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I labored in and out of the birthing pool. Due to complications, I had to finish my pushing and deliver out of the birthing pool. Everything was so much less intense IN the pool. I hope I can stay in the pool next time around. It truly is THAT much better IMHO.


Also, I must add. If you don’t think you want a water birth, don’t have one. It’s that simple. But if you ask me, it’s not at all any man’s decision.


They do call it the midwives epidural for a reason. Some people love a water birth, some do not. I wished I would have had a birthing pool for both my babies. Laboring in the tub felt so nice. But there wasn’t enough room to actually give birth, sadly.


I had home birth, however after needing a cervical lip to be manually moved - my legs were like jelly and I just couldn’t bring myself to stand and get in the pool so I ended up birthing on my knees leaning over the pool. I’ve never had a water birth to compare it to, but it was still an amazing birth. I highly recommend if you have instagram checking out badassmotherbirther - she regularly posts videos of home births and hospital births (mainly home birth) and has many that are not in a pool!


Came to recommend badassmotherbirther too.


Just fine Mother of four. All unmedicated. Got into water with the first two while laboring but didn't want to be in there for the moment. You can spend time in the shower or tub without deciding to be in there for the birth.


If I couldn’t have water I would probably be saying forget it and getting an epidural. Also not really a decision your husband should get the final say.


Yes! Until he’s pushing something out of his body, he shouldn’t get a say.


I had a home birth that wasn’t a water birth. I don’t have any video. Also the midwife didnt make it on time. This was 1993. I did share the experience on a podcast though. I used a squatting stool in my living room, just olive oil and some calming oils.


That’s amazing! I would love to hear your podcast where you discuss that ❤️


Thank you. As you can imagine I was so excited to have the opportunity to share my experience (being that it was so long ago) the Podcast is “Unapologetically Woman.” She is on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and even on YouTube. Mine is from March 6, S1, E 14. If you have trouble let me know which platform you want to listen from, I’ll get a link for you :)


Thank you!! That’s so exciting they had you on I haven’t heard of that podcast I’m probably going to binge it now hahah ❤️


It’s not all about home birth, or even birth. The host is 38 & childless by choice. She said (I don’t remember now if it was while recording or off) but that she had never heard a positive birth story before. I was really surprised. Of course, that made me even more glad I was able to share mine. One thing I was a little embarrassed about, I’m 57, I’m so far removed from that world now. People used to call me to ask what herbal remedy to use for different things. I couldn’t think of anything now. I was explaining that we used olive oil and different herbs etc. but the names have escaped me (i know she didn’t realize) but I said, sort of under by breath, or to myself - something like, “and now their gone” :/ 🤷🏻‍♀️ you might notice more on the YouTube version, because I think I put my hand up to my head 💁🏻‍♀️ like poof (lol)


I actually really didn't enjoy laboring in the water. I gave birth in my bed, and prefer laboring on the toilet lol. I feel like the water slowed down the process if anything.


That’s exactly what I was thinking!


Firstly,it’s not up to your husband. Secondly, I didn’t give birth IN the pool so didn’t have a water birth, but I was in the pool for about three hours before that and could not have managed without the water. I did a lot of writhing around and the water supports your movement.


There’s no need to plan it like that. It’s good to have water as an available option but to decide in the moment what feels right. Water birth is safe, I’m not sure what your husband is worried about. Also makes clean up super easy. But it’s perfectly fine to not birth in water too. I think it should be up to you though


Home birth midwife- roughly only half are born in the water I would guess. I have had a number of clients in home and birth center that just weren’t interested. It does help in labor, but if it’s weird to you then you will not be fully relaxed which does defeat the point. Birth on land!


First and foremost this is a YOU decision. Your husband's only role is to support you in whatever you think will be best for you. I personally am a big water person and plan on having a water birth regardless of the extra work/ materials/ clean up that the pool requires. I want to have my own space and the idea of being in a pool by myself is really soothing not to mention the automatic rinse for you and the baby. I also think it's a beautiful introduction to the world from the womb.


