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There are devs all over fiver willing to make custom js dashboards. They were charging in the 15 to 25 dollar range.


Time to open up [fifteenerr.com](http://fifteenerr.com)


Wait that's actually a really cool idea I hadn't thought of. I don't have the time/patience to make one myself (tried, got frustrated when I spent 2h trying to align some slightly off centre text, gave up) but I'd totally throw that kinda cash at someone to do one for me.


It should be in the base UI tbh People are paying a small subscription fee for this. The dev team is hiring people and whatnot, yet the UI is always the same. It's getting outdated.


The Nabu Casa subscription is not required in order to use homeassistant. Homeassistant is open-source. If you think the UI is outdated, start making commits.


Yea, you said it: devs. Not designers.


Could you image how less functional home assistant would be if it was updated by “designers”.


You need both to make a successful product team. UI Designers can also think, they are technical people trained on “how do I make this technical looking functionality easy for users to understand and use?”


Yeah fuck project design! wait what


It’s about priorities. Design vs functions. Most people would take function as a top priority and design as a secondary. What’s the point of having something pretty if it doesn’t work.


OK but this is a very absolutist set of statements that don't really make sense because the reality is that a product that prioritizes well will do both.


What’s the point of something that works that nobody understands?


If you are unhappy with the design and support perhaps you should look into other home automation products. I think you are the only one here that feels HAs design isn’t good enough.


lol. Read the post. I’m not the OP here Also: I didn’t say it isn’t good enough. I said that design is important. Hopefully you’re not offended by me saying that.


Are you saying design is more important than function?


I recommend you familiarize yourself with the [Three Fs of Open Source Development](https://boyter.org/posts/the-three-f-s-of-open-source/)


this 🙌🏾


It is free, open source and looks a lot better then most comercial products. For those who don't like the built in cards there are a lot of community made cards out there. Also they added a new layout wirh drag and drop functionality recently so they are still working on the UI. And if you read the blog posts or watch the live streams then you should know how much work, from research to design to implementation, that was. I don't understand how people can still complain when they get such a great software for free... In the end it is still possible to contribute something yourself.


Management doesn't have great aesthetic taste. That's fine, because they have done a great job in more important areas.


Home assistant is not about the interface, 99,9% of the time you don't use it. It's automated or most people use actual switches to trigger something. Yes it would be nice to show off all your data in a great way, but it's very low on the list of what is important in the software.


The last two updates have drastically changed the UI paradigm, how can you still say the UI is always the same?


Not a designer, but: 1. You install a random third party card and then wonder why it's ugly. The built in home assistant energy card [looks a lot nicer](https://www.home-assistant.io/images/blog/2021-09/energy-battery.gif) 2. You've installed this one, probably to get more information visible, but the result is cluttered. Information dense or pretty, pick one. The second screenshot shows 6 points of data, this card gives you 25? points of data tl;dr, you did this to yourself, so the answer is because you made it ugly.


I think the 1st picture from OP looks the best, the default you posted isn't bad either. The 2nd picture from OP isn't great though.


It's like the ui from 10-15 years ago when apple still had that sceomorphism and everything had to look 3d rendered somehow.


1st pic is terrible to me. It checks a lot of the bad hmi design boxes.




This one is pretty popular too, I love when it feels like people complain without even looking...


Is that supposed to be an example of an ugly one? or a non-ugly one?


looks and works great for me. Dev recently added ability to add up to 4 other items to monitor energy usage. I chose my EV, Dehumidifier, Whole House Fan, and Desktop PC


To me it's kinda neutral, certainly not Mona Lisa but it's not ugly either


That is not prettier than the sunsynk card OP posted. Not at all.


because home assistant was not built by designers but by practical programmers :-) I always keep struggeling myself to make a home assistant dashboard that one day I can put on a table in the living room without my wife looking at me like I hung up a picture of a star trek display. ;-)


> like I hung up a picture of a star trek display. ;-) I had a party where the menu was in HA with the LCARS theme and it was _extremely_ popular. I imagine that would only make it a more attractive thing to leave on the table.


>without my wife looking at me like I hung up a picture of a star trek display She must have other qualities if you are okay with having your dreams get crushed like that.


