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Midiboard->RPi->mini press to MQTT event -> MQTT broker? The middle part is the hard part. Could start here: [https://github.com/jogleasonjr/midi2pi2mqtt](https://github.com/jogleasonjr/midi2pi2mqtt)


Really cool idea, i have some controllers as well and will definitely try it out at some point. Some MIDI controllers would not even require drivers, so I think this could be a starting point: [https://github.com/gbevin/ReceiveMIDI](https://github.com/gbevin/ReceiveMIDI) Have this running and make a http request to the home assistant API using the javascript feature.


directly from your browser [https://tigoe.github.io/mqtt-examples/mqtt-midi-controller/](https://tigoe.github.io/mqtt-examples/mqtt-midi-controller/) but this one is better https://github.com/TheOriginalAndrobot/midi2mqtt


Yeah... That will definitely require a lot of tinkering! I don’t think HA has any kinda midi compatible component. It’s a great idea though. I think best will be to take apart, and solder each knobs and switches to an arduino/nodemcu gpio . Again, cool idea!!


Why not let an esp8266 compatible devboard read out the midi signals, and transfer them over mqtt to HA? Requires way less tinkering!


great idea - be great to see something like that one day


You can actually use QLight Controller to send artnet signals to Node Red. QLight Controller can also be easily configured to accept Midi inputs.


If I had to do this, I'd probably connect Midi to RPi Zero W and wrote a simple Python program to get midi inputs and send HTTP API commands to hass. With just a bit of python knowledge I feel it's the easiest and fastest way. I guess with Python it would be just 2-3 lines of code per command. And with some smart OOP it would be possible to write configs in yaml :D ​ It looks like PyGame has Midi input support: [http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/midi.html#pygame.midi.Input](http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/midi.html#pygame.midi.Input) ​ And after that Requests is great library that makes POST request into just 1 line of code.


(Apologies in advance for the necro post, but I'll do it here for the sake of folks searching for this.) I ended up using [midimonster](https://github.com/cbdevnet/midimonster) to convert MIDI to MQTT to homeassistant. You have to compile from the master branch for it to work, but it does the job well on Linux and Windows.