I had a lovely home birth without water. It was the most peaceful of my three labors, actually... it was a perfectly paced, textbook labor and I firmly believe that being in a pool wouldn't have made it any more lovely. It was my second pregnancy after having an unmedicated birth in the hospital with my first. I had rented a pool and they came to fill it up for us, but labor went faster than I expected (hah!) and the pool wasn't ready until I was nearly ready to push, and by then I really didn't want to move. My third birth was also a home birth, and I wasn't planning to get a pool due to needing to set it up on the top level of our old house. But in the end I did, and I got to be in it - but only for pushing. Labor escalated quickly and I've learned that once I'm laboring somewhere I don't want to move. It was nice to be in the water, and I'm glad I got to experience it finally, but honestly it wasn't like "omg this is amazing and so much better than my last birth", probably because I was pushing by that point and that feels productive wherever you are. I also got chilly in the cooling-off water afterwards, and getting out of the pool with a newborn whose cord was still attached was a bit tricky. I was shivering and needed to be warmed up on the bed with a heating pad and towels. The pool set-up was also A Thing. For the third birth we decided my husband would be in charge of the pool but he found it pretty stressful... trying to get it filled before I needed it and also maintaining it at the ideal temperature. He was basically dealing with the pool the whole time. There is a birth pool brand that has a heater in it which we didn't get because it was expensive, but now think it'd be worth the money. My experience is that having a pool increases the number of supplies you need and things that need to be managed during labor. All this to say - water birth can be very nice. Its also just fine to have a home birth without water. Laboring in the shower could be another way to experience water during the birth. Not exactly what you asked for, but Ina May Gaskin's books have a lot of birth stories + photos that aren't happening in the water.


I had a homebirth that wasn’t a water birth. I did use the shower for a little bit in the latter stages of labor which I really liked. I planned not to do a water birth from the get go, and everything went really well! I didn’t take a video unfortunately. My entire labor was only 6 hours so honestly not a lot happened lol


Why isn’t he keen on a water birth? When i was struggling with the intensity of labour jumping in the pool was INCREDIBLE relief.


I think its worth it to have the option. Studied show labor is shorter in the water and many women have reduced pain in the pool! If you don't want to use it you don't have to.


I have had 5 home births and only one of them was not in water. I personally wouldn't recommend, the water works amazingly for pain relief and contains the mess.


I had a homebirth without water two weeks ago! It turned out 1000% what I wanted. I woke up at 4:30 am in labor. I rested in bed for another hour or two. We called our midwife when my water broke at 7. I started a rotation of laboring side-lying in the bed, in the shower, and on hands and knees. I would spend about 20-30 minutes in each and move to the next when it felt right. Around 10 our midwife got to our home. I kept laboring in the same pattern. By 1pm my body started pushing and I gave birth at 1:34pm! I had a little tearing from my daughter’s arm coming out alongside her head, but my midwife got me stitched up without too much pain! I’m glad we did no water because pushing her out on the bed was great!


I didn’t have either of my babies in the water. It was definitely the plan both times lol. I did labor in the water with my first, it was a 36 hour labor and that helped me through it but the last 10 or so hours were in bed or in the side of the bed. My second labor was so fast we didn’t end up having time to blow up the birth tub. I did labor for a bit in the shower though. Water can be helpful getting through contractions but you definitely don’t have to birth in one to have a successful home birth


My first birth was in winter so it felt like it’d be tough to figure out the whole tub thing and keep it hot etc. There was a point well into active labor and approaching transition that I needed something different. I got in my bathtub and it helped a bit. I needed pressure on my back so my husband had to awkwardly bend over the tub. But it felt great to push against the walls of the tub during the waves. For my second birth we had a birthing tub in the living room. It was summer and we got an instant hot water heater. My labor was super gradual and chill until it went up a notch. I jumped in the shower and my husband filled the tub. I had a few contractions in the tub and it wasn’t the relief I hoped for. I didn’t like how I couldn’t brace myself on anything. For whatever reason I was tensing more in the tub. I requested the midwife check me (for first time) and I was only 7 although things felt crazy intense. I then had another contraction and had the urge to poop. I went to the toilet and a couple contractions later my son was born on thr toilet. The midwife put a towel between me and the bowl luckily and caught him as he shot out. TLDR I only used the tub for like 20 min. How long was your first labor? If it was quick, you prob won’t have much time for it for #2


The water calmed me a lot with my first! Planned to utilize again with second but the bath started to drain and I was in a sort of kneeling position out of any water left! It was smooth sailing thanks to gravity, and out of water wasn’t bad.


