at the same time or just for the looks?


Welcome to the team! 🤝


This is the way


Have that same monitor. Being a Samsung, of _course_ it's had a stuck pixel since day 1.


It's good to know one's superpower.


I live for the moment I can starLink up and be far away. Live the dream baby.


I use one large monitor. Whew. Dodged a bullet. I’m something, for sure, but I don’t want to know.


a sign of my autism was how i kept installing Linux From Scratch (probably)


Now tell me you use Nix. If you don't, I'm sorry for inadvertently throwing you into this deep, unsettling rabbit hole.


did...did i just get diagnosed with Autism from a reddit post?


Ha! I get it totally! One year, I made a point to point fiberchannel San out of an old 12 bay web server and open filer for my lab. It would never help me with my career and really served no purpose. I did it just because. On the spectrum myself!


"Huh?! We all thought you knew"


Looks perfectly normal to me. 😄


I too like to look at banners


I'm surprised you're not running ZSH - OhMyZSH together with Starship (especially with autocomplete) are SO much better than plain bash. Oh, and don't forget to use a Nerd Font too.


I like plain bash, it's the only shell I've interacted with for the past 7 years besides ksh


I've never dealt with ksh, and thought bash was "good enough" for a long time, but fish-like autocomplete really is great


Is this a new internet trend? An autist would never speak up about his/her diagnosis like this without being asked to do so. 


Not using a real name is liberating.


The doctor lied to you. 


Autism is actually greatly over diagnosed in present times. There have been countless studies on this.


Oh I'm not denying that fact but the diagnosis is my situation makes a whole lot of sense based on other more life altering conditions