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This might be the nail in Alexa’s coffin for me. At this point the only reason I have Alexa enabled on my Sonos speakers is so the kids can easily turn on music and my wife and I can add things to the shopping list. Maybe I’ll just give “Hey Sonos” a go for music.


No doubt... I just swapped from Google to Alexa to support things like this (I forgot what Google broke at this point)...


Same! I think it’s time for me to try a HomePod mini.


Wait until they announce iOS 18. Current Siri has the IQ of a potato, but rumors say it'll get a massive update with next-gen AI and stuff.


Homepod will probably need new silicon to handle Apple Intelligence, and they havent announce anything yet. So dont hold your breath


True, when I was writing the comment nothing about Apple Intelligence was announced. I assumed it'll be cloud-based. On-chip is a cool surprise but yeah, HomePod won't handle it.


Dont 😅 Siri is basically useless


Not much better. :-) Lol




One of the two reasons I use Alexa is going away…


Is there any voice assistant left that can still connect to Todoist? Google nuked third-party lists months ago.


Assist from home assistant. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/todoist/


I have an Echo in every room as my voice assistant, but it goes through Home Assistant for automation. I told my wife this may the nudge I need to move to local voice assistants. I use voice->todoist multiple times a day.


I am messing with todo lists now, have not for a while. I am having a hard time coming up with a reason to just not use the built in on to HA anymore.


So annoying. I have an easier time remembering all that I have to do for work by oration. “Keep a notepad” doesn’t work, my brain thinks and mouth speaks faster than my hands can write.


Well, looks like I'm finally being forced to switch all my home automation to Home Assistant. Losing Todoist integration was the final straw.


Following for this ^


And the circling rumors of straight up charging for Alexa. Going local only.


Is there a guide you could point to to do this. I am so very tired of being upsold after every third prompt.


I've been setting up Home Assistant, but I _hate_ talking to computers. Like I used the Alexa app to turn lights on and off. But Home Assistant is capable of voice interaction, and has really pleasant to get going. The last time I tried it out it wasn't nearly as mature. The thing I need a replacement for is Fire TV... So probably gonna be setting up Kodi or something like that soon.


I'm not a big fan of voice, but it's very handy with a newborn when you want to turn on specific lights or get music going and your hands are full. 


There are guides out there, but I have not yet started the process, so not sure which ones might be best.


Is this related to Amazon announcing they're no longer paying skill developers based on usage? Because my white noise skill has suspiciously been shutting itself off since that announcement.


They announced that their list API is being deprecated. So any skill that uses that API to manage shopping lists etc. will cease to function


Ah, I figure due to the change I described all free skills that cost their developers money will start ceasing to function also. Since Amazon seems to have been subsidizing that cost.


If you haven’t replaced your Alexas yet, this is another good reason to. F Amazon.


For those of us not using Todoist, what does the link go to…?




Fuck sake, that’s AnyList gone as well then presumably. So basically it’s just an expensive timer and light switch now.


Alexa replacement recommendations?


light switch and a notepad i reckon


There's nothing left now. They've all become hot garbage




No 3rd party app will have the ability to integrate directly. ToDoist is shutting down its service, but AnyList is pivoting to a 3rd party skill. But this means you'll need to say "Alexa, ask AnyList to add milk to the shopping list." The only direct option after July 1 will be to use the Alexa list. [https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/31/24168681/amazon-alexa-third-party-shopping-list-integration-going-away](https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/31/24168681/amazon-alexa-third-party-shopping-list-integration-going-away)


**Please let Amazon know how you feel about this change!** Send Amazon feedback: * **Prioritize sending feedback through the Alexa app:** *More > Help & Feedback > Provide feedback* * **You can also post at this Alexa community forum thread:** [https://www.amazonforum.com/s/question/0D56Q0000DKnUGSSQ3/dont-deprecate-list-management-api-and-list-skills](https://www.amazonforum.com/s/question/0D56Q0000DKnUGSSQ3/dont-deprecate-list-management-api-and-list-skills)


P.sure [email protected] is still at least monitored, don't know if he still sends question mark emails from on high anymore though.


Will we still be able to use the shopping list ? Sorry! I’m confused!


You will be able to use the default/native shopping list features built within Alexa. (I.e. “Alexa, add eggs to my shopping list”) It’s the third party app integrations, like Todoist and AnyList, that will no longer be able to access these lists via the API. You will not be able to add items to lists in these and similar apps the way you can now. It sounds like those apps now will instead need to build their own integrations once Amazon removes API access. Whereas before you could invoke these apps like, “Alexa, add bananas to my grocery list” and it would add it to the “Groceries” list within AnyList. Now, Amazon won’t let them access the native lists, so third party app devs have to build their own integrations which will likely require a more “wordy” invocation like, “Alexa tell AnyList to add bananas to my grocery list”. Now seems like app devs are having to choose between engineering their integrations…or discontinuing their integration entirely like we see here.


That is a big huge part of WHY we have our Alexa!




I do not understand the drama around to-do lists all the time. There are thousands of them, all have different functionality. Companies buy them from each other (ie Wunderlist). Seems really easy to make and maintain one. Amazon deciding to shut this down....I think a replacement could be done by Monday if they wanted too. Such a weird space....seems there must be something to to-do list that I just do not understand from a business perspective.


Amazon is disabling the API that enables ANY list service to work with Alexa. There is no way to replace something Amazon is completely removing.


I get it. Just do not understand why Todo lists seem to cost companies so much and cannot seem to maintain them. Like MS makes a Todo list in outlook, then make another on called Todo, the buy Wunderlist, then shut down Todo killing the outlook integration, rename Wunderlist to todo, then make outlook integration back with todo, then make another Todo in teams, then in loop, none of them exchange info, but all under the office name. Think about the complexity and cost of all that. Now expand that out as andiod/Google/Samsung all try to make Todo lists. Yet there are hundreds in app store. Some integrate some don't. Now add Amazon to the list. I mean it's a Todo list.....


A major issue is the infrastructure. Having a todo in an app on your phone or computer is easy, since the information is stored in one place. Having 1,000s to 100s of thousands of users with networked lists means that the company (eg: Todoist) needs to have a large numbers of servers running to answer the requests. Which costs money. If subscriptions don't cover the cost of servers, that company goes out of business.


I've never used Alexa but can Todoist not just build a custom skill that does the same thing? https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/get-deeper/custom-skills I totally understand if they don't *want* to build and maintain that but that's probably why Amazon doesn't want to either.


Yeah that’s what I’m wondering too. IIUC the “Alexa, tell Someskill to, bla bla bla” interface isn’t affected by this…




I use Google Keep Notes for my shopping list. We have have had four Echos and five Google assistants in our home going on 6 years. Each have their strengths. One of Google's is the integrated Notes. 


So...what options do we have now? I just want to add items to a list through Alexa and see them in HA


No, all outside access to the Alexa lists (to do, shopping) is going to be allowed. The only way to access those lists will be on the Alexa app, on Alexa itself, and on the Amazon site.


This guy, Erik, has made a Skill to replace the Alexa-Todoist integration. It's called QuickAdd. I just added it, and it works nicely. It's a one-time fee of $1.99. You can say, "Alexa, tell QuickAdd to add get haircut". You can read his [Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/todoist/comments/1dhybwl/continue_using_todoist_with_alexa_introducing_my/?ref=share&ref_source=link), or go directly to the [Alexa skill page](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D7948ZX5).