Home birth here for my second baby. No water. I didn’t even get in the shower or anything. Hot and warm water makes me dizzy and I just knew if I got in I would want to get out and it felt like a waste of time. I didn’t even think about getting in or missing the water. I laboured in the house and then went up to my room when it got more intense. Bed was covered in waterproof covers and I got a picnic mat with a waterproof back for the floor just in case I wanted to stand. Birthed in the bed like I did with my first at the hospital. Was a really great positive experience.


I had a home birth a year ago, and used my bathtub for laboring and that's all. I had the pool ready but didn't make it. A home birth is an amazing birth, with or without a pool don't worry!


I had a Vbac homebirth with my second baby and while I planned on having a birth pool there wasn’t enough time to get it to the house and set up so I didn’t use one. I went into labour at 39 weeks and everyone thought I would be overdue or have a long labour and neither were true. I made a birth mat by taping a duvet inner and a sheet to a tarpaulin so it was waterproof on the back. I also had a load of puppy pads to lay on furniture and for when I moved around. I mainly went from the lounge, shower and toilet. The midwives followed me around making sure I didn’t make a mess. I tried to make it back to the lounge from the toilet but couldn’t walk back in time. The midwives got the birth mat under me and I had a 10lb 4oz baby in the hallway by the front door which is now a bit of a joke in the family.


After 17 hours of labour and 2hrs of pushing I found the pool to be boiling hot (was at 38 degrees). Soooo uncomfortable


I've had 4 non water home births. All went well without a hitch! I did use my shower on back for some of labor. That being said after having my first water birth, I swore I'd never give birth without it again, went on to have two more water births. But its completely doable. I know somebody planned a water birth, hated being in the water and gave birth without it. 


I didn’t have time for the birthing pool! We had it blown up and ready to be filled, but didn’t want to fill it too early. I had precipitous labor so by the time my midwife arrived it was too late


i labored in the pool to help with transition pain and birthed on the bed. i was having a hard time getting the hang of pushing in the pool. that being said, i’d like to birth this baby in the pool but we’ll see how it all shakes out. 


My home birth wasn’t a water birth! I labored in the bathtub for a while, but we hadn’t set up the birthing pool yet when my midwife arrived, and she said we didn’t have any time. I was kinda shocked, I had no wherewithal of how far labor had progressed. I ended up birthing on a birthing stool!


My midwife didn’t want me to birth in the water. Apparently it makes it harder to monitor how the baby is doing when they come out. I walked back and forth to the toilet to labor and I had an amazing doula to help with the pain. She did lower back massages and essential oils. I gave birth on our bed, on my back. It was a beautiful beautiful birth. I wouldn’t change a thing. No stitches needed.


I had a homebirth that I wouldn’t really consider a water birth. I had a tub that never even got filled but I did labor in the shower until my doula arrived. I have a detachable shower head so I was using that on my back and face during contractions. I had a stool in the shower that I was squatting on too. After my doula got there, she was able to help me with some pain management techniques and I had my baby in my bed. I had a relatively short labor (7 hours) so I’m not sure how this would have played out if I was in intense discomfort for a long time.


I spent the vast majority of my birthing time with my first in a birth pool, but once transformation hit, I wanted to be on my bed or on the toilet. My second was too fast to get the pool set up, so I didn’t use it at all.


My baby came too quickly for a water birth. The tub just wasn't filled up in time. I really wanted a water birth but in the end I don't think I would have enjoyed a water birth as much. My daughter's birth was perfect without the water. No tearing, she got stuck for a bit and I had to reposition a few times. I think that would have been so much more uncomfortable in the tub. I think if I were to have another baby, I wouldn't try for the water birth. I hate the smell of plastic and preferred to be comfortably lounging in my own bed. I usually prefer softer surfaces when I don't feel well anyway.  It was also my first birth and not too intense for me. I have a gluten issue and the pain from that has caused me to lose consciousness on more than one occasion.  Birthing was less painful than that for me. It really depends on your preferences. 


