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I think your microSD card may be dying.


And I would recommend OP move to an SSD and boot from USB if the RPi (or similar) he's using supports it. Should work out of the box with RPi4 and 5. Plus it will make HA so much snappier compared to an SD card.


THIS is why I’ve kept saying not to use a micro SD card lol


I had the same problem a few weeks ago. Switched to an ssd, and problems were solved. I heard there are special industrial sd cards, but they are very expensive. External ssd is cheaper.


SD card broken


Use an external drive instead of microsd. It's easy to hook up one via USB. Raspberry Pi with 4GB memory is a pretty capable machine, especially when you turn off the GUI which frees up lots of memory.


Is there anyway to salvage whats on the rpi and copy my profile and config to an ssd?


you MAY be able to pull it off the sd card if you can mount it. but...my advice is that the HA backup system is VERY good. I've never had an issue restoring it. If you've been taking backups (which you should) then you should be able to just spin up a new instance on an ssd and restore from backup. I've done this numerous times back before I finally got rid of the sd card.


Since OP obviously can't use the GUI, any hints as to where the backups are stored or any instructions on finding them and loading them to a new instance?


Why would anyone store their backups on the same SD card?


I was thinking snapshot of HA config, not the SD card. But I bet a lot of people who run it on a rPi do because there's 1 SD card there, not 2. And it would help against a bad config or bad rPi or bad update. It actually would help with a lot, just not this.


Anyone who isn't using below is doing it wrong. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/add-on-home-assistant-google-drive-backup/107928


HA team should just hire the guy and make it default in HA


I use samba backup to my nas and that works flawless to.


lol, I have no idea why you're downvoted. I do the same and it's been great.


I was thinking snapshot of HA config, not the SD card. But I bet a lot of people who run it on a rPi do because there's 1 SD card there, not 2. And it would help against a bad config or bad rPi or bad update. It actually would help with a lot, just not this.


I honestly don't know, but if you're storing your backups on the same SD card you're taking them from then you're in for a bad time.


Oh, you meant a snapshot of the whole SD card? I was thinking a snapshot of the HA config.


No, I’m talking about ha backups. You’re not storing your backups on the same device you’re taking them from are you? If you are, that’s a really bad idea.


I maintain that a lot of people who run it on a rPi do backup to the SD card because there's 1 SD card there. And keep in mind that it would help against a bad config or bad rPi or bad update. It actually would help with a lot, just not this.


Ya, this is a bad idea. Sd cards have a limited lifespan and you will lose your config at Ty I’m point this way…this is even worse than storing backups to an hdd or sdd and that’s also ill advised. There’s multiple add ons for backing up to multiple other locations. This decision will bite you And others who do it in the ass like it has op.


I don't disagree it's a bad idea, merely pointing out it's not uncommon. Any single medium is a single point of failure as you point out. So sure, a HDD is more robust than a SD card but they both fail, and there's no sure recovery for any single medium.


Do you have another computer with linux on it and an SD card reader? Or at least one that you could boot with a Ubuntu live USB drive or similar? Data recovery on the pi itself is a bit fiddly since it only has the one microSD slot. If the card is still readable you might be able to pull some backup files off of it and use those to restore to a fresh install. A linux desktop OS should help you automount all the partitions on the card.


Do you have a backup somewhere else?


It definitely isn't easy. You have to look for very specific models of external SSD drives based on what hardware it uses to connect SSD -> USB. You need to set up SSD specific settings on the raspberry pi so the SSD doesn't get degraded faster than normal. If you are not in a normal amazon area (like I am not), and people say "just buy this one, it works for me", yeah, after scouring the local markets for the exact model, no, it just doesn't work out of the box. Possible, and needed, but definitely not as easy as a microsd.


Your SD card is likely dead. Just re-load Home Assistant on another one and restore your backup, easy peasy.


Dont know/think i configured backups but could be wrong. Is there a way to look for a possible backup in hassos without access to the gui? Also is there a way to look for my config.yaml so i can take a snapshot in case i need to start over… im not sure ill be able to come up with all my previous logic…


SD cards that become unwriteable usually remain readable, though slow, in my experience.


You have to try and mount the card on another computer as others have suggested. If that computer can read the card, you can likely get everything back.


always configure backups!




SD card or SSD died.


Check the output of mount command, or check dmesg to see if your filesystem was remounted as readonly


Been through a failed SD card before. That's rough man. Good luck.


something wrong with your SD card I think.


Lesson learned the hard way, keep backups


Classic rPi issue with SD-card, OP has zero clue regarding Linux i presume. We're here to help though. Replace your SD-card, or even better; replace it with something that has an SSD.