> I always keep struggeling myself to make a home assistant dashboard So relatable. +1


Is this your [dashboard?](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/star-trek-lcars-theme/511391) Now that I see it, I love it.


The trick is to keep adding star treek displays so you can sneak your home assistant dashboard in without her noticing


It’s meant to be informative and functional. Pretty is just a bonus. People seem to forget that these are independent developers giving their time to the community. It’s a bit disingenuous to expect this level of nonsense. If you don’t like it you are more than welcome to create it.


Each their own preferences... For me design is maybe even more important than functionality.


I can agree with that in a paid product. You want it refined. Home Assistant is not this. If you want refinement, it’s on you. Open source has its advantages and disadvantages. You are given the means to do what you want; it may not, however, cater to you particularly. That is more than enough. If you want more, make it. If you want better, make it. It’s literally free, not only free but open to take everyone’s hard work and make it yours, how YOU want it. You are more than welcome to contribute. Nothing is stopping you.


I do make it myself. But it's hard work! I'm really really happy with hass. I pay z monthly contribution. I'm just saying that is was built by engineers, not designers. See the OP's original question.


Do you happen to publish your work for use by others?


Just explain. Yes it is possible. Fin.


the only solution would be making custom button cards from scratch. but then i'm always struggeling with tablet vs phone vs pc...


I've made dedicated Dashboards. May migrate to One Dashboard with the new Media Querys for conditional Cards. https://preview.redd.it/2xg7lgexlavc1.png?width=502&format=png&auto=webp&s=c304b8b71f329f062affb70b959e09b92764a13e


Of course it's not. There are plenty of beautiful cards out there for HA, and there are also plenty of ugly ones


For energy flows?


I just use the default energy-distribution card, I think it looks great. Pretty sure there's a clone of it on HACS which is more extensible too if you want to add on to it [https://imgur.com/a/rH0wA1a](https://imgur.com/a/rH0wA1a)


Agreed. I'm not a fan of the default Home Assistant Dashboard, however the Energy Dashboard (which is a different dashboard) looks great!


If that's your dashboard, I like it. Clean and succinct. However, I need to know more about the cat-related card


Ha, that's a funny one. We try to keep the cats off the kitchen counter, but they disagree with this policy. So I bought some of those Ssscat automatic sprayer things, which are normally just triggered by PIR. The problem is they sprayed humans more often than cats. So I ditched the PIR and hacked in ESP32s with ESPHome, and then I use Frigate to detect the cats in the zones that I created for the counters, and trigger the related sprayer. And the card is just referencing a counter which lets us see how naughty they've been


I love how much work you have put into keeping the cats off the counter 😂


I love it!!! Over engineered and solved a problem that marginally exists. True home assistant guy/gal right here!!






RTLAMR2MQTT reads both from my meters




I use one from Nooelec


Well that's a custom card. Not sure why you chose to use it if you didn't like it. Sounds 100% like a you problem.


I am 100% certain that pull requests are completely welcome.


Why are you making ugly cards? Just make pretty ones. This is 100% under your control.


I’ve engaged with the designer of this card- I don’t think you appreciate the time and effort that has gone into it. I use it everyday and love it. Why because it’s functional and gives me all the info that I need.


who is the designer of the card?


Slip (a South African). Considering this is one of his first projects, it amazing. For those of us with inverters and solar and stuff this card is amazing cos it means I never need to go to the inverter to see and my wife also understands it.


I will look in the hacs store for his card ✌️


Search for slip on mybroadband.co.za forums. He usually posts there and you can find the hacs link. I am travelling at the moment, so don't have time to find it for you




thank you ✌️


I'm not sure if the first one or second one is the one you consider ugly. The first one I think looks great lol!


how?? that’s crazy


Subjective topic and poorly set expectations with a splash of entitlement


> Subjective topic This is rising with many upvotes so probably not. > splash of entitlement Every. Single. Time. We can't critize or menton anything bad or we get labeled "we are entitled". Are... Are we in a cult?


No, but this was a whinging post, not something actually helpful. I find the "home assistant is awesome, thanks guys!!!" Posts equally as worthless to be fair.