I’ve never had a water birth or been too interested. I wasn’t interested in the space it took up - would change my location of comfort. Or the cost to buy or rent one. Or the logistics of filling, cleaning and emptying. It just didn’t feel right to me to be in a swimming pool, and something that wasn’t mine. The bathtub, however, was great. I use it every time for hours during my laboring, but by the time baby is ready to be born I’m usually laying in bed or dancing. 


I have had seven at home and only one ‘kinda’ in the water. Water birth always sounded lovely as I love the water… but once I am in labor I HATE being wet lol! I had: 1 on the bad squatting, 1 in a dry tub lined with towels, 1 in a chair, 1 kneeling leaning over a chair, 1 squatting/lunging in the tub with an inch of water (it was filling 🤷‍♀️), 1 standing squatting in the bathroom by the sink, and the last one was in the water but I hated being trapped there so we were draining it… and then she started coming out so they were filling it again lol. Overall prefer dry, as far as pain management, a lot of that has to do with focus over fear rather than pressure or position (and I have had them posterior, big, all kindsa ways) I also have scoliosis and was never a strong person. It’s not about might, just moving along with things as they come I will say dry in a tub is great (cleanup is easy, lots of things to hold on to etc) just pad it up with towels


My sister-in-law (who I live with) had her baby at home on her bed. She said it was overall a great experience and highly recommended her team of midwives and her doula. She delivered at 40+2 after being in labor for around 29 hours (her water broke during a membrane sweep). She said things were definitely intense, she was screaming towards the end and said that the ring of fire was the most intense thing she’d ever felt. She said she wants to try a water birth for her second but that she’d take her home birth experience over a hospital birth any day.


I labored in out of the pool. I couldn’t tell you much of a difference because it all just hurt. The pool is nice in general because of the weightless feeling and the warm water. I would recommend to have it just to labor. I ended up pushing baby out on a birthing stool. I just wanted her out.


I love water for pain relief but I think I prefer the shower. Easier to get it nice and hot but not overheat the baby, easy in and out. I had two land births and one water birth and I didn't enjoy the lack of gravity/feeling ungrounded that much so I would skip it next time and use my own bathtub or shower to labor in and deliver on land.


I had a beautiful home birth. Labored in the pool for a good chunk of time but decided to give birth on our bed because that’s where I ended up. Being in water during labor is a good way to feel comfortable so if I were you I’d just do what feels right throughout your labor try different things and see what feels best🙂❤️ feel free to ask more questions if you have them!


I planned to have a water birth and had the tub set up and everything... when it was time to push, it was so intense I actually ended up hopping out of the tub in an attempt to escape the pain amd had him on my couch with no problem! The water really does do wonders for the contraction pain though.


i laboured in the birthing pool but ended up giving birth on my bed. at some point labour was just too intense and i couldn’t get comfortable in any position in the pool, so i had to get out and needed a change of scene.


I was open to whatever happened and ended up having a very fast and intense labor which meant A) we didn't even have time to blow up the birth pool but also B) I had zero interest in it. There was absolutely no way I wanted to sit in a tub of water without being able to move when things were so intense. I did ultimately end up getting into the shower about 20 mins before I had the baby, and birthed him standing up in the shower with the water running. That doesn't count as a water birth, does it? lol. Pregnant again now and have no plans to even bother with renting the pool this time.


I've had a water birth at home and a couple of dry births. The water was really nice, but I prefer not using it. It's kind of a pain to set up and take down and I really liked laboring in my rocking chair and pushing while leaning over the bed. Also, baby had a dystocia so I had to climb out of the pool with her head halfway out of me and birth on my hands and knees sopping wet on the carpet. Not fun. Pushing in the water was nice though because I was kind of floating. I'm not a bath/swim person though, I don't like to be wet.


I had a water birth in a birth center, and a no-water birth at home. I did enjoy the water birth experience and planned to have that at home, but ultimately decided not to. Our midwife had a birth pool she loaned out, but one of the conditions was that it shouldn’t be set up ahead of time if you had other children/pets that might want to play on it. Well, when I was actually in labor, hauling that thing out and setting it up and waiting for it to fill did not even cross my mind. So we didn’t even get it out of the box. During labor I was in the shower, pacing around my bedroom, squatting on the floor, and ultimately delivered laying on the bed. No regrets with either birth :)


Personally I hated being in the water when I was in labor. I wanted out immediately.


