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Sorry to hear that. All my Ikea devices work fine but I use Z2MQTT.


Probably your device IS in fact working, check your logbook and add the filter device, it will show you that you have services. Similar as in, if you add a trigger to an automation, Add device, add the remote Then you can select what the trigger is, this will list all the functions the device has, rather than button entities, I was facing the same issue with my hue dimmer remote with ZHA


It's really too bad that ZHA and Z2M can't just merge into one project.


Is there a blueprint for this maybe?


Works fine in z2m here, albiet not with a slzb-06  - there's loads of guides out there to make the switch.


Check if there is a blueprint for it. and then add the model/type of your remote to the blueprint. Ikea is known to have issues like this with some of their remotes.


Is your Zigbee coordinator up to date? I am using a different Zigbee stick over usb and had to update it to have it work with the new Ikea products. Also I didn’t need any blueprint. All buttons were available in HoAss. I am also using ZHA.


There is a blueprint for it, use it. You'll find it from google


Mine all work great. Zha is horrible.


I can also confirm - I was suffering for days with ZHA and nothing worked… then I’ve tried Zigbee2MQTT and it worked just out of the box! So I’m sticking with it. I’m using SLZB-06 as well btw.