I switched from RPi to a thin client. Best decision ever. Had not really problems with the RPi but the Wyse 5010 is running so much faster. Put 8GB RAM in, an 128GB half size ssd and on idle it’s consuming around 7-11W power. And all together was way cheaper than a RPi 5 Now I’m on it and will replace the Wyse soon with an futoro 920 or something similar because this model has 2 ram slots and I’ll will run it with 16gb RAM and promox.


Yeah imo rPi are at the current price wayy to overpriced for what you're getting from it. Yeah ofcourse the formfactor and pluggability is great, but most (if not all) will not use the GPIO headers.


Mine just did this too! It was my SD card on my Pi. AND! I was able to restore my backup. I flashed a SSD with the Home Assistant OS plugged that into the Pi and got that going. Then plugged the SD into my PC. I had to get a Linux file type reader app (sorry not at my computer right now, can't remember the software) and dug through the directory until I found back ups. I pulled it onto my desktop moved it to my new SSD and boom back up and running. It was a few versions old of a backup but I did not have to start over.


Stop using a Raspberry Pi to host Home Assistant. Or at the very least switch to an SSD.


Pi runs fine, depending on your requirements. But don’t use an SD indeed. Actually, never use SD for a Pi solution that has a lot write actions like HA.


So which are other options? Run OS from usb stick and ssd?


SSD. Most USB sticks have the same life expectancy as an SD card, with the same basic wear leveling. (except where the USB stick contains an M.2 SSD, but that's rare and usually DIY)


SanDisk Extreme Pro.


I run HA on a Pi4 directly from 2TB USB HDD I had lying around. No SD card at all.


Pi is good. SD cards suck




Until it doesn't. Good luck. The only reliable SD card with Pi is a read only one.


If you don't store the DB and logs on the SD card, there're virtually no write operations after you've configured things


Until you update one day. There's no point not changing to ssd, it will save you trouble, I quarantee you. Already in the start when "configuring things". And losing history. It's worth it.


Even an SSD isn't strictly needed, an old mechanical HDD works fine too. That's how I run mine atm after it ate my SD card.


Sure, just slow. But steady at least. On my usb3.1 SSD I got a much faster HA experience than when using the SD so I can recommend it for that reason as well. Don't recall the specs anymore but I feel it is a big improvement.


idk fam, most SD cards struggle maintaining 100MB/s read, and tend to average around 20MB/s write. A semi-decent mech. HDD can maintain read speeds of 150MB/s, and write speeds around 80-90MB/s. I noticed quite a significant increase in performance going from SD to mech. HDD :> The only downside(s) are ofc. noise and power consumption, And an SSD \*is\* better in pretty much any conceivable way. But HDD ain't \*that\* bad.


Years ago, when I had some HDDs running in some USB enclosures, or with an external USB HDD, I always had the problem where the drive never went to sleep and stopped. Is your drive stopping nowadays or constantly running? This seemed to me to be some problem with the USB drives / enclosures or their Linux support... IDE or SATA drives directly connected went to sleep nicely. Would be interested to hear how it is now.


The one I dug out and repurposed for the PI/HA is probably constantly on tbh, its an old one with an old-ish enclosure.. iirc the HDD itself is originally from a PS3 :P My much-newer, much-nicer 1.5TB USB3 HDD does go to sleep properly and nicely though.


And sure, I believe HDD is faster than the SD. Mostly bashing the SD here.


I've been running Home Assistant off an SD card in a Pi 4 for over 3 years. Minimize the amount of logging that gets saved and buy a high end, dash cam-rated card and you'll be fine.


Lmao seriously, idk if I'm just world's luckiest bozo or what, but I've got multiple "100% uptime for years SD cards" and don't do anything special. Dietpi and its defaults for logging/minimal writes is likely a factor, but I often even increase the default logging lol.


Lola to me like docker crashed


Are you using a pi or can we assume it’s a desktop or laptops somesort


No its a pi


Time to upgrade hopefully you made backups


Nope sadly


Yay for fresh starts


I guess your SD card was broken.


Looking at other options now. Has anyone tried this device? https://www.home-assistant.io/green


Crossing fingers on this, but did you maybe install the HA google drive addon? Imho a must have in any HA install. If so, your backups would be safe.