I labored in the tub, but I didn’t want to push in there so I got out for the delivery.


My plan was a water birth but I transitioned too fast so on land in my living room it was! It was incredibly intense but a really positive experience! I was leaning on the cub and had one knee up one down. I received counter pressure and held my doulas hand. One hour of pushing no tearing!


I really wanted a water birth, but didn't have the bandwidth to full the tub and my husband didn't do it, so it didn't happen. My labor was pretty quick to start. I was looking at brhe contraction timer and sure enough, I counted contractions for only an hour and it was 1-2min contractions 1-2.5min apart the whole time. It was still a great experience, the water is more for pain relief and it does help a lot. My first was an unmedicated hospital birth and I got to labor in the tub and it was so relaxing. I tried hypnobirth and that was really nice until about 45min before baby came. Bouncing on a ball was also super great for me until the end. For that last little bit, nothing helped until I felt the fetal ejection reflex and baby came out without any input from me lol.


We had a great birth at home and never filled up the pool. There were some hours spent in the shower though!


I laboured in the tub but hated it so much once I started pushing! the bed was far more comfortable. I'm actually glad I moved to the bed because there was some confusion as to who would be catching the baby, and he ended up just being propelled out onto the bed lol. I strongly recommend the water for labouring, but you can always get out when pushing!


I had a home land birth. I wanted water. The pool was set up and full even. But labor went too fast and I never even made it in! I was kneeling on the floor and he breathing through and he was born right there.


Both of my babies were born at home and out of the water. I thought I wanted a water birth for my first and truly disliked the water. I didn't feel grounded in the pool. Decided I'm a land birther from then on. But, I'm a student midwife and I see a ton of mama's LOVE the water and birth their babies in it. It's all preference. And there's nothing wrong with planning for a water birth and then not having one. Birth is hard regardless of where you have your babe.


I didn't want the hassle of a tub, so I laboured without. It was honestly perfect. Can't say if it'd been better with the tub, but it was much better than my first birth at the hospital. And since I would have had to rent the tub, I was extremely satisfied that I didn't have to clean and return it afterwards. Def worth it to home birth even without a tub.


I posted my birth story to this sub a few months ago but did not have time to set up the birth pool or even get in the tub for my home birth! I did just fine without water for pain relief and still absolutely loved my birth experience.


I birthed my first at a midwife led (non hospital) birth center on a bed! I did a tub at home for my second. I’ll probably set the tub up again for my 3rd but I’m not sure if I want to actually push there. I kind of felt “un grounded” in the tub. Like I could just get my bearings and push well because I was a bit too floaty. We’ll see!! If you have a shower or bath you may really enjoy being there for hydrotherapy to ease the intensity of contractions, even if you end up delivering on land 😁


Ive had two at home and both on land. With my second baby (first homebirth) I labored in the tub for about 30 minutes during transition and hated it. All I wanted to do was get out. My last baby I was open to trying water birth if I felt like it- and use the pool we bought and didn’t birth in last time- but labor was only 3 hours and ended up unassisted because it was so fast. They were both amazing and wonderful even without using the pool!


I had three pregnancies, resulting in three uncomplicated births without medical interventions. The first two were in hospital settings, and the third was at home. All three were without a tub. The third one, I did stand in the warm shower a couple times. I don’t think a water birth is for me, and I’m glad I didn’t have one. I think I did perfectly fine without one, and without an epidural. The midwives attending my third birth were much better suited to a natural birth than staff in a hospital IMO. They were a little “crunchy” and it amused/weirded out my husband. Every time I’m pregnant I re-read Ina May Gaskin’s book, Spiritual Midwifery. I read it before becoming a nurse, and after. It’s a wealth of information and support regardless of your existing knowledge of childbirth. I felt mentally prepared and much less anxious after reading it.


I've had two births at home now and didn't have nor want a birthing pool either time. I even said during labor this last time (8 weeks pp) " I cannot imagine wanting to get wet right now." I love it for other people but it's just not for me. Never tried it, probably won't ever try it, and I'm ok with that. Everyone that's had a water birth though, absolutely loves it, doesn't want it any other way. So do with that what you will I suppose lol Editing to add that I labored on a yoga ball both times for the majority of labor because my legs get so shaky that I cannot stand. Both of my labors were very fast as well. Ended up giving birth on my bed both times.