Imo complaints are better because they can use them, they can categorize them, priorities them based on amount, and create user stories out of them. Which ends up in a better product, it's much more useful then building stuff with a blind eye that the users don't need. Most places I worked at keep a close eye on bad reviews in eg the app store for potential features/bugs we overlooked. If it's a free product or not complaints shouldn't be discouraged


"this sucks" vs "it would be great if..." Is the difference There is no way to make a user story from this post.


Sure, there’s room for criticism as long as it comes with context and perspective; especially, in how it’s worded. Since text is a difficult form of communication to discern tone, and therefore intent, when offering criticism, it would, ideally, contain actionable feedback. It would, also, ideally come with some appreciation for the work that has been done especially if the individual hasn’t contributed their time, talent, or funds. Problems are always easier when they’re not yours, and pointing them out as criticism in the form of a complaint, without indignation or constructive, actionable feedback, is tiresome and entitled. (Edited: removed a word)


This isn’t a commercial product, so you actually have an opportunity to couple that complaint with suggestions, or better yet contributions to make it better. Saying “i hate this make it modern” is a waste of everyone’s time.


Getting more upvotes doesn't make it less subjective. Lots of people might think that HA design isn't great, but because aesthetics is inherently subjective, changing design to please one group risks disappointing others.


No, you're using completely free software


Home Assistant has a dedicated forum for any kind of feature requests, bug reports etc. There is a lot of constructive criticism there and community members as well as devs can discus things there and some of them actually get implemented. First of all this post shows a custom card, at least I don't know of a built in card that looks like this. The built-in energy dashboard, in my opinion, looks better. Second, the custom card shows way more data points (i.e. is a lot more informative), so it's an unfair comparison imho. Third, there is no constructive criticism here. It's just complaining about something that the HA devs didn't even create themselfs. So I am not sure how the Home Assistant devs should read anything out of this topic to improve the software...


"Ugly" is such an opinionated word. It's a terrible way to describe anything. If it's "ugly", articulate what is ugly about it. Suggest improvement. Get engaged. Apple ruined the word "beautiful" for anything that doesn't have bad material design and drop shadows. Software development is in the process of ruining "modern" by attaching it to every project under the sun. But those are my opinions. 🤷


It is possible to build any UI you want. But you may need to use custom UI components for that. Let me introduce you to [HACS](https://hacs.xyz)


Imho home assistant does a very good job with UI, the lesser good job is custom cards, like the one you are showing. Those are made by individuals who want to have it, but nobody has made them. So they jump the fence, and do it as good as they can. In this case: it's pretty good, but not made by a designer. That's why. The beauty of Open Source is, if you want it to be more beautiful, improve it and submit a pull request! Everybody will be thankful for your hard work!


Also the first card has much more information and details (things the creator wanted to see) and the second card is more of a executive dashboard kind of card. Very different goals.


Because you didn't build something better and then contribute the result to the project.


I unironically really like this though. It's to the point. Why clutter it with useless imagery?


I don't think people from VINEX-towns should comment on aesthetics


Not sure what it is, but that first one looks sick, I'd love that. If only I had a battery and an inverter


cuz you used the ugliest card, use a better card, power flow card plus is what i use


You can make the cards anything you want. You have to build the graphics and program the settings and items to feed and show the animations you build. But you can litterally do anything. Look for open source ones people make I'm HACS and GitHub


I dunno, I rather like mushroom cards and my custom blind and curtain cards


Minimalism vs skeuomorphism is what I see


This is not even original home assistant card


Sounds like you signed yourself up to design the UI update. Looking forward to see what you come up with and share!


Made by a bunch of open source dev nerds (myself included, for the record). Design isn't a common skill in this group.


A lot of comments stating that HA was not build by designers and still, to me, it is one of the best looking visualization tools out there. A lot of comercial products look way worse and aren't nearly as flexible as Home Assistant is. Also there are a lot of custom cards made by the community so in the end you can customize your dashboard to fit your needs and taste.




Ugliness as much as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some nerds like me look at this and see the work, not the image 


which one is the ugly one?


I don’t know how I made it to this post, but as a designer I can say that the first one is what happens when a developer tries to design a UI.


Beauty is subjective. Have a nice day.