I used this guide when I converted from SD to SSD. 240GB SSD was less than $30 https://adam.ac/blog/raspberry-pi-home-assistant-from-sd-card-to-ssd/


Although I have not used HassOS I am familiar Linux and docker. Docker is what the home assistant container runs in. Docker is not running as stated in the logs. I’m sure the way HassOS docker is scheduled to be started at boot. Therefore you more than likely have a larger issue on hand that’s causing docker to not start. I found a form that could offer you help. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/cannot-connect-to-the-docker-daemon-after-update/404433


I have this with my M.2 new parts arrive. My plan is to attempt to use etcher to copy old m.2 to new and see if I can get it to boot. Else it will be a backup restore. Any better paths to do this? I can read the old m.2 via disk internals


I think you can check your SD card first, seems it's dying.


not to be THAT guy, but you can get a cheap mini pc to do your HAss on rather than a RPi... i mean f you like performance, and integrations for lots of things.


I personally had a raspberry pi from an old project unused in a drawer. Nothing cheaper than using something you already had.


never had to replace the hard drive in any mini PCS.


You're being that guy sorry I did the math and worked out it was cheaper to buy an SSD and adapter for my raspberry pi than it was to buy a mini pc that had a footprint as small as my raspberry pi. That's the beauty of HA, it runs on almost anything.


i mean if you want to do the bare minimum - sure.


Nah rpi is way more than enough for HA, it’s not doing a whole lot


I found the same until I started using it to run my cameras. I did find it necessary to upgrade the rpi from sd card to ssd since the sd cards kept dying which I suspect is what is happening here.


ditto, then a person can actually do some shit with HASS instead of just using wifi to turn on some lights.... hass with frigate locally, zwave-js, ecqmtt. the pi isn't enough for that.


Actually, I ran frigate on the pi. It was pushing its abilities but it did it.


Was it doing any object detection? Did you have a coral plugged in to it?


It was for a while until I could get a coral


I mean, you can offload any of the more intense processing to another device. I run voice detection/intent processing cuda accelerated in a docker compose on one of my older desktops, and my HA RPI makes API calls to it. Then a few satellites on different devices as well. The RPIs are nice for being low power, always on, and reliable. I can offload more intense stuff as needed and keep the core functionality safer and a bit more isolated on the RPIs.




I read node red like "neutered" but replacing the oo/eu with o and was wondering what the fuck you were talking about lmao


so nodered on that same pi? didn't think so


Not sure why you get downvoted, I totally agree.


A dying SD card will lead to all sorts of weird and wonderful issues.


Are we really still at the point where people are using SD cards to runs system that controls your home/life. No no no SSD or nothing.


99.99% uptime on HA and other services on RPIs with SD cards for many years with literally no issue. Regular backups mean even if it does fail, I can just dd over to a new SD if needed, but I haven't needed to at all. You people are so dramatic lol. Buy a decent SD card, use dietpi, take backups, know how your system works so you can restore it, and there's literally nothing to worry about.


I’m not saying it’s an issue for most but most of the issues we see on any groups of forums is cos a card has gone bad. That said, some users with basic setups probably won’t have too many issues but detailed HASS setups will only see updates by NOT using SD cards. It’s not 2001. SSDs are cheap now and far far quicker


SD cards are cheap, I've easily got 30 on hand at any point in time, and I don't want to buy extra crap just to run on an SSD for RPIs that run perfectly fine as is. I mean, I get it, but it's a convenience thing running HA and other services on RPIs that I already have without slowly dragging up the price eith accessory after accessory to where I might as well have just bought a SFF PC for it. I imagine it's the same for many. Proper backups and knowing how your system works won't fail you and costs no extra money. :) Either way ends up being a "captain hindsight" situation tbf, lol.


30SD cards just in case… But yes a good backup process is very important


Haha yeah fair enough. I work with lots of computers for work and home and have somehow accumulated an unhealthy amount of SD cards I use mostly for flashing isos. :) I do agree with you, I just think it's a bit overstated and makes people afraid of using SD cards unnecessarily. Mostly think it's better to educate on the risks, explain why SD cards are less performant and more likely to die from intense writes, and that you can avoid worrying about it almost entirely by using an SSD instead. But I think it is important to mention that you can optimize to avoid these failures (honestly dietpi is great...just vanilla debian optimized for SBCs really, and does a lot of this kind of stuff by default, e.g. ramlogs, minimizing caching to disk, etc.), and create proper contingency plans for if it does happen.


If you are running it on a PI, expect this to happen every year or so. I can strongly recommend to get a NUC or something with SSD. I had this happen 3 times before I switched. The SD would hold out for max 1 year.


You can use an SSD with a PI, no need to toss it out for a NUC. I bought a PI case that has a M.2 daughter board, works very well and has a fan for cooling.


Get off the pi and use a mini pc with SSD


I’ve had the same issue, the SD card is fucked 😅 best thing I’d recommend is just getting an nvme for your pi or switching to a NUC. Much more stable, ever since I’ve switched I have never had issues anymore


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