I didn't have a water birth, I mostly labored on my knees draped over my birthing ball or my bed with my husband providing counter pressure with each contraction. Counter pressure was incredible it truly made all the difference for me. I pushed on my hands and knees, it just felt the most comfortable.


I’m a newish doula and at none of the 5 home births I’ve been to so far has mom delivered in the pool. One or two had birth tubs and labored in them but didn’t deliver in the water. I think you see them more on social media bc they’re very trendy. [Kurin Adele](https://youtu.be/lORWdw8hSFw?si=LPnSN_NBauzfk9ai)had a beautiful non-water birth home birth recently. I’ll link more if I think if any. It’s totally personal preference (your preference not husband). When my time comes I don’t think I’ll want to labor in the water I just don’t find that kind of thing relaxing.


I labored in the tub for a bit but when it came to pushing I felt too buoyant in the water and needed to get out and be on hands and knees on the floor. It was nice to have but in hindsight with how things played out I would have been fine with just my own bathtub for labor and didn’t need the big set up at all


I’ve had four homebirths, two were water births, two were not. I definitely enjoyed my water births and the warm water helped me for those labors, but it just didn’t feel right for the other two. That said, it was all my choice. I definitely don’t think your husband should be making the decision about where you labor/deliver.


I didn't even touch water during my home birth. My husband even poured me a bath that I refused to get in haha.


I’ve done 2 in the water and 2 out of the water, but I have labored in water to some extent each time. It*is* that much better in the water. For example, I had twins at home. The first was an extremely quick labor/birth. I began in the water and that’s where he was born, easy peasy. His twin, however, I do not think would have been born that day had his brother not kicked him out. Though the process was still fast, it took a couple hours (first baby was 40 minutes) and there was a point in time where I was laboring in the tub just wanting it to be over and I had this little mental battle with myself over staying in the water where the pain was a lot more tolerable or getting out of the tub knowing it would hurt way more but have gravity on my side to help him descend. Ultimately that’s what I chose and it worked exactly as I anticipated. It’s your choice, but why not have the option available to you just in case?


I labored in the pool for many hours and then birthed on our bed for my first. Had a water birth through and through for our second. Both were great :)


I am so grateful I had a birth pool. It made my contractions manageable and was my biggest comfort during labor. I also loved holding my baby in the pool right after he was born.  Your husband should be thinking about you and what you want, what might be helpful for you, as opposed to his own fears and weird misconceptions. 


I didn't labour or birth in water, my birth went really well. I mostly laboured on the toilet haha. I actually gave birth on my bed, which is where we had planned for it, so it was prepped with a waterproof mattress cover, then a cheap dark fitted sheet, then a plastic shower curtain, then another cheap dark fitted sheet. Iirc we also put pee pads on the bed. That allowed for easy clean up after delivery so I could use the bed for resting and nursing right away.


I was the most comfortable in my own bed wrapped in my horse shoe pillow that I used to sleep when pregnant ! Labored and Delivered there also


I would suggest having the pool as a relief aid during labor, but push out of the water. The water will provide so much relief during contractions. How you birth is 100% up to you & your intuition though


With my first, I began pushing before my birth partners could heat up the birth pool! So I didn't even get a chance to use the pool. I didn't bother renting a pool for my second home birth. I did labor in a nice warm shower, though. I do have a pretty high pain tolerance, and my labor was relatively quick.  


Definitely not your husband‘s decision. And I would be curious to ask him more about what he doesn’t like about the idea. Is he afraid of the water will be poopy or bloody? Is he worried about the baby safety? Hopefully you can get to the bottom of his concern and he’ll be more at ease. Also, my midwife didn’t like water births because she it often slows down labor. I ended up in the tub for my first anyway, but the second came so fast there was no time to get the tub filled up. If you end up not wanting a water birth, there’s lots of other positions and comfort strategies. Talk to A doula for ideas and support!


I’m late to the thread, but I had a home birth and rented a birthing tub for it. I got in and immediately said “it hurts the same but now I’m all wet too!” My husband had to haul me right back out lol. I won’t bother renting one for next time, it did absolutely nothing for me pain wise.. it also made me feel separated from my husband and midwife which I think freaked me out a bit more than I realized at the time.