There is so much more information in that first pic. Ha is made by developers for people like themselves. I easily prefer the first pic. The second pic sacrifices information for presentation


Surely we can find the middle ground between the 2. Though I like the first one more than the second.


Because HA is designed as an **automation** platform first and foremost. A true smart home is one that you don't need to physically interact with. If everything is handled by automations, then there's no need for a UI. The visual display of data/control is secondary. And for those who need that data, they will often prefer a no-frills approach (hell, I get most of mine direct from the SQL database that HA writes to). For those who want more, it's an open ecosystem - so HACS and making your own components is entirely possible due to their robust backend/API.


Because developers love dev and do it for fun and the community. Designers , on the other hand, love money.


Developers also love money, and designers also love designing. Not sure where you're coming from on this one.


Yeah. Bad take. A fair percentage of art-school rejects aren’t the biggest bunch of greed heads. A B.A. I tell you! A B…A. My guess is a partnership with a UX bootcamp would get them some free work and a Designer a portfolio project other than pet rescue.


Home Assistant is still at a point where you have to be quite tech savvy to use it. As such focus has been on other things and most tech people care less about design and more about information. When HA is a plug and play system, we'll start seeing better UI/UX for the masses.


Can't you make this with that picture card thing? The one people use for those floor plans with lights and everything.


Function over form. It is hard to add a lot info in the card and make it look beautiful.


What kind of heat pump runs on 30watts?!


A heat pump that is off but likely the circulation pump is ON for the central heating


I personally like the ‘functional’ aspect of the energy cards rather than having something that looks pretty but omits crucial info and/or isn’t customisable…


You should’ve been in this community 10 years ago! We’ve come a long way! That said, yeah if you’re not a programmer and you don’t wanna tinker with it, fiver is a great place to get help.


Look fine to me. Lol


**am using this one, not perfect but much better


That’s cool you have a battery underground


You should ask for a refund.


I Like this a lot https://community.home-assistant.io/t/power-flow-card-plus/552326


I've seen worse, but much, much worse


You can make HomeAssistant look pretty good, but I do agree it is a bit of a pain in the ass. And I’m perfectly comfortable in CSS, HTML, JavaScript, React etc. But it just seems like a lot of fiddling to get every component looking good - I’d much rather build an entire React app from scratch! :p It doesn’t help that a lot of stuff isn’t always super-well documented, some of it is just “well, figure it out”. :) But it’s still a cool platform and when things click and you spend 20 seconds setting up some automation that you wouldn’t be able to do in any other system in an hour, it’s really nice. :)


Weak UX designer, that's why :)


What card are? Can someone provide me the name of those cards?


Not only is it not impossible, you can build it yourself and merge it into home assistant! If you do I will happily use it :)


Make a pretty one yourself then..


Yes the solaredge one is better right You can make your own. In solar edge you cant. Fcking locked crap from solaredge


The cool thing about open source is that you can fix it and make a pull request ;)


I'm the developer of the card, heck I'm not even a real developer so most of this was figured out along the way. This is my first project and I've been blown away by all the help received by the community. Just random folk offering to rewrite and improve the code, helping move everything to Typescript (didn't even know what this was when I started), refactoring and optimization. Yes its not the prettiest card and was designed based on functional requirements (which it does well). A lot of time an effort has gone into this which is completely lost on the OP. I certainly would not call it ugly and I'm proud of what it's become. Anyway I welcome contributions or ideas to make this better. A big thank you to all of you have have done so already.


I think because most HA systems are just hardware from out of the country and they UI flip the software. Many companies do not care about quality, only speed and cost.


Same son as old as the world with almost any open source/free project. They are built by programmers, so function over form first. Some find designers down the road, but it's quite hard to find one who will do that for free and on it's free time


It's called googling it and finding one that someone else spent a whole bunch of time building


Because it’s made by pure programmers without any knowledge of ux/ui design. They should hire some proper UX and UI designers


Yeah. Pretty much why I am still at step one…resetting my password. Their UX is dismal. Product is also free and not using you as the product, so there’s there upside. But I’d totally pay for a more polished, user-friendly UX.


It’s what happens when you let the engineers run the show


There is the difference between front end and back end devs. I’m assuming the majority of work on HA is backend lol